<li>load</li> <li>unload</li> <li>select</li> <li>change</li> <li>submit</li> <li>reset</li> <li>resize</li> <li>scroll</li>,MouseEvents包括
* <li>click</li> * <li>dblclick</li> * <li>mousedown</li> * <li>mouseup</li> * <li>mouseover</li> * <li>mousemove</li> * <li>mouseout</li>,UIEvents包括
* <li>focusin</li> * <li>focusout</li> * <li>activate</li> * <li>focus</li> * <li>blur</li>。
createHtmlEvent: function (doc, type, bubbles, cancelable) { var event = doc.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); event.initEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable); return event; },
createMouseEvent: function (doc, type, bubbles, cancelable, detail, clientX, clientY, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey, button, relatedTarget) { var event = doc.createEvent('MouseEvents'), view = doc.defaultView || window; if (event.initMouseEvent) { event.initMouseEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, view, detail, clientX, clientY, clientX, clientY, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey, button, relatedTarget); } else { // old Safari event = doc.createEvent('UIEvents'); event.initEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable); event.view = view; event.detail = detail; event.screenX = clientX; event.screenY = clientY; event.clientX = clientX; event.clientY = clientY; event.ctrlKey = ctrlKey; event.altKey = altKey; event.metaKey = metaKey; event.shiftKey = shiftKey; event.button = button; event.relatedTarget = relatedTarget; } return event; },
createUIEvent: function (doc, type, bubbles, cancelable, detail) { var event = doc.createEvent('UIEvents'), view = doc.defaultView || window; event.initUIEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, view, detail); return event; }
fireEvent: function (target, type, event) { target.dispatchEvent(event); }
createHtmlEvent: function (doc, type, bubbles, cancelable) { var event = doc.createEventObject(); event.bubbles = bubbles; event.cancelable = cancelable; return event; }, createMouseEvent: function (doc, type, bubbles, cancelable, detail, clientX, clientY, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey, button, relatedTarget) { var event = doc.createEventObject(); event.bubbles = bubbles; event.cancelable = cancelable; event.detail = detail; event.screenX = clientX; event.screenY = clientY; event.clientX = clientX; event.clientY = clientY; event.ctrlKey = ctrlKey; event.altKey = altKey; event.shiftKey = shiftKey; event.metaKey = metaKey; event.button = crazyIEButtons[button] || button; event.relatedTarget = relatedTarget; // cannot assign to/fromElement return event; }, createUIEvent: function (doc, type, bubbles, cancelable, detail) { var event = doc.createEventObject(); event.bubbles = bubbles; event.cancelable = cancelable; return event; }, fireEvent: function (target, type, event) { target.fireEvent('on' + type, event); }
/* This file is part of Ext JS 4 Copyright (c) 2011 Sencha Inc Contact: http://www.sencha.com/contact Commercial Usage Licensees holding valid commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the Commercial Software License Agreement provided with the Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in a written agreement between you and Sencha. If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please contact the sales department at http://www.sencha.com/contact. */ /** * @class Ext.EventObject Just as {@link Ext.core.Element} wraps around a native DOM node, Ext.EventObject wraps the browser's native event-object normalizing cross-browser differences, such as which mouse button is clicked, keys pressed, mechanisms to stop event-propagation along with a method to prevent default actions