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There has been some recent discussion over how to get tics and labels on Spark Sliders. Halo Sliders contained built in support for tics and labels, however, this feature does not yet exist for Spark Sliders. While built in support may be added in the future, for the time being the way to get tics and labels for a Spark Slider is to implement a custom skin. With the new Spark skinning architecture, this is relatively easy to do.
For example, to get labels for an HSlider, you could simply copy, rename, and then modify the HSliderSkin.mxml file.
First, copy HSliderSkin.mxml and give it a new name, i.e. CustomHSliderSkin.mxml. When you define the HSlider in your application, use the skinClass style to point to the new skin.
<s:HSlider skinClass="CustomHSliderSkin"/>
This assumes that the CustomHSliderSkin.mxml file is in the same directory as the application file. If it is in another directory, the full path to the file must be specified. For example, if the CustomHSliderSkin.mxml file were in a sub-directory named "skins", you would specify it as "skins.CustomHSliderSkin".
In the CustomHSliderSkin file you can add labels in any number of ways. For this example I will use the SimpleText component, but really anything from a BitmapGraphic to a Rect could be used.
To add a label that displays the string "min" to the left hand side of the HSlider, you can define a SimpleText component as follows:
<s:SimpleText id="leftLabel" left="0" top="0" text="min"/>
Since the SimpleText component above has been positioned flush with the left hand side of the container, the HSlider track needs to be moved over so that they do not overlap. To do so, set the "left" style constraint on the track to a value that gives the label enough room to be displayed and provides the spacing that you find aesthetically pleasing. In this case a value of 30 would be sufficient to display the label "min".
Using the same approach, a label can be added to the right side of the HSlider. For example:
<s:SimpleText id="rightLabel" right="0" top="0" text="max"/>
Again, space needs to be given to ensure that the HSlider track and the right side SimpleText component do not overlap. In this case, setting the "right" style constraint on the HSlider track to 30 will work as well.
The skin would therefore contain the following:
<!-- Defines the left label -->
<s:SimpleText id="leftLabel" left="0" top="0" text="min"/>
<!--- Defines the skin class for the CustomHSliderSkin's track. The default skin class is CustomHSliderTrackSkin. -->
<s:Button id="track" left="30" right="30" top="0" bottom="0" skinClass="skins.CustomHSliderTrackSkin" />
<!--- Defines the skin class for the CustomHSliderSkin's thumb. The default skin class is CustomHSliderThumbSkin. -->
<s:Button id="thumb" top="0" bottom="0" width="11" height="11" skinClass="skins.CustomHSliderThumbSkin" />
<!-- Defines the right label -->
<s:SimpleText id="rightLabel" right="0" top="0" text="max"/>
By modifying the style constrains used above you can move the labels above or below the HSlider track in whatever way you want. For example, for labels on top of the HSlider, you could simply move the Slider track and thumb down by setting the top style constraint for both to 20, and leaving left and right as 0. In that case, the skin would contain the following:
<!-- Defines the top left label -->
<s:SimpleText id="leftLabel" left="0" top="0" text="min"/>
<!--- Defines the skin class for the CustomHSliderSkin's track. The default skin class is CustomHSliderTrackSkin. -->
<s:Button id="track" left="0" right="0" top="20" bottom="0" skinClass="skins.CustomHSliderTrackSkin" />
<!--- Defines the skin class for the CustomHSliderSkin's thumb. The default skin class is CustomHSliderThumbSkin. -->
<s:Button id="thumb" top="20" bottom="0" width="11" height="11" skinClass="skins.CustomHSliderThumbSkin" />
<!-- Defines the top right label -->
<s:SimpleText id="rightLabel" right="0" top="0" text="max"/>
In this way, labels of any type can be very quickly added to an HSlider, and of course the same approach can be used to VSlider.
To add tics, a similar approach is used.
Like labels, tics can be implemented in any number of ways. The most straight forward way is to simply insert them manually at the desired position on the Slider track.
Anything can be used as a tic - a BitmapGraphic, a Rect, a Line - anything the developer chooses. In keeping with the label example above, the following method can be used to insert tics using a SimpleText component. The hardest part of adding tics is determining where they should be placed. In the example below, the x property is used to specify the location of the tic.
