#!/usr/bin/perl -w
package Common;
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK);
use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(
isScmDebug enableScmDebug debug info warn error fatal
isDefinedInEnv environ setenv ipaddress
isEmpty isBlank isNotBlank isTrue isFalse firstLetter lastLetter
trim ltrim rtrim lstrip rstrip
formatTime compareDate countTime
containsInArray saveArrayToFile
fexists rm rename cp filesize modifiedTime readToArrayWithIndex readToArrayWithPattern containsInFile readLineInFile replaceLineInFile commentLineInFile writeTo
try catch registerBeforeProcess registerAfterProcess registerErrorHandler invoke
## Below includes scm debug/log related functions
sub isScmDebug
return &isDefinedInEnv("BMC_DEBUG");
sub enableScmDebug
&setenv("BMC_DEBUG", 1);
sub debug
my (@messages) = @_;
foreach (@messages){
print("BMC Debug: $_\n");
sub info
my (@messages) = @_;
foreach (@messages){
print("BMC Info: $_\n");
sub warn
my (@messages) = @_;
foreach (@messages){
print("BMC Warn: $_\n");
sub error
my (@messages) = @_;
foreach (@messages){
print("BMC Error: $_\n");
sub fatal
my (@messages) = @_;
foreach (@messages){
print("BMC Fatal Error: $_\n");
die("Script exit due to above BMC FATAL ERRORs, please contact your SCM admin!");
## Below includes string related functions
sub isDefinedInEnv
my $envvar = shift;
if(defined($ENV{$envvar}) && int($ENV{$envvar}) > 0){
return 1;
return 0;
#this function can check environment vars given a list of names, it will return the first matched value in environment
sub environ
my @envvars = @_;
foreach (@envvars){
return $ENV{$_};
return "";
sub setenv
my ($envvar, $envval) = @_;
$ENV{$envvar} = $envval;
sub ipaddress
my ($hostname) = shift;
my ($name,$aliases,$addrtype,$length,@addrs) = gethostbyname($hostname);
debug("name: $name");
my ($a , $b , $c , $d) = unpack('C4', $addrs[0]);
return "$a.$b.$c.$d";
## Below includes string related functions
sub isEmpty
my $string = shift @_;
if(!defined($string) || length($string) == 0){
return 1;
return 0;
sub isBlank
my $string = shift;
return &isEmpty(&trim($string));
sub isNotBlank
my $string = shift;
return !&isEmpty(&trim($string));
sub isTrue
my $str = shift;
if(&isEmpty($str)){ return 0; }
if(uc($str) eq "TRUE" || uc($str) eq "YES" || lc($str) eq "y"){ return 1;}
return 0;
sub isFalse
my $str = shift;
if(&isEmpty($str)){ return 1; }
if(uc($str) eq "FALSE" || uc($str) eq "NO" || lc($str) eq "n"){ return 1;}
return 0;
sub firstLetter
my $str = shift;
return substr($str, 0, 1);
sub lastLetter
my $str = shift;
return substr($str, -1);
# Perl trim function to remove whitespace from the start and end of the string
sub trim
my $string = shift @_;
$string =~ s/^\s+//;
$string =~ s/\s+$//;
return $string;
# Left trim function to remove leading whitespace
sub ltrim
my $string = shift @_;
$string =~ s/^\s+//;
return $string;
# Right trim function to remove trailing whitespace
sub rtrim
my $string = shift @_;
$string =~ s/\s+$//;
return $string;
sub lstrip
my ($string,$length, $appender) = @_;
$appender = $appender || ' ';
local $len = length($string);
if($len ge $length){ return $string; }
local $minis = $length - $len;
return $appender x $minis.$string;
sub rstrip
my ($string,$length, $appender) = @_;
$appender = $appender || ' ';
local $len = length($string);
if($len ge $length){ return $string; }
local $minis = $length - $len;
return $string.$appender x $minis;
## Below includes date related functions
sub formatTime
local ($format,@time) = @_;
if(&isEmpty($format)){ $format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"; }
return strftime($format, @time);
sub compareDate
my ($date1, $date2) = @_;
my ($m1,$d1,$y1) = split(/[-\/]/,$date1,3);
my ($m2,$d2,$y2) = split(/[-\/]/,$date2,3);
debug("date1: $m1,$d1,$y1");
debug("date2: $m2,$d2,$y2");
if($y1 > $y2){ return 1; }
elsif($y1 < $y2){ return -1;}
if($m1>$m2){ return 1; }
elsif($m1<$m2){ return -1;}
else{ #$m1=$m2
if($d1>$d2){ return 1; }
elsif($d1<$d2){ return -1;}
else{return 0;}
sub countTime
my ($start_time,$end_time) = @_;
my $spent_time = ($end_time-$start_time);
