RTMPdump 源代码分析 1: main()函数
RTMPDump(libRTMP)源代码分析 2:解析RTMP地址——RTMP_ParseURL()
RTMPdump(libRTMP) 源代码分析 3: AMF编码
RTMPdump(libRTMP)源代码分析 4: 连接第一步——握手(Hand Shake)
RTMPdump(libRTMP) 源代码分析 5: 建立一个流媒体连接 (NetConnection部分)
RTMPdump(libRTMP) 源代码分析 6: 建立一个流媒体连接 (NetStream部分 1)
RTMPdump(libRTMP) 源代码分析 7: 建立一个流媒体连接 (NetStream部分 2)
RTMPdump(libRTMP) 源代码分析 8: 发送消息(Message)
RTMPdump(libRTMP) 源代码分析 9: 接收消息(Message)(接收视音频数据)
RTMPdump(libRTMP) 源代码分析 10: 处理各种消息(Message)
#include "stdafx.h" /* 本文件主要包含了对AMF对象的操作 *------------------------------------- *AMF数据类型: *Type Byte code *Number 0x00 *Boolean 0x01 *String 0x02 *Object 0x03 *MovieClip 0x04 *Null 0x05 *Undefined 0x06 *Reference 0x07 *MixedArray 0x08 *EndOfObject 0x09 *Array 0x0a *Date 0x0b *LongString 0x0c *Unsupported 0x0d *Recordset 0x0e *XML 0x0f *TypedObject (Class instance) 0x10 *AMF3 data 0×11 *-------------------------------------- *应用举例: *0.Number这里指的是double类型,数据用8字节表示,比如十六进制00 40 10 00 00 00 00 00 00就表示的是一个double数4.0 *1.Boolean对应的是.net中的bool类型,数据使用1字节表示,和C语言差不多,使用00表示false,使用01表示true。比如十六进制01 01就表示true。 *2.String相当于.net中的string类型,String所占用的空间有1个类型标识字节和2个表示字符串UTF8长度的字节加上字符串UTF8格式的内容组成。 * 比如十六进制03 00 08 73 68 61 6E 67 67 75 61表示的就是字符串,该字符串长8字节,字符串内容为73 68 61 6E 67 67 75 61,对应的就是“shanggua”。 *3.Object在对应的就是Hashtable,内容由UTF8字符串作为Key,其他AMF类型作为Value,该对象由3个字节:00 00 09来表示结束。 *5.Null就是空对象,该对象只占用一个字节,那就是Null对象标识0x05。 *6.Undefined 也是只占用一个字节0x06。 *8.MixedArray相当于Hashtable,与3不同的是该对象定义了Hashtable的大小。 */ #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "rtmp_sys.h" #include "amf.h" #include "log.h" #include "bytes.h" static const AMFObjectProperty AMFProp_Invalid = { {0, 0}, AMF_INVALID }; static const AVal AV_empty = { 0, 0 }; //大端Big-Endian //低地址存放最高有效位(MSB),既高位字节排放在内存的低地址端,低位字节排放在内存的高地址端。 //符合人脑逻辑,与计算机逻辑不同 //网络字节序 Network Order:TCP/IP各层协议将字节序定义为Big-Endian,因此TCP/IP协议中使 //用的字节序通常称之为网络字节序。 //主机序 Host Orader:它遵循Little-Endian规则。所以当两台主机之间要通过TCP/IP协议进行通 //信的时候就需要调用相应的函数进行主机序(Little-Endian)和网络序(Big-Endian)的转换。 /*AMF数据采用 Big-Endian(大端模式),主机采用Little-Endian(小端模式) */ unsigned short AMF_DecodeInt16(const char *data) { unsigned char *c = (unsigned char *) data; unsigned short val; val = (c[0] << 8) | c[1];//转换 return val; } unsigned int AMF_DecodeInt24(const char *data) { unsigned char *c = (unsigned char *) data; unsigned int val; val = (c[0] << 16) | (c[1] << 8) | c[2]; return val; } unsigned int AMF_DecodeInt32(const char *data) { unsigned char *c = (unsigned char *)data; unsigned int val; val = (c[0] << 24) | (c[1] << 16) | (c[2] << 8) | c[3]; return val; } void AMF_DecodeString(const char *data, AVal *bv) { bv->av_len = AMF_DecodeInt16(data); bv->av_val = (bv->av_len > 0) ? (char *)data + 2 : NULL; } void AMF_DecodeLongString(const char *data, AVal *bv) { bv->av_len = AMF_DecodeInt32(data); bv->av_val = (bv->av_len > 0) ? (char *)data + 4 : NULL; } double AMF_DecodeNumber(const char *data) { double dVal; #if __FLOAT_WORD_ORDER == __BYTE_ORDER #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN memcpy(&dVal, data, 8); #elif __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN unsigned char *ci, *co; ci = (unsigned char *)data; co = (unsigned char *)&dVal; co[0] = ci[7]; co[1] = ci[6]; co[2] = ci[5]; co[3] = ci[4]; co[4] = ci[3]; co[5] = ci[2]; co[6] = ci[1]; co[7] = ci[0]; #endif #else #if __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN /* __FLOAT_WORD_ORER == __BIG_ENDIAN */ unsigned char *ci, *co; ci = (unsigned char *)data; co = (unsigned char *)&dVal; co[0] = ci[3]; co[1] = ci[2]; co[2] = ci[1]; co[3] = ci[0]; co[4] = ci[7]; co[5] = ci[6]; co[6] = ci[5]; co[7] = ci[4]; #else /* __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN && __FLOAT_WORD_ORER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN */ unsigned char *ci, *co; ci = (unsigned char *)data; co = (unsigned char *)&dVal; co[0] = ci[4]; co[1] = ci[5]; co[2] = ci[6]; co[3] = ci[7]; co[4] = ci[0]; co[5] = ci[1]; co[6] = ci[2]; co[7] = ci[3]; #endif #endif return dVal; } int AMF_DecodeBoolean(const char *data) { return *data != 0; } char * AMF_EncodeInt16(char *output, char *outend, short nVal) { if (output+2 > outend) return NULL; output[1] = nVal & 0xff; output[0] = nVal >> 8; return output+2; } //3字节的int数据进行AMF编码,AMF采用大端模式 char * AMF_EncodeInt24(char *output, char *outend, int nVal) { if (output+3 > outend) return NULL; //倒过来 output[2] = nVal & 0xff; output[1] = nVal >> 8; output[0] = nVal >> 16; //返回指针指向编码后数据的尾部 return output+3; } char * AMF_EncodeInt32(char *output, char *outend, int nVal) { if (output+4 > outend) return NULL; output[3] = nVal & 0xff; output[2] = nVal >> 8; output[1] = nVal >> 16; output[0] = nVal >> 24; return output+4; } char * AMF_EncodeString(char *output, char *outend, const AVal *bv) { if ((bv->av_len < 65536 && output + 1 + 2 + bv->av_len > outend) || output + 1 + 4 + bv->av_len > outend) return NULL; if (bv->av_len < 65536) { *output++ = AMF_STRING; output = AMF_EncodeInt16(output, outend, bv->av_len); } else { *output++ = AMF_LONG_STRING; output = AMF_EncodeInt32(output, outend, bv->av_len); } memcpy(output, bv->av_val, bv->av_len); output += bv->av_len; return output; } char * AMF_EncodeNumber(char *output, char *outend, double dVal) { if (output+1+8 > outend) return NULL; *output++ = AMF_NUMBER; /* type: Number */ #if __FLOAT_WORD_ORDER == __BYTE_ORDER #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN memcpy(output, &dVal, 8); #elif __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN { unsigned char *ci, *co; ci = (unsigned char *)&dVal; co = (unsigned char *)output; co[0] = ci[7]; co[1] = ci[6]; co[2] = ci[5]; co[3] = ci[4]; co[4] = ci[3]; co[5] = ci[2]; co[6] = ci[1]; co[7] = ci[0]; } #endif #else #if __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN /* __FLOAT_WORD_ORER == __BIG_ENDIAN */ { unsigned char *ci, *co; ci = (unsigned char *)&dVal; co = (unsigned char *)output; co[0] = ci[3]; co[1] = ci[2]; co[2] = ci[1]; co[3] = ci[0]; co[4] = ci[7]; co[5] = ci[6]; co[6] = ci[5]; co[7] = ci[4]; } #else /* __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN && __FLOAT_WORD_ORER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN */ { unsigned char *ci, *co; ci = (unsigned char *)&dVal; co = (unsigned char *)output; co[0] = ci[4]; co[1] = ci[5]; co[2] = ci[6]; co[3] = ci[7]; co[4] = ci[0]; co[5] = ci[1]; co[6] = ci[2]; co[7] = ci[3]; } #endif #endif return output+8; } char * AMF_EncodeBoolean(char *output, char *outend, int bVal) { if (output+2 > outend) return NULL; *output++ = AMF_BOOLEAN; *output++ = bVal ? 