These tics would be useful for an HSlider with the snapInterval property set to 25 since they are positioned in a rough correspondence to multiples of 25 on a HSlider track with a minimum of 0 and maximum of 100, i.e. the HSlider would look like this in the application:
<s:HSlider minimum="0" maximum="100" snapInterval="25" skinClass="CustomHSliderSkin"/>
CustomHSliderSkin.mxml would then contain the following:
<!-- Define tics -->
<s:SimpleText text="|" x="34"/>
<s:SimpleText text="|" x="66"/>
<s:SimpleText text="|" x="99"/>
<s:SimpleText text="|" x="131"/>
<s:SimpleText text="|" x="164"/>
<s:SimpleText id="leftLabel" left="0" top="12" text="min"/>
<!--- Defines the skin class for the CustomHSliderSkin's track. The default skin class is CustomHSliderTrackSkin. -->
<s:Button id="track" left="30" right="30" top="12" bottom="0" skinClass="spark.skins.spark.HSliderTrackSkin" />
<!--- Defines the skin class for the CustomHSliderSkin's thumb. The default skin class is CustomHSliderThumbSkin. -->
<s:Button id="thumb" top="12" bottom="0" width="11" height="11" skinClass="spark.skins.spark.HSliderThumbSkin" />
<s:SimpleText id="rightLabel" right="0" top="12" text="max"/>
With this approach, tics and labels can be manually added to a Slider skin.
There has been some recent discussion over how to get tics and labels on Spark Sliders. Halo Sliders contained built in support for tics and labels, however, this feature does not yet exist for Spark Sliders. While built in support may be added in the future, for the time being the way to get tics and labels for a Spark Slider is to implement a custom skin. With the new Spark skinning architecture, this is relatively easy to do.
For example, to get labels for an HSlider, you could simply copy, rename, and then modify the HSliderSkin.mxml file.
First, copy HSliderSkin.mxml and give it a new name, i.e. CustomHSliderSkin.mxml. When you define the HSlider in your application, use the skinClass style to point to the new skin.
<s:HSlider skinClass="CustomHSliderSkin"/>
This assumes that the CustomHSliderSkin.mxml file is in the same directory as the application file. If it is in another directory, the full path to the file must be specified. For example, if the CustomHSliderSkin.mxml file were in a sub-directory named "skins", you would specify it as "skins.CustomHSliderSkin".
In the CustomHSliderSkin file you can add labels in any number of ways. For this example I will use the SimpleText component, but really anything from a BitmapGraphic to a Rect could be used.
To add a label that displays the string "min" to the left hand side of the HSlider, you can define a SimpleText component as follows:
<s:SimpleText id="leftLabel" left="0" top="0" text="min"/>
Since the SimpleText component above has been positioned flush with the left hand side of the container, the HSlider track needs to be moved over so that they do not overlap. To do so, set the "left" style constraint on the track to a value that gives the label enough room to be displayed and provides the spacing that you find aesthetically pleasing. In this case a value of 30 would be sufficient to display the label "min".
Using the same approach, a label can be added to the right side of the HSlider. For example:
<s:SimpleText id="rightLabel" right="0" top="0" text="max"/>
Again, space needs to be given to ensure that the HSlider track and the right side SimpleText component do not overlap. In this case, setting the "right" style constraint on the HSlider track to 30 will work as well.
The skin would therefore contain the following:
<!-- Defines the left label -->
<s:SimpleText id="leftLabel" left="0" top="0" text="min"/>
<!--- Defines the skin class for the CustomHSliderSkin's track. The default skin class is CustomHSliderTrackSkin. -->
<s:Button id="track" left="30" right="30" top="0" bottom="0" skinClass="skins.CustomHSliderTrackSkin" />
<!--- Defines the skin class for the CustomHSliderSkin's thumb. The default skin class is CustomHSliderThumbSkin. -->
<s:Button id="thumb" top="0" bottom="0" width="11" height="11" skinClass="skins.CustomHSliderThumbSkin" />
<!-- Defines the right label -->
<s:SimpleText id="rightLabel" right="0" top="0" text="max"/>
By modifying the style constrains used above you can move the labels above or below the HSlider track in whatever way you want. For example, for labels on top of the HSlider, you could simply move the Slider track and thumb down by setting the top style constraint for both to 20, and leaving left and right as 0. In that case, the skin would contain the following:
<!-- Defines the top left label -->
<s:SimpleText id="leftLabel" left="0" top="0" text="min"/>
<!--- Defines the skin class for the CustomHSliderSkin's track. The default skin class is CustomHSliderTrackSkin. -->
<s:Button id="track" left="0" right="0" top="20" bottom="0" skinClass="skins.CustomHSliderTrackSkin" />
<!--- Defines the skin class for the CustomHSliderSkin's thumb. The default skin class is CustomHSliderThumbSkin. -->
<s:Button id="thumb" top="20" bottom="0" width="11" height="11" skinClass="skins.CustomHSliderThumbSkin" />
<!-- Defines the top right label -->
<s:SimpleText id="rightLabel" right="0" top="0" text="max"/>
In this way, labels of any type can be very quickly added to an HSlider, and of course the same approach can be used to VSlider.
