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CHM如何改编字体大小 -
求答案 weiboyuanios@163.com
iOS软件工程师面试题(高级) -
RoboGuice入门 -
CHM如何改编字体大小 -
非常之详细 美女求认识
sqlite数据类型 datetime处理
Installing CocoaPods on OS X 10.11
These instructions were tested on all betas and the final release of El Capitan.
This is the solution when you are receiving the "Operation not permitted" error.
$ mkdir -p $HOME/Software/ruby
$ export GEM_HOME=$HOME/Software/ruby
$ gem install cocoapods
1 gem installed
$ export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/Software/ruby/bin
$ pod --version
Standard system installation
For whatever reason, the rootless stuff seems less restrictive when one simply upgrades the system. I could sudo gem install cocoapods just fine on a machine upgraded from 10.10 - however, binstubs are no longer installed into /usr/bin:
$ sudo gem install cocoapods
1 gem installed
$ export PATH=$PATH:/Library/Ruby/bin
$ pod --version
We have heard from some users that they receive this error when doing a system-wide installation:
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Errno::EPERM)
Operation not permitted - /usr/bin/pod
We aren't sure why gem behaves differently on some systems, but this can be solved by passing -n /usr/local/bin to the install command, so that the pod executable gets installed there.
Note: I've locked the issue to collaborators so that these instructions don't get buried for now.
These instructions were tested on all betas and the final release of El Capitan.
This is the solution when you are receiving the "Operation not permitted" error.
$ mkdir -p $HOME/Software/ruby
$ export GEM_HOME=$HOME/Software/ruby
$ gem install cocoapods
1 gem installed
$ export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/Software/ruby/bin
$ pod --version
Standard system installation
For whatever reason, the rootless stuff seems less restrictive when one simply upgrades the system. I could sudo gem install cocoapods just fine on a machine upgraded from 10.10 - however, binstubs are no longer installed into /usr/bin:
$ sudo gem install cocoapods
1 gem installed
$ export PATH=$PATH:/Library/Ruby/bin
$ pod --version
We have heard from some users that they receive this error when doing a system-wide installation:
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Errno::EPERM)
Operation not permitted - /usr/bin/pod
We aren't sure why gem behaves differently on some systems, but this can be solved by passing -n /usr/local/bin to the install command, so that the pod executable gets installed there.
Note: I've locked the issue to collaborators so that these instructions don't get buried for now.
oc为啥不用try catch
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解决cocoapods 更新慢的问题
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2015-11-09 13:09 753自定义GEM_HOME $ mkdir -p $HOME/So ... -
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Info.plist Utility Error: “Info.plist couldn't be opened because there is no suc
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gem_home更改您的$ GEM_HOME。 功能更新$ GEM_HOME,$ GEM_PATH和$ PATH。 通过将gem目录推送并弹出到$ GEM_PATH来切换$ GEM_HOME。 这样可以堆叠多个gem Directori。gem_home更改$ GEM_HOME。 功能更新$ GEM_HOME,...
这个“GEM.zip_GEM_SECS_forgetmiz_secs/gem_the SECS GEM Demo”压缩包文件显然是一个关于SECS/GEM应用的演示,旨在帮助客户端理解和使用这些标准。 SECS( Semiconductor Equipment Communications Standard )是...
在Linux内核驱动程序中,`i915_gem_...深入研究`i915_gem_execbuffer.c`源代码可以为我们提供关于Linux内核如何与Intel GPU交互的宝贵洞察,这对于优化图形应用性能、调试驱动问题或开发自定义图形解决方案非常有价值。
【标题】"TzSE - 副本_secs,gem_SECSGEM_SECS_SECSSimulator_secsgem.zip" 指的可能是一个包含SECS(半导体设备通信标准)相关软件开发资源的压缩包。这个标题暗示了我们可能在探讨一个用于模拟SECS/GEM协议的软件或...
《TzSE - 副本_secs,gem_SECSGEM_SECS_SECSSimulator_secsgem_源码》是一款基于SECS( Semiconductor Equipment Communication Standard)和GEM(Generic Equipment Model)标准的模拟器源码包。这个压缩文件包含了...
标题"drm_gem_cma_helper.rar_cma_objects"暗示我们关注的是一个与DRM GEM CMA助手相关的压缩包,其中包含了两个文件:`drm_gem_cma_helper.c`和`drm_gem_cma_helper.h`。这些文件很可能是实现或定义了帮助函数,...
本资源"JngHightSpeedSecs_SECSGEM_SECS_SECS源代码_SECS,GEM源代码_GEM_源码.zip"包含的是用于实现SECS和GEM协议的源代码,这对于理解、开发或调试与半导体设备相关的软件至关重要。 SECS,全称为半导体设备通信...
在Linux内核中,DRM(Direct Rendering Manager)是一个核心...这对于优化图形性能、减少系统开销和解决内存碎片问题至关重要。这些知识对于从事嵌入式系统、桌面系统以及服务器端GPU加速应用的开发人员非常有价值。
标题 "tdlSSim_secs,gem_trapqt3_SECSGEM_SECS_secdemo_源码.rar" 提供的信息表明,这是一个与电子工程或者半导体领域相关的源代码压缩包,特别是涉及到了模拟和仿真技术。"tdlSSim" 可能是某种电路或系统模拟器的...
标题 "sungem.rar_GEM_gem_ethernet" 暗示了这是一个与 Sun GEM 以太网驱动程序相关的资源,适用于Linux操作系统。这个压缩包包含的版本是2.13.6,意味着它可能是一个更新或者修复了某些已知问题的版本。接下来,...
SECS( Semiconductor Equipment Communication Standard)和GEM(Generic Equipment Model)是半导体制造设备与fab(晶圆厂)之间通信的标准协议。HSMS(Host System Message Service)是SECS的一个扩展,用于更...
cocoapods-last_word 添加在所有 cocoapods 操作完成后执行的... $ gem install cocoapods-last_word 用法 在 Podfile 中添加你的钩子: plugin 'cocoapods-last_word', { hook: Proc.new { # do your stuff } }
标题中的“i915_gem_debug.rar_GEM”暗示了我们正在探讨的是与Intel图形硬件相关的调试工具,特别是关于GEM(Graphics Execution Manager)的组件。GEM是Linux内核中用于管理图形内存的一种机制,它优化了内存的分配...
这个压缩包文件 "JngHightSpeedSecs_SECSGEM_SECS_SECS源代码_SECS,GEM源代码_GEM.zip" 或 "JngHightSpeedSecs_SECSGEM_SECS_SECS源代码_SECS,GEM源代码_GEM.rar" 内含的源代码可能涉及了这两个标准的实现。...
HSMS provides a means for independent manufacturers to produce implementations which can be connected and interoperate without requiring specific knowledge of one another.
标题中的"chefserver_gem_forwindows"表明我们正在讨论的是Chef Server在Windows平台上的宝石(gem)文件,这是一款用于配置管理的开源工具。Chef Server是Chef自动化框架的核心部分,它作为一个中央存储库,包含了...