debug("spent time: $spent_time");
my $spent_sec = $spent_time%60;
my $spent_mm = $spent_time/60;
my $spent_hr = $spent_mm >= 60 ? int($spent_mm/60) : 0;
$spent_mm = $spent_mm >= 60 ? $spent_mm%60 : int($spent_mm);
return ($spent_hr,$spent_mm,$spent_sec);
## Below includes array related functions
#this function used for string comparation
sub containsInArray
my ($elem, @array) = @_;
if(grep(/$elem/, @array)){ return 1;}
foreach (@array){
if($_ =~ /$elem/i){ return 1; }
if(index(ucfirst($elem), ucfirst($_)) >= 0){ return 1; }
return 0;
sub saveArrayToFile
my ($file, @array) = @_;
open(FILE, ">$file") || die("Cannot open file: $file");
foreach $item (@array){
print FILE "$item\n";
## Below includes file related functions
sub fexists
my $file = shift;
if(-e "$file"){ return 1; }
return 0;
sub cp
my ($filename, $copyname) = @_;
system("cp $filename $copyname");
sub rm
my @files = @_;
foreach (@files){
if(-e $_){
system("rm -rf $_");
debug("removed file $_");
sub rename
my ($filename, $newname) = @_;
system("mv $filename $newname");
sub filesize
my $filename = shift;
my @stats = stat($filename);
return $stats[7];
return 0;
sub modifiedTime
my $filename = shift;
my @stats = stat($filename);
return $stats[9];
return "";
sub readToArrayWithIndex
my ($file,$start_index,$end_index) = @_;
if(!$start_index){ $start_index=0;}
my @result = ();
if(open(FILE, "<$file")){
@result = <FILE>;
local $len = @result;
$end_index = $len+$end_index;
return @result[$start_index..$end_index];
sub readToArrayWithPattern
my ($src,$start_pattern,$end_pattern,$includes_end_pattern) = @_;
my @res = ();
open(SRC, "<$src") || die("Cannot open source file: $src");
my $allow_copy = 0,$at_end_pattern_pos=0;
if(!$start_pattern){ $allow_copy = 1; }
while($line = <SRC>){
if($start_pattern && $line =~ /$start_pattern/){
$allow_copy = 1;
if($end_pattern && $line =~ /$end_pattern/){
$allow_copy = 0;
if($includes_end_pattern){$at_end_pattern_pos = 1;}
push(@res, $line) if($allow_copy || $at_end_pattern_pos);
if($at_end_pattern_pos){ $at_end_pattern_pos = 0;}
return @res;
sub containsInFile
my ($file, $pattern) = @_;
my $result = 0;
open(FILE, "<$file") || die("Cannot open file: $file");
while($line = <FILE>){
if($line =~ /$pattern/){
&debug("matched line: $line");
$result = 1;
return $result;
sub readLineInFile
my ($file, $pattern) = @_;
my $result = '';
open(FILE, "<$file") || die("Cannot open file: $file");
while($line = <FILE>){
if($line =~ /$pattern/){
&debug("matched line: $line");
$result = $line;
return $result;
sub replaceLineInFile
my ($file, $pattern, $replacement) = @_;
my $tmp = "$file".".tmp";
open(FILE, "<$file") || die("Cannot open file: $file");
open(TMP, ">$tmp") || die("Cannot open file: $tmp");
while($line = <FILE>){
&debug("before: $line");
$line =~ s/$pattern/$replacement/g;
&debug("after: $line");
&debug("replaced $pattern with $replacement.");
print TMP $line;
system("mv $tmp $file");
sub commentLineInFile
my ($file, $pattern) = @_;
my $tmp = "$file".".tmp";
open(FILE, "<$file") || die("Cannot open file: $file");
open(TMP, ">$tmp") || die("Cannot open file: $tmp");
while($line = <FILE>){
&debug("comment line: $line.");
$line = "# $line";
print TMP $line;
system("mv $tmp $file");
sub writeTo
my ($file, @lines) = @_;
open(FILE, ">$file") || die("Cannot open file $file for write.");
foreach (@lines){
print FILE $_;
## Below includes callback related functions for advanced users
sub try (&$) {
my($try,$catch) = @_;
eval { &$try };
if ($@) {
local $_ = $@;
sub catch (&) { shift }
sub registerBeforeProcess
my ($obj, $beforeProcess) = @_;
$obj->{'before_process'} = $beforeProcess;
sub registerAfterProcess
my ($obj, $afterProcess) = @_;
$obj->{'after_process'} = $afterProcess;
sub registerErrorHandler
my ($obj, $errorHandler) = @_;
$obj->{'error_handler'} = $errorHandler;
sub invoke
my ($process, @params) = @_;
&error("error when invoke $process with parameters[@params]");
&fatal("We cannot handle this error.");
1. **print**:这是最常用的函数之一,用于将数据输出到标准输出或指定的文件句柄。 2. **length**:返回字符串或数组的长度。 3. **join** 和 **split**:这两个函数分别用于连接数组元素成字符串和将字符串分割...
