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- [root@ford depot]# rake --task(或者rake -T)
- (in /home/xxxx/rails/depot)
- rake db:abort_if_pending_migrations # Raises an error if there are pending migrations
- rake db:charset # Retrieves the charset for the current environment's database
- rake db:collation # Retrieves the collation for the current environment's database
- rake db:create # Create the database defined in config/database.yml for the current RAILS_ENV
- rake db:create:all # Create all the local databases defined in config/database.yml
- rake db:drop # Drops the database for the current RAILS_ENV
- rake db:drop:all # Drops all the local databases defined in config/database.yml
- rake db:fixtures:identify # Search for a fixture given a LABEL or ID.
- rake db:fixtures:load # Load fixtures into the current environment's database.
- rake db:migrate # Migrate the database through scripts in db/migrate and update db/schema.rb by invoking db:schema:dump. Target specific version w...
- rake db:migrate:down # Runs the "down" for a given migration VERSION.
- rake db:migrate:redo # Rollbacks the database one migration and re migrate up.
- rake db:migrate:reset # Resets your database using your migrations for the current environment
- rake db:migrate:up # Runs the "up" for a given migration VERSION.
- rake db:reset # Drops and recreates the database from db/schema.rb for the current environment and loads the seeds.
- rake db:rollback # Rolls the schema back to the previous version.
- rake db:schema:dump # Create a db/schema.rb file that can be portably used against any DB supported by AR
- rake db:schema:load # Load a schema.rb file into the database
- rake db:seed # Load the seed data from db/seeds.rb
- rake db:sessions:clear # Clear the sessions table
- rake db:sessions:create # Creates a sessions migration for use with ActiveRecord::SessionStore
- rake db:setup # Create the database, load the schema, and initialize with the seed data
- rake db:structure:dump # Dump the database structure to a SQL file
- rake db:test:clone # Recreate the test database from the current environment's database schema
- rake db:test:clone_structure # Recreate the test databases from the development structure
- rake db:test:load # Recreate the test database from the current schema.rb
- rake db:test:prepare # Check for pending migrations and load the test schema
- rake db:test:purge # Empty the test database
- rake db:version # Retrieves the current schema version number
- rake doc:app # Build the RDOC HTML Files
- rake doc:clobber_app # Remove rdoc products
- rake doc:clobber_plugins # Remove plugin documentation
- rake doc:clobber_rails # Remove rdoc products
- rake doc:guides # Generate Rails guides
- rake doc:plugins # Generate documentation for all installed plugins
- rake doc:rails # Build the RDOC HTML Files
- rake doc:reapp # Force a rebuild of the RDOC files
- rake doc:rerails # Force a rebuild of the RDOC files
- rake gems # List the gems that this rails application depends on
- rake gems:build # Build any native extensions for unpacked gems
- rake gems:build:force # Force the build of all gems
- rake gems:install # Installs all required gems.
- rake gems:refresh_specs # Regenerate gem specifications in correct format.
- rake gems:unpack # Unpacks all required gems into vendor/gems.
- rake gems:unpack:dependencies # Unpacks all required gems and their dependencies into vendor/gems.
- rake log:clear # Truncates all *.log files in log/ to zero bytes
- rake middleware # Prints out your Rack middleware stack
- rake notes # Enumerate all annotations
- rake notes:custom # Enumerate a custom annotation, specify with ANNOTATION=WTFHAX
- rake notes:fixme # Enumerate all FIXME annotations
- rake notes:optimize # Enumerate all OPTIMIZE annotations
- rake notes:todo # Enumerate all TODO annotations
- rake rails:freeze:edge # Lock to latest Edge Rails, for a specific release use RELEASE=1.2.0
- rake rails:freeze:gems # Lock this application to the current gems (by unpacking them into vendor/rails)
- rake rails:template # Applies the template supplied by LOCATION=/path/to/template
- rake rails:unfreeze # Unlock this application from freeze of gems or edge and return to a fluid use of system gems
- rake rails:update # Update both configs, scripts and public/javascripts from Rails
- rake rails:update:application_controller # Rename application.rb to application_controller.rb
- rake rails:update:configs # Update config/boot.rb from your current rails install
- rake rails:update:generate_dispatchers # Generate dispatcher files in RAILS_ROOT/public
- rake rails:update:javascripts # Update your javascripts from your current rails install
- rake rails:update:scripts # Add new scripts to the application script/ directory
- rake routes # Print out all defined routes in match order, with names.
- rake secret # Generate a crytographically secure secret key.
- rake stats # Report code statistics (KLOCs, etc) from the application
- rake test # Run all unit, functional and integration tests
- rake test:benchmark # Run tests for benchmarkdb:test:prepare / Benchmark the performance tests
- rake test:functionals # Run tests for functionalsdb:test:prepare / Run the functional tests in test/functional
- rake test:integration # Run tests for integrationdb:test:prepare / Run the integration tests in test/integration
- rake test:plugins # Run tests for pluginsenvironment / Run the plugin tests in vendor/plugins/*/**/test (or specify with PLUGIN=name)
- rake test:profile # Run tests for profiledb:test:prepare / Profile the performance tests
- rake test:recent # Run tests for recentdb:test:prepare / Test recent changes
- rake test:uncommitted # Run tests for uncommitteddb:test:prepare / Test changes since last checkin (only Subversion and Git)
- rake test:units # Run tests for unitsdb:test:prepare / Run the unit tests in test/unit
- rake time:zones:all # Displays names of all time zones recognized by the Rails TimeZone class, grouped by offset.
