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- 网路搜集:java整型数与网络字节序的 byte[] 数组转换关系 (1)
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public class ByteConvert {
// 以下 是整型数 和 网络字节序的 byte[] 数组之间的转换
public static byte[] longToBytes(long n) {
byte[] b = new byte[8];
b[7] = (byte) (n & 0xff);
b[6] = (byte) (n >> 8 & 0xff);
b[5] = (byte) (n >> 16 & 0xff);
b[4] = (byte) (n >> 24 & 0xff);
b[3] = (byte) (n >> 32 & 0xff);
b[2] = (byte) (n >> 40 & 0xff);
b[1] = (byte) (n >> 48 & 0xff);
b[0] = (byte) (n >> 56 & 0xff);
return b;
public static void longToBytes( long n, byte[] array, int offset ){
array[7+offset] = (byte) (n & 0xff);
array[6+offset] = (byte) (n >> 8 & 0xff);
array[5+offset] = (byte) (n >> 16 & 0xff);
array[4+offset] = (byte) (n >> 24 & 0xff);
array[3+offset] = (byte) (n >> 32 & 0xff);
array[2+offset] = (byte) (n >> 40 & 0xff);
array[1+offset] = (byte) (n >> 48 & 0xff);
array[0+offset] = (byte) (n >> 56 & 0xff);
public static long bytesToLong( byte[] array )
return ((((long) array[ 0] & 0xff) << 56)
| (((long) array[ 1] & 0xff) << 48)
| (((long) array[ 2] & 0xff) << 40)
| (((long) array[ 3] & 0xff) << 32)
| (((long) array[ 4] & 0xff) << 24)
| (((long) array[ 5] & 0xff) << 16)
| (((long) array[ 6] & 0xff) << 8 )
| (((long) array[ 7] & 0xff) << 0));
public static long bytesToLong( byte[] array, int offset )
return ((((long) array[offset + 0] & 0xff) << 56)
| (((long) array[offset + 1] & 0xff) << 48)
| (((long) array[offset + 2] & 0xff) << 40)
| (((long) array[offset + 3] & 0xff) << 32)
| (((long) array[offset + 4] & 0xff) << 24)
| (((long) array[offset + 5] & 0xff) << 16)
| (((long) array[offset + 6] & 0xff) << 8 )
| (((long) array[offset + 7] & 0xff) << 0));
public static byte[] intToBytes(int n) {
byte[] b = new byte[4];
b[3] = (byte) (n & 0xff);
b[2] = (byte) (n >> 8 & 0xff);
b[1] = (byte) (n >> 16 & 0xff);
b[0] = (byte) (n >> 24 & 0xff);
return b;
public static void intToBytes( int n, byte[] array, int offset ){
array[3+offset] = (byte) (n & 0xff);
array[2+offset] = (byte) (n >> 8 & 0xff);
array[1+offset] = (byte) (n >> 16 & 0xff);
array[offset] = (byte) (n >> 24 & 0xff);
public static int bytesToInt(byte b[]) {
return b[3] & 0xff
| (b[2] & 0xff) << 8
| (b[1] & 0xff) << 16
| (b[0] & 0xff) << 24;
public static int bytesToInt(byte b[], int offset) {
return b[offset+3] & 0xff
| (b[offset+2] & 0xff) << 8
| (b[offset+1] & 0xff) << 16
| (b[offset] & 0xff) << 24;
public static byte[] uintToBytes( long n )
byte[] b = new byte[4];
b[3] = (byte) (n & 0xff);
b[2] = (byte) (n >> 8 & 0xff);
b[1] = (byte) (n >> 16 & 0xff);
b[0] = (byte) (n >> 24 & 0xff);
return b;
public static void uintToBytes( long n, byte[] array, int offset ){
array[3+offset] = (byte) (n );
array[2+offset] = (byte) (n >> 8 & 0xff);
array[1+offset] = (byte) (n >> 16 & 0xff);
array[offset] = (byte) (n >> 24 & 0xff);
public static long bytesToUint(byte[] array) {
return ((long) (array[3] & 0xff))
| ((long) (array[2] & 0xff)) << 8
| ((long) (array[1] & 0xff)) << 16
| ((long) (array[0] & 0xff)) << 24;
public static long bytesToUint(byte[] array, int offset) {
return ((long) (array[offset+3] & 0xff))
| ((long) (array[offset+2] & 0xff)) << 8
| ((long) (array[offset+1] & 0xff)) << 16
| ((long) (array[offset] & 0xff)) << 24;
