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一 spring整合ibatis
1 创建ibatis功能类
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE abatorConfiguration PUBLIC "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Abator for iBATIS Configuration 1.0//EN" "http://ibatis.apache.org/dtd/abator-config_1_0.dtd" >
<abatorConfiguration >
<abatorContext >
<jdbcConnection driverClass="com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver" connectionURL="jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=mydb" userId="sa" password="841026" >
<classPathEntry location="F:/Program Files/workspace/SpringTranslateDemo/driver/sqljdbc.jar" />
<javaModelGenerator targetPackage="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo" targetProject="SpringTranslateDemo" />
<sqlMapGenerator targetPackage="com.whpu.upanddown.ibatis.config" targetProject="SpringTranslateDemo" />
<daoGenerator targetPackage="com.whpu.upanddown.ibatis.dao" targetProject="SpringTranslateDemo" type="GENERIC-CI" />
<table schema="dbo" tableName="student" >
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE abatorConfiguration PUBLIC "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Abator for iBATIS Configuration 1.0//EN" "http://ibatis.apache.org/dtd/abator-config_1_0.dtd" >
<abatorConfiguration >
<abatorContext >
<jdbcConnection driverClass="com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver" connectionURL="jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=mydb" userId="sa" password="841026" >
<classPathEntry location="F:/Program Files/workspace/SpringTranslateDemo/driver/sqljdbc.jar" />
<javaModelGenerator targetPackage="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo" targetProject="SpringTranslateDemo" />
<sqlMapGenerator targetPackage="com.whpu.upanddown.ibatis.config" targetProject="SpringTranslateDemo" />
<daoGenerator targetPackage="com.whpu.upanddown.ibatis.dao" targetProject="SpringTranslateDemo" type="GENERIC-CI" />
<table schema="dbo" tableName="student" >
package com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo;
public class Student {
* This field was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This field corresponds to the database column dbo.student.stuid
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
private Integer stuid;
* This field was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This field corresponds to the database column dbo.student.stuname
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
private String stuname;
* This field was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This field corresponds to the database column dbo.student.stusex
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
private String stusex;
* This field was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This field corresponds to the database column dbo.student.stuage
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
private Integer stuage;
* This field was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This field corresponds to the database column dbo.student.stuclass
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
private String stuclass;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method returns the value of the database column dbo.student.stuid
* @return the value of dbo.student.stuid
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public Integer getStuid() {
return stuid;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method sets the value of the database column dbo.student.stuid
* @param stuid the value for dbo.student.stuid
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public void setStuid(Integer stuid) {
this.stuid = stuid;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method returns the value of the database column dbo.student.stuname
* @return the value of dbo.student.stuname
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public String getStuname() {
return stuname;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method sets the value of the database column dbo.student.stuname
* @param stuname the value for dbo.student.stuname
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public void setStuname(String stuname) {
this.stuname = stuname;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method returns the value of the database column dbo.student.stusex
* @return the value of dbo.student.stusex
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public String getStusex() {
return stusex;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method sets the value of the database column dbo.student.stusex
* @param stusex the value for dbo.student.stusex
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public void setStusex(String stusex) {
this.stusex = stusex;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method returns the value of the database column dbo.student.stuage
* @return the value of dbo.student.stuage
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public Integer getStuage() {
return stuage;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method sets the value of the database column dbo.student.stuage
* @param stuage the value for dbo.student.stuage
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public void setStuage(Integer stuage) {
this.stuage = stuage;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method returns the value of the database column dbo.student.stuclass
* @return the value of dbo.student.stuclass
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public String getStuclass() {
return stuclass;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method sets the value of the database column dbo.student.stuclass
* @param stuclass the value for dbo.student.stuclass
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public void setStuclass(String stuclass) {
this.stuclass = stuclass;
public class Student {
* This field was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This field corresponds to the database column dbo.student.stuid
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
private Integer stuid;
* This field was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This field corresponds to the database column dbo.student.stuname
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
private String stuname;
* This field was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This field corresponds to the database column dbo.student.stusex
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
private String stusex;
* This field was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This field corresponds to the database column dbo.student.stuage
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
private Integer stuage;
* This field was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This field corresponds to the database column dbo.student.stuclass
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
private String stuclass;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method returns the value of the database column dbo.student.stuid
* @return the value of dbo.student.stuid
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public Integer getStuid() {
return stuid;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method sets the value of the database column dbo.student.stuid
* @param stuid the value for dbo.student.stuid
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public void setStuid(Integer stuid) {
this.stuid = stuid;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method returns the value of the database column dbo.student.stuname
* @return the value of dbo.student.stuname
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public String getStuname() {
return stuname;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method sets the value of the database column dbo.student.stuname
* @param stuname the value for dbo.student.stuname
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public void setStuname(String stuname) {
this.stuname = stuname;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method returns the value of the database column dbo.student.stusex
* @return the value of dbo.student.stusex
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public String getStusex() {
return stusex;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method sets the value of the database column dbo.student.stusex
* @param stusex the value for dbo.student.stusex
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public void setStusex(String stusex) {
this.stusex = stusex;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method returns the value of the database column dbo.student.stuage
* @return the value of dbo.student.stuage
