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Java中的异或 -
f(New.<Person, List<Pet&g ...
第15章泛型 -
[Error: could not access: List; ...
mvel的使用 -
public void testImportInContex ...
mvel的使用 -
MVEL is a powerful expression language for Java-based applications,用来计算字符串形式的表达式。
MVEL is very easy to use, and just as easy to integrate into your application. Let's take a quick look at a simple MVEL expression:
foo.name == "Mr. Foo"
This simple expression asks MVEL if the value of foo.name is equal to "Mr. Foo". Simple enough, but what exactly is foo in this case? Well, it can be at least two things:
A property of a Context Object; or An External Variable
A context object is something you can use as the base of your expression by which MVEL will attempt to map identifiers to. Consider the following example:
public class Person {
private String name;
public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; }
public String getName() { return this.name; }
Lets say we decide to make an instance of this particular class the context object for the expression, and we evaluate it like so:
Person personInst = new Person();
personInst.setName("Mr. Foo");
Object result = MVEL.eval("name == 'Mr. Foo'", personInst);
When we execute this expression using the eval() method, we will get a result. In this particular case, the value of result will be a Boolean true. The reason for this, is that when the expression name == 'Mr. Foo' is evaluated, MVEL looks at the context object to see if it contain a property/field called name and extracts it.If we wanted to simply extract the value of name from the person instance, we could do that as well:
String result = (String) MVEL.eval("name", personInst);
assert "Mr. Foo".equals(result);
Pretty simple stuff. But what if we want to inject a bunch of variables? MVEL supports that too, and there is both and easy way and a more advanced way (dealing with resolvers – which we won't get to here). The easy way simply involves passing in a Map of variables (names and values), like so:
Map vars = new HashMap();
vars.put("x", new Integer(5));
vars.put("y", new Integer(10));
Integer result = (Integer) MVEL.eval("x * y", vars);
assert result.intValue() == 50; // Mind the JDK 1.4 compatible code
Now, so far we've just been looking at using MVEL as a purely interpreted tool. MVEL can also compile expressions to execute them much faster using a different API. Let's convert the last expression into a compiled version:
// The compiled expression is serializable and can be cached for re-use.
CompiledExpression compiled = MVEL.compileExpression("x * y");
Map vars = new HashMap();
vars.put("x", new Integer(5));
vars.put("y", new Integer(10));
// Executes the compiled expression
Integer result = (Integer) MVEL.executeExpression(compiled, vars);
assert result.intValue() == 50;
[Error: could not access: List; in class: org.mvel2.ParserContext]
MVEL is very easy to use, and just as easy to integrate into your application. Let's take a quick look at a simple MVEL expression:
foo.name == "Mr. Foo"
This simple expression asks MVEL if the value of foo.name is equal to "Mr. Foo". Simple enough, but what exactly is foo in this case? Well, it can be at least two things:
A property of a Context Object; or An External Variable
A context object is something you can use as the base of your expression by which MVEL will attempt to map identifiers to. Consider the following example:
public class Person {
private String name;
public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; }
public String getName() { return this.name; }
Lets say we decide to make an instance of this particular class the context object for the expression, and we evaluate it like so:
Person personInst = new Person();
personInst.setName("Mr. Foo");
Object result = MVEL.eval("name == 'Mr. Foo'", personInst);
When we execute this expression using the eval() method, we will get a result. In this particular case, the value of result will be a Boolean true. The reason for this, is that when the expression name == 'Mr. Foo' is evaluated, MVEL looks at the context object to see if it contain a property/field called name and extracts it.If we wanted to simply extract the value of name from the person instance, we could do that as well:
String result = (String) MVEL.eval("name", personInst);
assert "Mr. Foo".equals(result);
Pretty simple stuff. But what if we want to inject a bunch of variables? MVEL supports that too, and there is both and easy way and a more advanced way (dealing with resolvers – which we won't get to here). The easy way simply involves passing in a Map of variables (names and values), like so:
Map vars = new HashMap();
vars.put("x", new Integer(5));
vars.put("y", new Integer(10));
Integer result = (Integer) MVEL.eval("x * y", vars);
assert result.intValue() == 50; // Mind the JDK 1.4 compatible code
Now, so far we've just been looking at using MVEL as a purely interpreted tool. MVEL can also compile expressions to execute them much faster using a different API. Let's convert the last expression into a compiled version:
// The compiled expression is serializable and can be cached for re-use.
