
jQuery Versions - browser support


jQuery 3.2.1 Support


Chrome: (Current - 1) and Current
Edge: (Current - 1) and Current
Firefox: (Current - 1) and Current
Internet Explorer: 9+
Safari: (Current - 1) and Current
Opera: Current


Stock browser on Android 4.0+
Safari on iOS 7+

Any problem with jQuery in the above browsers should be reported as a bug in jQuery.

(Current - 1) version and Current version denotes that we support the current stable version of the browser and the version that preceded it. For example, if the current version of a browser is 24.x, we support the 24.x and 23.x versions.

If you need to support older browsers like Internet Explorer 6-8, Opera 12.1x or Safari 5.1+, use jQuery 1.12.



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