from taking place. For example: function handleClick(e, t){ // e is not a standard event object, it is a Ext.EventObject e.preventDefault(); var target = e.getTarget(); // same as t (the target HTMLElement) ... } var myDiv = {@link Ext#get Ext.get}("myDiv"); // get reference to an {@link Ext.core.Element} myDiv.on( // 'on' is shorthand for addListener "click", // perform an action on click of myDiv handleClick // reference to the action handler ); // other methods to do the same: Ext.EventManager.on("myDiv", 'click', handleClick); Ext.EventManager.addListener("myDiv", 'click', handleClick); * @singleton * @markdown */ Ext.define('Ext.EventObjectImpl', { uses: ['Ext.util.Point'], /** Key constant @type Number */ BACKSPACE: 8, /** Key constant @type Number */ TAB: 9, /** Key constant @type Number */ NUM_CENTER: 12, /** Key constant @type Number */ ENTER: 13, /** Key constant @type Number */ RETURN: 13, /** Key constant @type Number */ SHIFT: 16, /** Key constant @type Number */ CTRL: 17, /** Key constant @type Number */ ALT: 18, /** Key constant @type Number */ PAUSE: 19, /** Key constant @type Number */ CAPS_LOCK: 20, /** Key constant @type Number */ ESC: 27, /** Key constant @type Number */ SPACE: 32, /** Key constant @type Number */ PAGE_UP: 33, /** Key constant @type Number */ PAGE_DOWN: 34, /** Key constant @type Number */ END: 35, /** Key constant @type Number */ HOME: 36, /** Key constant @type Number */ LEFT: 37, /** Key constant @type Number */ UP: 38, /** Key constant @type Number */ RIGHT: 39, /** Key constant @type Number */ DOWN: 40, /** Key constant @type Number */ PRINT_SCREEN: 44, /** Key constant @type Number */ INSERT: 45, /** Key constant @type Number */ DELETE: 46, /** Key constant @type Number */ ZERO: 48, /** Key constant @type Number */ ONE: 49, /** Key constant @type Number */ TWO: 50, /** Key constant @type Number */ THREE: 51, /** Key constant @type Number */ FOUR: 52, /** Key constant @type Number */ FIVE: 53, /** Key constant @type Number */ SIX: 54, /** Key constant @type Number */ SEVEN: 55, /** Key constant @type Number */ EIGHT: 56, /** Key constant @type Number */ NINE: 57, /** Key constant @type Number */ A: 65, /** Key constant @type Number */ B: 66, /** Key constant @type Number */ C: 67, /** Key constant @type Number */ D: 68, /** Key constant @type Number */ E: 69, /** Key constant @type Number */ F: 70, /** Key constant @type Number */ G: 71, /** Key constant @type Number */ H: 72, /** Key constant @type Number */ I: 73, /** Key constant @type Number */ J: 74, /** Key constant @type Number */ K: 75, /** Key constant @type Number */ L: 76, /** Key constant @type Number */ M: 77, /** Key constant @type Number */ N: 78, /** Key constant @type Number */ O: 79, /** Key constant @type Number */ P: 80, /** Key constant @type Number */ Q: 81, /** Key constant @type Number */ R: 82, /** Key constant @type Number */ S: 83, /** Key constant @type Number */ T: 84, /** Key constant @type Number */ U: 85, /** Key constant @type Number */ V: 86, /** Key constant @type Number */ W: 87, /** Key constant @type Number */ X: 88, /** Key constant @type Number */ Y: 89, /** Key constant @type Number */ Z: 90, /** Key constant @type Number */ CONTEXT_MENU: 93, /** Key constant @type Number */ NUM_ZERO: 96, /** Key constant @type Number */ NUM_ONE: 97, /** Key constant @type Number */ NUM_TWO: 98, /** Key constant @type Number */ NUM_THREE: 99, /** Key constant @type Number */ NUM_FOUR: 100, /** Key constant @type Number */ NUM_FIVE: 101, /** Key constant @type Number */ NUM_SIX: 102, /** Key constant @type Number */ NUM_SEVEN: 103, /** Key constant @type Number */ NUM_EIGHT: 104, /** Key constant @type Number */ NUM_NINE: 105, /** Key