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public Integer getStuage() {
return stuage;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method sets the value of the database column dbo.student.stuage
* @param stuage the value for dbo.student.stuage
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public void setStuage(Integer stuage) {
this.stuage = stuage;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method returns the value of the database column dbo.student.stuclass
* @return the value of dbo.student.stuclass
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public String getStuclass() {
return stuclass;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method sets the value of the database column dbo.student.stuclass
* @param stuclass the value for dbo.student.stuclass
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public void setStuclass(String stuclass) {
this.stuclass = stuclass;
package com.whpu.upanddown.ibatis.dao;
import com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student;
import com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.StudentExample;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.List;
public interface StudentDAO {
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
void insert(Student record) ;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
int updateByPrimaryKey(Student record) throws SQLException;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
int updateByPrimaryKeySelective(Student record) throws SQLException;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
List selectByExample(StudentExample example) throws SQLException;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
Student selectByPrimaryKey(Integer stuid) throws SQLException;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
int deleteByExample(StudentExample example) throws SQLException;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
int deleteByPrimaryKey(Integer stuid) throws SQLException;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
int countByExample(StudentExample example) throws SQLException;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
int updateByExampleSelective(Student record, StudentExample example) throws SQLException;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
int updateByExample(Student record, StudentExample example) throws SQLException;
List selectByname(String name) throws SQLException;
List selectByclassname(String classname) throws SQLException;
package com.whpu.upanddown.ibatis.dao;
import com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student;
import com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.StudentExample;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.List;
public interface StudentDAO {
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
void insert(Student record) ;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
int updateByPrimaryKey(Student record) throws SQLException;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
int updateByPrimaryKeySelective(Student record) throws SQLException;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
List selectByExample(StudentExample example) throws SQLException;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
Student selectByPrimaryKey(Integer stuid) throws SQLException;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
int deleteByExample(StudentExample example) throws SQLException;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
int deleteByPrimaryKey(Integer stuid) throws SQLException;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
int countByExample(StudentExample example) throws SQLException;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
int updateByExampleSelective(Student record, StudentExample example) throws SQLException;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
int updateByExample(Student record, StudentExample example) throws SQLException;
List selectByname(String name) throws SQLException;
List selectByclassname(String classname) throws SQLException;
package com.whpu.upanddown.ibatis.dao;
import com.ibatis.sqlmap.client.SqlMapClient;
import com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student;
import com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.StudentExample;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.List;
public class StudentDAOImpl implements StudentDAO {
* This field was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This field corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
private SqlMapClient sqlMapClient;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public StudentDAOImpl(SqlMapClient sqlMapClient) {
this.sqlMapClient = sqlMapClient;
public StudentDAOImpl(){
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public void insert(Student record) {
try {
sqlMapClient.insert("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_insert", record);
sqlMapClient.insert("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_insert", record);
} catch (SQLException e) {
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public int updateByPrimaryKey(Student record) throws SQLException {
int rows = sqlMapClient.update("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_updateByPrimaryKey", record);
return rows;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public int updateByPrimaryKeySelective(Student record) throws SQLException {
int rows = sqlMapClient.update("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_updateByPrimaryKeySelective", record);
return rows;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public List selectByExample(StudentExample example) throws SQLException {
List list = sqlMapClient.queryForList("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_selectByExample", example);
return list;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public Student selectByPrimaryKey(Integer stuid) throws SQLException {
Student key = new Student();
Student record = (Student) sqlMapClient.queryForObject("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_selectByPrimaryKey", key);
return record;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public int deleteByExample(StudentExample example) throws SQLException {
int rows = sqlMapClient.delete("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_deleteByExample", example);
return rows;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public int deleteByPrimaryKey(Integer stuid) throws SQLException {
Student key = new Student();
int rows = sqlMapClient.delete("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_deleteByPrimaryKey", key);
return rows;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public int countByExample(StudentExample example) throws SQLException {
Integer count = (Integer) sqlMapClient.queryForObject("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_countByExample", example);
return count.intValue();
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public int updateByExampleSelective(Student record, StudentExample example) throws SQLException {
UpdateByExampleParms parms = new UpdateByExampleParms(record, example);
int rows = sqlMapClient.update("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_updateByExampleSelective", parms);
return rows;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public int updateByExample(Student record, StudentExample example) throws SQLException {
UpdateByExampleParms parms = new UpdateByExampleParms(record, example);
int rows = sqlMapClient.update("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_updateByExample", parms);
return rows;
* This class was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This class corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
private static class UpdateByExampleParms extends StudentExample {
private Object record;
public UpdateByExampleParms(Object record, StudentExample example) {
this.record = record;
public Object getRecord() {
return record;
public List selectByname(String stuname) throws SQLException
List list=sqlMapClient.queryForList("dbo_student.selectbystuname", stuname);
return list;
public List selectByclassname(String classname) throws SQLException
List list=sqlMapClient.queryForList("dbo_student.selectbyclassname", classname);
return list;
public void setSqlMapClient(SqlMapClient sqlMapClient) {
this.sqlMapClient = sqlMapClient;
package com.whpu.upanddown.ibatis.dao;
import com.ibatis.sqlmap.client.SqlMapClient;
import com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student;
import com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.StudentExample;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.List;
public class StudentDAOImpl implements StudentDAO {
