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Rails: RSpec, Cucumber, Authlogic, and factory_girl

Friday, July 17, 2009
Rails: RSpec, Cucumber, Authlogic, and factory_girl

After a day of work and a week of reading The RSpec Book, I got RSpec, Cucumber, Authlogic, and factory_girl to play nicely with each other. I can now test user registration, logging in, and logging out.

I can't possibly cover everything from scratch, but I'll cover some of the trickier integration points.

Setup Rails, RSpec, Cucumber, and Authlogic per their own documentation. I ended up with the following in both config/environments/test.rb and config/environments/cucumber.rb:

# There is some duplication between test.rb and cucumber.rb.
config.gem "cucumber",                :lib => false,          :version => ">=0.3.11"
config.gem "webrat",                  :lib => false,          :version => ">=0.4.4"
config.gem "rspec",                   :lib => false,          :version => ">=1.2.6"
config.gem "rspec-rails",             :lib => 'spec/rails',   :version => ">=1.2.6"
config.gem "thoughtbot-factory_girl", :lib => "factory_girl", :version => ">=1.2.2", :source => "http://gems.github.com"

I created a factory in test/factories/user.rb:

Factory.define :user do |u|
  u.username 'john'
  u.email 'john@example.com'
  u.password 'funkypass'
  u.password_confirmation 'funkypass'
  u.first_name 'John'
  u.last_name 'Smith'
  u.billing_address "1 Cool St.\r\nBerkeley"
  u.billing_state 'CA'
  u.billing_zipcode '94519'
  u.other_zipcode '28311'
  u.phone '(925) 555-1212'

I created a Cucumber feature in features/user_sessions.feature:

Feature: User Sessions

  So that I can blah, blah, blah
  As a registered user
  I want to log in and log out

  Scenario: log in
    Given I am a registered user
    And I am on the homepage
    When I login
    Then I should see "Login successful!"
    And I should see "Logout"

  Scenario: log out
    Given I am logged in
    And I am on the homepage
    When I follow "Logout"
    Then I should see "Logout successful!"
    And I should see "Register"
    And I should see "Log In

To implement this, I created step definitions in features/step_definitions/user_sessions_steps.rb

def user
  @user ||= Factory :user

def login
  visit path_to("the homepage")
  response.should contain("Log In")
  click_link "Log in"
  fill_in "Username", :with => "john"
  fill_in "Password", :with => "funkypass"
  click_button "Login"
  response.should contain("Login successful!")
  response.should contain("Logout")

Given /^I am a registered user$/ do

When /^I login$/ do

Given /^I am logged in$/ do

That's it.

Authlogic's testing documentation talks about stuff like:

require "authlogic/test_case"
include Authlogic::TestCase
setup :activate_authlogic
UserSession.create(users(:whomever)) # logs a user in

In theory, you should be able to log a user in using some code--without going through the login form. I worked on this for several hours, but I wasn't able to get it to work. I googled quite a bit, but I wasn't able to find anyone else who could get this to work (i.e. integrate RSpec, Cucumber, Authlogic, and factory_girl). It seems that everyone else came to the same conclusion I did--just force the tests to use the login form.
Posted by Shannon -jj Behrens at 11:27 AM
Labels: rails, ruby, testing, web


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