0x01 : 0x00; return output; } char * AMF_EncodeNamedString(char *output, char *outend, const AVal *strName, const AVal *strValue) { if (output+2+strName->av_len > outend) return NULL; output = AMF_EncodeInt16(output, outend, strName->av_len); memcpy(output, strName->av_val, strName->av_len); output += strName->av_len; return AMF_EncodeString(output, outend, strValue); } char * AMF_EncodeNamedNumber(char *output, char *outend, const AVal *strName, double dVal) { if (output+2+strName->av_len > outend) return NULL; output = AMF_EncodeInt16(output, outend, strName->av_len); memcpy(output, strName->av_val, strName->av_len); output += strName->av_len; return AMF_EncodeNumber(output, outend, dVal); } char * AMF_EncodeNamedBoolean(char *output, char *outend, const AVal *strName, int bVal) { if (output+2+strName->av_len > outend) return NULL; output = AMF_EncodeInt16(output, outend, strName->av_len); memcpy(output, strName->av_val, strName->av_len); output += strName->av_len; return AMF_EncodeBoolean(output, outend, bVal); } void AMFProp_GetName(AMFObjectProperty *prop, AVal *name) { *name = prop->p_name; } void AMFProp_SetName(AMFObjectProperty *prop, AVal *name) { prop->p_name = *name; } AMFDataType AMFProp_GetType(AMFObjectProperty *prop) { return prop->p_type; } double AMFProp_GetNumber(AMFObjectProperty *prop) { return prop->p_vu.p_number; } int AMFProp_GetBoolean(AMFObjectProperty *prop) { return prop->p_vu.p_number != 0; } void AMFProp_GetString(AMFObjectProperty *prop, AVal *str) { *str = prop->p_vu.p_aval; } void AMFProp_GetObject(AMFObjectProperty *prop, AMFObject *obj) { *obj = prop->p_vu.p_object; } int AMFProp_IsValid(AMFObjectProperty *prop) { return prop->p_type != AMF_INVALID; } char * AMFProp_Encode(AMFObjectProperty *prop, char *pBuffer, char *pBufEnd) { if (prop->p_type == AMF_INVALID) return NULL; if (prop->p_type != AMF_NULL && pBuffer + prop->p_name.av_len + 2 + 1 >= pBufEnd) return NULL; if (prop->p_type != AMF_NULL && prop->p_name.av_len) { *pBuffer++ = prop->p_name.av_len >> 8; *pBuffer++ = prop->p_name.av_len & 0xff; memcpy(pBuffer, prop->p_name.av_val, prop->p_name.av_len); pBuffer += prop->p_name.av_len; } switch (prop->p_type) { case AMF_NUMBER: pBuffer = AMF_EncodeNumber(pBuffer, pBufEnd, prop->p_vu.p_number); break; case AMF_BOOLEAN: pBuffer = AMF_EncodeBoolean(pBuffer, pBufEnd, prop->p_vu.p_number != 0); break; case AMF_STRING: pBuffer = AMF_EncodeString(pBuffer, pBufEnd, &prop->p_vu.p_aval); break; case AMF_NULL: if (pBuffer+1 >= pBufEnd) return NULL; *pBuffer++ = AMF_NULL; break; case AMF_OBJECT: pBuffer = AMF_Encode(&prop->p_vu.p_object, pBuffer, pBufEnd); break; default: RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, invalid type. %d", __FUNCTION__, prop->p_type); pBuffer = NULL; }; return pBuffer; } #define AMF3_INTEGER_MAX 268435455 #define AMF3_INTEGER_MIN -268435456 int AMF3ReadInteger(const char *data, int32_t *valp) { int i = 0; int32_t val = 0; while (i <= 2) { /* handle first 3 bytes */ if (data[i] & 0x80) { /* byte used */ val <<= 7; /* shift up */ val |= (data[i] & 0x7f); /* add bits */ i++; } else { break; } } if (i > 2) { /* use 4th byte, all 8bits */ val <<= 8; val |= data[3]; /* range check */ if (val > AMF3_INTEGER_MAX) val -= (1 << 29); } else { /* use 7bits of last unparsed byte (0xxxxxxx) */ val <<= 7; val |= data[i]; } *valp = val; return i > 2 ? 4 : i + 1; } int AMF3ReadString(const char *data, AVal *str) { int32_t ref = 0; int len; assert(str != 0); len = AMF3ReadInteger(data, &ref); data += len; if ((ref & 0x1) == 0) { /* reference: 0xxx */ uint32_t refIndex = (ref >> 1); RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, string reference, index: %d, not supported, ignoring!", __FUNCTION__, refIndex); return len; } else { uint32_t nSize = (ref >> 1); str->av_val = (char *)data; str->av_len = nSize; return len + nSize; } return len; } int AMF3Prop_Decode(AMFObjectProperty *prop, const char *pBuffer, int nSize, int bDecodeName) { int nOriginalSize = nSize; AMF3DataType type; prop->p_name.av_len = 0; prop->p_name.av_val = NULL; if (nSize == 0 || !pBuffer) { RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "empty buffer/no buffer pointer!"); return -1; } /* decode name */ if (bDecodeName) { AVal name; int nRes = AMF3ReadString(pBuffer, &name); if (name.av_len <= 0) return nRes; prop->p_name = name; pBuffer += nRes; nSize -= nRes; } /* decode */ type = (AMF3DataType) *pBuffer++; nSize--; switch (type) { case AMF3_UNDEFINED: case AMF3_NULL: prop->p_type = AMF_NULL; break; case AMF3_FALSE: prop->p_type = AMF_BOOLEAN; prop->p_vu.p_number = 0.0; break; case AMF3_TRUE: prop->p_type = AMF_BOOLEAN; prop->p_vu.p_number = 1.0; break; case AMF3_INTEGER: { int32_t res = 0; int len = AMF3ReadInteger(pBuffer, &res); prop->p_vu.p_number = (double)res; prop->p_type = AMF_NUMBER; nSize -= len; break; } case AMF3_DOUBLE: if (nSize < 8) return -1; prop->p_vu.p_number = AMF_DecodeNumber(pBuffer); prop->p_type = AMF_NUMBER; nSize -= 8; break; case AMF3_STRING: case AMF3_XML_DOC: case AMF3_XML: { int len = AMF3ReadString(pBuffer, &prop->p_vu.p_aval); prop->p_type = AMF_STRING; nSize -= len; break; } case AMF3_DATE: { int32_t res = 0; int len = AMF3ReadInteger(pBuffer, &res); nSize -= len; pBuffer += len; if ((res & 0x1) == 0) { /* reference */ uint32_t nIndex = (res >> 1); RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "AMF3_DATE reference: %d, not supported!", nIndex); } else { if (nSize < 8) return -1; prop->p_vu.p_number = AMF_DecodeNumber(pBuffer); nSize -= 8; prop->p_type = AMF_NUMBER; } break; } case AMF3_OBJECT: { int nRes = AMF3_Decode(&prop->p_vu.p_object, pBuffer, nSize, TRUE); if (nRes == -1) return -1; nSize -= nRes; prop->p_type = AMF_OBJECT; break; } case AMF3_ARRAY: case AMF3_BYTE_ARRAY: default: RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s - AMF3 unknown/unsupported datatype 0x%02x, @0x%08X", __FUNCTION__, (unsigned char)(*pBuffer), pBuffer); return -1; } return nOriginalSize - nSize; } //对AMF数据类型解析 int AMFProp_Decode(AMFObjectProperty *prop, const char *pBuffer, int nSize, int bDecodeName) { int nOriginalSize = nSize; int nRes; prop->p_name.av_len = 0; prop->p_name.av_val = NULL; if (nSize == 0 || !pBuffer) { RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s: Empty buffer/no buffer pointer!", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } if (bDecodeName && nSize < 4) { /* at least name (length + at least 1 byte) and 1 byte of data */ RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s: Not enough data for decoding with name, less than 4 bytes!", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } if (bDecodeName) { unsigned short nNameSize = AMF_DecodeInt16(pBuffer); if (nNameSize > nSize - 2) { RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s: Name size out of range: namesize (%d) > len (%d) - 2", __FUNCTION__, nNameSize, nSize); return -1; } AMF_DecodeString(pBuffer, &prop->p_name); nSize -= 2 + nNameSize; pBuffer += 2 + nNameSize; } if (nSize == 0) { return -1; } nSize--; prop->p_type = (AMFDataType) *pBuffer++; switch (prop->p_type) { //Number数据类型 case AMF_NUMBER: if (nSize < 8) return -1; prop->p_vu.p_number = AMF_DecodeNumber(pBuffer); nSize -= 8; break; //Boolean数据类型 case AMF_BOOLEAN: if (nSize < 1) return -1; prop->p_vu.p_number = (double)AMF_DecodeBoolean(pBuffer); nSize--; break; //String数据类型 case AMF_STRING: { unsigned