public static byte[] shortToBytes(short n) {
byte[] b = new byte[2];
b[1] = (byte) ( n & 0xff);
b[0] = (byte) ((n >> 8 ) & 0xff);
return b;
public static void shortToBytes(short n, byte[] array, int offset ) {
array[offset+1] = (byte) ( n & 0xff);
array[offset] = (byte) ((n >> 8 ) & 0xff);
public static short bytesToShort(byte[] b){
return (short)( b[1] & 0xff
|(b[0] & 0xff) << 8 );
public static short bytesToShort(byte[] b, int offset){
return (short)( b[offset+1] & 0xff
|(b[offset] & 0xff) << 8 );
public static byte[] ushortToBytes(int n) {
byte[] b = new byte[2];
b[1] = (byte) ( n & 0xff);
b[0] = (byte) ((n >> 8 ) & 0xff);
return b;
public static void ushortToBytes(int n, byte[] array, int offset ) {
array[offset+1] = (byte) ( n & 0xff);
array[offset] = (byte) ((n >> 8 ) & 0xff);
public static int bytesToUshort(byte b[]) {
return b[1] & 0xff
| (b[0] & 0xff) << 8;
public static int bytesToUshort(byte b[], int offset) {
return b[offset+1] & 0xff
| (b[offset] & 0xff) << 8;
public static byte[] ubyteToBytes( int n ){
byte[] b = new byte[1];
b[0] = (byte) (n & 0xff);
return b;
public static void ubyteToBytes( int n, byte[] array, int offset ){
array[0] = (byte) (n & 0xff);
public static int bytesToUbyte( byte[] array ){
return array[0] & 0xff;
public static int bytesToUbyte( byte[] array, int offset ){
return array[offset] & 0xff;
// char 类型、 float、double 类型和 byte[] 数组之间的转换关系还需继续研究实现。
public class ByteConvertTest {
public static String byte2Hex(byte[] buf)
StringBuffer strbuf = new StringBuffer();
for (byte b : buf)
if (b == 0)
else if (b == -1)
String str = Integer.toHexString(b).toUpperCase();
// sb.append(a);
if (str.length() == 8 )
str = str.substring(6, 8 );
else if (str.length() < 2)
str = "0" + str;
strbuf.append(" ");
return strbuf.toString();
public static byte[] longToBytes(long n) {
byte[] b = new byte[8];
b[7] = (byte) (n & 0xff);
b[6] = (byte) (n >> 8 & 0xff);
b[5] = (byte) (n >> 16 & 0xff);
b[4] = (byte) (n >> 24 & 0xff);
b[3] = (byte) (n >> 32 & 0xff);
b[2] = (byte) (n >> 40 & 0xff);
b[1] = (byte) (n >> 48 & 0xff);
b[0] = (byte) (n >> 56 & 0xff);
return b;
public static long bytesToLong( byte[] array )
return ((((long) array[ 0] & 0xff) << 56)
| (((long) array[ 1] & 0xff) << 48)
| (((long) array[ 2] & 0xff) << 40)
| (((long) array[ 3] & 0xff) << 32)
| (((long) array[ 4] & 0xff) << 24)
| (((long) array[ 5] & 0xff) << 16)
| (((long) array[ 6] & 0xff) << 8 )
| (((long) array[ 7] & 0xff) ));
public static int bytesToInt(byte b[]) {
return b[3] & 0xff
| (b[2] & 0xff) << 8
| (b[1] & 0xff) << 16
| (b[0] & 0xff) << 24;
public static long bytesToUint(byte[] array) {
return ((long) (array[3] & 0xff))
| ((long) (array[2] & 0xff)) << 8
| ((long) (array[1] & 0xff)) << 16
| ((long) (array[0] & 0xff)) << 24;
public static byte[] uintToBytes( long n )
byte[] b = new byte[4];
b[3] = (byte) (n & 0xff);
b[2] = (byte) (n >> 8 & 0xff);
b[1] = (byte) (n >> 16 & 0xff);
b[0] = (byte) (n >> 24 & 0xff);
return b;
public static byte[] shortToBytes(short n) {
byte[] b = new byte[2];
b[1] = (byte) ( n & 0xff);
b[0] = (byte) ((n >> 8 ) & 0xff);
return b;
public static short bytesToShort(byte[] b){
return (short)( b[1] & 0xff
|(b[0] & 0xff) << 8 );
static void testShortConvert(){