constant @type Number */ NUM_MULTIPLY: 106, /** Key constant @type Number */ NUM_PLUS: 107, /** Key constant @type Number */ NUM_MINUS: 109, /** Key constant @type Number */ NUM_PERIOD: 110, /** Key constant @type Number */ NUM_DIVISION: 111, /** Key constant @type Number */ F1: 112, /** Key constant @type Number */ F2: 113, /** Key constant @type Number */ F3: 114, /** Key constant @type Number */ F4: 115, /** Key constant @type Number */ F5: 116, /** Key constant @type Number */ F6: 117, /** Key constant @type Number */ F7: 118, /** Key constant @type Number */ F8: 119, /** Key constant @type Number */ F9: 120, /** Key constant @type Number */ F10: 121, /** Key constant @type Number */ F11: 122, /** Key constant @type Number */ F12: 123, /** * The mouse wheel delta scaling factor. This value depends on browser version and OS and * attempts to produce a similar scrolling experience across all platforms and browsers. * * To change this value: * * Ext.EventObjectImpl.prototype.WHEEL_SCALE = 72; * * @type Number * @markdown */ WHEEL_SCALE: (function () { var scale; if (Ext.isGecko) { // Firefox uses 3 on all platforms scale = 3; } else if (Ext.isMac) { // Continuous scrolling devices have momentum and produce much more scroll than // discrete devices on the same OS and browser. To make things exciting, Safari // (and not Chrome) changed from small values to 120 (like IE). if (Ext.isSafari && Ext.webKitVersion >= 532.0) { // Safari changed the scrolling factor to match IE (for details see // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=24368). The WebKit version where this // change was introduced was 532.0 // Detailed discussion: // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=29601 // http://trac.webkit.org/browser/trunk/WebKit/chromium/src/mac/WebInputEventFactory.mm#L1063 scale = 120; } else { // MS optical wheel mouse produces multiples of 12 which is close enough // to help tame the speed of the continuous mice... scale = 12; } // Momentum scrolling produces very fast scrolling, so increase the scale factor // to help produce similar results cross platform. This could be even larger and // it would help those mice, but other mice would become almost unusable as a // result (since we cannot tell which device type is in use). scale *= 3; } else { // IE, Opera and other Windows browsers use 120. scale = 120; } return scale; })(), /** * Simple click regex * @private */ clickRe: /(dbl)?click/, // safari keypress events for special keys return bad keycodes safariKeys: { 3: 13, // enter 63234: 37, // left 63235: 39, // right 63232: 38, // up 63233: 40, // down 63276: 33, // page up 63277: 34, // page down 63272: 46, // delete 63273: 36, // home 63275: 35 // end }, // normalize button clicks, don't see any way to feature detect this. btnMap: Ext.isIE ? { 1: 0, 4: 1, 2: 2 } : { 0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2 }, constructor: function(event, freezeEvent){ if (event) { this.setEvent(event.browserEvent || event, freezeEvent); } }, setEvent: function(event, freezeEvent){ var me = this, button, options; if (event == me || (event && event.browserEvent)) { // already wrapped return event; } me.browserEvent = event; if (event) { // normalize buttons button = event.button ? me.btnMap[event.button] : (event.which ? event.which - 1 : -1); if (me.clickRe.test(event.type) && button == -1) { button = 0; } options = { type: event.type, button: button, shiftKey: event.shiftKey, // mac metaKey behaves like ctrlKey ctrlKey: event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey || false, altKey: event.altKey, // in getKey these will be normalized for the mac keyCode: event.keyCode, charCode: event.charCode, // cache