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json-lib出现There is a cycle in the hierarchy解决办法(转)

如果需要解析的数据间存在级联关系,而互相嵌套引用,在hibernate中极容易嵌套而抛出net.sf.json.JSONException: There is a cycle in the hierarchy异常。

JsonConfig config = new JsonConfig();
config.registerJsonValueProcessor(Date.class,new DateJsonValueProcessor("yyyy-MM-dd")); //date processor register
config.setExcludes(new String[]{//只要设置这个数组,指定过滤哪些字段。
String tempStr = "{\"TotalRecords\":"+ total.toString() +",\"Datas\":"+JSONSerializer.toJSON(list,config).toString()+"}";
JsonConfig config = new JsonConfig();
config.registerJsonValueProcessor(Date.class,new DateJsonValueProcessor("yyyy-MM-dd")); //date processor register
config.setExcludes(new String[]{//只要设置这个数组,指定过滤哪些字段。 "consignee", "contract", "coalInfo", "coalType", "startStation", "balanceMan", "endStation" }); String tempStr = "{\"TotalRecords\":"+ total.toString() +",\"Datas\":"+JSONSerializer.toJSON(list,config).toString()+"}"; out.print(tempStr);


JsonConfig config = new JsonConfig();
config.registerJsonValueProcessor(Date.class,new DateJsonValueProcessor("yyyy-MM-dd")); //date processor register
String tempStr = "{\"TotalRecords\":"+ total.toString() +",\"Datas\":"+JSONSerializer.toJSON(list,config).toString()+"}";



    json-lib出现There is a cycle in the hierarchy解决办法

    如果需要解析的数据间存在级联关系,而互相嵌套引用,在hibernate中极容易嵌套而抛出net.sf.json.JSONException: There is a cycle in the hierarchy异常。


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