short nStringSize = AMF_DecodeInt16(pBuffer); if (nSize < (long)nStringSize + 2) return -1; AMF_DecodeString(pBuffer, &prop->p_vu.p_aval); nSize -= (2 + nStringSize); break; } //Object数据类型 case AMF_OBJECT: { int nRes = AMF_Decode(&prop->p_vu.p_object, pBuffer, nSize, TRUE); if (nRes == -1) return -1; nSize -= nRes; break; } case AMF_MOVIECLIP: { RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "AMF_MOVIECLIP reserved!"); return -1; break; } case AMF_NULL: case AMF_UNDEFINED: case AMF_UNSUPPORTED: prop->p_type = AMF_NULL; break; case AMF_REFERENCE: { RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "AMF_REFERENCE not supported!"); return -1; break; } case AMF_ECMA_ARRAY: { nSize -= 4; /* next comes the rest, mixed array has a final 0x000009 mark and names, so its an object */ nRes = AMF_Decode(&prop->p_vu.p_object, pBuffer + 4, nSize, TRUE); if (nRes == -1) return -1; nSize -= nRes; prop->p_type = AMF_OBJECT; break; } case AMF_OBJECT_END: { return -1; break; } case AMF_STRICT_ARRAY: { unsigned int nArrayLen = AMF_DecodeInt32(pBuffer); nSize -= 4; nRes = AMF_DecodeArray(&prop->p_vu.p_object, pBuffer + 4, nSize, nArrayLen, FALSE); if (nRes == -1) return -1; nSize -= nRes; prop->p_type = AMF_OBJECT; break; } case AMF_DATE: { RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "AMF_DATE"); if (nSize < 10) return -1; prop->p_vu.p_number = AMF_DecodeNumber(pBuffer); prop->p_UTCoffset = AMF_DecodeInt16(pBuffer + 8); nSize -= 10; break; } case AMF_LONG_STRING: { unsigned int nStringSize = AMF_DecodeInt32(pBuffer); if (nSize < (long)nStringSize + 4) return -1; AMF_DecodeLongString(pBuffer, &prop->p_vu.p_aval); nSize -= (4 + nStringSize); prop->p_type = AMF_STRING; break; } case AMF_RECORDSET: { RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "AMF_RECORDSET reserved!"); return -1; break; } case AMF_XML_DOC: { RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "AMF_XML_DOC not supported!"); return -1; break; } case AMF_TYPED_OBJECT: { RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "AMF_TYPED_OBJECT not supported!"); return -1; break; } case AMF_AVMPLUS: { int nRes = AMF3_Decode(&prop->p_vu.p_object, pBuffer, nSize, TRUE); if (nRes == -1) return -1; nSize -= nRes; prop->p_type = AMF_OBJECT; break; } default: RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s - unknown datatype 0x%02x, @0x%08X", __FUNCTION__, prop->p_type, pBuffer - 1); return -1; } return nOriginalSize - nSize; } void AMFProp_Dump(AMFObjectProperty *prop) { char strRes[256]; char str[256]; AVal name; if (prop->p_type == AMF_INVALID) { RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "Property: INVALID"); return; } if (prop->p_type == AMF_NULL) { RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "Property: NULL"); return; } if (prop->p_name.av_len) { name = prop->p_name; } else { name.av_val = "no-name."; name.av_len = sizeof("no-name.") - 1; } if (name.av_len > 18) name.av_len = 18; snprintf(strRes, 255, "Name: %18.*s, ", name.av_len, name.av_val); if (prop->p_type == AMF_OBJECT) { RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "Property: <%sOBJECT>", strRes); AMF_Dump(&prop->p_vu.p_object); return; } switch (prop->p_type) { case AMF_NUMBER: snprintf(str, 255, "NUMBER:\t%.2f", prop->p_vu.p_number); break; case AMF_BOOLEAN: snprintf(str, 255, "BOOLEAN:\t%s", prop->p_vu.p_number != 0.0 ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); break; case AMF_STRING: snprintf(str, 255, "STRING:\t%.