### Perl 函数集详解 #### 一、进程处理函数 ##### 1. 进程启动函数 在Perl中,有几种方法可以启动新的进程。这些函数不仅能够启动新进程,还可以控制它们的行为。 - **`eval`** - **函数名**: `eval` - **...
Perl 常用命令_函数集 Perl 是一种功能强大且灵活的编程语言,提供了许多实用的命令和函数来帮助开发者进行开发。下面将对 Perl 常用命令_函数集进行详细的解释和总结。 一、进程处理函数 进程处理函数是 Perl 中...
部分常用函数包括: - `split`: 将字符串分割成数组。 - `join`: 将数组元素连接成字符串。 - `chomp`: 删除字符串末尾的换行符。 - `uc`, `lc`: 转换字符串为大写或小写。 - `push`, `pop`: 在数组末尾添加或删除...
8. **Perl函数库**:手册中会有详细的函数参考,包括内置函数和一些常用模块的函数,方便查阅和使用。 9. **调试技巧**:学习如何使用perl -d启动调试器,以及如何设置断点、单步执行、查看变量状态等调试方法。 ...
### Perl 常见问题集知识点汇总 #### 一、Perl简介与支持 - **Perl是什么?** - Perl是一种高级、通用且解释型的编程语言。它支持面向过程编程和面向对象编程,并且拥有丰富的文本处理功能。Perl最初是为了简化...
Perl社区维护了一份详细的《perl FAQ》(常问问题集),涵盖了从语言基础到高级特性的各种问题,是学习和解决问题的重要资源。常见问题包括变量作用域、引用、模块使用、文件处理、正则表达式等。通过深入阅读和实践...
ActivePerl包含了Perl运行时环境和许多常用的CPAN(Comprehensive Perl Archive Network)模块,使得开发者可以无需手动编译就能使用各种Perl库。这个版本号表明它是5.6.x系列的一个较旧版本,可能不包含后来的一些...
- `perlfunc`:列出Perl内置函数及其用法。 - `perlquick`、`perlretut`:提供Perl正则表达式教程。 #### 三、Perl程序结构 一个典型的Perl脚本包含以下部分: - **第一行(Shebang行)**:指定Perl解释器的...
通过《Programming Perl》第三版,读者不仅可以掌握Perl的基本语法和常用库,还能了解到更高级的编程技巧和最佳实践。这本书是Perl程序员的必备参考,无论是初学者还是经验丰富的开发者,都能从中受益匪浅。
Perl支持多种数据库接口,最常用的是DBI(Database Interface)。DBI提供了一个标准的API,使得程序员可以方便地与各种数据库系统(如MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle等)交互。使用DBI,首先需要加载适当的数据库驱动...
- **8.2 比对的字符集合**:使用字符集进行模式匹配。 - **8.3 正则表达式的特别字符**:特殊字符及其用途。 - **8.4 一些修饰字符**:如`.`、`*`等。 - **8.5 取得比对的结果**:如何获取匹配后的信息。 - **8.6 ...
介绍了Perl自带的标准库模块集,涵盖文件操作、网络编程等多个方面。 - **第31章:实用模块** 提供了一些实用性强、经常被使用的第三方Perl模块信息。 - **第32章:标准模块** 列举了更多官方支持的标准Perl...