the targets for the delayed and or buffered events target: Ext.EventManager.getTarget(event), relatedTarget: Ext.EventManager.getRelatedTarget(event), currentTarget: event.currentTarget, xy: (freezeEvent ? me.getXY() : null) }; } else { options = { button: -1, shiftKey: false, ctrlKey: false, altKey: false, keyCode: 0, charCode: 0, target: null, xy: [0, 0] }; } Ext.apply(me, options); return me; }, /** * Stop the event (preventDefault and stopPropagation) */ stopEvent: function(){ this.stopPropagation(); this.preventDefault(); }, /** * Prevents the browsers default handling of the event. */ preventDefault: function(){ if (this.browserEvent) { Ext.EventManager.preventDefault(this.browserEvent); } }, /** * Cancels bubbling of the event. */ stopPropagation: function(){ var browserEvent = this.browserEvent; if (browserEvent) { if (browserEvent.type == 'mousedown') { Ext.EventManager.stoppedMouseDownEvent.fire(this); } Ext.EventManager.stopPropagation(browserEvent); } }, /** * Gets the character code for the event. * @return {Number} */ getCharCode: function(){ return this.charCode || this.keyCode; }, /** * Returns a normalized keyCode for the event. * @return {Number} The key code */ getKey: function(){ return this.normalizeKey(this.keyCode || this.charCode); }, /** * Normalize key codes across browsers * @private * @param {Number} key The key code * @return {Number} The normalized code */ normalizeKey: function(key){ // can't feature detect this return Ext.isWebKit ? (this.safariKeys[key] || key) : key; }, /** * Gets the x coordinate of the event. * @return {Number} * @deprecated 4.0 Replaced by {@link #getX} */ getPageX: function(){ return this.getX(); }, /** * Gets the y coordinate of the event. * @return {Number} * @deprecated 4.0 Replaced by {@link #getY} */ getPageY: function(){ return this.getY(); }, /** * Gets the x coordinate of the event. * @return {Number} */ getX: function() { return this.getXY()[0]; }, /** * Gets the y coordinate of the event. * @return {Number} */ getY: function() { return this.getXY()[1]; }, /** * Gets the page coordinates of the event. * @return {Array} The xy values like [x, y] */ getXY: function() { if (!this.xy) { // same for XY this.xy = Ext.EventManager.getPageXY(this.browserEvent); } return this.xy; }, /** * Gets the target for the event. * @param {String} selector (optional) A simple selector to filter the target or look for an ancestor of the target * @param {Number/Mixed} maxDepth (optional) The max depth to search as a number or element (defaults to 10 || document.body) * @param {Boolean} returnEl (optional) True to return a Ext.core.Element object instead of DOM node * @return {HTMLelement} */ getTarget : function(selector, maxDepth, returnEl){ if (selector) { return Ext.fly(this.target).findParent(selector, maxDepth, returnEl); } return returnEl ? Ext.get(this.target) : this.target; }, /** * Gets the related target. * @param {String} selector (optional) A simple selector to filter the target or look for an ancestor of the target * @param {Number/Mixed} maxDepth (optional) The max depth to search as a number or element (defaults to 10 || document.body) * @param {Boolean} returnEl (optional) True to return a Ext.core.Element object instead of DOM node * @return {HTMLElement} */ getRelatedTarget : function(selector, maxDepth, returnEl){ if (selector) { return Ext.fly(this.relatedTarget).findParent(selector, maxDepth, returnEl); } return returnEl ? Ext.get(this.relatedTarget) : this.relatedTarget; }, /** * Correctly scales a given wheel delta. * @param {Number} delta The delta value. */ correctWheelDelta : function (delta) { var scale = this.WHEEL_SCALE, ret = Math.round(delta / scale + 0.5); if (!ret && delta) { ret = (delta < 0) ? -1 : 1; // don't allow non-zero deltas to go to zero! } return ret; }, /** * Returns the mouse wheel deltas for this event. * @return {Object} An object with "x" and "y" properties holding the mouse wheel deltas. */ getWheelDeltas : function () { var me = this, event = me.browserEvent, dx = 0, dy = 0; // the deltas if (Ext.isDefined(event.wheelDeltaX)) { // WebKit has both dimensions dx = event.wheelDeltaX; dy = event.wheelDeltaY; } else if (event.wheelDelta) { // old WebKit and IE dy = event.wheelDelta; } else if (event.detail) { // Gecko dy = -event.detail; // gecko is backwards // Gecko sometimes returns really big values if the user changes settings to // scroll a whole page per scroll if (dy > 100) { dy = 3; } else if (dy < -100) { dy = -3; } // Firefox 3.1 adds an axis field to the event to indicate direction of // scroll. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Gecko-Specific_DOM_Events if (Ext.isDefined(event.axis) && event.axis === event.HORIZONTAL_AXIS) { dx = dy; dy = 0; } } return { x: me.correctWheelDelta(dx), y: me.correctWheelDelta(dy) }; }, /** * Normalizes mouse wheel y-delta across browsers. To get x-delta information, use * {@link #getWheelDeltas} instead. * @return {Number} The mouse wheel y-delta */ getWheelDelta : function(){ var deltas = this.getWheelDeltas(); return deltas.y; }, /** * Returns true if the target of this event is a child of el. Unless the allowEl parameter is set, it will return false if if the target is el. * Example usage:<pre><code> // Handle click on any child of an element Ext.getBody().on('click', function(e){ if(e.within('some-el')){ alert('Clicked on a child of some-el!'); } }); // Handle click directly on an element, ignoring clicks on child nodes Ext.getBody().on('click', function(e,t){ if((t.id == 'some-el') && !e.within(t, true)){ alert('Clicked directly on some-el!'); } }); </code></pre> * @param {Mixed} el The id, DOM element or Ext.core.Element to check * @param {Boolean} related (optional) true to test if the related target is within el instead of the target * @param {Boolean} allowEl {optional} true to also check if the passed element is the target or related target * @return {Boolean} */ within : function(el, related, allowEl){ if(el){ var t = related ? this.getRelatedTarget() : this.getTarget(), result; if (t) { result = Ext.fly(el).contains(t); if (!result && allowEl) { result = t == Ext.getDom(el); } return result; } } return false; }, /** * Checks if the key pressed was a "navigation" key * @return {Boolean} True if the press is a navigation keypress */ isNavKeyPress : function(){ var me = this, k = this.normalizeKey(me.keyCode); return (k >= 33 && k <= 40) || // Page Up/Down, End, Home, Left, Up, Right, Down k == me.RETURN || k == me.TAB || k == me.ESC; }, /** * Checks if the key pressed was a "special" key * @return {Boolean} True if the press is a special keypress */ isSpecialKey : function(){ var k = this.normalizeKey(this.keyCode); return (this.type == 'keypress' && this.ctrlKey) || this.isNavKeyPress() || (k == this.BACKSPACE) || // Backspace (k >= 16 && k <= 20) || // Shift, Ctrl, Alt, Pause, Caps Lock (k >= 44 && k <= 46); // Print Screen, Insert, Delete }, /** * Returns a point object that consists of the object coordinates. * @return {Ext.util.Point} point */ getPoint : function(){ var xy = this.getXY(); return Ext.create('Ext.util.Point', xy[0], xy[1]); }, /** * Returns true if the control, meta, shift or alt key was pressed during this event. * @return {Boolean} */ hasModifier : function(){ return this.ctrlKey || this.altKey || this.shiftKey || this.metaKey; }, /** * Injects a DOM event using the data in this object and (optionally) a