Turing Machine
The symbolic, non-executable form of a method handle's invocation semantics. It consists of a series of names. The first N (N=arity) names are parameters, while any remaining names are temporary values. Each temporary specifies the application of a function to some arguments. The functions are method handles, while the arguments are mixes of constant values and local names. The result of the lambda is defined as one of the names, often the last one.
Here is an approximate grammar:
LambdaForm = "(" ArgName* ")=>{" TempName* Result "}"
ArgName = "a" N ":" T
TempName = "t" N ":" T "=" Function "(" Argument* ");"
Function = ConstantValue
Argument = NameRef | ConstantValue
Result = NameRef | "void"
NameRef = "a" N | "t" N
N = (any whole number)
T = "L" | "I" | "J" | "F" | "D" | "V"
Names are numbered consecutively from left to right starting at zero. (The letters are merely a taste of syntax sugar.) Thus, the first temporary (if any) is always numbered N (where N=arity). Every occurrence of a name reference in an argument list must refer to a name previously defined within the same lambda. A lambda has a void result if and only if its result index is -1. If a temporary has the type "V", it cannot be the subject of a NameRef, even though possesses a number. Note that all reference types are erased to "L", which stands for Object. All subword types (boolean, byte, short, char) are erased to "I" which is int. The other types stand for the usual primitive types.
Function invocation closely follows the static rules of the Java verifier. Arguments and return values must exactly match when their "Name" types are considered. Conversions are allowed only if they do not change the erased type.
L = Object: casts are used freely to convert into and out of reference types
I = int: subword types are forcibly narrowed when passed as arguments (see explicitCastArguments)
J = long: no implicit conversions
F = float: no implicit conversions
D = double: no implicit conversions
V = void: a function result may be void if and only if its Name is of type "V"
Although implicit conversions are not allowed, explicit ones can easily be encoded by using temporary expressions which call type-transformed identity functions.
(a0:J)=>{ a0 }
== identity(long)
(a0:I)=>{ t1:V = System.out#println(a0); void }
== System.out#println(int)
(a0:L)=>{ t1:V = System.out#println(a0); a0 }
== identity, with printing side-effect
(a0:L, a1:L)=>{ t2:L = BoundMethodHandle#argument(a0);
t3:L = BoundMethodHandle#target(a0);
t4:L = MethodHandle#invoke(t3, t2, a1); t4 }
== general invoker for unary insertArgument combination
(a0:L, a1:L)=>{ t2:L = FilterMethodHandle#filter(a0);
t3:L = MethodHandle#invoke(t2, a1);
t4:L = FilterMethodHandle#target(a0);
t5:L = MethodHandle#invoke(t4, t3); t5 }
== general invoker for unary filterArgument combination
(a0:L, a1:L)=>{ ...(same as previous example)...
t5:L = MethodHandle#invoke(t4, t3, a1); t5 }
== general invoker for unary/unary foldArgument combination
(a0:L, a1:I)=>{ t2:I = identity(long).asType((int)->long)(a1); t2 }
== invoker for identity method handle which performs i2l
(a0:L, a1:L)=>{ t2:L = BoundMethodHandle#argument(a0);
t3:L = Class#cast(t2,a1); t3 }
== invoker for identity method handle which performs cast
lambda term:
a variable, x, is itself a valid lambda term
=> y
CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: y in this context
=> (def x 1)
=> x
Here is an approximate grammar:
LambdaForm = "(" ArgName* ")=>{" TempName* Result "}"
ArgName = "a" N ":" T
TempName = "t" N ":" T "=" Function "(" Argument* ");"
Function = ConstantValue
Argument = NameRef | ConstantValue
Result = NameRef | "void"
NameRef = "a" N | "t" N
N = (any whole number)
T = "L" | "I" | "J" | "F" | "D" | "V"
Names are numbered consecutively from left to right starting at zero. (The letters are merely a taste of syntax sugar.) Thus, the first temporary (if any) is always numbered N (where N=arity). Every occurrence of a name reference in an argument list must refer to a name previously defined within the same lambda. A lambda has a void result if and only if its result index is -1. If a temporary has the type "V", it cannot be the subject of a NameRef, even though possesses a number. Note that all reference types are erased to "L", which stands for Object. All subword types (boolean, byte, short, char) are erased to "I" which is int. The other types stand for the usual primitive types.