* This field was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This field corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
private SqlMapClient sqlMapClient;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public StudentDAOImpl(SqlMapClient sqlMapClient) {
this.sqlMapClient = sqlMapClient;
public StudentDAOImpl(){
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public void insert(Student record) {
try {
sqlMapClient.insert("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_insert", record);
sqlMapClient.insert("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_insert", record);
} catch (SQLException e) {
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public int updateByPrimaryKey(Student record) throws SQLException {
int rows = sqlMapClient.update("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_updateByPrimaryKey", record);
return rows;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public int updateByPrimaryKeySelective(Student record) throws SQLException {
int rows = sqlMapClient.update("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_updateByPrimaryKeySelective", record);
return rows;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public List selectByExample(StudentExample example) throws SQLException {
List list = sqlMapClient.queryForList("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_selectByExample", example);
return list;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public Student selectByPrimaryKey(Integer stuid) throws SQLException {
Student key = new Student();
Student record = (Student) sqlMapClient.queryForObject("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_selectByPrimaryKey", key);
return record;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public int deleteByExample(StudentExample example) throws SQLException {
int rows = sqlMapClient.delete("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_deleteByExample", example);
return rows;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public int deleteByPrimaryKey(Integer stuid) throws SQLException {
Student key = new Student();
int rows = sqlMapClient.delete("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_deleteByPrimaryKey", key);
return rows;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public int countByExample(StudentExample example) throws SQLException {
Integer count = (Integer) sqlMapClient.queryForObject("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_countByExample", example);
return count.intValue();
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public int updateByExampleSelective(Student record, StudentExample example) throws SQLException {
UpdateByExampleParms parms = new UpdateByExampleParms(record, example);
int rows = sqlMapClient.update("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_updateByExampleSelective", parms);
return rows;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public int updateByExample(Student record, StudentExample example) throws SQLException {
UpdateByExampleParms parms = new UpdateByExampleParms(record, example);
int rows = sqlMapClient.update("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_updateByExample", parms);
return rows;
* This class was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This class corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
private static class UpdateByExampleParms extends StudentExample {
private Object record;
public UpdateByExampleParms(Object record, StudentExample example) {
this.record = record;
public Object getRecord() {
return record;
public List selectByname(String stuname) throws SQLException
List list=sqlMapClient.queryForList("dbo_student.selectbystuname", stuname);
return list;
public List selectByclassname(String classname) throws SQLException
List list=sqlMapClient.queryForList("dbo_student.selectbyclassname", classname);
return list;
public void setSqlMapClient(SqlMapClient sqlMapClient) {
this.sqlMapClient = sqlMapClient;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE sqlMap PUBLIC "-//ibatis.apache.org//DTD SQL Map 2.0//EN" "http://ibatis.apache.org/dtd/sql-map-2.dtd" >
<sqlMap namespace="dbo_student" >
<resultMap id="abatorgenerated_StudentResult" class="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
<result column="stuid" property="stuid" jdbcType="INTEGER" />
<result column="stuname" property="stuname" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<result column="stusex" property="stusex" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<result column="stuage" property="stuage" jdbcType="INTEGER" />
<result column="stuclass" property="stuclass" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<sql id="abatorgenerated_Example_Where_Clause" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
<iterate property="oredCriteria" conjunction="or" prepend="where" removeFirstPrepend="iterate" >
<isEqual property="oredCriteria[].valid" compareValue="true" >
<iterate prepend="and" property="oredCriteria[].criteriaWithoutValue" conjunction="and" >
<iterate prepend="and" property="oredCriteria[].criteriaWithSingleValue" conjunction="and" >
<iterate prepend="and" property="oredCriteria[].criteriaWithListValue" conjunction="and" >
<iterate property="oredCriteria[].criteriaWithListValue[].values" open="(" close=")" conjunction="," >
<iterate prepend="and" property="oredCriteria[].criteriaWithBetweenValue" conjunction="and" >
#oredCriteria[].criteriaWithBetweenValue[].values[0]# and
<select id="abatorgenerated_selectByPrimaryKey" resultMap="abatorgenerated_StudentResult" parameterClass="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
select stuid, stuname, stusex, stuage, stuclass
from dbo.student
where stuid = #stuid:INTEGER#
<select id="abatorgenerated_selectByExample" resultMap="abatorgenerated_StudentResult" parameterClass="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.StudentExample" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
select stuid, stuname, stusex, stuage, stuclass
from dbo.student
<isParameterPresent >
<include refid="dbo_student.abatorgenerated_Example_Where_Clause" />
<isNotNull property="orderByClause" >
order by $orderByClause$
<delete id="abatorgenerated_deleteByPrimaryKey" parameterClass="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
delete from dbo.student
where stuid = #stuid:INTEGER#
<delete id="abatorgenerated_deleteByExample" parameterClass="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.StudentExample" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
delete from dbo.student
<include refid="dbo_student.abatorgenerated_Example_Where_Clause" />
<insert id="abatorgenerated_insert" parameterClass="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
insert into dbo.student (stuid, stuname, stusex, stuage, stuclass)
values (#stuid:INTEGER#, #stuname:VARCHAR#, #stusex:VARCHAR#, #stuage:INTEGER#,
<update id="abatorgenerated_updateByPrimaryKey" parameterClass="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
update dbo.student
set stuname = #stuname:VARCHAR#,
stusex = #stusex:VARCHAR#,
stuage = #stuage:INTEGER#,
stuclass = #stuclass:VARCHAR#
where stuid = #stuid:INTEGER#
<update id="abatorgenerated_updateByPrimaryKeySelective" parameterClass="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
update dbo.student
<dynamic prepend="set" >
<isNotNull prepend="," property="stuname" >
stuname = #stuname:VARCHAR#
<isNotNull prepend="," property="stusex" >
stusex = #stusex:VARCHAR#
<isNotNull prepend="," property="stuage" >
stuage = #stuage:INTEGER#
<isNotNull prepend="," property="stuclass" >
stuclass = #stuclass:VARCHAR#
where stuid = #stuid:INTEGER#
<select id="abatorgenerated_countByExample" parameterClass="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.StudentExample" resultClass="java.lang.Integer" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
select count(*) from dbo.student
<include refid="dbo_student.abatorgenerated_Example_Where_Clause" />
<update id="abatorgenerated_updateByExampleSelective" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
update dbo.student
<dynamic prepend="set" >
<isNotNull prepend="," property="record.stuid" >
stuid = #record.stuid:INTEGER#
<isNotNull prepend="," property="record.stuname" >
stuname = #record.stuname:VARCHAR#
<isNotNull prepend="," property="record.stusex" >
stusex = #record.stusex:VARCHAR#
<isNotNull prepend="," property="record.stuage" >
stuage = #record.stuage:INTEGER#
<isNotNull prepend="," property="record.stuclass" >
stuclass = #record.stuclass:VARCHAR#
<isParameterPresent >
<include refid="dbo_student.abatorgenerated_Example_Where_Clause" />
<update id="abatorgenerated_updateByExample" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