System.out.println("=================== short convert =============");
System.out.print("println 0x11f2:");
System.out.print("println 0xf1f2:");
System.out.print("println bytesToShort(shortToBytes((short)0x11f2)):");
System.out.print("println bytesToShort(shortToBytes((short)0xf1f2)):");
public static byte[] ushortToBytes(int n) {
byte[] b = new byte[2];
b[1] = (byte) (n & 0xff);
b[0] = (byte) (n >> 8 & 0xff);
return b;
public static int bytesToUshort(byte b[]) {
return b[1] & 0xff
| (b[0] & 0xff) << 8;
static void testUshortConvert(){
System.out.println("=================== Ushort convert =============");
System.out.print("println 0x11f2:");
System.out.print("println 0xf1f2:");
System.out.print("println bytesToUshort(ushortToBytes(0x11f2)):");
System.out.print("println bytesToUshort(ushortToBytes(0xf1f2)):");
public static byte[] ubyteToBytes( int n ){
byte[] b = new byte[1];
b[0] = (byte) (n & 0xff);
return b;
public static int bytesToUbyte( byte[] array ){
return array[0] & 0xff;
static void testUbyteConvert(){
System.out.println("=================== Ubyte convert =============");
System.out.print("println 0x1112:");
System.out.print("println 0xf2:");
System.out.print("println bytesToUbyte(ubyteToBytes(0x1112)):");
System.out.print("println bytesToUbyte(ubyteToBytes(0xf1f2)):");
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
byte[] array = new byte[4];
array[3] = (byte) 0xF4;
array[2] = 0x13;
array[1] = 0x12;
array[0] = 0x11;
System.out.println("=================== Integer bytes =============");
System.out.println("the bytes is:"+byte2Hex(array) );
System.out.print("println bytesToInt :");
System.out.println( bytesToInt(array));
System.out.printf("printf bytesToInt :%X\n", bytesToInt(array));
System.out.println("=================== long bytes =============");
byte[] longBytes = new byte[8];
longBytes[7] = (byte) 0xf7;
longBytes[6] = (byte) 0x16;
longBytes[5] = (byte) 0xf5;
longBytes[4] = (byte) 0x14;
longBytes[3] = (byte) 0xf3;
longBytes[2] = (byte) 0x12;
longBytes[1] = (byte) 0xf1;
longBytes[0] = (byte) 0x10;
System.out.println( "the bytes is:"+byte2Hex(longBytes) );
System.out.printf("printf bytesToLong:%X\n",bytesToLong(longBytes));
System.out.println("=================byte to long ================");
byte b = (byte)0xf1;
System.out.print("Println the byte:");
System.out.printf("Printf the byte:%X\n",b);
long l = b;
System.out.print("Println byte to long:");
System.out.printf("printf byte to long:%X\n",l);
System.out.println("================= uint Bytes ================");
byte[] uint = new byte[4];
uint[3] = (byte) 0xf3;
uint[2] = (byte) 0x12;
uint[1] = (byte) 0xf1;
uint[0] = (byte) 0xFF;
System.out.println( "the bytes is:"+byte2Hex(uint) );
System.out.printf("printf bytesToUint:%X\n",bytesToUint(uint));
System.out.print("Println bytesToUint:");
System.out.println("===============Long Integer==============");
System.out.print("println 0x11f2f3f4f5f6f7f8l:");
System.out.printf("Printf 0x11f2f3f4f5f6f7f8l:%X\n",0x11f2f3f4f5f6f7f8l);
System.out.println("println byte2Hex(longToBytes(0x11f2f3f4f5f6f7f8l))"+byte2Hex(longToBytes(0x11f2f3f4f5f6f7f8l)));
// 注意,下面的这行,并不能获得正确的uint。
System.out.printf("printf bytesToUint(longToBytes(0x11f2f3f4f5f6f7f8l):%X\n",bytesToUint(longToBytes(0x11f2f3f4f5f6f7f8l)));
