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PandaDONG 写道谢谢你啊,我已经下下来了,只是还有很多 ...
jira war安装
winetricks 软件包名,如
winetricks ie6
Usage: winetricks [options] package [package] ...
This script can help you prepare your system for Windows applications
that mistakenly assume all users' systems have all the needed
redistributable runtime libraries or fonts.
Some options require the Linux 'cabextract' program.
-q quiet. You must have already agreed to the EULAs.
-v verbose
-V display Version
7zip 7-zip file archiver
adobeair Adobe AIR runtime
art2kmin MS Access 2007 runtime
atmlib Adobe Type Manager. Needed for Adobe CS4
autohotkey Autohotkey (open source gui scripting language)
baekmuk Baekmuk Korean fonts
cmake CMake, the cross-platform, open-source build system
colorprofile Standard RGB color profile
comctl32 MS common controls 5.80
comctl32.ocx MS comctl32.ocx and mscomctl.ocx, comctl32 wrappers for VB6
comdlg32.ocx MS comdlg32.ocx for VB6
controlpad MS ActiveX Control Pad
corefonts MS Arial, Courier, Times fonts
crypt32 MS crypt32.dl
cygwin Unix apps for Windows (needed by some build scripts)
d3dx9 MS d3dx9_??.dll (from DirectX 9 user redistributable)
d3dx9_28 MS d3dx9_28.dll
d3dx9_36 MS d3dx9_36.dll
d3dx10 MS d3dx10_??.dll (from DirectX user redistributable)
d3dxof MS d3dxof.dll (from DirectX user redistributable)
dcom98 MS DCOM (ole32, oleaut32); requires Windows 98 license, but does not check for one
devenum MS devenum.dll (from DirectX 9 user redistributable)
dinput8 MS dinput8.dll (from DirectX 9 user redistributable)
dirac the Dirac directshow filter
directmusic MS DirectMusic (from DirectX 9 user redistributable)
directplay MS DirectPlay (from DirectX 9 user redistributable)
directx9 MS DirectX 9 user redistributable (not recommended! use d3dx9 instead)
directx9-beta MS DirectX 9 user redistributable - beta verb (not recommended! use d3dx9 instead)
divx divx video codec
dotnet11 MS .NET 1.1 (requires Windows license, but does not check for one)
dotnet20 MS .NET 2.0 (requires Windows license, but does not check for one)
dotnet20sp2 MS .NET 2.0 sp2 (requires Windows license, but does not check for one)
dotnet30 MS .NET 3.0 (requires Windows license, but does not check for one, might not work yet)
droid Droid fonts (on LCD, looks better with fontsmooth-rgb)
dsound MS dsound.dll (from DirectX 9 user redistributable)
dxsdk_nov2006 DirectX Software Development Kit, November 2006 version
eadm EA Download Manager
eufonts Updated fonts for Romanian and Bulgarian
fakechinese Creates aliases for Chinese fonts using WenQuanYi fonts
fakejapanese Creates aliases for Japanese fonts using Takao fonts
fakekorean Creates aliases for Korean fonts using Baekmuk fonts
ffdshow ffdshow video codecs
firefox Firefox web browser
flash Adobe Flash Player ActiveX and firefox plugins
fm20 MS Forms 2.0 Object Library
fontfix Fix bad fonts which cause crash in some apps (e.g. .net).
fontsmooth-bgr Enables subpixel smoothing for BGR LCDs
fontsmooth-disable Disables font smoothing
fontsmooth-gray Enables grayscale font smoothing
fontsmooth-rgb Enables subpixel smoothing for RGB LCDs
gdiplus MS gdiplus.dll
gecko-dbg The HTML rendering Engine (Mozilla), with debugging symbols
gecko The HTML rendering Engine (Mozilla)
gfw MS Game For Windows Live (xlive.dll)
glut The glut utility library
hosts Adds empty C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\{hosts,services} files
ie6 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0
ie6_full Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0, full installer
ie7 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0
ie8 Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0
jet40 MS Jet 4.0 Service Pack 8
kde KDE for Windows installer
liberation Red Hat Liberation fonts (Sans, Serif, Mono)
lucida MS Lucida Console font
mdac25 MS MDAC 2.5: Microsoft ODBC drivers, etc.