update dbo.student
set stuid = #record.stuid:INTEGER#,
stuname = #record.stuname:VARCHAR#,
stusex = #record.stusex:VARCHAR#,
stuage = #record.stuage:INTEGER#,
stuclass = #record.stuclass:VARCHAR#
<isParameterPresent >
<include refid="dbo_student.abatorgenerated_Example_Where_Clause" />
<select id="selectbystuname" resultMap="abatorgenerated_StudentResult" parameterClass="java.lang.String" >
select stuid, stuname, stusex, stuage, stuclass
from dbo.student where stuname=#name#
<select id="selectbystuclass" resultMap="abatorgenerated_StudentResult" parameterClass="java.lang.String" >
select * from dbo.student as stu where stu.stuclass=#stuclass#
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE sqlMap PUBLIC "-//ibatis.apache.org//DTD SQL Map 2.0//EN" "http://ibatis.apache.org/dtd/sql-map-2.dtd" >
<sqlMap namespace="dbo_student" >
<resultMap id="abatorgenerated_StudentResult" class="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
<result column="stuid" property="stuid" jdbcType="INTEGER" />
<result column="stuname" property="stuname" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<result column="stusex" property="stusex" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<result column="stuage" property="stuage" jdbcType="INTEGER" />
<result column="stuclass" property="stuclass" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<sql id="abatorgenerated_Example_Where_Clause" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
<iterate property="oredCriteria" conjunction="or" prepend="where" removeFirstPrepend="iterate" >
<isEqual property="oredCriteria[].valid" compareValue="true" >
<iterate prepend="and" property="oredCriteria[].criteriaWithoutValue" conjunction="and" >
<iterate prepend="and" property="oredCriteria[].criteriaWithSingleValue" conjunction="and" >
<iterate prepend="and" property="oredCriteria[].criteriaWithListValue" conjunction="and" >
<iterate property="oredCriteria[].criteriaWithListValue[].values" open="(" close=")" conjunction="," >
<iterate prepend="and" property="oredCriteria[].criteriaWithBetweenValue" conjunction="and" >
#oredCriteria[].criteriaWithBetweenValue[].values[0]# and
<select id="abatorgenerated_selectByPrimaryKey" resultMap="abatorgenerated_StudentResult" parameterClass="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
select stuid, stuname, stusex, stuage, stuclass
from dbo.student
where stuid = #stuid:INTEGER#
<select id="abatorgenerated_selectByExample" resultMap="abatorgenerated_StudentResult" parameterClass="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.StudentExample" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
select stuid, stuname, stusex, stuage, stuclass
from dbo.student
<isParameterPresent >
<include refid="dbo_student.abatorgenerated_Example_Where_Clause" />
<isNotNull property="orderByClause" >
order by $orderByClause$
<delete id="abatorgenerated_deleteByPrimaryKey" parameterClass="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
delete from dbo.student
where stuid = #stuid:INTEGER#
<delete id="abatorgenerated_deleteByExample" parameterClass="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.StudentExample" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
delete from dbo.student
<include refid="dbo_student.abatorgenerated_Example_Where_Clause" />
<insert id="abatorgenerated_insert" parameterClass="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
insert into dbo.student (stuid, stuname, stusex, stuage, stuclass)
values (#stuid:INTEGER#, #stuname:VARCHAR#, #stusex:VARCHAR#, #stuage:INTEGER#,
<update id="abatorgenerated_updateByPrimaryKey" parameterClass="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
update dbo.student
set stuname = #stuname:VARCHAR#,
stusex = #stusex:VARCHAR#,
stuage = #stuage:INTEGER#,
stuclass = #stuclass:VARCHAR#
where stuid = #stuid:INTEGER#
<update id="abatorgenerated_updateByPrimaryKeySelective" parameterClass="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
update dbo.student
<dynamic prepend="set" >
<isNotNull prepend="," property="stuname" >
stuname = #stuname:VARCHAR#
<isNotNull prepend="," property="stusex" >
stusex = #stusex:VARCHAR#
<isNotNull prepend="," property="stuage" >
stuage = #stuage:INTEGER#
<isNotNull prepend="," property="stuclass" >
stuclass = #stuclass:VARCHAR#
where stuid = #stuid:INTEGER#
<select id="abatorgenerated_countByExample" parameterClass="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.StudentExample" resultClass="java.lang.Integer" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
select count(*) from dbo.student
<include refid="dbo_student.abatorgenerated_Example_Where_Clause" />
<update id="abatorgenerated_updateByExampleSelective" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
update dbo.student
<dynamic prepend="set" >
<isNotNull prepend="," property="record.stuid" >
stuid = #record.stuid:INTEGER#
<isNotNull prepend="," property="record.stuname" >
stuname = #record.stuname:VARCHAR#
<isNotNull prepend="," property="record.stusex" >
stusex = #record.stusex:VARCHAR#
<isNotNull prepend="," property="record.stuage" >
stuage = #record.stuage:INTEGER#
<isNotNull prepend="," property="record.stuclass" >
stuclass = #record.stuclass:VARCHAR#
<isParameterPresent >
<include refid="dbo_student.abatorgenerated_Example_Where_Clause" />
<update id="abatorgenerated_updateByExample" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
update dbo.student
set stuid = #record.stuid:INTEGER#,
stuname = #record.stuname:VARCHAR#,
stusex = #record.stusex:VARCHAR#,
stuage = #record.stuage:INTEGER#,
stuclass = #record.stuclass:VARCHAR#
<isParameterPresent >
<include refid="dbo_student.abatorgenerated_Example_Where_Clause" />
<select id="selectbystuname" resultMap="abatorgenerated_StudentResult" parameterClass="java.lang.String" >
select stuid, stuname, stusex, stuage, stuclass
from dbo.student where stuname=#name#
<select id="selectbystuclass" resultMap="abatorgenerated_StudentResult" parameterClass="java.lang.String" >
select * from dbo.student as stu where stu.stuclass=#stuclass#
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-2.5.xsd">
<!-- 利用spring的DriverManagerDataSource类配置数据源 -->
<bean id="datasource"
<property name="driverClassName"
<property name="url"
<property name="username" value="sa"></property>
<property name="password" value="841026"></property>
<!-- 利用spring的SqlMapClientFactoryBean类生成sqlmapclient工厂-->
<bean id="sqlMapClient"
<property name="dataSource">
<ref bean="datasource" />
<property name="configLocation"
<bean id="transactionManager"
<property name="dataSource">
<ref bean="datasource" />
<bean id="studentdaoimpl"
<property name="sqlMapClient">
<ref bean="sqlMapClient" />
<!-- 利用spring的TransactionProxyFactoryBean去对事务进行自动管理 -->
<bean id="studao"
<property name="transactionManager">
<ref local="transactionManager" />
<property name="target">
<ref local="studentdaoimpl" />
<property name="transactionAttributes">
<prop key="insert*">PROPAGATION_REQUIRED</prop>
<prop key="update*">PROPAGATION_REQUIRED</prop>
<bean id="stu1" class="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student">
<property name="stuid" value="23"></property>
<property name="stuage" value="12"></property>
<property name="stuclass" value="1班"></property>
<property name="stusex" value="男"></property>
<bean id="stu2" class="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student">
<property name="stuid" value="1"></property>
<property name="stuage" value="13"></property>
<property name="stuclass" value="2班"></property>
<property name="stusex" value="女"></property>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-2.5.xsd">
<!-- 利用spring的DriverManagerDataSource类配置数据源 -->
<bean id="datasource"
<property name="driverClassName"
<property name="url"
<property name="username" value="sa"></property>
<property name="password" value="841026"></property>
<!-- 利用spring的SqlMapClientFactoryBean类生成sqlmapclient工厂-->
<bean id="sqlMapClient"
<property name="dataSource">
<ref bean="datasource" />
<property name="configLocation"
<bean id="transactionManager"
<property name="dataSource">
<ref bean="datasource" />
<bean id="studentdaoimpl"
<property name="sqlMapClient">
<ref bean="sqlMapClient" />
<!-- 利用spring的TransactionProxyFactoryBean去对事务进行自动管理 -->
<bean id="studao"
<property name="transactionManager">
<ref local="transactionManager" />
<property name="target">
<ref local="studentdaoimpl" />
<property name="transactionAttributes">
<prop key="insert*">PROPAGATION_REQUIRED</prop>
<prop key="update*">PROPAGATION_REQUIRED</prop>
<bean id="stu1" class="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student">
<property name="stuid" value="23"></property>
<property name="stuage" value="12"></property>
<property name="stuclass" value="1班"></property>
