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displaytag的Excel导出实践 -
displaytag的Excel导出实践 -
不太明白为嘛包这一层 class ,反而使代码更复杂。难道是为 ...
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<mirror> <id>U ...
maven usage guide
Like most object-oriented languages, Java allows the programmer to declare who can access what parts (if any) of an object. As befits its C++ heritage, Java allows fields and methods to be accessed by any part of a class in which those fields and methods are declared. But outside of an object, access is defined by the access control modifier associated with the field or method. Fields or methods that are labeled private can be accessed only from within the defining class. Those that are labeled protected can be accessed either by other parts of the class or by any class that extends the defining class. Finally, those that are marked public may be accessed by anyone. This much is familiar to those who come to Java from C++.
This gives a hierarchy of access possibilities for the programmer. At the most restricted are those fields and methods marked private, which can be accessed only from within the class in which they occur. Next most restrictive are those with no declared access specification. These have package access, which makes them available to anything that is in the same package, but keeps them from the prying eyes of anything in any other package. The next level of access, protected, loosens the restrictions on package pro-tection to include any classes that are extensions of the class in which the method or field are defined, no matter where in the set of packages those extensions are defined.Finally, there are those methods and fields that are marked as public, which can be accessed from anywhere
Classes and interfaces are also subject to access specifications. However, with the ex-ception of inner classes, the possible access specifications for these parts of the language are limited to either package access (in which case the class or interface are not labeled) or public access. A little thought convinces one that these are the only access specifiersthat make sense. A class or interface that can be called only by itself is not very inter-esting. Neither is one that can only be called by subclasses. Although from a purely linguistic point of view, this lack of symmetry may be troubling, the fact that the lan-guage keeps you from doing something useless more than makes up for it.
You can also put some access specifications on the methods defined in an interface,but what you do here doesn’t really matter. Only two access specifiers are legal for interface methods. You can mark an interface method as abstract, but doing so has no effect, since all interface methods are unimplemented at the level of the interface and are instantiated only in classes that implement the interface. Likewise, you can mark an interface method as public, but this is documentation at best; an interface method is accessible to any code that can access the interface. If the interface is marked as public, then all of the methods of that interface are public, even if that access specifier does not preface the method declaration. If the interface has only package visibility, then the methods in that interface will also have only package visibility.
{@link Batter}
{@inheritDoc }
javadoc details:
Like most object-oriented languages, Java allows the programmer to declare who can access what parts (if any) of an object. As befits its C++ heritage, Java allows fields and methods to be accessed by any part of a class in which those fields and methods are declared. But outside of an object, access is defined by the access control modifier associated with the field or method. Fields or methods that are labeled private can be accessed only from within the defining class. Those that are labeled protected can be accessed either by other parts of the class or by any class that extends the defining class. Finally, those that are marked public may be accessed by anyone. This much is familiar to those who come to Java from C++.
This gives a hierarchy of access possibilities for the programmer. At the most restricted are those fields and methods marked private, which can be accessed only from within the class in which they occur. Next most restrictive are those with no declared access specification. These have package access, which makes them available to anything that is in the same package, but keeps them from the prying eyes of anything in any other package. The next level of access, protected, loosens the restrictions on package pro-tection to include any classes that are extensions of the class in which the method or field are defined, no matter where in the set of packages those extensions are defined.Finally, there are those methods and fields that are marked as public, which can be accessed from anywhere
Classes and interfaces are also subject to access specifications. However, with the ex-ception of inner classes, the possible access specifications for these parts of the language are limited to either package access (in which case the class or interface are not labeled) or public access. A little thought convinces one that these are the only access specifiersthat make sense. A class or interface that can be called only by itself is not very inter-esting. Neither is one that can only be called by subclasses. Although from a purely linguistic point of view, this lack of symmetry may be troubling, the fact that the lan-guage keeps you from doing something useless more than makes up for it.