mdac27 MS MDAC 2.7
mdac28 MS MDAC 2.8
mfc40 MS mfc40 (Microsoft Foundation Classes from Visual C++ 4)
mfc42 MS mfc42 (same as vcrun6 below)
mingw-gdb GDB for MinGW
mingw Minimalist GNU for Windows, including GCC for Windows!
mono26 mono-2.6
mozillabuild Mozilla build environment
mpc Media Player Classic
mshflxgd MS Hierarchical FlexGrid Control
msi2 MS Windows Installer 2.0
msls31 MS Line Services 3.1 (needed by native riched?)
msmask MS Masked Edit Control
mspaint MS Paint (gotta draw stick figures somehow...)
msscript MS Windows Script Control
msxml3 MS XML Core Services 3.0
msxml4 MS XML Core Services 4.0
msxml6 MS XML Core Services 6.0
ogg ogg filters/codecs: flac, theora, speex, vorbis, schroedinger
ole2 MS 16 bit OLE
openwatcom Open Watcom C/C++ compiler (can compile win16 code!)
pdh MS pdh.dll (Performance Data Helper)
physx NVIDIA/AGEIA PhysX runtime
psdk2003 MS Platform SDK 2003
psdkvista MS Vista SDK (does not install yet)
psdkwin7 MS Windows 7 SDK (installing just headers and c++ compiler works)
python26 Python 2.6.2 (and pywin32)
python-comtypes Python 0.6.1-1 comtypes package
quartz quartz.dll (from Directx 9 user redistributable)
quicktime72 Apple Quicktime 7.2
quicktime76 Apple Quicktime 7.6
riched20 MS RichEdit Control, riched20 and riched32
riched30 MS RichEdit Control, riched30
richtx32 MS Rich TextBox Control 6.0
safari Apple Safari web browser
secur32 MS secur32
shockwave Adobe Shockwave Player
steam Steam Client App from Valve
tahoma MS Tahoma font (not part of corefonts)
takao Takao Japanese fonts
unifont Unifont alternative to Arial Unicode MS
urlmon MS urlmon.dll
usp10 MS usp10.dll (Uniscribe)
utorrent uTorrent
vb2run MS Visual Basic 2 runtime
vb3run MS Visual Basic 3 runtime
vb4run MS Visual Basic 4 runtime
vb5run MS Visual Basic 5 runtime
vb6run MS Visual Basic 6 Service Pack 6 runtime
vc2005express MS Visual C++ 2005 Express
vc2005expresssp1 MS Visual C++ 2005 Express SP1 (does not work yet)
vc2005sp1 MS Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1 and ATL fix (install trial 1st)
vc2005hotfix MS Visual C++ 2005 hotfixes (install sp1 1st)
vc2005trial MS Visual C++ 2005 Trial
vcrun2003 MS Visual C++ 2003 libraries (mfc71,msvcp71,msvcr71)
vcrun2005 MS Visual C++ 2005 sp1 libraries (mfc80,msvcp80,msvcr80)
vcrun2008 MS Visual C++ 2008 libraries (mfc90,msvcp90,msvcr90)
vcrun2010 MS Visual C++ 2010 libraries (mfc100,msvcp100,msvcr100)
vcrun6 MS Visual C++ 6 sp4 libraries (mfc42, msvcp60, msvcrt)
vcrun6sp6 MS Visual C++ 6 sp6 libraries (mfc42, msvcp60, msvcrt; 64 MB download)
vjrun20 MS Visual J# 2.0 SE libraries (requires dotnet20)
vlc VLC media player
wenquanyi WenQuanYi CJK font (on LCD looks better with fontsmooth-rgb)
windowscodecs MS Windows Imaging Component
winhttp MS winhttp.dll (requires Windows license, but does not check for one)
wininet MS wininet.dll (requires Windows license, but does not check for one)
wme9 MS Windows Media Encoder 9 (requires Windows license, but does not check for one)
wmp10 MS Windows Media Player 10 (requires Windows license, but does not check for one)