<property name="stusex" value="男"></property>
<bean id="stu2" class="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student">
<property name="stuid" value="1"></property>
<property name="stuage" value="13"></property>
<property name="stuclass" value="2班"></property>
<property name="stusex" value="女"></property>
package com.hjy.SpringTranslateDemo.Test;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.List;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext;
import com.ibatis.sqlmap.client.SqlMapClient;
import com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student;
import com.whpu.upanddown.ibatis.dao.StudentDAO;
import com.whpu.upanddown.ibatis.dao.StudentDAOImpl;
public class Test {
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApplicationContext ac = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(
SqlMapClient sqlmap = (SqlMapClient) ac.getBean("sqlMapClient");
// StudentDAO studao = (StudentDAO) ac.getBean("studao");
// studentdaoimpl
StudentDAO studao = (StudentDAO) ac.getBean("studao");
List list;
try {
list = studao.selectByname("张三");
Student stu = (Student) list.iterator().next();
} catch (SQLException e) {
package com.hjy.SpringTranslateDemo.Test;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.List;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext;
import com.ibatis.sqlmap.client.SqlMapClient;
import com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student;
import com.whpu.upanddown.ibatis.dao.StudentDAO;
import com.whpu.upanddown.ibatis.dao.StudentDAOImpl;
public class Test {
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApplicationContext ac = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(
SqlMapClient sqlmap = (SqlMapClient) ac.getBean("sqlMapClient");
// StudentDAO studao = (StudentDAO) ac.getBean("studao");
// studentdaoimpl
StudentDAO studao = (StudentDAO) ac.getBean("studao");
List list;
try {
list = studao.selectByname("张三");
Student stu = (Student) list.iterator().next();
} catch (SQLException e) {
二 Spring事务管理
Spring application.xml文件
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-2.5.xsd">
<!-- 利用spring的DriverManagerDataSource类配置数据源 -->
<bean id="datasource"
<property name="driverClassName"
<property name="url"
<property name="username" value="sa"></property>
<property name="password" value="841026"></property>
<!-- 利用spring的SqlMapClientFactoryBean类生成sqlmapclient工厂-->
<bean id="sqlMapClient"
<property name="dataSource">
<ref bean="datasource" />
<property name="configLocation"
<bean id="transactionManager"
<property name="dataSource">
<ref bean="datasource" />
<bean id="studentdaoimpl"
<property name="sqlMapClient">
<ref bean="sqlMapClient" />
<!-- 利用spring的TransactionProxyFactoryBean去对事务进行自动管理 -->
<bean id="studao"
<property name="transactionManager">
<ref local="transactionManager" />
<property name="target">
<ref local="studentdaoimpl" />
<property name="transactionAttributes">
<prop key="insert*">PROPAGATION_REQUIRED</prop>
<prop key="update*">PROPAGATION_REQUIRED</prop>
<bean id="stu1" class="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student">
<property name="stuid" value="23"></property>
<property name="stuage" value="12"></property>
<property name="stuclass" value="1班"></property>
<property name="stusex" value="男"></property>
<bean id="stu2" class="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student">
<property name="stuid" value="1"></property>
<property name="stuage" value="13"></property>
<property name="stuclass" value="2班"></property>
<property name="stusex" value="女"></property>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-2.5.xsd">
<!-- 利用spring的DriverManagerDataSource类配置数据源 -->
<bean id="datasource"
<property name="driverClassName"
<property name="url"
<property name="username" value="sa"></property>
<property name="password" value="841026"></property>
<!-- 利用spring的SqlMapClientFactoryBean类生成sqlmapclient工厂-->
<bean id="sqlMapClient"
<property name="dataSource">
<ref bean="datasource" />
<property name="configLocation"
<bean id="transactionManager"
<property name="dataSource">
<ref bean="datasource" />
<bean id="studentdaoimpl"
<property name="sqlMapClient">
<ref bean="sqlMapClient" />
<!-- 利用spring的TransactionProxyFactoryBean去对事务进行自动管理 -->
<bean id="studao"
<property name="transactionManager">
<ref local="transactionManager" />
<property name="target">
<ref local="studentdaoimpl" />
<property name
一 spring整合ibatis
1 创建ibatis功能类
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE abatorConfiguration PUBLIC "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Abator for iBATIS Configuration 1.0//EN" "http://ibatis.apache.org/dtd/abator-config_1_0.dtd" >
<abatorConfiguration >
<abatorContext >
<jdbcConnection driverClass="com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver" connectionURL="jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=mydb" userId="sa" password="841026" >
<classPathEntry location="F:/Program Files/workspace/SpringTranslateDemo/driver/sqljdbc.jar" />
<javaModelGenerator targetPackage="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo" targetProject="SpringTranslateDemo" />
<sqlMapGenerator targetPackage="com.whpu.upanddown.ibatis.config" targetProject="SpringTranslateDemo" />
<daoGenerator targetPackage="com.whpu.upanddown.ibatis.dao" targetProject="SpringTranslateDemo" type="GENERIC-CI" />
<table schema="dbo" tableName="student" >
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE abatorConfiguration PUBLIC "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Abator for iBATIS Configuration 1.0//EN" "http://ibatis.apache.org/dtd/abator-config_1_0.dtd" >
<abatorConfiguration >
<abatorContext >
<jdbcConnection driverClass="com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver" connectionURL="jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=mydb" userId="sa" password="841026" >
<classPathEntry location="F:/Program Files/workspace/SpringTranslateDemo/driver/sqljdbc.jar" />
<javaModelGenerator targetPackage="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo" targetProject="SpringTranslateDemo" />
<sqlMapGenerator targetPackage="com.whpu.upanddown.ibatis.config" targetProject="SpringTranslateDemo" />
<daoGenerator targetPackage="com.whpu.upanddown.ibatis.dao" targetProject="SpringTranslateDemo" type="GENERIC-CI" />
<table schema="dbo" tableName="student" >
package com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo;
public class Student {
* This field was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This field corresponds to the database column dbo.student.stuid
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
private Integer stuid;
* This field was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This field corresponds to the database column dbo.student.stuname
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
private String stuname;
* This field was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This field corresponds to the database column dbo.student.stusex
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
private String stusex;
* This field was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This field corresponds to the database column dbo.student.stuage
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
private Integer stuage;
* This field was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This field corresponds to the database column dbo.student.stuclass
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
private String stuclass;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method returns the value of the database column dbo.student.stuid
* @return the value of dbo.student.stuid
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public Integer getStuid() {
return stuid;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method sets the value of the database column dbo.student.stuid
* @param stuid the value for dbo.student.stuid
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public void setStuid(Integer stuid) {
this.stuid = stuid;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method returns the value of the database column dbo.student.stuname
* @return the value of dbo.student.stuname
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public String getStuname() {
return stuname;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method sets the value of the database column dbo.student.stuname
* @param stuname the value for dbo.student.stuname
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public void setStuname(String stuname) {
this.stuname = stuname;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method returns the value of the database column dbo.student.stusex