You can also put some access specifications on the methods defined in an interface,but what you do here doesn’t really matter. Only two access specifiers are legal for interface methods. You can mark an interface method as abstract, but doing so has no effect, since all interface methods are unimplemented at the level of the interface and are instantiated only in classes that implement the interface. Likewise, you can mark an interface method as public, but this is documentation at best; an interface method is accessible to any code that can access the interface. If the interface is marked as public, then all of the methods of that interface are public, even if that access specifier does not preface the method declaration. If the interface has only package visibility, then the methods in that interface will also have only package visibility.
{@link Batter}
{@inheritDoc }
javadoc details:
Hack struts2 json plugin: dynamically set includeProperty
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Calender to Date snip
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读《深入分析Java Web技术内幕》
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2012-10-26 15:58 945Java的异常机制是一大优点,可以快速定位错误。但在实际开 ... -
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memcache simple practice in Java
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2012-07-30 19:09 1421使用displaytag打印表格的时候,表头有时需要使 ... -
newInstance() and new
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Java Decompile
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Use JUnit
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Use JUnit (2)
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2012-04-27 15:13 980集合 数据结构中的关于大型结构在java.util中提 ... -
2012-04-14 16:30 950这是一本只讲Java优点的书。 Jim Wal ... -
JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library
2012-03-29 14:45 968The JavaServer Pages Standa ...
### Java语言精粹之异常处理 #### 引言 在《Java语言精粹》这本书中,作者Jim深入探讨了Java语言及其环境中的诸多亮点。其中一个关键主题是异常处理。异常处理是Java编程的一个核心概念,它对于确保程序的健壮性...
《JavaScript语言精粹》作为一本深入浅出讲解JavaScript编程语言的经典之作,对于想要提升自己JavaScript技能的开发者来说,无疑是一份宝贵的资源。本书由Douglas Crockford所著,他不仅是JSON格式的创始人,也是...
"疯狂Java面试题(疯狂Java讲义精粹附赠).pdf" 本资源是关于Java面试题的集合,涵盖了Java核心技术部分的面试题,包括Java基本语法、面向对象、Java常用API、Java集合框架、注解、泛型、输入/输出、多线程、网络...
JAVA案例精粹150例.pdf JAVA案例精粹150例.pdf
《JavaScript语言精粹》是JavaScript开发者必读的经典之作,它深入浅出地讲解了JavaScript语言的核心概念和实用技巧。这本书不仅适合初学者作为入门指南,也适合经验丰富的开发者用来巩固和提升自己的技能。 首先,...
本资源主要聚焦于Java语言的实践应用,特别是通过代码示例来阐述关键的设计模式和项目实践。 在压缩包中,"Java设计模式(疯狂Java联盟版).chm"是一个帮助文件,它详细介绍了Java设计模式。设计模式是软件开发中的...
在《JavaScript 精粹》一书中,作者深入探讨了JavaScript的特性和最佳实践,旨在帮助开发者区分和利用其精华部分,同时避免那些可能会引起问题的鸡肋特性。 首先,JavaScript的某些特性带来了麻烦,因为其规范的不...
光盘中的"疯狂Java讲义精粹.iso"文件很可能是该书的完整电子版,以ISO镜像格式提供,方便用户在计算机上阅读或刻录到光盘上。 在Java编程领域,以下几个核心知识点是《疯狂Java讲义》可能涉及的: 1. **Java基础**...
**UML精粹笔记概述** UML(统一建模语言)是软件开发中的一种标准化建模工具,用于可视化、理解和构建复杂系统。本笔记主要涵盖了UML的核心概念和图形表示,包括类图、时序图、对象图、包图、部署图、用例、状态机...
《JavaScript语言精粹》这本书深入浅出地探讨了这一语言的核心概念和技术,旨在帮助开发者更好地理解和掌握JavaScript的精髓。 首先,JavaScript的核心特性包括弱类型、动态类型、基于原型的对象模型以及函数作为...
2. **面向对象编程**:Java是一种面向对象的语言,案例中会涉及类的继承、多态、封装和接口。理解这些概念有助于设计出更高效、可维护的代码。 3. **异常处理**:Java异常处理机制是程序健壮性的重要组成部分。案例...