what is
every db holds its storage level,either memory or fs.this is similar to,hbase,it has HFile as underlying data structure which will be stored in fs or dfs.
exquisite data structure also must be matched appropriate algoriths.of course ,different requirements will lead to heavily varied db design styles.
like some other index tools,HFile is a indexed storage structure mainly for fast access.the idea of HFle is from TFile ,sure,the former has a bit differences improved, and its internal structures will like below figures:
*note:this file format(not Data block) is for HFile v1,the part File Info is placed after Meta Index for v2.
as described above,hbase uses special file instead of existances in hadoop (eg. SequenceFile) is to speedup the readings by rowkeys,as you can see some index blocks in previous figures:
a.construct a reversed index query,speed up for reading(mainly)
b.supplys a hadoop-independent style to read/write file format without considering dfs's compability
file | structure | compression | embed in |
SequenceFile |
3 file types: 1)uncompressed 2)record-comprssed(only values be compressed) 3)block-compressed(both keys and vlaues are compressed,similar to HFile v2) |
yes | hadoop |
HFile v1 | similar to v2,but some block indexes are different wth that. | yes | hbase |
HFile v2 |
1)indexed reversed style 2)most data(except trailer) in file are compressed if configure compressor |
yes |
hbase new file format for (94+) |
how to
there is a process model in the flush:
1.iterate all keyvaues in snapshot to write to memory buffer 2.generate a new data block if over a 'block-size' which in set when creating table 3.repeat 1 & 2 until no more data from snapshot 4.flush to memory compressed stream 5.flush to stream to outputStream (hfile stream) and clear the tmp buffer to avoid huage memory usage 6.similar to data block flush,flush meta block,data index,meta index,file-info and last trailer
why places extra parts of index and trailer to the last of a hfile?
i think some points are abvious:
a. as the index or trailer have some stats about the block and index,flushing memory buffer to hfile per 'block'(part of hfile) will min the memory overhead by region.
b. this can avoid going far away from the top of hfile offset to locate a special data block offset
using the or.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.HFile tool ,u wil look at the the details of it like below:
hbase hfile -f path-to-file
for a compressed file occupied size '18644309' will results like this:
Stats: Key length: count: 496573 min: 48 max: 53 mean: 49.44025551127427 Val length: count: 496573 min: 1 max: 915 mean: 34.053575204451306 Row size (bytes): count: 28930 min: 814 max: 3190 mean: 1570.45855513308 Row size (columns): count: 28930 min: 12 max: 21 mean: 17.16463878326996 Key of biggest row: 94678d0589778ade561378ac26dfd791Key length count--number of keys(composite keys,ie. rowkey+fml+col+ts+type)
HBase 元数据修复工具包。 ①修改 jar 包中的application.properties,重点是 zookeeper.address、zookeeper.nodeParent、hdfs....③开始修复 `java -jar -Drepair.tableName=表名 hbase-meta-repair-hbase-2.0.2.jar`
hbase-sdk是基于hbase-client和hbase-thrift的原生API封装的一款轻量级的HBase ORM框架。 针对HBase各版本API(1.x~2.x)间的差异,在其上剥离出了一层统一的抽象。并提供了以类SQL的方式来读写HBase表中的数据。对...
赠送jar包:phoenix-core-4.7.0-HBase-1.1.jar; 赠送原API文档:phoenix-core-4.7.0-HBase-1.1-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:phoenix-core-4.7.0-HBase-1.1-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:phoenix-core-4.7.0...
HBase(hbase-2.4.9-bin.tar.gz)是一个分布式的、面向列的开源数据库,该技术来源于 Fay Chang 所撰写的Google论文“Bigtable:一个结构化数据的分布式存储系统”。就像Bigtable利用了Google文件系统(File System...
标题“hbase-1.2.1-bin.tar.gz.zip”表明这是HBase 1.2.1版本的二进制发行版,以tar.gz格式压缩,并且进一步用zip压缩。这种双重压缩方式可能用于减小文件大小,方便在网络上传输。用户需要先对zip文件进行解压,...
《Phoenix与HBase的深度解析:基于phoenix-hbase-2.4-5.1.2版本》 在大数据处理领域,Apache HBase和Phoenix是两个至关重要的组件。HBase作为一个分布式、列式存储的NoSQL数据库,为海量数据提供了高效、实时的访问...
"phoenix-5.0.0-HBase-2.0-client" 是一个针对Apache HBase数据库的Phoenix客户端库,主要用于通过SQL查询语句与HBase进行交互。这个版本的Phoenix客户端是为HBase 2.0版本设计和优化的,确保了与该版本HBase的兼容...
本文将深入探讨这两个技术及其结合体`phoenix-hbase-2.2-5.1.2-bin.tar.gz`的详细内容。 首先,HBase(Hadoop Database)是Apache软件基金会的一个开源项目,它构建于Hadoop之上,是一款面向列的分布式数据库。...
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标题中的“hbase-1.1.2-bin.tar.gz”指的是HBase 1.1.2版本的二进制发行包,通常以压缩格式提供,方便用户下载并在Linux或Unix环境中安装使用。 HBase的设计灵感来源于Google的Bigtable论文,它在Hadoop之上构建,...
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