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port number

Standard ports
The standard port numbers used by the Java instance for end user access are:

Connectivity  Port 
HTTP  5xx00 
HTTS  5xx01 

where xx is the Java instance number (JCxx).

In the case of multiple Java dispatchers, each with its own instance number, a user can either connect to a specific instance, or they can use the Java message server HTTP port, normally 81yy, where yy is the instance number of the SCS instance (SCSyy). This will redirect the user to one of the Java dispatcher nodes.

Now, the ABAP ICM itself has a port number for HTTP and HTTPS. That is the values you see in:

icm/server_port_0 PROT=HTTP,PORT=1080
icm/server_port_1 PROT=HTTPS,PORT=1443

Similar things can happen on the ABAP message server, which also has a port number that defaults to 81xx, where xx is the instance number of the ABAP instance (DVEBMGSxx). Connecting to the ABAP message server will redirect the user to one of the available ICM ports.

For an ABAP+Java instance, you will have 2 message servers - one for ABAP and one for Java.

Using the message server
You can see the load balancing in use by connecting to http://server:81xx and you will be redirected to the appropriate ICM port (ABAP) or Java dispatcher.

If you have an ABAP+Java system, the ICM will redirect you to the Java side if you enter certain URLs (generally ones that don't start with /sap). The Java port numbers are what you see in the lines:

icm/HTTP/j2ee_0 PREFIX=/,HOST=localhost,CONN=0-500,PORT=50400
icm/HTTP/j2ee_1 PREFIX=/,HOST=localhost,CONN=0-500,PORT=50401

which match the earlier icm/server_port_N entries.

as we are discussing regarding the ports i would like to add bellow details which are also usefull  during run time

Message server port is 39yy

message server HTTP port ms/http_port=81yy

yy denotes central services instance number

Before you can use HTTPS with ABAP you have to do a few tasks with transaction STRUST, including request and import a server certificate.

The Java instance has HTTPS enabled by default.




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