public class ByteConvert {
// 以下 是整型数 和 网络字节序的 byte[] 数组之间的转换
public static byte[] longToBytes(long n) {
byte[] b = new byte[8];
b[7] = (byte) (n & 0xff);
b[6] = (byte) (n >> 8 & 0xff);
b[5] = (byte) (n >> 16 & 0xff);
b[4] = (byte) (n >> 24 & 0xff);
b[3] = (byte) (n >> 32 & 0xff);
b[2] = (byte) (n >> 40 & 0xff);
b[1] = (byte) (n >> 48 & 0xff);
b[0] = (byte) (n >> 56 & 0xff);
return b;
public static void longToBytes( long n, byte[] array, int offset ){
array[7+offset] = (byte) (n & 0xff);
array[6+offset] = (byte) (n >> 8 & 0xff);
array[5+offset] = (byte) (n >> 16 & 0xff);
array[4+offset] = (byte) (n >> 24 & 0xff);
array[3+offset] = (byte) (n >> 32 & 0xff);
array[2+offset] = (byte) (n >> 40 & 0xff);
array[1+offset] = (byte) (n >> 48 & 0xff);
array[0+offset] = (byte) (n >> 56 & 0xff);
public static long bytesToLong( byte[] array )
return ((((long) array[ 0] & 0xff) << 56)
| (((long) array[ 1] & 0xff) << 48)
| (((long) array[ 2] & 0xff) << 40)
| (((long) array[ 3] & 0xff) << 32)
| (((long) array[ 4] & 0xff) << 24)
| (((long) array[ 5] & 0xff) << 16)
| (((long) array[ 6] & 0xff) << 8 )
| (((long) array[ 7] & 0xff) << 0));
public static long bytesToLong( byte[] array, int offset )
return ((((long) array[offset + 0] & 0xff) << 56)
| (((long) array[offset + 1] & 0xff) << 48)
| (((long) array[offset + 2] & 0xff) << 40)
| (((long) array[offset + 3] & 0xff) << 32)
| (((long) array[offset + 4] & 0xff) << 24)
| (((long) array[offset + 5] & 0xff) << 16)
| (((long) array[offset + 6] & 0xff) << 8 )
| (((long) array[offset + 7] & 0xff) << 0));
public static byte[] intToBytes(int n) {
byte[] b = new byte[4];
b[3] = (byte) (n & 0xff);
b[2] = (byte) (n >> 8 & 0xff);
b[1] = (byte) (n >> 16 & 0xff);
b[0] = (byte) (n >> 24 & 0xff);
return b;
public static void intToBytes( int n, byte[] array, int offset ){
array[3+offset] = (byte) (n & 0xff);
array[2+offset] = (byte) (n >> 8 & 0xff);
array[1+offset] = (byte) (n >> 16 & 0xff);
array[offset] = (byte) (n >> 24 & 0xff);
public static int bytesToInt(byte b[]) {
return b[3] & 0xff
| (b[2] & 0xff) << 8
| (b[1] & 0xff) << 16
| (b[0] & 0xff) << 24;
public static int bytesToInt(byte b[], int offset) {
return b[offset+3] & 0xff
| (b[offset+2] & 0xff) << 8
| (b[offset+1] & 0xff) << 16
| (b[offset] & 0xff) << 24;
public static byte[] uintToBytes( long n )
byte[] b = new byte[4];
b[3] = (byte) (n & 0xff);
b[2] = (byte) (n >> 8 & 0xff);
b[1] = (byte) (n >> 16 & 0xff);
b[0] = (byte) (n >> 24 & 0xff);
return b;
public static void uintToBytes( long n, byte[] array, int offset ){
array[3+offset] = (byte) (n );
array[2+offset] = (byte) (n >> 8 & 0xff);
array[1+offset] = (byte) (n >> 16 & 0xff);
array[offset] = (byte) (n >> 24 & 0xff);
public static long bytesToUint(byte[] array) {
return ((long) (array[3] & 0xff))
| ((long) (array[2] & 0xff)) << 8
| ((long) (array[1] & 0xff)) << 16
| ((long) (array[0] & 0xff)) << 24;
public static long bytesToUint(byte[] array, int offset) {
return ((long) (array[offset+3] & 0xff))
| ((long) (array[offset+2] & 0xff)) << 8
| ((long) (array[offset+1] & 0xff)) << 16
| ((long) (array[offset] & 0xff)) << 24;
public static byte[] shortToBytes(short n) {
byte[] b = new byte[2];
b[1] = (byte) ( n & 0xff);
b[0] = (byte) ((n >> 8 ) & 0xff);