*s", prop->p_vu.p_aval.av_len, prop->p_vu.p_aval.av_val); break; case AMF_DATE: snprintf(str, 255, "DATE:\ttimestamp: %.2f, UTC offset: %d", prop->p_vu.p_number, prop->p_UTCoffset); break; default: snprintf(str, 255, "INVALID TYPE 0x%02x", (unsigned char)prop->p_type); } RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "Property: <%s%s>", strRes, str); } void AMFProp_Reset(AMFObjectProperty *prop) { if (prop->p_type == AMF_OBJECT) AMF_Reset(&prop->p_vu.p_object); else { prop->p_vu.p_aval.av_len = 0; prop->p_vu.p_aval.av_val = NULL; } prop->p_type = AMF_INVALID; } /* AMFObject */ char * AMF_Encode(AMFObject *obj, char *pBuffer, char *pBufEnd) { int i; if (pBuffer+4 >= pBufEnd) return NULL; *pBuffer++ = AMF_OBJECT; for (i = 0; i < obj->o_num; i++) { char *res = AMFProp_Encode(&obj->o_props[i], pBuffer, pBufEnd); if (res == NULL) { RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "AMF_Encode - failed to encode property in index %d", i); break; } else { pBuffer = res; } } if (pBuffer + 3 >= pBufEnd) return NULL; /* no room for the end marker */ pBuffer = AMF_EncodeInt24(pBuffer, pBufEnd, AMF_OBJECT_END); return pBuffer; } int AMF_DecodeArray(AMFObject *obj, const char *pBuffer, int nSize, int nArrayLen, int bDecodeName) { int nOriginalSize = nSize; int bError = FALSE; obj->o_num = 0; obj->o_props = NULL; while (nArrayLen > 0) { AMFObjectProperty prop; int nRes; nArrayLen--; nRes = AMFProp_Decode(&prop, pBuffer, nSize, bDecodeName); if (nRes == -1) bError = TRUE; else { nSize -= nRes; pBuffer += nRes; AMF_AddProp(obj, &prop); } } if (bError) return -1; return nOriginalSize - nSize; } int AMF3_Decode(AMFObject *obj, const char *pBuffer, int nSize, int bAMFData) { int nOriginalSize = nSize; int32_t ref; int len; obj->o_num = 0; obj->o_props = NULL; if (bAMFData) { if (*pBuffer != AMF3_OBJECT) RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "AMF3 Object encapsulated in AMF stream does not start with AMF3_OBJECT!"); pBuffer++; nSize--; } ref = 0; len = AMF3ReadInteger(pBuffer, &ref); pBuffer += len; nSize -= len; if ((ref & 1) == 0) { /* object reference, 0xxx */ uint32_t objectIndex = (ref >> 1); RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "Object reference, index: %d", objectIndex); } else /* object instance */ { int32_t classRef = (ref >> 1); AMF3ClassDef cd = { {0, 0} }; AMFObjectProperty prop; if ((classRef & 0x1) == 0) { /* class reference */ uint32_t classIndex = (classRef >> 1); RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "Class reference: %d", classIndex); } else { int32_t classExtRef = (classRef >> 1); int i; cd.cd_externalizable = (classExtRef & 0x1) == 1; cd.cd_dynamic = ((classExtRef >> 1) & 0x1) == 1; cd.cd_num = classExtRef >> 2; /* class name */ len = AMF3ReadString(pBuffer, &cd.cd_name); nSize -= len; pBuffer += len; /*std::string str = className; */ RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "Class name: %s, externalizable: %d, dynamic: %d, classMembers: %d", cd.cd_name.av_val, cd.cd_externalizable, cd.cd_dynamic, cd.cd_num); for (i = 0; i < cd.cd_num; i++) { AVal memberName; len = AMF3ReadString(pBuffer, &memberName); RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "Member: %s", memberName.av_val); AMF3CD_AddProp(&cd, &memberName); nSize -= len; pBuffer += len; } } /* add as referencable object */ if (cd.cd_externalizable) { int nRes; AVal name = AVC("DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE"); RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "Externalizable, TODO