new target. * This is a low-level technique and not likely to be used by application code. The * currently supported event types are: * <p><b>HTMLEvents</b></p> * <ul> * <li>load</li> * <li>unload</li> * <li>select</li> * <li>change</li> * <li>submit</li> * <li>reset</li> * <li>resize</li> * <li>scroll</li> * </ul> * <p><b>MouseEvents</b></p> * <ul> * <li>click</li> * <li>dblclick</li> * <li>mousedown</li> * <li>mouseup</li> * <li>mouseover</li> * <li>mousemove</li> * <li>mouseout</li> * </ul> * <p><b>UIEvents</b></p> * <ul> * <li>focusin</li> * <li>focusout</li> * <li>activate</li> * <li>focus</li> * <li>blur</li> * </ul> * @param {Element/HTMLElement} target If specified, the target for the event. This * is likely to be used when relaying a DOM event. If not specified, {@link #getTarget} * is used to determine the target. */ injectEvent: function () { var API, dispatchers = {}; // keyed by event type (e.g., 'mousedown') // Good reference: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/docs/UserAction.js.html // IE9 has createEvent, but this code causes major problems with htmleditor (it // blocks all mouse events and maybe more). TODO if (!Ext.isIE && document.createEvent) { // if (DOM compliant) API = { createHtmlEvent: function (doc, type, bubbles, cancelable) { var event = doc.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); event.initEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable); return event; }, createMouseEvent: function (doc, type, bubbles, cancelable, detail, clientX, clientY, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey, button, relatedTarget) { var event = doc.createEvent('MouseEvents'), view = doc.defaultView || window; if (event.initMouseEvent) { event.initMouseEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, view, detail, clientX, clientY, clientX, clientY, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey, button, relatedTarget); } else { // old Safari event = doc.createEvent('UIEvents'); event.initEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable); event.view = view; event.detail = detail; event.screenX = clientX; event.screenY = clientY; event.clientX = clientX; event.clientY = clientY; event.ctrlKey = ctrlKey; event.altKey = altKey; event.metaKey = metaKey; event.shiftKey = shiftKey; event.button = button; event.relatedTarget = relatedTarget; } return event; }, createUIEvent: function (doc, type, bubbles, cancelable, detail) { var event = doc.createEvent('UIEvents'), view = doc.defaultView || window; event.initUIEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, view, detail); return event; }, fireEvent: function (target, type, event) { target.dispatchEvent(event); }, fixTarget: function (target) { // Safari3 doesn't have window.dispatchEvent() if (target == window && !target.dispatchEvent) { return document; } return target; } }; } else if (document.createEventObject) { // else if (IE) var crazyIEButtons = { 0: 1, 1: 4, 2: 2 }; API = { createHtmlEvent: function (doc, type, bubbles, cancelable) { var event = doc.createEventObject(); event.bubbles = bubbles; event.cancelable = cancelable; return event; }, createMouseEvent: function (doc, type, bubbles, cancelable, detail, clientX, clientY, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey, button, relatedTarget) { var event = doc.createEventObject(); event.bubbles = bubbles; event.cancelable = cancelable; event.detail = detail; event.screenX = clientX; event.screenY = clientY; event.clientX = clientX; event.clientY = clientY; event.ctrlKey = ctrlKey; event.altKey = altKey; event.shiftKey = shiftKey; event.metaKey = metaKey; event.button = crazyIEButtons[button] || button; event.relatedTarget = relatedTarget; // cannot