return b;
public static void shortToBytes(short n, byte[] array, int offset ) {
array[offset+1] = (byte) ( n & 0xff);
array[offset] = (byte) ((n >> 8 ) & 0xff);
public static short bytesToShort(byte[] b){
return (short)( b[1] & 0xff
|(b[0] & 0xff) << 8 );
public static short bytesToShort(byte[] b, int offset){
return (short)( b[offset+1] & 0xff
|(b[offset] & 0xff) << 8 );
public static byte[] ushortToBytes(int n) {
byte[] b = new byte[2];
b[1] = (byte) ( n & 0xff);
b[0] = (byte) ((n >> 8 ) & 0xff);
return b;
public static void ushortToBytes(int n, byte[] array, int offset ) {
array[offset+1] = (byte) ( n & 0xff);
array[offset] = (byte) ((n >> 8 ) & 0xff);
public static int bytesToUshort(byte b[]) {
return b[1] & 0xff
| (b[0] & 0xff) << 8;
public static int bytesToUshort(byte b[], int offset) {
return b[offset+1] & 0xff
| (b[offset] & 0xff) << 8;
public static byte[] ubyteToBytes( int n ){
byte[] b = new byte[1];
b[0] = (byte) (n & 0xff);
return b;
public static void ubyteToBytes( int n, byte[] array, int offset ){
array[0] = (byte) (n & 0xff);
public static int bytesToUbyte( byte[] array ){
return array[0] & 0xff;
public static int bytesToUbyte( byte[] array, int offset ){
return array[offset] & 0xff;
// char 类型、 float、double 类型和 byte[] 数组之间的转换关系还需继续研究实现。
public class ByteConvertTest {
public static String byte2Hex(byte[] buf)
StringBuffer strbuf = new StringBuffer();
for (byte b : buf)
if (b == 0)
else if (b == -1)
String str = Integer.toHexString(b).toUpperCase();
// sb.append(a);
if (str.length() == 8 )
str = str.substring(6, 8 );
else if (str.length() < 2)
str = "0" + str;
strbuf.append(" ");
return strbuf.toString();
public static byte[] longToBytes(long n) {
byte[] b = new byte[8];
b[7] = (byte) (n & 0xff);
b[6] = (byte) (n >> 8 & 0xff);
b[5] = (byte) (n >> 16 & 0xff);
b[4] = (byte) (n >> 24 & 0xff);
b[3] = (byte) (n >> 32 & 0xff);
b[2] = (byte) (n >> 40 & 0xff);
b[1] = (byte) (n >> 48 & 0xff);
b[0] = (byte) (n >> 56 & 0xff);
return b;
public static long bytesToLong( byte[] array )
return ((((long) array[ 0] & 0xff) << 56)
| (((long) array[ 1] & 0xff) << 48)
| (((long) array[ 2] & 0xff) << 40)
| (((long) array[ 3] & 0xff) << 32)
| (((long) array[ 4] & 0xff) << 24)
| (((long) array[ 5] & 0xff) << 16)
| (((long) array[ 6] & 0xff) << 8 )
| (((long) array[ 7] & 0xff) ));
public static int bytesToInt(byte b[]) {
return b[3] & 0xff
| (b[2] & 0xff) << 8
| (b[1] & 0xff) << 16
| (b[0] & 0xff) << 24;
public static long bytesToUint(byte[] array) {
return ((long) (array[3] & 0xff))
| ((long) (array[2] & 0xff)) << 8
| ((long) (array[1] & 0xff)) << 16
| ((long) (array[0] & 0xff)) << 24;
public static byte[] uintToBytes( long n )
byte[] b = new byte[4];
b[3] = (byte) (n & 0xff);
b[2] = (byte) (n >> 8 & 0xff);
b[1] = (byte) (n >> 16 & 0xff);
b[0] = (byte) (n >> 24 & 0xff);
return b;
public static byte[] shortToBytes(short n) {
byte[] b = new byte[2];
b[1] = (byte) ( n & 0xff);
b[0] = (byte) ((n >> 8 ) & 0xff);
return b;
public static short bytesToShort(byte[] b){
return (short)( b[1] & 0xff
|(b[0] & 0xff) << 8 );
static void testShortConvert(){
System.out.println("=================== short convert =============");
System.out.print("println 0x11f2:");
System.out.print("println 0xf1f2:");