wmp9 MS Windows Media Player 9 (requires Windows license, but does not check for one)
wsh56js MS Windows scripting 5.6, jscript only, no cscript
wsh56 MS Windows Scripting Host 5.6
wsh56vb MS Windows scripting 5.6, vbscript only, no cscript
xact MS XACT Engine (x3daudio?_?.dll, xactengine?_?.dll)
xinput MS XInput (Xbox controller support, xinput?_?.dll)
xvid xvid video codec
alldlls=builtin Force use of builtin dlls (even if loaded with absolute path) (except for msvcp80 and d3dx9_*)
alldlls=default Remove all DLL overrides
allfonts All listed fonts and aliases (corefonts, droid, eufonts, liberation, lucida, tahoma, cjkfonts)
allcodecs All listed codecs (xvid, ffdshow)
cjkfonts All Chinese, Japanese, Korean fonts and aliases (fakechinese, fakejapanese, fakekorean, unifont)
ddr=gdi Set DirectDrawRenderer to GDI (default)
ddr=opengl Set DirectDrawRenderer to OpenGL
dsoundbug9612 Use DirectSound MaxShadowSize=0 workaround for bug #9612
forcemono Force using mono instead of .Net (for debugging)
glsl-disable Disable GLSL use by Wine Direct3D
glsl-enable Enable GLSL use by Wine Direct3D (default)
heapcheck Enable heap checking
multisampling=enabled Enable Direct3D multisampling
multisampling=disabled Disable Direct3D multisampling (default)
native_mdac Override odbc32, odbccp32 and oledb32
native_oleaut32 Override oleaut32
nocrashdialog Disable the graphical crash dialog
orm=backbuffer Registry tweak: OffscreenRenderingMode=backbuffer
orm=fbo Registry tweak: OffscreenRenderingMode=fbo (default)
rtlm=auto Set RenderTargetLockMode to auto (default)
rtlm=disabled Set RenderTargetLockMode to disabled
rtlm=readdraw Set RenderTargetLockMode to readdraw
rtlm=readtex Set RenderTargetLockMode to readtex
rtlm=texdraw Set RenderTargetLockMode to texdraw
rtlm=textex Set RenderTargetLockMode to textex
sandbox Sandbox the wineprefix - remove links to ~
sound=alsa Set sound driver to ALSA
sound=audioio Set sound driver to AudioIO
sound=coreaudio Set sound driver to CoreAudio
sound=esd Set sound driver to Esound
sound=jack Set sound driver to Jack
sound=nas Set sound driver to Nas
sound=oss Set sound driver to OSS
sound=disabled Disable sound
strictdrawordering=enabled Enable StrictDrawOrdering (default)
strictdrawordering=disabled Disable StrictDrawOrdering
nt40 Set windows version to nt40
vd=off Disable virtual desktop
vd=1024x768 Enable virtual desktop, set size to 1024x768
win98 Set windows version to Windows 98
win2k Set windows version to Windows 2000
winxp Set windows version to Windows XP
vista Set windows version to Windows Vista
win7 Set windows version to Windows 7
winver= Set windows version to default (winxp)
volnum Rename drive_c to harddiskvolume0 (needed by some installers)
mwo=force Set MouseWarpOverride to force (needed by some games)
mwo=enabled Set MouseWarpOverride to enabled (default)
mwo=disable Set MouseWarpOverride to disable
npm-repack Set NonPower2Mode to repack
psm=on Set PixelShaderMode to enabled
psm=off Set PixelShaderMode to disabled
vsm-hard Set VertexShaderMode to hardware
winetricks 软件包名,如
winetricks ie6
Usage: winetricks [options] package [package] ...