assign to/fromElement return event; }, createUIEvent: function (doc, type, bubbles, cancelable, detail) { var event = doc.createEventObject(); event.bubbles = bubbles; event.cancelable = cancelable; return event; }, fireEvent: function (target, type, event) { target.fireEvent('on' + type, event); }, fixTarget: function (target) { if (target == document) { // IE6,IE7 thinks window==document and doesn't have window.fireEvent() // IE6,IE7 cannot properly call document.fireEvent() return document.documentElement; } return target; } }; } //---------------- // HTMLEvents Ext.Object.each({ load: [false, false], unload: [false, false], select: [true, false], change: [true, false], submit: [true, true], reset: [true, false], resize: [true, false], scroll: [true, false] }, function (name, value) { var bubbles = value[0], cancelable = value[1]; dispatchers[name] = function (targetEl, srcEvent) { var e = API.createHtmlEvent(name, bubbles, cancelable); API.fireEvent(targetEl, name, e); }; }); //---------------- // MouseEvents function createMouseEventDispatcher (type, detail) { var cancelable = (type != 'mousemove'); return function (targetEl, srcEvent) { var xy = srcEvent.getXY(), e = API.createMouseEvent(targetEl.ownerDocument, type, true, cancelable, detail, xy[0], xy[1], srcEvent.ctrlKey, srcEvent.altKey, srcEvent.shiftKey, srcEvent.metaKey, srcEvent.button, srcEvent.relatedTarget); API.fireEvent(targetEl, type, e); }; } Ext.each(['click', 'dblclick', 'mousedown', 'mouseup', 'mouseover', 'mousemove', 'mouseout'], function (eventName) { dispatchers[eventName] = createMouseEventDispatcher(eventName, 1); }); //---------------- // UIEvents Ext.Object.each({ focusin: [true, false], focusout: [true, false], activate: [true, true], focus: [false, false], blur: [false, false] }, function (name, value) { var bubbles = value[0], cancelable = value[1]; dispatchers[name] = function (targetEl, srcEvent) { var e = API.createUIEvent(targetEl.ownerDocument, name, bubbles, cancelable, 1); API.fireEvent(targetEl, name, e); }; }); //--------- if (!API) { // not even sure what ancient browsers fall into this category... dispatchers = {}; // never mind all those we just built :P API = { fixTarget: function (t) { return t; } }; } function cannotInject (target, srcEvent) { //<debug> // TODO log something //</debug> } return function (target) { var me = this, dispatcher = dispatchers[me.type] || cannotInject, t = target ? (target.dom || target) : me.getTarget(); t = API.fixTarget(t); dispatcher(t, me); }; }() // call to produce method }, function() { Ext.EventObject = new Ext.EventObjectImpl(); });
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在“ExtJS4.0-WEB开发项目源代码”这个资源中,你将有机会接触到基于ExtJS 4.0版本的项目实例,这对于学习和理解ExtJS的应用开发是非常有价值的。 首先,让我们深入了解ExtJS 4.0的关键特性: 1. **组件化**:...
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此外,ExtJS 4.0的可扩展性和模块化设计也使得它在大型项目中表现出色,能够轻松地管理和维护代码。 总的来说,这些文档是学习和掌握ExtJS 4.0不可或缺的资源,无论你是初学者还是经验丰富的开发者,都能从中...
extjs4.0手册翻译 0-0-入门.doc 0-1-Ext 4概述.doc 1-1-类系统.doc 1-2-MVC应用架构.doc 1-3-布局和容器.doc 1-4-组件.doc 1-6-拖放.doc 1-7-本地化.doc 1-8-键盘导航.doc 2-1-表格.doc 2-2-树.doc 2-3-数据.doc 2-4...
在实际的编程中,EXTJS 的属性设置,比较差劲,需要通过了解其源代码,才能了解各种实用属性的用处。 命名空间是能够将编写好的 EXTJS 类进行有效组织的手段。这也是 EXTJS 能够称之为优秀 AJAX 框架的特征之一。 ...
4. **后台管理系统**:这类系统通常包括用户管理、权限控制、数据报表、工作流等模块,用于企业内部的日常运营和管理。本项目应包含这些基本功能,且具备良好的可扩展性,以适应不同企业的业务需求。 5. **可二次...
可二次开发Extjs4.0通用后台管理系统源码完整大型项目。数据库在项目里面的一个sql文件里面 1、采用Spring MVC的静态加载缓存功能,在首页将Javascript文件、CSS文件和图片等静态资源文件加载进来放进内存,极大提高...
总结一下,`Extjs4.0代码补全jsb文件`是提高基于ExtJS 4.0.0开发效率的关键工具,它为IDE提供了必要的元数据,实现了代码补全和自动提示功能,帮助开发者更好地理解和使用ExtJS库,减少错误,提高开发速度。...
- **新特性概览**:介绍了Extjs4.0相对于前几个版本的主要改进之处,如新的UI组件、增强的性能、更好的响应式设计支持等。 - **演示与实践**:通过多个实例展示了这些新特性的具体用法,帮助开发者快速上手并利用...