System.out.print("println bytesToShort(shortToBytes((short)0x11f2)):");
System.out.print("println bytesToShort(shortToBytes((short)0xf1f2)):");
public static byte[] ushortToBytes(int n) {
byte[] b = new byte[2];
b[1] = (byte) (n & 0xff);
b[0] = (byte) (n >> 8 & 0xff);
return b;
public static int bytesToUshort(byte b[]) {
return b[1] & 0xff
| (b[0] & 0xff) << 8;
static void testUshortConvert(){
System.out.println("=================== Ushort convert =============");
System.out.print("println 0x11f2:");
System.out.print("println 0xf1f2:");
System.out.print("println bytesToUshort(ushortToBytes(0x11f2)):");
System.out.print("println bytesToUshort(ushortToBytes(0xf1f2)):");
public static byte[] ubyteToBytes( int n ){
byte[] b = new byte[1];
b[0] = (byte) (n & 0xff);
return b;
public static int bytesToUbyte( byte[] array ){
return array[0] & 0xff;
static void testUbyteConvert(){
System.out.println("=================== Ubyte convert =============");
System.out.print("println 0x1112:");
System.out.print("println 0xf2:");
System.out.print("println bytesToUbyte(ubyteToBytes(0x1112)):");
System.out.print("println bytesToUbyte(ubyteToBytes(0xf1f2)):");
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
byte[] array = new byte[4];
array[3] = (byte) 0xF4;
array[2] = 0x13;
array[1] = 0x12;
array[0] = 0x11;
System.out.println("=================== Integer bytes =============");
System.out.println("the bytes is:"+byte2Hex(array) );
System.out.print("println bytesToInt :");
System.out.println( bytesToInt(array));
System.out.printf("printf bytesToInt :%X\n", bytesToInt(array));
System.out.println("=================== long bytes =============");
byte[] longBytes = new byte[8];
longBytes[7] = (byte) 0xf7;
longBytes[6] = (byte) 0x16;
longBytes[5] = (byte) 0xf5;
longBytes[4] = (byte) 0x14;
longBytes[3] = (byte) 0xf3;
longBytes[2] = (byte) 0x12;
longBytes[1] = (byte) 0xf1;
longBytes[0] = (byte) 0x10;
System.out.println( "the bytes is:"+byte2Hex(longBytes) );
System.out.printf("printf bytesToLong:%X\n",bytesToLong(longBytes));
System.out.println("=================byte to long ================");
byte b = (byte)0xf1;
System.out.print("Println the byte:");
System.out.printf("Printf the byte:%X\n",b);
long l = b;
System.out.print("Println byte to long:");
System.out.printf("printf byte to long:%X\n",l);
System.out.println("================= uint Bytes ================");
byte[] uint = new byte[4];
uint[3] = (byte) 0xf3;
uint[2] = (byte) 0x12;
uint[1] = (byte) 0xf1;
uint[0] = (byte) 0xFF;
System.out.println( "the bytes is:"+byte2Hex(uint) );
System.out.printf("printf bytesToUint:%X\n",bytesToUint(uint));
System.out.print("Println bytesToUint:");
System.out.println("===============Long Integer==============");
System.out.print("println 0x11f2f3f4f5f6f7f8l:");
System.out.printf("Printf 0x11f2f3f4f5f6f7f8l:%X\n",0x11f2f3f4f5f6f7f8l);
System.out.println("println byte2Hex(longToBytes(0x11f2f3f4f5f6f7f8l))"+byte2Hex(longToBytes(0x11f2f3f4f5f6f7f8l)));
// 注意,下面的这行,并不能获得正确的uint。
System.out.printf("printf bytesToUint(longToBytes(0x11f2f3f4f5f6f7f8l):%X\n",bytesToUint(longToBytes(0x11f2f3f4f5f6f7f8l)));
Java 网络字节序转换是编程过程中一个重要的概念,尤其在跨平台通信和处理二进制数据时。字节序是指多字节数据(如整数或浮点数)在内存或文件中存储的顺序。主要有两种字节序:Big-Endian(大端字节序)和 Little-...
