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detect planets around it


  While it is easier to identify the existence and number of planets themselves, it is more difficult to determine the composition of the planets. For the vast majority of exoplanets detected so far, because the mass and radius are not easily measured, it is difficult to determine the planet's composition.

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  In the newly discovered seven-star system, all seven planets are very close to the star trappist-1, and the orbits of the planets are very observable, giving astronomers a chance to determine their properties.

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  How close are the seven brothers to their parent star? In the solar system analogy, all seven earth-size planets are compressed into mercury's orbit. The nearest planet, trappist-1b, is about a hundred times the distance from the earth to the sun (see figure 3). The farthest planet, trappist-1h, is also only one-sixth the distance from mercury to the sun. Because of their proximity, the seven planets have a very short orbital period -- the shortest one and a half days, and the longest is only 20 days -- so astronomers have a pretty good idea of the fundamental nature of all these planets after observing the system for 20 days using the U.S. spitzer infrared telescope. Of course, because the seventh is the furthest, and the observation time is about the same as its rotation period, we know the least about it in these 20 days.

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  Figure 3: comparison of the system's planetary parameters and the solar system's rocky planetary parameters.

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  Trappist-1 -- this central star has a bizarre name, but it's actually derived from a group called the TRAnsiting planet and planetesImals Small bridge-south. The telescope project of the small telescope system for planets and transits. The project USES located at La Silla observatory in Chile (La Silla observatory) a small telescope diameter 60 centimeters, near infrared wavelengths of the solar system super cold light brown dwarfs curve monitoring (using infrared wavelengths because starbase temperature is lower, the main radiation in the infrared wavelengths), trying to .




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