
关于“cannot find a valid peer process to connect to”错误的解决方法


用VMware安装了LINUX后.在使用过程中出现了"cannot find a valid peer process to connect to"的错误提示.一时间乱了手脚不知该如何是好.查遍了资料.百试不灵.后来在一个台湾朋友的博客里发现了相关的解决方案于是乎呢嘿嘿..当然是按其说明问题解决啦~~哈哈.于是想到了应该留下个记号.等有其他的朋友出现类似情况的时候.也可以顺利解决...

1、用process explorer杀掉vmware-vmx.exe进程(如果有的话)


3、在dos命令行下执行net start vmx86,以启动peer process






    chord-a scalable peer-to-peer lookup service for internet applications


    Modeling Peer-to-Peer Botnets

    Peer-to-peer botnets are a relatively new yet rapidly growing Internet threat. In the year since its introduction in January 2007, the Storm Worm peer-to-peer botnet has become the largest botnet on ...

    A Survey of Peer-to-Peer Network Simulators


    Handbook of Peer-to-Peer Networking

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    Peer-to-Peer Computing:P2P经典著作

    Peer-to-Peer Computing,P2P经典著作


    The Handbook of Peer-to-Peer Networking is a comprehensive and unified repository of the various models, applications, methodologies, trends, and challenges of peer-to-peer computing, making it an ...

    Peer to Peer Application Development: Cracking the Code

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