SS7 Network Architecture :
All nodes in a network may have different functions but they all must have
necessary "within node" features to communicate using SS7. A node with SS7
within node features is known as SP (Signaling Point). All SPs in the SS7
network must be connected dedicated signaling channels or links.
Possible SPs in a SS7 Network :
- Switching Offices
- OAM (Operational, Administrational and Maintenance) centers. Used in the
management of SS7 network. Collecting statistics etc.
- SCP ( Service Control Point) is used to provide service to the network such
as ANI, billing, 1-800 number translations etc. It has a associated SSP
(Switching Service Point) which is a dedicated STP and it's role is to send
queries to SCP and recive replies from SCP.
- STP (Signal Transfer Point) is used to concentrate signaling information from
the switching office, switch messages in SS7 network, provide access to SCP.
The nodes in the SS7 networks are connected via SLs (Signaling Links).
Sometimes they are connected with more than one link and this time it's called
LS (Link Set). the types of links between the nodes of the SS7 network are
below :
- A Link (Access Link) connect signaling end points such as offices, SCPs or
- B Link (Bridge Link) connects different mated STPs.
- C Link (Cross Link) connects members of a mated pair.
- D Link connects local STP pair to regional STP pair.
- E Link connects high traffic STP to an additional pair of STP.
- F Link enables load sharing between SS7 offices, give extra redundancy and
SS7 Node Architecture :
SS7 is developed in a layered architecture like OSI model. It provides
flexibility because changes can be made to one level without affecting the
SS7 is a 4 Level Arthitecture :
3 of the 4 levels form MTP (Message Transfer Part) and the 4th level is the
User Part.
MTP : To provide reliable transport and delivery for messages. Messages from
the User and Application part of an SS7 node are passed to the MTP. MTP then
packages and delivers them accross the network. When a message is received MTP
passes it to the destination, when a failure occurs, it detects and responds
MTP corrosponds to the 3 OSI Layers . Physical, Data Link and Network layers
On the other hand, SCCP (Signaling Connection Control Part) is introduced to
enhance the message carriying facilities of MTP. The combination of MTP and
SCCP forms the SS7 Network Services Part. SCCP provides some network layer
protocol functions.
The main users of SCCP are :
TCAP (Transcation Capabilities Application Part) to allow new applications to
use SS7, communicating directly with SCCP services using nin-circuit related
ISUP (ISDN User Part) and TUP (Telephone User Part) . ISUP is the most widely
used one.
MTP Layer 1 protocol is called signaling data link.
MTP Layer 2 is called signaling link and layer 2 packets are called signal
units. The type of signal units are determined by it's LI (Length Indicator).
There 3 tpes of signal units: MSU (Message Signal Unit), LSSU (Link Status
Signal Unit), FISU (Fill in Signal Unit).
MTP also detects and corrects the errors in transmission. It uses 2 types of
errr correction procedures. Basic Error Correction where the signal units
without bit errors are acknowledged. The signal units with bit errors are
rejected and bad SU and all subsequent SUs are retansmitted. Preventive Cyclic
Retansmission, there are acknowledgement but no rejection. After the timer
expires if there is no acknowledgement then signal unit is retansmitted.
Layer 2 also counts the errors and when count number reachs 64 then an
indication is sent to upper layers for excessive error rates.
MTP Layer 3 defines the signaling network functions. It transports the messages
between the signaling points of the network. It handles messages and does
network management. Also handles maintenance of signaling services, restoration
of signaling conditions.
Internal Links
ISUP是SS7协议中最上层的部分,它负责提供用户与用户之间的信令,支持ISDN(Integrated Services Digital Network)服务。ISUP协议处理呼叫建立、修改和释放过程,以及承载控制、补充服务等。ISUP消息包括呼叫请求...
ISUP(ISDN User Part)是SS7(Signalling System No. 7)协议栈中的一个关键组件,用于控制电话交换网络中的呼叫建立、维护和释放。ISUP解码是理解并处理这些通信过程的核心部分,尤其是在开发VoIP(Voice over ...
SS7协议栈,全称Signalling System No.7,是通信行业中用于交换网络的一种关键协议栈,主要用于控制和管理通信网络中的呼叫建立、维护和拆除等过程。它由多个层次的协议组成,主要包括MTP(Message Transfer Part)...
在这个压缩包“ISUP.rar_7号_GSM_TCAP protocol_gsm协议_ss7”中,包含的是关于GSM(Global System for Mobile Communications,全球移动通信系统)网络中的ISUP(Integrated Services User Part,综合业务用户部分...
在本压缩包文件中,"SS7.rar_protocols ss7_ss7_ss7 协议_七号信令"显然包含了关于SS7协议的详细资料,对于那些正在开发或研究SS7技术的人来说,是非常宝贵的学习资源。 SS7协议的核心是消息传递部分(MTP),它...
ISUP(ISDN User Part,ISDN用户部分)是SS7的一部分,专门处理ISDN用户之间的通信。ISDN是一种数字通信网络,它允许多种服务,如语音、数据和视频,通过单一的数字连接同时传输。ISUP规定了这些服务的信令过程,...
MTP3(ISUP)源码是通信领域中涉及七号信令系统(SS7)的关键组件。七号信令系统是一种广泛应用于公共交换电话网络(PSTN)和移动通信网络中的协议栈,用于控制电话网络的信令交换。MTP3(Message Transfer Part 3)和...
《Asterisk中的SS7通道处理模块:chan_ss7详解》 在VoIP通信领域,Asterisk是一款广泛使用的开源PBX系统,它允许用户构建功能丰富的电话系统。Asterisk的强大之处在于其高度可扩展性和灵活性,可以支持多种协议和...
在"node的学习ss"这个主题中,我们可以深入探讨以下几个关键知识点: 1. **JavaScript 运行环境**:Node.js 提供了一个在服务器端运行 JavaScript 的平台,使得前端开发者可以无缝地在前后端之间切换,实现了全栈...
在这个描述中,我们主要关注SS7协议栈的源码以及与之相关的TUP(Transaction User Part)、ISUP(ISDN User Part)和MTP(Message Transfer Part)协议栈。 首先,MTP是SS7协议栈的基础,负责在通信网络中传输信令...
6. **事务处理应用部分(TCAP)**:TCAP允许SS7网络处理复杂的交互式事务,如数据库查询,它是更高级别应用如ISDN用户部分(ISUP)和移动应用部分(MAP)的基础。 7. **ISDN用户部分(ISUP)**:ISUP负责建立、维护...
首先,了解ISUP(ISDN User Part)是国际电话通信中的一个协议,是SS7协议栈的一部分,负责呼叫建立、维护和拆除等信令过程。它是一种用于在ISDN网络中提供电话服务的标准协议。英国的ISUP规范则是在此基础上,针对...
9. **与其它协议的交互**:ISUP通常与其他SS7协议如TCAP(Transaction Capabilities Application Part)和MAP(Mobility Application Part)协同工作,以提供如移动电话漫游等更复杂的服务。 10. **法律和版权**:...
3. `l4isup.c`:这是SS7层四(ISUP,ISDN用户部分)的实现代码。ISUP负责控制电话呼叫的建立、维护和释放,它是SS7协议栈中的关键部分。 4. `mtp.c`:媒体传输协议(MTP)的实现代码,MTP是SS7的基础,负责传输消息...