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JNA—JNI终结者,java调用dll、ocx、so最简单的方法 -
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JNA—JNI终结者,java调用dll、ocx、so最简单的方法 -
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Spring3 MVC -
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Spring3 MVC
As I explored the Google Chart API for generating QR code images, I noted a particular parameter - CHLD, where you can configure the error correction level for the generated QR code. Setting this parameter to "H" allows for data recovery up to 30% of loss rate. Given the intent of QR codes being used in the physical world, this level of redundancy is critical, to account for wear &tear on the physical QR code image. This peaked my interest. What if I were to deliberately cause data loss... by digitally applying a branding logo over my QR code images?
Branding a QR Code
I have seen minor revisions or "branding" of QR codes, mostly where individuals have added a rather small logo to the center of a QR Code. It occurred to me that using the Google Charts CHLD parameter in conjunction with a URL shortening service (to minimize my payload size), may allow for me to brand a much larger surface area of a QR code image. Using bit.ly and Google Charts, I placed a logo over the center portion (data portion) on a number of QR code images, implemented with the CSS position property. By doing this, I discovered that I was able to cover up a significant portion of the QR code with my own branding, while maintaining the data integrity of the QR code image itself.
Tips and Tricks
My Results
I created three branded QR code images. The first is a QR code that represents my dW profile, which I branded with my profile picture. Additionally, you will notice I also added an ICON treatment into the lower left corner, as your branding does not necessarily have to be contiguous across the QR code image. Next, I created a QR code image for the developerWorks web site. Finally, I experimented with a single merged image, with a QR code base color palette update to create a purposely branded logo for developerWorks (displayed at the start of this blog post).
I discovered that there is not a direct formula to determine to what degree a brand logo can overlay a QR code image. As pointed out, there are areas within the QR code image that are out of bounds, and cannot be manipulated or overlapped. However, you can change the base color palette and overlay a large percentage of the QR code if you follow my tips. Contrast is also a critical factor, if you elect to change the palette colors. Finally, I can not stress enough to test your branded QR code images. My personal recommendation is to test with a lower quality camera phone, and size your branding based on the lowest common denominator of QR-code software and smart device to ensure your branded image works for the largest possible audience segment.
To view an HTML example of my branded QR code images... click here.
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This visual book provides step-by-step instructions in a simple and striking format that focuses on each of the tasks you will face in your own branding project. ☆ 出版信息:☆ [作者信息] Randy ...
IABC ImageryThe imagery used in IABC's branding should align with the brand identity and evoke the desired emotional response. High-quality visuals help communicate the organization's values and ...
"branding-assets"这个压缩包文件显然包含了Code for DC组织的品牌元素,这是一份用于联合品牌活动的资源集合。Code for DC很可能是这样一个非营利组织,致力于通过编程和技术来推动华盛顿特区(DC)地区的社会变革...
Fusion White Label Branding 是一款全新的免费高级插件 ,能够重新命名不同的区域,如 WordPress 后台,Avada 主题,Fusion Builder 插件,Fusion Slider 幻灯片 和 WordPress 登录屏幕。这是您向客户展示自己独特...
【SharePoint Branding 教程】 SharePoint Branding是一种针对Microsoft SharePoint平台的定制技术,它旨在将企业的品牌形象、视觉风格和用户体验融入到SharePoint门户站点中。本教程将引导你快速掌握SharePoint ...
Odoo comes with a default theme structure, which provides a solid foundation for building custom themes. This structure is very basic but highly adaptable. Unlike other CMS platforms where you spend ...
- **Custom Document ID Provider:** Implementing a custom provider to generate unique IDs. #### Site Templates - **Native Site Definitions:** Predefined templates included with SharePoint. - **Custom ...
"branding.ini" 文件很可能包含了品牌设置、主题颜色、logo等定制信息,它是控制用户界面外观和感觉的重要配置文件。ini 文件是Windows操作系统中常用的文本配置文件格式,易于编辑和读取。 另一方面,"ui_igo9" ...
Through the book we combine these technologies with a web design and development methodology referred to as “responsive web design” that allows a single web site to respond to differences in screen...
VI, or Visual Identity, is a critical component of corporate branding. It encompasses the visual elements that represent a company, including logos, typography, color palettes, imagery, and overall ...
【品牌化库 branding-1.0.24.zip】是一个开源项目,主要关注于软件或应用的品牌呈现和定制。在IT行业中,品牌化是至关重要的,因为它不仅塑造了产品的视觉形象,还强化了用户对品牌的认知和体验。这个版本1.0.24的...
这份27页的《Sony VAIO-Branding Guidelines》详细阐述了索尼VAIO品牌在视觉识别(VI)系统中的规范和标准,旨在为索尼员工、合作伙伴和供应商提供一套实用的指导原则,确保VAIO品牌在各种应用和媒体上的表现力和...
《Professional SharePoint 2010 Branding and User Interface Design》这本书深入探讨了SharePoint 2010平台的品牌建设和用户界面设计。SharePoint是微软推出的一款企业级协作平台,广泛应用于文档管理、团队协作、...
it allows you to add your own custom branding to an application, change dialog messages, customize toolbar actions, and so on without having access to the actual source code. Resource Tuner offers ...
CentOS Linux is a community-supported distribution derived from sources freely provided to the public by Red Hat for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). As such, CentOS Linux aims to be functionally ...