* @return the value of dbo.student.stusex
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public String getStusex() {
return stusex;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method sets the value of the database column dbo.student.stusex
* @param stusex the value for dbo.student.stusex
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public void setStusex(String stusex) {
this.stusex = stusex;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method returns the value of the database column dbo.student.stuage
* @return the value of dbo.student.stuage
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public Integer getStuage() {
return stuage;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method sets the value of the database column dbo.student.stuage
* @param stuage the value for dbo.student.stuage
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public void setStuage(Integer stuage) {
this.stuage = stuage;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method returns the value of the database column dbo.student.stuclass
* @return the value of dbo.student.stuclass
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public String getStuclass() {
return stuclass;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method sets the value of the database column dbo.student.stuclass
* @param stuclass the value for dbo.student.stuclass
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public void setStuclass(String stuclass) {
this.stuclass = stuclass;
public class Student {
* This field was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This field corresponds to the database column dbo.student.stuid
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
private Integer stuid;
* This field was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This field corresponds to the database column dbo.student.stuname
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
private String stuname;
* This field was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This field corresponds to the database column dbo.student.stusex
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
private String stusex;
* This field was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This field corresponds to the database column dbo.student.stuage
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
private Integer stuage;
* This field was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This field corresponds to the database column dbo.student.stuclass
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
private String stuclass;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method returns the value of the database column dbo.student.stuid
* @return the value of dbo.student.stuid
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public Integer getStuid() {
return stuid;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method sets the value of the database column dbo.student.stuid
* @param stuid the value for dbo.student.stuid
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public void setStuid(Integer stuid) {
this.stuid = stuid;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method returns the value of the database column dbo.student.stuname
* @return the value of dbo.student.stuname
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public String getStuname() {
return stuname;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method sets the value of the database column dbo.student.stuname
* @param stuname the value for dbo.student.stuname
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public void setStuname(String stuname) {
this.stuname = stuname;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method returns the value of the database column dbo.student.stusex
* @return the value of dbo.student.stusex
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public String getStusex() {
return stusex;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method sets the value of the database column dbo.student.stusex
* @param stusex the value for dbo.student.stusex
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public void setStusex(String stusex) {
this.stusex = stusex;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method returns the value of the database column dbo.student.stuage
* @return the value of dbo.student.stuage
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public Integer getStuage() {
return stuage;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method sets the value of the database column dbo.student.stuage
* @param stuage the value for dbo.student.stuage
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public void setStuage(Integer stuage) {
this.stuage = stuage;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method returns the value of the database column dbo.student.stuclass
* @return the value of dbo.student.stuclass
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public String getStuclass() {
return stuclass;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method sets the value of the database column dbo.student.stuclass
* @param stuclass the value for dbo.student.stuclass
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public void setStuclass(String stuclass) {
this.stuclass = stuclass;
package com.whpu.upanddown.ibatis.dao;
import com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student;
import com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.StudentExample;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.List;
public interface StudentDAO {
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
void insert(Student record) ;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
int updateByPrimaryKey(Student record) throws SQLException;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
int updateByPrimaryKeySelective(Student record) throws SQLException;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
List selectByExample(StudentExample example) throws SQLException;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
Student selectByPrimaryKey(Integer stuid) throws SQLException;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
int deleteByExample(StudentExample example) throws SQLException;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
int deleteByPrimaryKey(Integer stuid) throws SQLException;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
int countByExample(StudentExample example) throws SQLException;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
int updateByExampleSelective(Student record, StudentExample example) throws SQLException;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
int updateByExample(Student record, StudentExample example) throws SQLException;
List selectByname(String name) throws SQLException;
List selectByclassname(String classname) throws SQLException;
package com.whpu.upanddown.ibatis.dao;
import com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student;
import com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.StudentExample;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.List;
public interface StudentDAO {
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
void insert(Student record) ;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
int updateByPrimaryKey(Student record) throws SQLException;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
int updateByPrimaryKeySelective(Student record) throws SQLException;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
List selectByExample(StudentExample example) throws SQLException;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
Student selectByPrimaryKey(Integer stuid) throws SQLException;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
int deleteByExample(StudentExample example) throws SQLException;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
int deleteByPrimaryKey(Integer stuid) throws SQLException;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
int countByExample(StudentExample example) throws SQLException;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
int updateByExampleSelective(Student record, StudentExample example) throws SQLException;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
int updateByExample(Student record, StudentExample example) throws SQLException;
List selectByname(String name) throws SQLException;
List selectByclassname(String classname) throws SQLException;
package com.whpu.upanddown.ibatis.dao;
import com.ibatis.sqlmap.client.SqlMapClient;
import com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student;
import com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.StudentExample;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.List;