This script can help you prepare your system for Windows applications
that mistakenly assume all users' systems have all the needed
redistributable runtime libraries or fonts.
Some options require the Linux 'cabextract' program.
-q quiet. You must have already agreed to the EULAs.
-v verbose
-V display Version
7zip 7-zip file archiver
adobeair Adobe AIR runtime
art2kmin MS Access 2007 runtime
atmlib Adobe Type Manager. Needed for Adobe CS4
autohotkey Autohotkey (open source gui scripting language)
baekmuk Baekmuk Korean fonts
cmake CMake, the cross-platform, open-source build system
colorprofile Standard RGB color profile
comctl32 MS common controls 5.80
comctl32.ocx MS comctl32.ocx and mscomctl.ocx, comctl32 wrappers for VB6
comdlg32.ocx MS comdlg32.ocx for VB6
controlpad MS ActiveX Control Pad
corefonts MS Arial, Courier, Times fonts
crypt32 MS crypt32.dl
cygwin Unix apps for Windows (needed by some build scripts)
d3dx9 MS d3dx9_??.dll (from DirectX 9 user redistributable)
d3dx9_28 MS d3dx9_28.dll
d3dx9_36 MS d3dx9_36.dll
d3dx10 MS d3dx10_??.dll (from DirectX user redistributable)
d3dxof MS d3dxof.dll (from DirectX user redistributable)
dcom98 MS DCOM (ole32, oleaut32); requires Windows 98 license, but does not check for one
devenum MS devenum.dll (from DirectX 9 user redistributable)
dinput8 MS dinput8.dll (from DirectX 9 user redistributable)
dirac the Dirac directshow filter
directmusic MS DirectMusic (from DirectX 9 user redistributable)
directplay MS DirectPlay (from DirectX 9 user redistributable)
directx9 MS DirectX 9 user redistributable (not recommended! use d3dx9 instead)
directx9-beta MS DirectX 9 user redistributable - beta verb (not recommended! use d3dx9 instead)
divx divx video codec
dotnet11 MS .NET 1.1 (requires Windows license, but does not check for one)
dotnet20 MS .NET 2.0 (requires Windows license, but does not check for one)
dotnet20sp2 MS .NET 2.0 sp2 (requires Windows license, but does not check for one)
dotnet30 MS .NET 3.0 (requires Windows license, but does not check for one, might not work yet)
droid Droid fonts (on LCD, looks better with fontsmooth-rgb)
dsound MS dsound.dll (from DirectX 9 user redistributable)
dxsdk_nov2006 DirectX Software Development Kit, November 2006 version
eadm EA Download Manager
eufonts Updated fonts for Romanian and Bulgarian
fakechinese Creates aliases for Chinese fonts using WenQuanYi fonts
fakejapanese Creates aliases for Japanese fonts using Takao fonts
fakekorean Creates aliases for Korean fonts using Baekmuk fonts
ffdshow ffdshow video codecs
firefox Firefox web browser
flash Adobe Flash Player ActiveX and firefox plugins
fm20 MS Forms 2.0 Object Library
fontfix Fix bad fonts which cause crash in some apps (e.g. .net).
fontsmooth-bgr Enables subpixel smoothing for BGR LCDs
fontsmooth-disable Disables font smoothing
fontsmooth-gray Enables grayscale font smoothing
fontsmooth-rgb Enables subpixel smoothing for RGB LCDs
gdiplus MS gdiplus.dll
gecko-dbg The HTML rendering Engine (Mozilla), with debugging symbols
gecko The HTML rendering Engine (Mozilla)
gfw MS Game For Windows Live (xlive.dll)
glut The glut utility library
hosts Adds empty C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\{hosts,services} files
ie6 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0
ie6_full Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0, full installer
ie7 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0
ie8 Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0
jet40 MS Jet 4.0 Service Pack 8
kde KDE for Windows installer
liberation Red Hat Liberation fonts (Sans, Serif, Mono)
lucida MS Lucida Console font
mdac25 MS MDAC 2.5: Microsoft ODBC drivers, etc.
