I am trying to write a script that will allow a window to create multiple popup windows and keep a reference to each popup window by populating an array. Then at anytime I want to access one of the child windows I can by finding it in the array and using that window object.
To make sure I can do this I made this script below which opens a page with some open window links and close window links. I should be able to open both windows and close both windows using the appropriate window objects from the array.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
In this script, I can create as many new windows as I want
by just creating a link on the page that executes the
openWindow(winURL, winName, winFeatures) function. This in turn
creates a custom object that I defined by calling the popUpWindow
My custom popUpWindow object has 2 properties:
1) unique name of window
2) the actual window object itself.
Then I put that new custom object into an array
object (newWindowsArray) which is Global in scope which allows
me to refer to it anywhere in the code.
Doing this let's me dynamically create new windows but still have
a handle on each window object allowing me to call any of its
methods. For example, I wouldn't be able to close the new window
from the parent window without this object handle.
These scripts are generic which allows me to put it inside a larger
script library file for including in any page that needs
this type of script.
//create a global array object to hold custom poppUpWindow objects
var newWindowsArray = new Array();
function popUpWindow (winName, windowObject){ = winName;
this.winObject = windowObject;
function openWindow(winURL, winName, winFeatures){
var newWindow =, winName, winFeatures);
var win = new popUpWindow(winName, newWindow);
newWindowsArray[newWindowsArray.length] = win;
alert('newWindowsArray.length'+ newWindowsArray.length);
function closeWindowByName(winName){
for(i=0; i<newWindowsArray.length; i++){
<a href="javascript:openWindow('', 'window1', 'height=300,width=300')">open window1</a>
<a href="javascript:openWindow('', 'window2', 'height=300,width=300')">open window2</a>
<a href="javascript:closeWindowByName('window1')">close window1</a>
<a href="javascript:closeWindowByName('window2')">close window2</a>
Note: Cannot Add windows object into a array directly. You will get a "Access is denied" in IE.
function openWindow(winURL, winName, winFeatures)
newWindow =, winName, winFeatures);
newWindowsArray[newWindowsArray.length] = newWindow;
首先,Popup是Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)和Windows Phone应用程序中常用的一种UI元素,它可以用来显示临时或辅助信息,不打断用户的主线操作。在WP界面上,Popup通常用于显示警告、设置或者一些简短的...
Tired of closing and jumping between multiple popup windows, thousands of stupid links on a single page, sites without real content and only ads, etc... ? IntelliTamper is a small and easy-to-use ...
ActiveX技术是由微软公司推出的,主要用于Windows平台上的Web浏览器和应用程序,允许开发者创建交互式和动态的内容。ocx是OLE(Object Linking and Embedding)控件交换格式,这些控件可以被网页或者应用程序调用来...
在Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) 中,Popup是一个非常实用的控件,用于创建浮动的、非模态的用户界面元素,它可以显示在主窗口或其他UI元素之上。在本项目"PopupSamples.7z"中,我们可以期待看到一系列的...
Popup在IT领域通常指的是弹出窗口或提示框,它是一种用户界面元素,用于显示临时信息、警告、确认或请求用户输入。在网页设计、应用程序开发和操作系统交互中,Popup经常被使用,为用户提供额外的交互可能性。 在...
在“Silverlight Popup Windows Demo”项目中,我们可以看到如何使用Popup来实现弹出窗和模式窗。模式窗是一种特殊的弹出窗,用户必须关闭该窗体后才能继续与主界面交互,常用于警告、确认或输入信息的场景。通过...
标题为“Change from child window to popup window (and back)”的主题涉及到Windows API中的两种主要窗口类型:子窗口(Child Window)和弹出窗口(Popup Window)。理解这两种窗口类型及其转换方法对于Windows...
在C#中,我们可以基于System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.Popup类来构建自定义的Popup控件。 首先,我们需要创建一个新的用户控件(UserControl)项目。在Visual Studio中,选择“文件”>“新建”>“项目”,然后...
`popup.js`文件通常是在Web应用程序中用于实现弹窗功能的JavaScript脚本。在这个场景下,`popup.js`可能是一个独立的JavaScript模块,负责处理与弹窗相关的一切交互和逻辑。 弹窗在网页设计中扮演着重要的角色,...
PopupNotify is an ActiveX control that lets your applications... Popup Notifications gracefully fade in and slide up above the taskbar tray, and can be set to disappear by themselves after a few seconds.
在LabVIEW编程环境中,"Popup And Insert" 是一个包含了一系列用于动态创建和管理子面板(SubPanel)的示例项目。这个压缩包主要关注如何在运行时通过编程方式打开子面板,并以弹出窗口或嵌入到现有VI...