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1.创建工作簿 (WORKBOOK)
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream("workbook.xls"); wb.write(fileOut); fileOut.close();
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet1 = wb.createSheet("new sheet"); HSSFSheet sheet2 = wb.createSheet("second sheet"); FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream("workbook.xls"); wb.write(fileOut); fileOut.close();
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("new sheet"); // Create a row and put some cells in it. Rows are 0 based. HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow((short)0); // Create a cell and put a value in it. HSSFCell cell = row.createCell((short)0); cell.setCellValue(1); // Or do it on one line. row.createCell((short)1).setCellValue(1.2); row.createCell((short)2).setCellValue("This is a string"); row.createCell((short)3).setCellValue(true); // Write the output to a file FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream("workbook.xls"); wb.write(fileOut); fileOut.close();
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("new sheet"); // Create a row and put some cells in it. Rows are 0 based. HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow((short)0); // Create a cell and put a date value in it. The first cell is not styled // as a date. HSSFCell cell = row.createCell((short)0); cell.setCellValue(new Date()); // we style the second cell as a date (and time). It is important to // create a new cell style from the workbook otherwise you can end up // modifying the built in style and effecting not only this cell but other cells. HSSFCellStyle cellStyle = wb.createCellStyle(); cellStyle.setDataFormat(HSSFDataFormat.getBuiltinFormat("m/d/yy h:mm")); cell = row.createCell((short)1); cell.setCellValue(new Date()); cell.setCellStyle(cellStyle); // Write the output to a file FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream("workbook.xls"); wb.write(fileOut); fileOut.close();
5. 单元格的不同格式
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("new sheet"); HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow((short)2); row.createCell((short) 0).setCellValue(1.1); row.createCell((short) 1).setCellValue(new Date()); row.createCell((short) 2).setCellValue("a string"); row.createCell((short) 3).setCellValue(true); row.createCell((short) 4).setCellType(HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_ERROR); // Write the output to a file FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream("workbook.xls"); wb.write(fileOut); fileOut.close();
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("new sheet"); HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow((short) 2); createCell(wb, row, (short) 0, HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); createCell(wb, row, (short) 1, HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER_SELECTION); createCell(wb, row, (short) 2, HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_FILL); createCell(wb, row, (short) 3, HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_GENERAL); createCell(wb, row, (short) 4, HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_JUSTIFY); createCell(wb, row, (short) 5, HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_LEFT); createCell(wb, row, (short) 6, HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_RIGHT); // Write the output to a file FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream("workbook.xls"); wb.write(fileOut); fileOut.close(); } /** * Creates a cell and aligns it a certain way. * * @param wb the workbook * @param row the row to create the cell in * @param column the column number to create the cell in * @param align the alignment for the cell. */ private static void createCell(HSSFWorkbook wb, HSSFRow row, short column, short align) { HSSFCell cell = row.createCell(column); cell.setCellValue("Align It"); HSSFCellStyle cellStyle = wb.createCellStyle(); cellStyle.setAlignment(align); cell.setCellStyle(cellStyle); }
Working with borders HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("new sheet"); // Create a row and put some cells in it. Rows are 0 based. HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow((short) 1); // Create a cell and put a value in it. HSSFCell cell = row.createCell((short) 1); cell.setCellValue(4); // Style the cell with borders all around. HSSFCellStyle style = wb.createCellStyle(); style.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setBottomBorderColor(HSSFColor.BLACK.index); style.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setLeftBorderColor(HSSFColor.GREEN.index); style.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setRightBorderColor(HSSFColor.BLUE.index); style.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_MEDIUM_DASHED); style.setTopBorderColor(HSSFColor.BLACK.index); cell.setCellStyle(style); // Write the output to a file FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream("workbook.xls"); wb.write(fileOut); fileOut.close();