mdac27 MS MDAC 2.7
mdac28 MS MDAC 2.8
mfc40 MS mfc40 (Microsoft Foundation Classes from Visual C++ 4)
mfc42 MS mfc42 (same as vcrun6 below)
mingw-gdb GDB for MinGW
mingw Minimalist GNU for Windows, including GCC for Windows!
mono26 mono-2.6
mozillabuild Mozilla build environment
mpc Media Player Classic
mshflxgd MS Hierarchical FlexGrid Control
msi2 MS Windows Installer 2.0
msls31 MS Line Services 3.1 (needed by native riched?)
msmask MS Masked Edit Control
mspaint MS Paint (gotta draw stick figures somehow...)
msscript MS Windows Script Control
msxml3 MS XML Core Services 3.0
msxml4 MS XML Core Services 4.0
msxml6 MS XML Core Services 6.0
ogg ogg filters/codecs: flac, theora, speex, vorbis, schroedinger
ole2 MS 16 bit OLE
openwatcom Open Watcom C/C++ compiler (can compile win16 code!)
pdh MS pdh.dll (Performance Data Helper)
physx NVIDIA/AGEIA PhysX runtime
psdk2003 MS Platform SDK 2003
psdkvista MS Vista SDK (does not install yet)
psdkwin7 MS Windows 7 SDK (installing just headers and c++ compiler works)
python26 Python 2.6.2 (and pywin32)
python-comtypes Python 0.6.1-1 comtypes package
quartz quartz.dll (from Directx 9 user redistributable)
quicktime72 Apple Quicktime 7.2
quicktime76 Apple Quicktime 7.6
riched20 MS RichEdit Control, riched20 and riched32
riched30 MS RichEdit Control, riched30
richtx32 MS Rich TextBox Control 6.0
safari Apple Safari web browser
secur32 MS secur32
shockwave Adobe Shockwave Player
steam Steam Client App from Valve
tahoma MS Tahoma font (not part of corefonts)
takao Takao Japanese fonts
unifont Unifont alternative to Arial Unicode MS
urlmon MS urlmon.dll
usp10 MS usp10.dll (Uniscribe)
utorrent uTorrent
vb2run MS Visual Basic 2 runtime
vb3run MS Visual Basic 3 runtime
vb4run MS Visual Basic 4 runtime
vb5run MS Visual Basic 5 runtime
vb6run MS Visual Basic 6 Service Pack 6 runtime
vc2005express MS Visual C++ 2005 Express
vc2005expresssp1 MS Visual C++ 2005 Express SP1 (does not work yet)
vc2005sp1 MS Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1 and ATL fix (install trial 1st)
vc2005hotfix MS Visual C++ 2005 hotfixes (install sp1 1st)
vc2005trial MS Visual C++ 2005 Trial
vcrun2003 MS Visual C++ 2003 libraries (mfc71,msvcp71,msvcr71)
vcrun2005 MS Visual C++ 2005 sp1 libraries (mfc80,msvcp80,msvcr80)
vcrun2008 MS Visual C++ 2008 libraries (mfc90,msvcp90,msvcr90)
vcrun2010 MS Visual C++ 2010 libraries (mfc100,msvcp100,msvcr100)
vcrun6 MS Visual C++ 6 sp4 libraries (mfc42, msvcp60, msvcrt)
vcrun6sp6 MS Visual C++ 6 sp6 libraries (mfc42, msvcp60, msvcrt; 64 MB download)
vjrun20 MS Visual J# 2.0 SE libraries (requires dotnet20)
vlc VLC media player
wenquanyi WenQuanYi CJK font (on LCD looks better with fontsmooth-rgb)
windowscodecs MS Windows Imaging Component
winhttp MS winhttp.dll (requires Windows license, but does not check for one)
wininet MS wininet.dll (requires Windows license, but does not check for one)
wme9 MS Windows Media Encoder 9 (requires Windows license, but does not check for one)
wmp10 MS Windows Media Player 10 (requires Windows license, but does not check for one)
wmp9 MS Windows Media Player 9 (requires Windows license, but does not check for one)
wsh56js MS Windows scripting 5.6, jscript only, no cscript
wsh56 MS Windows Scripting Host 5.6
wsh56vb MS Windows scripting 5.6, vbscript only, no cscript
xact MS XACT Engine (x3daudio?_?.dll, xactengine?_?.dll)
xinput MS XInput (Xbox controller support, xinput?_?.dll)
xvid xvid video codec