Function invocation closely follows the static rules of the Java verifier. Arguments and return values must exactly match when their "Name" types are considered. Conversions are allowed only if they do not change the erased type.
L = Object: casts are used freely to convert into and out of reference types
I = int: subword types are forcibly narrowed when passed as arguments (see explicitCastArguments)
J = long: no implicit conversions
F = float: no implicit conversions
D = double: no implicit conversions
V = void: a function result may be void if and only if its Name is of type "V"
Although implicit conversions are not allowed, explicit ones can easily be encoded by using temporary expressions which call type-transformed identity functions.
(a0:J)=>{ a0 }
== identity(long)
(a0:I)=>{ t1:V = System.out#println(a0); void }
== System.out#println(int)
(a0:L)=>{ t1:V = System.out#println(a0); a0 }
== identity, with printing side-effect
(a0:L, a1:L)=>{ t2:L = BoundMethodHandle#argument(a0);
t3:L = BoundMethodHandle#target(a0);
t4:L = MethodHandle#invoke(t3, t2, a1); t4 }
== general invoker for unary insertArgument combination
(a0:L, a1:L)=>{ t2:L = FilterMethodHandle#filter(a0);
t3:L = MethodHandle#invoke(t2, a1);
t4:L = FilterMethodHandle#target(a0);
t5:L = MethodHandle#invoke(t4, t3); t5 }
== general invoker for unary filterArgument combination
(a0:L, a1:L)=>{ ...(same as previous example)...
t5:L = MethodHandle#invoke(t4, t3, a1); t5 }
== general invoker for unary/unary foldArgument combination
(a0:L, a1:I)=>{ t2:I = identity(long).asType((int)->long)(a1); t2 }
== invoker for identity method handle which performs i2l
(a0:L, a1:L)=>{ t2:L = BoundMethodHandle#argument(a0);
t3:L = Class#cast(t2,a1); t3 }
== invoker for identity method handle which performs cast
lambda term:
a variable, x, is itself a valid lambda term
=> y
CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: y in this context
=> (def x 1)
=> x
x -> form
上面整个x -> form就是一个form。
在其他函数式编程语言中, 其其形式系统一般为:
(f & arg*)
(println "this is a string")
> ((lambda (x y . z) z) 3 4 5 6)
(5 6)
=> (let [[x y & z] [3 4 5 6]] z)
(5 6)
(-> x & forms), 但也完整可以实现java那样的效果。
Java 8 函数式编程 Java 8 函数式编程是指在 Java 8 中引入的一种新的编程范式,它强加了额外的约束,即所有数据必须是不可变的,设置一次,永不改变。函数式编程将值传递给函数,该函数然后生成新值但从不修改...
Java函数式编程是一种编程范式,它强调使用函数作为程序的基本构建块,将计算视为函数的组合,并且尽可能避免改变状态和可变数据。在Java 8及更高版本中,函数式编程得到了官方的大力支持,引入了Lambda表达式、...
Java 8函数式编程
Java8 函数式编程百度网盘共享,Java8 函数式编程百度网盘,Java8 百度网盘,Java8 函数式编程 PDF 开源资源, Java8 Lambdas 表达式百度网盘,Java8 Lambdas 百度网盘, 象征性的给一分意思意思
Java函数式编程是一种将函数作为一等公民的编程范式,它强调使用函数来构造程序,减少副作用,提高代码的可读性和可维护性。在Java 8及更高版本中,函数式编程得到了显著增强,引入了Lambda表达式、函数接口、Stream...
Java函数式编程是一种高效、简洁的编程范式,它在Java 8中得到了全面支持,大大改变了Java开发人员编写代码的方式。本套黑马程序员的Java函数式编程视频教程涵盖了Lambda表达式、Stream流以及函数式编程的核心概念,...
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读书笔记:Java 函数式编程