IP、主机字节序、网络字节序、互转 ------------------------------------------------------- using System;... Console.WriteLine("网络字节序转换IP后值为:{0}", ss); Console.ReadKey(); } } }
- `ntohs()`: 将16位无符号整数从网络字节序转换成本地字节序。 - `ntohl()`: 将32位无符号整数从网络字节序转换成本地字节序。 通过这些宏,开发者可以在编写网络通信程序时,轻松地解决字节序问题,确保数据在...
当你编写网络程序时,你需要将本地字节序转换为网络字节序,或者反之,这一过程通常称为字节序转换。 Linux中,可以使用以下函数来进行字节序转换: 1. `htons()`(Host to Network Short):将主机字节序的短整型...
以下是在Linux环境下使用C++实现主机字节序与网络字节序转换的示例代码: ```c++ #include #include int main() { int port = 6000; int netPort = htonl(port); printf("netPort=%d\n", netPort); printf(...
网络字节序和主机字节序 在计算机科学中,字节序(Endianness)是指整数在内存中保存的顺序。不同的 CPU 有不同的字节序类型,这些字节序是指整数在内存中保存的顺序,这个叫做主机序。 常见的有两种字节序:...
需要注意的是,这些函数只对网络字节序与主机字节序不同的平台有效。 - 自定义实现:对于不支持上述函数的环境,可以手动编写转换函数。例如,对于一个32位整数,可以分为4个8位字节,然后按照大端或小端规则重新...
5. **网络字节序转换**:在网络通信中,数据传输前需要按照特定的字节顺序(大端或小端)排列。转换工具可能包含功能,用于在不同字节序之间转换。 6. **计算校验和**:为了确保数据传输的完整性,计算校验和(如...
主机字节序和网络字节序转换的函数: #include uint16_t htons(uint16_t 位的主机字节序>) uint32_t htonsl(uint32_t 位的主机字节序>) //转换为网络字节序 uint16_t ntohs(uint16_t 位的网络字节序>) uint32_t ...
3. **库函数**:许多编程语言提供了内置的字节交换函数,如C++的`std::swap`,C的`ntohl`, `ntohs`, `htonl`, `htons`等,它们可以方便地处理网络字节序转换。 在压缩包中的“20.高低字节交换SWAP演示”文件很可能...
* ntohs:将16位的网络字节序转换为主机字节序。 * ntohl:将32位的网络字节序转换为主机字节序。 4. 静态函数和静态变量 在C语言中,静态函数和静态变量用于限制函数或变量的作用域,避免了命名冲突。 * 静态...
- `ntohs()`:将16位的网络字节序转换为主机字节序。 - `ntohl()`:将32位的网络字节序转换为主机字节序。 ### 套接字地址结构 套接字地址结构,也被称作socket地址结构,用于存储网络地址和端口号。这些结构类型...
在编程中,我们需要将主机字节序转换为网络字节序,或者将网络字节序转换为主机字节序。为此,我们可以使用以下函数: * htons():将 16 位的主机字节序转换为网络字节序 * htonl():将 32 位的主机字节序转换为...
其中,htons() 和 htonl() 用于将主机字节序转换为网络字节序,而 ntohs() 和 ntohl() 用于将网络字节序转换为主机字节序。 2. 字节操作函数 字节操作函数是 Unix 网络编程 API 中的一组函数,用于处理字节级别的...