Jan-22 First Day of Objective-C
Establish the Objective-C IDE for WinXP
1 Downloaded :
2 Installed all the packages above
3 complied my first main.m
Finished the complie environment!
Meant for a reader who knows object-oriented programming, has some experience with Objective-C/Swift programming languages and wants to further enhance his skills with functional programming ...
the first one covers the basic data structures that are built into most languages such as Objective-C, C#, Java, and Swift. It will cover detailed analysis of the common data structures such as ...
First day: UIView Management examples Secon day: Drawing examples (UIKit + CoreGraphics) Third day: Layers Fourth day: animations Fifth day: VC Transitions, gestures and UIKit Dynamics
29. **first of all** - 首先,如:First of all, let's clarify the main objective. (首先,让我们明确主要目标。) 30. **allow sb. to do sth** - 允许某人做某事,如:The rules don't allow students to smoke...
在压缩包文件"reactnative-FirstDay"中,可能包含了React Native的基础教程或者项目搭建的步骤。通常,第一天的学习内容可能涵盖安装环境、创建第一个React Native项目、理解基本组件的使用、运行模拟器或真机调试等...