check"); nRes = AMF3Prop_Decode(&prop, pBuffer, nSize, FALSE); if (nRes == -1) RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, failed to decode AMF3 property!", __FUNCTION__); else { nSize -= nRes; pBuffer += nRes; } AMFProp_SetName(&prop, &name); AMF_AddProp(obj, &prop); } else { int nRes, i; for (i = 0; i < cd.cd_num; i++) /* non-dynamic */ { nRes = AMF3Prop_Decode(&prop, pBuffer, nSize, FALSE); if (nRes == -1) RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, failed to decode AMF3 property!", __FUNCTION__); AMFProp_SetName(&prop, AMF3CD_GetProp(&cd, i)); AMF_AddProp(obj, &prop); pBuffer += nRes; nSize -= nRes; } if (cd.cd_dynamic) { int len = 0; do { nRes = AMF3Prop_Decode(&prop, pBuffer, nSize, TRUE); AMF_AddProp(obj, &prop); pBuffer += nRes; nSize -= nRes; len = prop.p_name.av_len; } while (len > 0); } } RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "class object!"); } return nOriginalSize - nSize; } //解AMF编码的Object数据类型 int AMF_Decode(AMFObject *obj, const char *pBuffer, int nSize, int bDecodeName) { int nOriginalSize = nSize; int bError = FALSE; /* if there is an error while decoding - try to at least find the end mark AMF_OBJECT_END */ obj->o_num = 0; obj->o_props = NULL; while (nSize > 0) { AMFObjectProperty prop; int nRes; if (nSize >=3 && AMF_DecodeInt24(pBuffer) == AMF_OBJECT_END) { nSize -= 3; bError = FALSE; break; } if (bError) { RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "DECODING ERROR, IGNORING BYTES UNTIL NEXT KNOWN PATTERN!"); nSize--; pBuffer++; continue; } //解Object里的Property nRes = AMFProp_Decode(&prop, pBuffer, nSize, bDecodeName); if (nRes == -1) bError = TRUE; else { nSize -= nRes; pBuffer += nRes; AMF_AddProp(obj, &prop); } } if (bError) return -1; return nOriginalSize - nSize; } void AMF_AddProp(AMFObject *obj, const AMFObjectProperty *prop) { if (!(obj->o_num & 0x0f)) obj->o_props = (AMFObjectProperty *) realloc(obj->o_props, (obj->o_num + 16) * sizeof(AMFObjectProperty)); obj->o_props[obj->o_num++] = *prop; } int AMF_CountProp(AMFObject *obj) { return obj->o_num; } AMFObjectProperty * AMF_GetProp(AMFObject *obj, const AVal *name, int nIndex) { if (nIndex >= 0) { if (nIndex <= obj->o_num) return &obj->o_props[nIndex]; } else { int n; for (n = 0; n < obj->o_num; n++) { if (AVMATCH(&obj->o_props[n].p_name, name)) return &obj->o_props[n]; } } return (AMFObjectProperty *)&AMFProp_Invalid; } void AMF_Dump(AMFObject *obj) { int n; RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "(object begin)"); for (n = 0; n < obj->o_num; n++) { AMFProp_Dump(&obj->o_props[n]); } RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "(object end)"); } void AMF_Reset(AMFObject *obj) { int n; for (n = 0; n < obj->o_num; n++) { AMFProp_Reset(&obj->o_props[n]); } free(obj->o_props); obj->o_props = NULL; obj->o_num = 0; } /* AMF3ClassDefinition */ void AMF3CD_AddProp(AMF3ClassDef *cd, AVal *prop) { if (!(cd->cd_num & 0x0f)) cd->cd_props = (AVal *)realloc(cd->cd_props, (cd->cd_num + 16) * sizeof(AVal)); cd->cd_props[cd->cd_num++] = *prop; } AVal * AMF3CD_GetProp(AMF3ClassDef *cd, int nIndex) { if (nIndex >= cd->cd_num) return (AVal *)&AV_empty; return &cd->cd_props[nIndex]; }
AMF3 中文版介绍:http://download.csdn.net/detail/leixiaohua1020/6389977
rtmpdump源代码(VC 2005 工程):http://download.csdn.net/detail/leixiaohua1020/6563163
1. rtmpdump源代码:这是工具的源代码,程序员可以查看并理解其工作原理,或者根据需求进行定制。 2. librtmp源代码:提供了库的源代码,开发者可以修改、优化或扩展功能。 3. 静态库(.lib文件):适用于那些希望将...