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("new sheet"); // Create a row and put some cells in it. Rows are 0 based. HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow((short) 1); // Aqua background HSSFCellStyle style = wb.createCellStyle(); style.setFillBackgroundColor(HSSFColor.AQUA.index); style.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.BIG_SPOTS); HSSFCell cell = row.createCell((short) 1); cell.setCellValue("X"); cell.setCellStyle(style); // Orange "foreground", foreground being the fill foreground not the font color. style = wb.createCellStyle(); style.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.ORANGE.index); style.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); cell = row.createCell((short) 2); cell.setCellValue("X"); cell.setCellStyle(style); // Write the output to a file FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream("workbook.xls"); wb.write(fileOut); fileOut.close();
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("new sheet"); HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow((short) 1); HSSFCell cell = row.createCell((short) 1); cell.setCellValue("This is a test of merging"); sheet.addMergedRegion(new Region(1,(short)1,1,(short)2)); // Write the output to a file FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream("workbook.xls"); wb.write(fileOut); fileOut.close();
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("new sheet"); // Create a row and put some cells in it. Rows are 0 based. HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow((short) 1); // Create a new font and alter it. HSSFFont font = wb.createFont(); font.setFontHeightInPoints((short)24); font.setFontName("Courier New"); font.setItalic(true); font.setStrikeout(true); // Fonts are set into a style so create a new one to use. HSSFCellStyle style = wb.createCellStyle(); style.setFont(font); // Create a cell and put a value in it. HSSFCell cell = row.createCell((short) 1); cell.setCellValue("This is a test of fonts"); cell.setCellStyle(style); // Write the output to a file FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream("workbook.xls"); wb.write(fileOut); fileOut.close();
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet(); HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow((short) 0); HSSFCell cell = row.createCell((short) 0); cell.setCellValue("Default Palette"); //apply some colors from the standard palette, // as in the previous examples. //we'll use red text on a lime background HSSFCellStyle style = wb.createCellStyle(); style.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.LIME.index); style.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); HSSFFont font = wb.createFont(); font.setColor(HSSFColor.RED.index); style.setFont(font); cell.setCellStyle(style); //save with the default palette FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("default_palette.xls"); wb.write(out); out.close(); //now, let's replace RED and LIME in the palette // with a more attractive combination // (lovingly borrowed from freebsd.org) cell.setCellValue("Modified Palette"); //creating a custom palette for the workbook HSSFPalette palette = wb.getCustomPalette(); //replacing the standard red with freebsd.org red palette.setColorAtIndex(HSSFColor.RED.index, (byte) 153, //RGB red (0-255) (byte) 0, //RGB green (byte) 0 //RGB blue ); //replacing lime with freebsd.org gold palette.setColorAtIndex(HSSFColor.LIME.index, (byte) 255, (byte) 204, (byte) 102); //save with the modified palette // note that wherever we have previously used RED or LIME, the // new colors magically appear out = new FileOutputStream("modified_palette.xls"); wb.write(out); out.close();
POIFSFileSystem fs = new POIFSFileSystem(new FileInputStream("workbook.xls")); HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(fs); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); HSSFRow row = sheet.getRow(2); HSSFCell cell = row.getCell((short)3); if (cell == null) cell = row.createCell((short)3); cell.setCellType(HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING); cell.setCellValue("a test"); // Write the output to a file FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream("workbook.xls"); wb.write(fileOut); fileOut.close();
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet s = wb.createSheet(); HSSFRow r = null; HSSFCell c = null; HSSFCellStyle cs = wb.createCellStyle(); HSSFFont f = wb.createFont(); HSSFFont f2 = wb.createFont(); cs = wb.createCellStyle(); cs.setFont( f2 ); //Word Wrap MUST be turned on cs.setWrapText( true ); r = s.createRow( (short) 2 ); r.setHeight( (short) 0x349 ); c = r.createCell( (short) 2 ); c.setCellType( HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING ); c.setCellValue( "Use \n with word wrap on to create a new line" ); c.setCellStyle( cs ); s.setColumnWidth( (short) 2, (short) ( ( 50 * 8 ) / ( (double) 1 / 20 ) ) ); FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream( "workbook.xls" ); wb.write( fileOut ); fileOut.close();
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("format sheet"); HSSFCellStyle style; HSSFDataFormat format = wb.createDataFormat(); HSSFRow row; HSSFCell cell; short rowNum = 0; short colNum = 0; row = sheet.createRow(rowNum++); cell = row.createCell(colNum); cell.setCellValue(11111.25); style = wb.createCellStyle(); style.setDataFormat(format.getFormat("0.0")); cell.setCellStyle(style); row = sheet.createRow(rowNum++); cell = row.createCell(colNum); cell.setCellValue(11111.25); style = wb.createCellStyle(); style.setDataFormat(format.getFormat("#,##0.0000")); cell.setCellStyle(style); FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream("workbook.xls"); wb.write(fileOut); fileOut.close();