alldlls=builtin Force use of builtin dlls (even if loaded with absolute path) (except for msvcp80 and d3dx9_*)
alldlls=default Remove all DLL overrides
allfonts All listed fonts and aliases (corefonts, droid, eufonts, liberation, lucida, tahoma, cjkfonts)
allcodecs All listed codecs (xvid, ffdshow)
cjkfonts All Chinese, Japanese, Korean fonts and aliases (fakechinese, fakejapanese, fakekorean, unifont)
ddr=gdi Set DirectDrawRenderer to GDI (default)
ddr=opengl Set DirectDrawRenderer to OpenGL
dsoundbug9612 Use DirectSound MaxShadowSize=0 workaround for bug #9612
forcemono Force using mono instead of .Net (for debugging)
glsl-disable Disable GLSL use by Wine Direct3D
glsl-enable Enable GLSL use by Wine Direct3D (default)
heapcheck Enable heap checking
multisampling=enabled Enable Direct3D multisampling
multisampling=disabled Disable Direct3D multisampling (default)
native_mdac Override odbc32, odbccp32 and oledb32
native_oleaut32 Override oleaut32
nocrashdialog Disable the graphical crash dialog
orm=backbuffer Registry tweak: OffscreenRenderingMode=backbuffer
orm=fbo Registry tweak: OffscreenRenderingMode=fbo (default)
rtlm=auto Set RenderTargetLockMode to auto (default)
rtlm=disabled Set RenderTargetLockMode to disabled
rtlm=readdraw Set RenderTargetLockMode to readdraw
rtlm=readtex Set RenderTargetLockMode to readtex
rtlm=texdraw Set RenderTargetLockMode to texdraw
rtlm=textex Set RenderTargetLockMode to textex
sandbox Sandbox the wineprefix - remove links to ~
sound=alsa Set sound driver to ALSA
sound=audioio Set sound driver to AudioIO
sound=coreaudio Set sound driver to CoreAudio
sound=esd Set sound driver to Esound
sound=jack Set sound driver to Jack
sound=nas Set sound driver to Nas
sound=oss Set sound driver to OSS
sound=disabled Disable sound
strictdrawordering=enabled Enable StrictDrawOrdering (default)
strictdrawordering=disabled Disable StrictDrawOrdering
nt40 Set windows version to nt40
vd=off Disable virtual desktop
vd=1024x768 Enable virtual desktop, set size to 1024x768
win98 Set windows version to Windows 98
win2k Set windows version to Windows 2000
winxp Set windows version to Windows XP
vista Set windows version to Windows Vista
win7 Set windows version to Windows 7
winver= Set windows version to default (winxp)
volnum Rename drive_c to harddiskvolume0 (needed by some installers)
mwo=force Set MouseWarpOverride to force (needed by some games)
mwo=enabled Set MouseWarpOverride to enabled (default)
mwo=disable Set MouseWarpOverride to disable
npm-repack Set NonPower2Mode to repack
psm=on Set PixelShaderMode to enabled
psm=off Set PixelShaderMode to disabled
vsm-hard Set VertexShaderMode to hardware
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2012-01-05 12:58 1897出现问题,winetricks mfc42 这里需要MFC4 ... -
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无版图 安装ssh
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linux下面跑windows软件 - wine
2012-01-04 21:55 972WineHQ http://www.winehq.org/do ... -
2011-12-12 10:48 1262vi /etc/init.d/httpd !/bin/shi下 ... -
linux 打包
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2011-10-17 14:40 1122-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state ... -
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linux tcp转发 rinetd
2011-07-18 21:20 1490http://baike.baidu.com/view/159 ... -
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2011-04-23 16:12 1135[root@localhost anshu]# ls -al ... -
2011-04-23 15:50 1318进行之前,需要执行将资料同步写入硬碟中的指令∶ sync s ...