To add tics, a similar approach is used.
Like labels, tics can be implemented in any number of ways. The most straight forward way is to simply insert them manually at the desired position on the Slider track.
Anything can be used as a tic - a BitmapGraphic, a Rect, a Line - anything the developer chooses. In keeping with the label example above, the following method can be used to insert tics using a SimpleText component. The hardest part of adding tics is determining where they should be placed. In the example below, the x property is used to specify the location of the tic.
These tics would be useful for an HSlider with the snapInterval property set to 25 since they are positioned in a rough correspondence to multiples of 25 on a HSlider track with a minimum of 0 and maximum of 100, i.e. the HSlider would look like this in the application:
<s:HSlider minimum="0" maximum="100" snapInterval="25" skinClass="CustomHSliderSkin"/>
CustomHSliderSkin.mxml would then contain the following:
<!-- Define tics -->
<s:SimpleText text="|" x="34"/>
<s:SimpleText text="|" x="66"/>
<s:SimpleText text="|" x="99"/>
<s:SimpleText text="|" x="131"/>
<s:SimpleText text="|" x="164"/>
<s:SimpleText id="leftLabel" left="0" top="12" text="min"/>
<!--- Defines the skin class for the CustomHSliderSkin's track. The default skin class is CustomHSliderTrackSkin. -->
<s:Button id="track" left="30" right="30" top="12" bottom="0" skinClass="spark.skins.spark.HSliderTrackSkin" />
<!--- Defines the skin class for the CustomHSliderSkin's thumb. The default skin class is CustomHSliderThumbSkin. -->
<s:Button id="thumb" top="12" bottom="0" width="11" height="11" skinClass="spark.skins.spark.HSliderThumbSkin" />
<s:SimpleText id="rightLabel" right="0" top="12" text="max"/>
With this approach, tics and labels can be manually added to a Slider skin.
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主要介绍了WPF滑块控件(Slider)的自定义样式的相关知识,本文给大家介绍的非常详细,具有一定的参考借鉴价值 ,需要的朋友可以参考下
3. **MX和Spark组件**: Flex4引入了Spark和MX两套组件集,Spark组件更加现代且可自定义,而MX组件则兼容早期版本。在播放器界面设计时,可能会使用Spark组件如Button、Slider等来实现播放、暂停、音量控制等功能。 ...
在Flex 4中,皮肤是界面组件外观的关键元素,可以自定义以满足特定设计需求。进度条是用户界面中常见的组件,用于表示任务的完成程度或加载状态。本文将深入探讨如何在Flex 4中创建和定制进度条的皮肤。 首先,我们...
在Flex4中,皮肤和样式也是重要的一环。我们可以为播放器组件定制外观,比如改变按钮的颜色、形状等。通过定义CSS样式表和使用Skin类,我们可以实现高度自定义的界面设计。 在实现过程中,还需要注意一些实际问题,...
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在MXML中,我们可以看到如何创建和配置Slider实例,以及如何应用自定义样式和事件监听器。此外,项目的源代码可能还包含了CSS文件,用于定义滑块的视觉样式。 总的来说,创建Flex仿苹果风格的滑块开关控件需要对...
1. **组件皮肤**:Flex3中的每个UI组件,如Button、Slider、TabNavigator等,都有预定义的皮肤。这些皮肤由MXML或ActionScript3代码定义,包含组件的各个部分,如背景、边框、文本样式等。通过替换这些皮肤,可以...
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本教程主要探讨如何在iOS项目中实现一个自定义的双向Slider,用于实现文字区间的选择并显示。这种滑动控件通常被用作数值选择器或者设置范围的工具。 首先,我们从“CustomSlider”这个文件名来看,这应该是实现...
4. 播放进度条:展示当前播放进度,使用Slider组件并与播放时间关联。 5. 歌词显示区域:显示歌词同步内容,可以是Text或RichText组件,实时更新歌词文本。 6. 波形显示区:用图形表示音乐的波形,可能自定义绘图或...
在WPF中,可以通过继承现有的控件并重写或扩展其属性、方法和样式来实现自定义。对于Slider,可能需要覆盖它的模板(Template)来更改视觉表示。 4. **资源字典与样式(Styles and Templates)** 自定义Slider...
本篇将深入探讨如何在iOS应用中自定义滑动分段选择器(Slider),创建出独特且吸引用户的交互体验。 一、滑动分段选择器的基本概念 滑动分段选择器通常由两个部分组成:一个可滑动的 thumb(或handle)和一个显示...