public class StudentDAOImpl implements StudentDAO {
* This field was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This field corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
private SqlMapClient sqlMapClient;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public StudentDAOImpl(SqlMapClient sqlMapClient) {
this.sqlMapClient = sqlMapClient;
public StudentDAOImpl(){
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public void insert(Student record) {
try {
sqlMapClient.insert("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_insert", record);
sqlMapClient.insert("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_insert", record);
} catch (SQLException e) {
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public int updateByPrimaryKey(Student record) throws SQLException {
int rows = sqlMapClient.update("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_updateByPrimaryKey", record);
return rows;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public int updateByPrimaryKeySelective(Student record) throws SQLException {
int rows = sqlMapClient.update("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_updateByPrimaryKeySelective", record);
return rows;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public List selectByExample(StudentExample example) throws SQLException {
List list = sqlMapClient.queryForList("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_selectByExample", example);
return list;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public Student selectByPrimaryKey(Integer stuid) throws SQLException {
Student key = new Student();
Student record = (Student) sqlMapClient.queryForObject("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_selectByPrimaryKey", key);
return record;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public int deleteByExample(StudentExample example) throws SQLException {
int rows = sqlMapClient.delete("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_deleteByExample", example);
return rows;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public int deleteByPrimaryKey(Integer stuid) throws SQLException {
Student key = new Student();
int rows = sqlMapClient.delete("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_deleteByPrimaryKey", key);
return rows;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public int countByExample(StudentExample example) throws SQLException {
Integer count = (Integer) sqlMapClient.queryForObject("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_countByExample", example);
return count.intValue();
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public int updateByExampleSelective(Student record, StudentExample example) throws SQLException {
UpdateByExampleParms parms = new UpdateByExampleParms(record, example);
int rows = sqlMapClient.update("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_updateByExampleSelective", parms);
return rows;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public int updateByExample(Student record, StudentExample example) throws SQLException {
UpdateByExampleParms parms = new UpdateByExampleParms(record, example);
int rows = sqlMapClient.update("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_updateByExample", parms);
return rows;
* This class was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This class corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
private static class UpdateByExampleParms extends StudentExample {
private Object record;
public UpdateByExampleParms(Object record, StudentExample example) {
this.record = record;
public Object getRecord() {
return record;
public List selectByname(String stuname) throws SQLException
List list=sqlMapClient.queryForList("dbo_student.selectbystuname", stuname);
return list;
public List selectByclassname(String classname) throws SQLException
List list=sqlMapClient.queryForList("dbo_student.selectbyclassname", classname);
return list;
public void setSqlMapClient(SqlMapClient sqlMapClient) {
this.sqlMapClient = sqlMapClient;
package com.whpu.upanddown.ibatis.dao;
import com.ibatis.sqlmap.client.SqlMapClient;
import com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student;
import com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.StudentExample;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.List;
public class StudentDAOImpl implements StudentDAO {
* This field was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This field corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
private SqlMapClient sqlMapClient;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public StudentDAOImpl(SqlMapClient sqlMapClient) {
this.sqlMapClient = sqlMapClient;
public StudentDAOImpl(){
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public void insert(Student record) {
try {
sqlMapClient.insert("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_insert", record);
sqlMapClient.insert("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_insert", record);
} catch (SQLException e) {
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public int updateByPrimaryKey(Student record) throws SQLException {
int rows = sqlMapClient.update("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_updateByPrimaryKey", record);
return rows;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public int updateByPrimaryKeySelective(Student record) throws SQLException {
int rows = sqlMapClient.update("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_updateByPrimaryKeySelective", record);
return rows;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public List selectByExample(StudentExample example) throws SQLException {
List list = sqlMapClient.queryForList("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_selectByExample", example);
return list;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public Student selectByPrimaryKey(Integer stuid) throws SQLException {
Student key = new Student();
Student record = (Student) sqlMapClient.queryForObject("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_selectByPrimaryKey", key);
return record;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public int deleteByExample(StudentExample example) throws SQLException {
int rows = sqlMapClient.delete("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_deleteByExample", example);
return rows;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public int deleteByPrimaryKey(Integer stuid) throws SQLException {
Student key = new Student();
int rows = sqlMapClient.delete("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_deleteByPrimaryKey", key);
return rows;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public int countByExample(StudentExample example) throws SQLException {
Integer count = (Integer) sqlMapClient.queryForObject("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_countByExample", example);
return count.intValue();
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public int updateByExampleSelective(Student record, StudentExample example) throws SQLException {
UpdateByExampleParms parms = new UpdateByExampleParms(record, example);
int rows = sqlMapClient.update("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_updateByExampleSelective", parms);
return rows;
* This method was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This method corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
public int updateByExample(Student record, StudentExample example) throws SQLException {
UpdateByExampleParms parms = new UpdateByExampleParms(record, example);
int rows = sqlMapClient.update("dbo_student.abatorgenerated_updateByExample", parms);
return rows;
* This class was generated by Abator for iBATIS.
* This class corresponds to the database table dbo.student
* @abatorgenerated Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010
private static class UpdateByExampleParms extends StudentExample {
private Object record;
public UpdateByExampleParms(Object record, StudentExample example) {
this.record = record;
public Object getRecord() {
return record;
public List selectByname(String stuname) throws SQLException
List list=sqlMapClient.queryForList("dbo_student.selectbystuname", stuname);
return list;
public List selectByclassname(String classname) throws SQLException
List list=sqlMapClient.queryForList("dbo_student.selectbyclassname", classname);
return list;
public void setSqlMapClient(SqlMapClient sqlMapClient) {
this.sqlMapClient = sqlMapClient;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE sqlMap PUBLIC "-//ibatis.apache.org//DTD SQL Map 2.0//EN" "http://ibatis.apache.org/dtd/sql-map-2.dtd" >
<sqlMap namespace="dbo_student" >
<resultMap id="abatorgenerated_StudentResult" class="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