- 使用Deepin-Wine安装Windows应用通常通过wine命令行或者图形化的管理工具完成,如Winetricks。 - 由于Deepin-Wine的优化,用户可能会发现Windows应用在Deepin-Wine环境下的性能和稳定性都优于标准的Wine配置。 ...
- 安装Wine:在Ubuntu的软件中心搜索并安装Wine,或者使用`sudo apt install wine`命令。 - 安装winetricks:运行`sudo apt-get install winetricks`。 - 下载微信安装包:从微信官方网站下载适用于Windows的安装...
Linux Wine使用指南是一个非常实用的主题,对于那些希望在Linux环境下运行Windows应用程序的用户来说,这是一个不可或缺的工具。Wine,全称"Windows Emulator",并非一个模拟器,而是一个兼容层,它允许Linux系统...
对于那些无法直接访问互联网的Ubuntu及其衍生版用户来说,这个包含完整依赖包的Wine 1.0版本尤其有用,因为可以通过它来安装和运行Windows的DRCOM客户端,这是一个常见的校园网络认证软件。 首先,我们要理解Wine的...
Wine全称为“Wine Is Not an Emulator”,它是一个开源软件,旨在让Linux、macOS和其他类Unix系统能够运行基于Windows的应用程序。这个教程将涵盖 Wine 的安装步骤、配置以及可能遇到的问题及其解决方法。 1. **...
1. **安装Wine**:在大多数Linux发行版中,可以通过包管理器来安装Wine。例如,在Ubuntu或Debian上,可以使用命令`sudo apt-get install wine`。对于Fedora或CentOS,命令可能是`sudo dnf install wine`。确保安装的...
接下来,由于CAJViewer是Windows平台的原生应用,我们需要借助 Wine 这个开源软件来在Ubuntu上运行它。Wine 是一个兼容层,可以让Windows应用程序在类Unix系统上运行。首先,安装Wine: ```bash sudo add-apt-...
"wine"(“Wine Is Not an Emulator”的首字母缩写)是一个开源软件,它允许Linux、macOS和FreeBSD等操作系统运行基于Windows的应用程序。标题中的"riched20.zip"可能是指"riched20.dll"这个动态链接库文件,它是...
根据提示,使用`winetricks`工具(如未安装,先用`sudo apt install winetricks`进行安装)来解决这些问题。 安装完成后,你可能需要配置"闪讯Netkeeper"以适应Ubuntu环境,比如设置代理服务器,这通常在应用程序的...
在Linux发行版中,如Arch Linux,可以使用包管理器(如Pacman)来安装Wine。命令可能是: ```bash sudo pacman -S wine winetricks ``` 安装完Wine后,我们需要从Adobe官方网站下载Illustrator CC v17的Windows安装...
1. **Wine**:可以通过包管理器安装,例如在Ubuntu上运行`sudo apt install wine`,在Arch Linux上使用`sudo pacman -S wine`。 2. **PlayOnLinux**:同样可以从包管理器安装,Ubuntu用户执行`sudo apt install ...