

  • Ajax
   function ajaxLoader2(id,url) {
        if (document.getElementById) {
            var x = (window.ActiveXObject) ? new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") : new XMLHttpRequest();
            if (x)
            x.onreadystatechange = function()
                if (x.readyState == 4 && x.status == 200)
                        el = document.getElementById(id);
                        el.innerHTML = x.responseText;
                x.open("GET", url, true);

function ajaxLoader(id,url)  {  
    str="<iframe width=\"100%\" height=\"440\" frameborder=\"0\" src=\""+url+"\"></iframe>";


* Ajax Page Fetcher- by JavaScript Kit (www.javascriptkit.com)

var ajaxpagefetcher={
loadingmessage: "<center class=\"errmsg\">Loading Page, please wait...</center>",
exfilesadded: "",

connect:function(containerid, pageurl, bustcache, jsfiles, cssfiles){
var page_request = false
var bustcacheparameter=""
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) // if Mozilla, IE7, Safari etc
page_request = new XMLHttpRequest()
else if (window.ActiveXObject){ // if IE6 or below
try {
page_request = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")
catch (e){
page_request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
catch (e){}
return false
var ajaxfriendlyurl=pageurl.replace(/^http:\/\/[^\/]+\//i, "http://"+window.location.hostname+"/")
page_request.onreadystatechange=function(){ajaxpagefetcher.loadpage(page_request, containerid, pageurl, jsfiles, cssfiles)}
if (bustcache) //if bust caching of external page
bustcacheparameter=(ajaxfriendlyurl.indexOf("?")!=-1)? "&"+new Date().getTime() : "?"+new Date().getTime()
document.getElementById(containerid).innerHTML=decodeURIComponent(ajaxpagefetcher.loadingmessage) //Display "fetching page message"
page_request.open('GET', ajaxfriendlyurl+bustcacheparameter, true)

loadpage:function(page_request, containerid, pageurl, jsfiles, cssfiles){
if (page_request.readyState == 4 && (page_request.status==200 || window.location.href.indexOf("http")==-1)){
for (var i=0; i<jsfiles.length; i++)
this.loadjscssfile(jsfiles[i], "js")
for (var i=0; i<cssfiles.length; i++)
this.loadjscssfile(cssfiles[i], "css")
this.pageloadaction(pageurl) //invoke custom "onpageload" event

createjscssfile:function(filename, filetype){
if (filetype=="js"){ //if filename is a external JavaScript file
var fileref=document.createElement('script')
fileref.setAttribute("src", filename)
else if (filetype=="css"){ //if filename is an external CSS file
var fileref=document.createElement("link")
fileref.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet")
fileref.setAttribute("type", "text/css")
fileref.setAttribute("href", filename)
return fileref

loadjscssfile:function(filename, filetype){ //load or replace (if already exists) external .js and .css files
if (this.exfilesadded.indexOf("["+filename+"]")==-1){ //if desired file to load hasnt already been loaded
var newelement=this.createjscssfile(filename, filetype)
this.exfilesadded+="["+filename+"]" //remember this file as being added
else{ //if file has been loaded already (replace/ refresh it)
  var targetelement=(filetype=="js")? "script" : (filetype=="css")? "link" : "none" //determine element type to create nodelist using
  var targetattr=(filetype=="js")? "src" : (filetype=="css")? "href" : "none" //determine corresponding attribute to test for
  var allsuspects=document.getElementsByTagName(targetelement)
  for (var i=allsuspects.length; i>=0; i--){ //search backwards within nodelist for matching elements to remove
   if (allsuspects[i] && allsuspects[i].getAttribute(targetattr)!=null && allsuspects[i].getAttribute(targetattr).indexOf(filename)!=-1){
    var newelement=this.createjscssfile(filename, filetype)
    allsuspects[i].parentNode.replaceChild(newelement, allsuspects[i])

this.onpageload(pageurl) //call customize onpageload() function when an ajax page is fetched/ loaded

//do nothing by default

load:function(containerid, pageurl, bustcache, jsfiles, cssfiles){
var jsfiles=(typeof jsfiles=="undefined" || jsfiles=="")? [] : jsfiles
var cssfiles=(typeof cssfiles=="undefined" || cssfiles=="")? [] : cssfiles
this.connect(containerid, pageurl, bustcache, jsfiles, cssfiles)

} //End object

//Sample usage:
//jaxpagefetcher.load("container_id", "pageurl_or_path", bustcacheBool, [array_of_js_files], [array_of_css_files])

The parameters in that order are:

container_id:    The ID attribute of the DIV or some other container on the page that the Ajax page should load inside
pageurl_or_path: The URL or relative path from the current page to the external page to load. For the URL, it must be from the same domain as the current!
bustcacheBool:A Boolean value (true or false) specifying whether the script should prevent the browser from caching the page after it's been fetched for the 1st time. Set to true if the external page is dynamic and likely changes within the same browser session.
[array_of_js_files]:An optional array that contains the paths to a list of external .js files you wish to load at the same time, each separated by a comma if multiple. For example: ["functions.js", "message.js"].
[array_of_css_files]: An optional array that contains the paths to a list of external .css files you wish to load at the same time, each separated by a comma if multiple. For example: ["pagestyle.js"]

//1) ajaxpagefetcher.load("mydiv", "content.htm", true)
//2) ajaxpagefetcher.load("mydiv2", "content.htm", true, ["external.js"])
//3) ajaxpagefetcher.load("mydiv2", "content.htm", true, ["external.js"], ["external.css"])
//4) ajaxpagefetcher.load("mydiv2", "content.htm", true, ["external.js", "external2.js"])
//5) ajaxpagefetcher.load("mydiv2", "content.htm", true, "", ["external.css", "external2.css"])


<div id="joe"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">
// Fetch and display "content.htm" inside a DIV automatically as the page loads:
ajaxpagefetcher.load("joe", "content.htm", true)

<div id="bob"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">
<!-- Fetch and display "sub/content2.htm" inside a DIV when a link is clicked on. Also load one .css file-->
<a href="javascript:ajaxpagefetcher.load('bob', 'sub/content2.htm', false, '', ['page.css'])">Load Content 2</a>






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