**源代码分析** 源代码包含多个关键组件,如网络通信模块、RTMP协议解析模块、文件写入模块等。开发者可以通过阅读源码来学习如何实现RTMP协议的客户端功能,如何处理数据包的编码和解码,以及如何与服务器进行交互...
- 添加源文件:将rtmpdump和librtmp的源代码添加到项目中。 - 适应平台:修改源代码中的编译器特定宏和包含路径,以适应VS2008环境。 - 链接库设置:确保正确配置了所有依赖库,如zlib等。 - 编译和调试:编译...
3. **自定义编译**: 虽然这个资源包提供了rtmpdump的源代码,但编译和安装过程需要用户自行完成,这给了用户根据特定环境定制配置的机会。 ### 安装rtmpdump-2.4 在树莓派上安装rtmpdump-2.4时,首先确保系统是...
1. **RTMP连接与握手**:rtmpdump能够处理RTMP协议中的连接建立过程,包括AMF(Action Message Format)编码的握手消息,这是与RTMP服务器交互的基础。 2. **流识别与控制**:它能解析RTMP流元数据,允许用户指定要...
3. `src/rtmpdump.c`:rtmpdump的主要源代码文件,包含RTMP连接管理、命令处理和数据流解析等功能。 4. `src/utils.c`和其他辅助源文件:这些文件提供各种辅助功能,如命令行解析、日志记录等。 5. `include/rtmp.h`...
2. **编译好的动态库**:预编译的动态库文件(如librtmp.so)使得其他应用程序可以直接链接并使用rtmpdump的功能,而无需重新编译整个源代码。这对于开发基于rtmpdump的应用程序非常方便。 使用rtmpdump-2.3,你...
"bin"目录通常存放可执行文件,而"librtmp_src"则表示RTMP库的源代码,这是rtmpdump的核心部分,用于处理与RTMP服务器的通信。 编译rtmpdump时,你需要确保你有正确的开发环境,例如Visual Studio 2010,因为它是一...
源代码可以让你深入理解RTMP协议的工作原理,以及rtmpdump如何实现数据的捕获和处理。这对于想要自定义或扩展rtmpdump功能的人来说尤其重要。 rtmpdump.exe是rtmpdump的可执行文件,你可以用它来从RTMP服务器上下载...
2. **获取源代码**:从rtmpdump项目的官方仓库或第三方源获取源代码。 3. **配置项目**:在VC6.0中创建新项目,将源代码文件添加到项目中,配置相应的编译选项和链接器设置。 4. **解决依赖**:如果项目依赖于特定库...
2. **下载源代码**:从官方网站或者GitHub仓库获取rtmpdump-2.3的源代码包。 3. **解压与配置**:使用`tar`命令解压缩源代码包,然后进入目录并使用`./configure`进行配置,根据提示检查依赖是否齐全。 4. **编译与...
同时,开发者也可以利用rtmpdump的源代码,学习如何实现RTMP协议的相关功能,为自己的项目提供支持。 然而,随着HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) 和DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP) 等适应性更强的流媒体...
3. **命令行操作**:作为一个命令行工具,rtmpdump允许用户通过参数进行灵活配置,如设置下载速度、指定输出文件名等。 4. **安全性**:rtmpdump能够处理具有加密的RTMP连接,为用户提供了安全的视频下载环境。 三...
3. `AMF`模块:Action Message Format,用于封装RTMP协议中的数据,如命令消息和音频、视频数据。 4. `Chunk`模块:RTMP协议使用分块传输来提高效率,chunk模块处理数据的分块和重组。 5. `Utils`模块:包含各种...
rtmpdump.2.4.tar.gz rtmpdump 是一个可以通过RTMP协议上传和下载流媒体的工具.
3. **实时推流**:RTMPDump能够实现实时地将数据推送到服务器,这意味着你需要持续地从视频源读取数据并将其发送到RTMP服务器。这个过程需要考虑到网络延迟和丢包,确保数据的连续性和完整性。 4. **错误处理和重试...