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("format sheet"); HSSFPrintSetup ps = sheet.getPrintSetup(); sheet.setAutobreaks(true); ps.setFitHeight((short)1); ps.setFitWidth((short)1); // Create various cells and rows for spreadsheet. FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream("workbook.xls"); wb.write(fileOut); fileOut.close();
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("Sheet1"); wb.setPrintArea(0, "$A$1:$C$2"); //sets the print area for the first sheet //Alternatively: //wb.setPrintArea(0, 0, 1, 0, 0) is equivalent to using the name reference (See the JavaDocs for more details) // Create various cells and rows for spreadsheet. FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream("workbook.xls"); wb.write(fileOut); fileOut.close();
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("format sheet"); HSSFFooter footer = sheet.getFooter() footer.setRight( "Page " + HSSFFooter.page() + " of " + HSSFFooter.numPages() ); // Create various cells and rows for spreadsheet. FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream("workbook.xls"); wb.write(fileOut); fileOut.close();
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet1 = wb.createSheet( "new sheet" ); // Create a merged region HSSFRow row = sheet1.createRow( (short) 1 ); HSSFRow row2 = sheet1.createRow( (short) 2 ); HSSFCell cell = row.createCell( (short) 1 ); cell.setCellValue( "This is a test of merging" ); Region region = new Region( 1, (short) 1, 4, (short) 4 ); sheet1.addMergedRegion( region ); // Set the border and border colors. final short borderMediumDashed = HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_MEDIUM_DASHED; HSSFRegionUtil.setBorderBottom( borderMediumDashed, region, sheet1, wb ); HSSFRegionUtil.setBorderTop( borderMediumDashed, region, sheet1, wb ); HSSFRegionUtil.setBorderLeft( borderMediumDashed, region, sheet1, wb ); HSSFRegionUtil.setBorderRight( borderMediumDashed, region, sheet1, wb ); HSSFRegionUtil.setBottomBorderColor(HSSFColor.AQUA.index, region, sheet1, wb); HSSFRegionUtil.setTopBorderColor(HSSFColor.AQUA.index, region, sheet1, wb); HSSFRegionUtil.setLeftBorderColor(HSSFColor.AQUA.index, region, sheet1, wb); HSSFRegionUtil.setRightBorderColor(HSSFColor.AQUA.index, region, sheet1, wb); // Shows some usages of HSSFCellUtil HSSFCellStyle style = wb.createCellStyle(); style.setIndention((short)4); HSSFCellUtil.createCell(row, 8, "This is the value of the cell", style); HSSFCell cell2 = HSSFCellUtil.createCell( row2, 8, "This is the value of the cell"); HSSFCellUtil.setAlignment(cell2, wb, HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); // Write out the workbook FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream( "workbook.xls" ); wb.write( fileOut ); fileOut.close();
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("row sheet"); // Create various cells and rows for spreadsheet. // Shift rows 6 - 11 on the spreadsheet to the top (rows 0 - 5) sheet.shiftRows(5, 10, -5); FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream("workbook.xls"); wb.write(fileOut); fileOut.close();
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("row sheet"); sheet.setSelected(true); // Create various cells and rows for spreadsheet. FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream("workbook.xls"); wb.write(fileOut); fileOut.close();
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet1 = wb.createSheet("new sheet"); sheet1.setZoom(3,4); // 75 percent magnification FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream("workbook.xls"); wb.write(fileOut); fileOut.close();
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("new sheet"); HSSFHeader header = sheet.getHeader(); header.setCenter("Center Header"); header.setLeft("Left Header"); header.setRight(HSSFHeader.font("Stencil-Normal", "Italic") + HSSFHeader.fontSize((short) 16) + "Right w/ Stencil-Normal Italic font and size 16"); FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream("workbook.xls"); wb.write(fileOut); fileOut.close(); //-------------------------------以上实例代码均来自官方网站 //-------------------------------POI中使用的颜色是用颜色索引来实现,如下: /* * 颜色对照表 数字代表颜色索引 8: BLACK 60: BROWN 59: OLIVE_GREEN 58: DARK_GREEN 56: DARK_TEAL 18: DARK_BLUE 32: DARK_BLUE 62: INDIGO 63: GREY_80_PERCENT 53: ORANGE 19: DARK_YELLOW 17: GREEN 21: TEAL 38: TEAL 12: BLUE 39: BLUE 54: BLUE_GREY 23: GREY_50_PERCENT 10: RED 52: LIGHT_ORANGE 50: LIME 57: SEA_GREEN 49: AQUA 48: LIGHT_BLUE 20: VIOLET 36: VIOLET 55: GREY_40_PERCENT 14: PINK 33: PINK 51: GOLD 13: YELLOW 34: YELLOW 11: BRIGHT_GREEN 35: BRIGHT_GREEN 15: TURQUOISE 35: TURQUOISE 16: DARK_RED 37: DARK_RED 40: SKY_BLUE 61: PLUM 25: PLUM 22: GREY_25_PERCENT 45: ROSE 43: LIGHT_YELLOW 42: LIGHT_GREEN 41: LIGHT_TURQUOISE 27:LIGHT_TURQUOISE 44: PALE_BLUE 46: LAVENDER 9: WHITE 24: CORNFLOWER_BLUE 26: LEMON_CHIFFON 25: MAROON 28: ORCHID 29: CORAL 30: ROYAL_BLUE 31: LIGHT_CORNFLOWER_BLUE */ //----------------------------------------------------你可以按上面的方法来自定义颜色 /* * 自定义颜色,去掉注释,贴加,其他则查看颜色对照表 HSSFPalette palette = this.getCustomPalette(); palette.setColorAtIndex(idx, i, //RGB red (0-255) j, //RGB green k //RGB blue ); */ //---------------------------------------------------用以上的基础知识我们就可以制作复杂的多表头,控制元/ //格样式的操作了,具体的代码考虑到公司资产,所以隐去。
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从标签"源码"来看,这个压缩包可能包含了示例代码,帮助开发者理解如何使用POI HSSF来操作Excel文件。"工具"标签可能意味着这些代码片段或类是实用的,可以作为开发过程中的辅助工具。 在给定的文件名称列表中: 1....
