Manage the discussion:
A:Sanjue, would you please kick off?
B:Well, this is a great way to cut a lot of fat. my figures show that we can save almost 50000 dollars for this one.
A:Sorry Sam. But i think this is a bit of side track. let us try to keep the agenda ok? i want get everyone out here on time.
B:As i were saying ....
i with you 100%
#i can see what you were saying, but let's try to keep the agenda
#to save time we need stay on the track. let's try not to get too far of topic.
#let's get back to that later, for now i really want to stick to the agenda.
#that is a intereting point,but let's talk to about that when we come to it. can we get back to the main po
#we have got a lot ground to cover,so i suggest we do our best to stay on track.
#how about the other people, any comments?
#let's go around the table and get reactions to that idea.who would like to begin?
#are there any other ways to think about this.
#can get a quick show of hands. all those in favor?
#let's take a vote. how many people xxx this idea? against? thanks
#just quickly.Is there anyone else that support this strategy of reducing overhead, please raise hand.
在《Managing NFS and NIS》这本书的第一章中,作者深入浅出地介绍了网络的基础知识。这部分内容对于理解后续章节中的NFS(Network File System)和NIS(Network Information Service)至关重要。 #### 1.1 网络...
Rex Black's Managing the Testing Process, a compendium of real-world advice on managing software testing successfully. It is a veritable hodge-podge of sample test documents and is filled with ...
《Managing Projects with GNU Make》这本书是关于如何使用Make工具来管理软件工程项目的经典著作。这本书的第三版由Robert Mecklenburg撰写,由O'Reilly Media出版。书籍不仅覆盖了GNU Make的基础知识,还包括了...
In the third edition of the classic Managing Projects with GNU make, readers will learn why this utility continues to hold its top position in project build software, despite many younger competitors...
In this fully updated second edition of the highly acclaimed Managing Gigabytes, authors Witten, Moffat, and Bell continue to provide unparalleled coverage of state-of-the-art techniques for ...
《Managing Software Debt》一书由Chris Sterling撰写,旨在深入探讨技术债务的概念、原因及其对业务的影响,并提供一系列实用的策略来管理和减少这种债务。 #### 技术债务的概念与类型 技术债务可以分为几种不同...
在计算机领域,管理和维护个人电脑(PC)是至关重要的技能,这正是"A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC"一书所探讨的主题。这本书的第七版提供了全面的指南,帮助读者理解硬件与软件之间的相互作用,以及...
### FStream: Managing Flash Streams in the File System #### Flash-based Solid State Drives (SSDs) Flash-based SSDs have become a popular alternative to traditional hard disk drives (HDDs) due to ...
本书《Managing RAID on Linux》由Derek Vadala编写,是一本深入探讨如何在Linux环境下管理和配置RAID系统的专业教材。该书首先介绍了RAID的基本概念和技术背景,然后详细讲解了在Linux系统中实现RAID的各种方法,并...
### 使用与管理PPP详解 #### 一、PPP简介 ...以上仅为《Using and Managing PPP》这本书的部分内容概述。该书详细介绍了PPP协议的各个方面,并提供了实用的操作指南和技术细节,是一本值得深入研究的专业书籍。
《Managing and Mining Uncertain Data》一书不仅为读者提供了不确定数据管理和挖掘的基础理论框架,还展示了该领域最新的研究成果和技术进展。对于希望深入了解该领域的研究人员、工程师以及学生来说,本书是一本...
根据提供的文档信息,我们可以深入探讨《MBC40_Managing ABAP Development Projects》这一主题,主要聚焦于ABAP开发项目的管理。以下是对该文档标题、描述及部分内容中的关键知识点进行的详细解读: ### 标题:MBC...
《Modeling, Measuring and Managing Risk》是一本由Georg Ch. Pflug 和 Werner Römisch 编著的电子书资源,涵盖了在经济活动决策中如何处理风险的统计方法。这本书由世界科学出版社(World Scientific Publishing ...
**《Managing Your Biological Data with Python》**是一本专注于生物数据管理与分析的指南性书籍,它属于**CHAPMAN & HALL/CRC Mathematicaland Computational Biology Series**系列。该系列旨在捕捉数学与计算生物...
这一点从“Whether they be public or private sector, large or small, is to deliver change through managing projects successfully and consistently.”(无论是公共部门还是私营部门,无论规模大小,都必须...
《Managing Projects with GNU Make》是一本深入探讨如何利用GNU Make工具来有效管理软件项目的经典著作。本书主要聚焦于Linux环境下的gmake,它是Make工具的一个强大实现,广泛应用于各种开源和商业项目中。 GNU ...
本节课程的标题为“OCP 12c之04_12c_ocp_Managing_Multitenant_Architecture”,主要介绍了如何管理和操作这种多租户架构。 首先,本课程会介绍多租户架构的基本概念,包括容器数据库(CDB)和可插拔数据库(PDB)...
《Managing Your Biological Data with Python》这本书正是为没有编程经验的生物信息学研究者设计的,旨在帮助他们快速启动自己的生物信息学项目。书中通过使用Python的内置功能,介绍了编程的基本原理,并通过实践...