CompiledExpression compiled = MVEL.compileExpression("x * y");
Map vars = new HashMap();
vars.put("x", new Integer(5));
vars.put("y", new Integer(10));
// Executes the compiled expression
Integer result = (Integer) MVEL.executeExpression(compiled, vars);
assert result.intValue() == 50;
2 楼
[Error: could not access: List; in class: org.mvel2.ParserContext]
1 楼
public void testImportInContext() { ParserContext ctx = new ParserContext(); ctx.addImport("List", List.class); ctx.addImport("ArrayList", ArrayList.class); MVEL.eval("List test = null;User u =null", ctx); }
[Error: could not access: List; in class: org.mvel2.ParserContext]
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MVEL (Micro Velocity) 是一种高效、灵活且易于使用的表达式语言,主要用于处理数据和执行计算任务。MVEL 2.0 版本在继承 Java 语法的基础上进行了大量优化,以提高性能并简化开发流程。本文档旨在详细介绍 MVEL 2.0...
例如,可以使用MVEL来评估数学表达式、条件语句、循环结构以及访问和修改对象的属性。这使得MVEL成为模板引擎、配置文件或动态脚本的理想选择。 MVEL支持以下关键概念: 1. **变量和值**:你可以直接在表达式中声明...
下面将详细介绍MVEL 2.0的使用方法、核心概念以及如何与应用程序集成。 ### MVEL表达式基础 MVEL表达式的例子如`foo.name == "Mr. Foo"`,这个表达式检查`foo.name`的值是否等于字符串"Mr. Foo"。这里的`foo`可以...
你提到的`MVEL文档.docx`可能包含了MVEL的详细使用指南、API参考、示例代码等内容。查阅这份文档将有助于深入理解MVEL的功能和用法,解决实际开发中的问题。 总的来说,MVEL作为一种强大的表达式解析器,能够提升...
使用 Easy Rules 和 MVEL 的好处在于,它们可以帮助开发者将业务逻辑从核心应用程序代码中解耦,使其更易于理解和维护。此外,由于规则可以在运行时动态加载和修改,这使得系统能够快速适应业务需求的变化,提高了...
mvel-maven-插件 使用 MVEL 渲染模板的 Maven 插件。 用法 < groupId>uk.co.codezen < artifactId>mvel-maven-plugin < version>1.0 < goal>render < template
使用这个类,你需要将对象放入一个Map中,然后将Map与模板合并。在模板中,你可以通过键来引用Map中的对象。 **变量注入** 除了通过对象访问属性外,MVEL还支持直接注入变量。你可以通过Map传递一组变量及其值: ...
介绍 这是一个用于测试表达式的简单 Repl(Read-Eval-Print-Loop)。...由于这是一个简单的 Maven 项目,因此可以使用 > mvn install 项目配置了Maven exec插件,直接调用即可启动repl > mvn exec:java
`mvel-jsr223`项目则是MVEL对JSR 223规范的支持和实现,意味着你可以将MVEL作为一种符合JSR 223的脚本引擎在Java应用程序中使用。通过这个扩展,开发者可以利用MVEL的强大功能,同时享受到JSR 223带来的便利,比如与...
`drools-bom` 是 Drools 的 Bill Of Materials(BOM),它定义了所有依赖的版本,而 `drools-compiler` 和 `drools-mvel` 分别用于编译规则和执行 MVEL 表达式语言。 接下来,我们需要创建一个 `kmodule.xml` 配置...
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同时,为了处理复杂的表达式,可能需要实现栈数据结构来辅助运算符的优先级处理,或者使用递归下降解析(Recursive Descent Parsing)技术。 此外,对于更复杂的表达式,例如包含函数调用、变量引用和条件判断,...
在这个项目中,开发者使用了OGNL(Object-Graph Navigation Language)和MVEL(Mvel Expression Language)这两种强大的表达式语言作为组件和页面参数的值绑定方式。 GrooScript是一种动态脚本语言,它旨在简化Java...
- `when` 开始定义规则的条件,可以使用Drools的DSL(Domain Specific Language)或者MVEL表达式。 - `then` 规则的行动部分,当条件满足时执行这里的代码。 - `end` 结束规则定义。 4. **Drools示例代码**: `...
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