- rake time:zones:local # Displays names of time zones recognized by the Rails TimeZone class with the same offset as the system local time
- rake time:zones:us # Displays names of US time zones recognized by the Rails TimeZone class, grouped by offset.
- rake tmp:cache:clear # Clears all files and directories in tmp/cache
- rake tmp:clear # Clear session, cache, and socket files from tmp/
- rake tmp:create # Creates tmp directories for sessions, cache, sockets, and pids
- rake tmp:pids:clear # Clears all files in tmp/pids
- rake tmp:sessions:clear # Clears all files in tmp/sessions
- rake tmp:sockets:clear # Clears all files in tmp/sockets
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3. 在命令行模式下运行gem install rake命令将在线安装Rake。 4. 将 Rails 2.2.2 的安装包解压到某个临时目录下,在命令行模式下切换当前目录为该临时目录,运行gem install rails -v=2.2.2 --include-dependencies...
$ bundle install $ bundle exec rake install子命令此插件提供以下 Knife 子命令。 可以通过使用--help标志调用子命令来找到特定的命令选项。knife container docker init 初始化一个新文件夹,该文件夹将包含构建...
在 Vim 中一遍又一遍地运行相同的命令。 特征 运行 Vim 命令,保存它以供以后运行。 想想单元测试、临时脚本…… 应该适用于任何 Vim 命令。 试试 、 或普通的 . 快速示例 $ vim lib/whatever.rb # Hack hack :...
you can't run this command now"错误是一个常见的问题,它通常出现在多条语句连续执行时,由于某些原因导致数据连接的状态不一致,使得MySQL无法正确处理后续的命令。这个错误的根源在于MySQL的C API,当执行...
如果碰巧在没有--recursive标志的情况下克隆此存储库,仍然可以使用以下命令初始化和更新子模块: git submodule initgit submodule update --remote 可以随时使用git submodule update --remote或rake update任务...
在这个案例中,`rake link`命令可能是用来将存储库中的点文件链接到用户的家目录,从而实现配置的激活。这意味着用户可以轻松地在不同机器之间同步和更新他们的环境设置。 "执照"部分表明这些点文件遵循特定的开源...
Invoke是一个Python(2.7和3.4+)库,用于管理面向Shell的子进程并将可执行的Python代码组织到CLI可调用的任务中。 它从各种来源( make / rake ,Fabric 1.x等)中汲取灵感,以获得功能强大且简洁的功能集。 有关...
DPLA平台 Search API提供对DPLA... 安装时,运行以下命令以生成延迟的作业并在数据库中创建表: rails generate delayed_job rails generate delayed_job:active_record rake db:migrate 当启动Content-QA子应用程序
通过运行以下命令获取git子模块: git submodule init git submodule update 安装依赖项: bundle install 然后使用以下命令运行测试: rake test 执照: (MIT许可证) 版权所有(c)2012-2020 Aaron ...
电子看板 感谢您对eKanban的关注。 eKanban是一个Redmine插件,用于支持看板-一种敏捷的软件开发方法。 您可以访问观看演示。 ...安装说明 从下载该软件包。 现在,此插件仅在Redmine 2.1.x...rake redmine:plugins:mig
我们还在独立的仓库中进行翻译,而不是在英语仓库的子目录中。查看了解更多信息。 如何生成本书 您可以用Asciidoctor手动生成电子书文件。如果您运行下面的命令,您可能实际上获得HTML,Epub,Mobi和PDF输出文件: ...
5. **使用模板**:创建好模板后,可以通过`rails new`命令加上`-m`选项来使用,如`rails new my_app -m /path/to/my_template.rake`。 在"rails_templates-master"这个文件夹中,我们可以看到一个模板的示例项目。...
因此,请确保已安装Jake模块: npm install jake -g实际的flowgallery.js库( )作为git子模块包含在内,请运行以下命令来检查存储库: git submodule initgit submodule update发展该网站主要是一个单页网站-除了...
- **多项目支持**:支持创建多个项目及其子项目,方便大型项目或多个项目的管理。 - **里程碑管理**:通过设置里程碑来追踪项目的关键节点。 - **用户角色管理**:可根据需求配置不同用户的角色和权限。 - **问题...
这个项目很可能使用了Ruby的Rack框架,因为运行服务器的命令包含`bundle install`和`bundle exec rake server:run`。Rack是一个简单的接口,它将Ruby应用程序与Web服务器连接起来。 3. `bundle install`是Ruby的...
描述中的“由团队创建的用生成的Rails应用程序”可能指的是这个项目是团队协作的结果,并且可能是通过Rails的`rails new`命令生成的初始项目结构。当开发者想要创建一个新的Rails应用时,会运行`rails new app_name`...
自述文件 ...然后,运行此命令以创建数据库 docker-compose run web rake db:create 开始 docker-compose up 打开 手术 停止 docker-compose down 附上容器 docker exec -it #{container_name} bash
要开始使用,请在获得PuzzleTime副本后,在主目录中发出以下命令: bin/setup # install gem dependencies and setup database (PostgreSQL) rake # run all the tests rails db:setup # prepare database rails ...
特别指出,要运行测试,用户需要先安装 Ruby,并执行 "rake test" 命令,这是 Ruby 项目中常见的自动化构建和测试工具。 **标签解析:** 标签 "Java" 指出该项目与 Java 语言有关,虽然 Ruboto 使用的是 Ruby,但...