1. **HSSF模型**:Apache POI使用了一种类似于Excel内部结构的模型来表示工作簿、工作表、行、单元格等元素。HSSFWorkbook代表一个工作簿,HSSFSheet代表工作表,HSSFRow表示行,而HSSFCell则代表单元格。 2. **...
。Apache 1.。POI HSSF和XSSF读写EXCEL总结.pdf
。Apache 1.。POI HSSF和XSSF读写EXCEL总结.docx
Jakarta POI 是 Apache POI 的早期项目名称,它提供了一组 API 来处理 Microsoft Office 文件格式,特别是针对 Excel(`.xls` 和 `.xlsx`)和 Word(`.doc` 和 `.docx`)文件。Apache POI 项目主要由以下几个子项目...
本指南基于POI 3.5版本,主要介绍了如何使用HSSF和XSSF来进行Excel文件的操作。 #### 二、添加POI支持 对于使用Maven构建的应用程序来说,可以在`pom.xml`文件中添加POI的依赖。然而,需要注意的是,截至撰写时,...
`org.apache.poi.hssf.converter` 是Apache POI的一个子模块,它专注于处理老版本的Excel文件(.xls),也就是基于HSSF(Horizontally Stored Spreadsheet Format)的文件。 在这个标题为“org.apache.poi.hssf....
Java POI 实现 Excel 导入导出 Java POI 是一个流行的 Java 库,用于处理 Microsoft Office 文件格式,包括 Excel 文件。在本文中,我们将详细介绍如何使用 Java POI 实现 Excel 导入导出功能。 1. 什么是 Java ...
POI提供了HSSF(Horrible Spreadsheet Format)用于处理.xls文件(Excel 97-2003格式),而XSSF用于处理.xlsx文件(Excel 2007及以上版本)。在这个场景下,我们可能需要用到XSSFWorkbook类来处理.xlsx格式的Excel...
Apache POI提供了HSSF(Horrible Spreadsheet Format)和XSSF(XML Spreadsheet Format)两个API,分别用于处理旧版的.xls文件和较新的.xlsx文件。在处理包含图片的Excel文件时,我们通常会使用XSSF,因为它支持更多...
其中,HSSF(Horizontally Split Formatted)是POI库的一个子项目,主要负责处理老版本的Excel文件,即.BIFF8格式的Excel 97-2007文件。在本文中,我们将深入探讨POI HSSF 3.2版本中的核心概念和操作API。 首先,`...
Apache POI项目提供了HSSF和XSSF两个模块,分别用于操作旧版的Excel文件(.xls)和新版的Excel文件(.xlsx)。HSSF代表Horrible Spreadsheet Format,是针对Excel 97-2003文件格式的实现;而XSSF代表XML Spreadsheet...
在本案例中,我们关注的是如何使用 Apache POI 库来导出 Excel 文件,特别是根据模板导出和简单列表导出。下面将详细介绍这个过程。 1. **Apache POI 概述** Apache POI 提供了 Java API 来读写 Microsoft Office ...
总结起来,Apache POI为Java开发者提供了一种强大且灵活的方式来处理Excel文件,无论是通过Servlet从服务器生成文件,还是在本地通过main方法创建文件。理解如何使用POI库可以帮助你更好地集成Excel功能到你的Java...
在Excel方面,POI支持HSSF(Horizontally Stored SpreadSheet Format)和XSSF(XML Spreadsheet Format),分别对应旧版的BIFF8格式和新式的OOXML格式。 二、准备工作 在开始之前,确保已经将Apache POI的jar文件...
这两种API在POI库中协同工作,允许开发者用Java来创建、修改和读取Excel文件,无论它们是老式的.xls还是现代的.xlsx格式。 描述中提到的链接可能是一个开发者在ITEYE博客上分享的关于如何使用POI 3.14版本读取HSSF...