
the leap second may crash servers


1.what is leap second


  that is:


     case 'world time' is slower than atom time

  how long a second in scale in this case


  yesterday,the leap second was come here at 8'o clock moring,one related thing were occured:

  high system cpu,user cpu for all processes lied in that node which run a 'ntp' service

   and the kern.log

Jul  1 07:59:59 xxx-01 kernel: [14897543.632649] Clock: inserting leap second 23:59:60 UTC



 a.restore time from hardware

  first,my fellow checked that but found nothing!then a idea come to his mind:leap second!so he used this command to restore time from haredware

hwclock -s

   then the processes in that node all restored to be normal.

 b.restart processes

 c.add a jump second (experiment,like google)

 d.stop ntp at that time


4.root cause

  a dead lock occurs when get hardware clock,see [2]


The kernel attempts to print a message when a leap second is inserted or removed.  This can cause kernel versions prior to 2.6.29 to hang, due to a deadlock on xtime_lock.  See http://lkml.org/lkml/2009/1/2/373 for a trace and explanation.

   note:in my case,it only occured in os linux-3.2 which run with 'ntp' service,but for other os linux-3.5 which run  with 'ntp' also lucky happened nothing!




[2]Leap second message can hang the kernel

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