<result column="stuid" property="stuid" jdbcType="INTEGER" />
<result column="stuname" property="stuname" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<result column="stusex" property="stusex" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<result column="stuage" property="stuage" jdbcType="INTEGER" />
<result column="stuclass" property="stuclass" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<sql id="abatorgenerated_Example_Where_Clause" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
<iterate property="oredCriteria" conjunction="or" prepend="where" removeFirstPrepend="iterate" >
<isEqual property="oredCriteria[].valid" compareValue="true" >
<iterate prepend="and" property="oredCriteria[].criteriaWithoutValue" conjunction="and" >
<iterate prepend="and" property="oredCriteria[].criteriaWithSingleValue" conjunction="and" >
<iterate prepend="and" property="oredCriteria[].criteriaWithListValue" conjunction="and" >
<iterate property="oredCriteria[].criteriaWithListValue[].values" open="(" close=")" conjunction="," >
<iterate prepend="and" property="oredCriteria[].criteriaWithBetweenValue" conjunction="and" >
#oredCriteria[].criteriaWithBetweenValue[].values[0]# and
<select id="abatorgenerated_selectByPrimaryKey" resultMap="abatorgenerated_StudentResult" parameterClass="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
select stuid, stuname, stusex, stuage, stuclass
from dbo.student
where stuid = #stuid:INTEGER#
<select id="abatorgenerated_selectByExample" resultMap="abatorgenerated_StudentResult" parameterClass="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.StudentExample" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
select stuid, stuname, stusex, stuage, stuclass
from dbo.student
<isParameterPresent >
<include refid="dbo_student.abatorgenerated_Example_Where_Clause" />
<isNotNull property="orderByClause" >
order by $orderByClause$
<delete id="abatorgenerated_deleteByPrimaryKey" parameterClass="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
delete from dbo.student
where stuid = #stuid:INTEGER#
<delete id="abatorgenerated_deleteByExample" parameterClass="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.StudentExample" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
delete from dbo.student
<include refid="dbo_student.abatorgenerated_Example_Where_Clause" />
<insert id="abatorgenerated_insert" parameterClass="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
insert into dbo.student (stuid, stuname, stusex, stuage, stuclass)
values (#stuid:INTEGER#, #stuname:VARCHAR#, #stusex:VARCHAR#, #stuage:INTEGER#,
<update id="abatorgenerated_updateByPrimaryKey" parameterClass="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
update dbo.student
set stuname = #stuname:VARCHAR#,
stusex = #stusex:VARCHAR#,
stuage = #stuage:INTEGER#,
stuclass = #stuclass:VARCHAR#
where stuid = #stuid:INTEGER#
<update id="abatorgenerated_updateByPrimaryKeySelective" parameterClass="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
update dbo.student
<dynamic prepend="set" >
<isNotNull prepend="," property="stuname" >
stuname = #stuname:VARCHAR#
<isNotNull prepend="," property="stusex" >
stusex = #stusex:VARCHAR#
<isNotNull prepend="," property="stuage" >
stuage = #stuage:INTEGER#
<isNotNull prepend="," property="stuclass" >
stuclass = #stuclass:VARCHAR#
where stuid = #stuid:INTEGER#
<select id="abatorgenerated_countByExample" parameterClass="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.StudentExample" resultClass="java.lang.Integer" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
select count(*) from dbo.student
<include refid="dbo_student.abatorgenerated_Example_Where_Clause" />
<update id="abatorgenerated_updateByExampleSelective" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
update dbo.student
<dynamic prepend="set" >
<isNotNull prepend="," property="record.stuid" >
stuid = #record.stuid:INTEGER#
<isNotNull prepend="," property="record.stuname" >
stuname = #record.stuname:VARCHAR#
<isNotNull prepend="," property="record.stusex" >
stusex = #record.stusex:VARCHAR#
<isNotNull prepend="," property="record.stuage" >
stuage = #record.stuage:INTEGER#
<isNotNull prepend="," property="record.stuclass" >
stuclass = #record.stuclass:VARCHAR#
<isParameterPresent >
<include refid="dbo_student.abatorgenerated_Example_Where_Clause" />
<update id="abatorgenerated_updateByExample" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
update dbo.student
set stuid = #record.stuid:INTEGER#,
stuname = #record.stuname:VARCHAR#,
stusex = #record.stusex:VARCHAR#,
stuage = #record.stuage:INTEGER#,
stuclass = #record.stuclass:VARCHAR#
<isParameterPresent >
<include refid="dbo_student.abatorgenerated_Example_Where_Clause" />
<select id="selectbystuname" resultMap="abatorgenerated_StudentResult" parameterClass="java.lang.String" >
select stuid, stuname, stusex, stuage, stuclass
from dbo.student where stuname=#name#
<select id="selectbystuclass" resultMap="abatorgenerated_StudentResult" parameterClass="java.lang.String" >
select * from dbo.student as stu where stu.stuclass=#stuclass#
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE sqlMap PUBLIC "-//ibatis.apache.org//DTD SQL Map 2.0//EN" "http://ibatis.apache.org/dtd/sql-map-2.dtd" >
<sqlMap namespace="dbo_student" >
<resultMap id="abatorgenerated_StudentResult" class="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
<result column="stuid" property="stuid" jdbcType="INTEGER" />
<result column="stuname" property="stuname" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<result column="stusex" property="stusex" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<result column="stuage" property="stuage" jdbcType="INTEGER" />
<result column="stuclass" property="stuclass" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<sql id="abatorgenerated_Example_Where_Clause" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
<iterate property="oredCriteria" conjunction="or" prepend="where" removeFirstPrepend="iterate" >
<isEqual property="oredCriteria[].valid" compareValue="true" >
<iterate prepend="and" property="oredCriteria[].criteriaWithoutValue" conjunction="and" >
<iterate prepend="and" property="oredCriteria[].criteriaWithSingleValue" conjunction="and" >
<iterate prepend="and" property="oredCriteria[].criteriaWithListValue" conjunction="and" >
<iterate property="oredCriteria[].criteriaWithListValue[].values" open="(" close=")" conjunction="," >
<iterate prepend="and" property="oredCriteria[].criteriaWithBetweenValue" conjunction="and" >
#oredCriteria[].criteriaWithBetweenValue[].values[0]# and
<select id="abatorgenerated_selectByPrimaryKey" resultMap="abatorgenerated_StudentResult" parameterClass="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
select stuid, stuname, stusex, stuage, stuclass
from dbo.student
where stuid = #stuid:INTEGER#
<select id="abatorgenerated_selectByExample" resultMap="abatorgenerated_StudentResult" parameterClass="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.StudentExample" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
select stuid, stuname, stusex, stuage, stuclass
from dbo.student
<isParameterPresent >
<include refid="dbo_student.abatorgenerated_Example_Where_Clause" />
<isNotNull property="orderByClause" >
order by $orderByClause$
<delete id="abatorgenerated_deleteByPrimaryKey" parameterClass="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
delete from dbo.student
where stuid = #stuid:INTEGER#
<delete id="abatorgenerated_deleteByExample" parameterClass="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.StudentExample" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
delete from dbo.student
<include refid="dbo_student.abatorgenerated_Example_Where_Clause" />
<insert id="abatorgenerated_insert" parameterClass="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
insert into dbo.student (stuid, stuname, stusex, stuage, stuclass)
values (#stuid:INTEGER#, #stuname:VARCHAR#, #stusex:VARCHAR#, #stuage:INTEGER#,
<update id="abatorgenerated_updateByPrimaryKey" parameterClass="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
update dbo.student
set stuname = #stuname:VARCHAR#,
stusex = #stusex:VARCHAR#,
stuage = #stuage:INTEGER#,
stuclass = #stuclass:VARCHAR#
where stuid = #stuid:INTEGER#
<update id="abatorgenerated_updateByPrimaryKeySelective" parameterClass="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
update dbo.student
<dynamic prepend="set" >
<isNotNull prepend="," property="stuname" >
stuname = #stuname:VARCHAR#
<isNotNull prepend="," property="stusex" >
stusex = #stusex:VARCHAR#
<isNotNull prepend="," property="stuage" >
stuage = #stuage:INTEGER#
<isNotNull prepend="," property="stuclass" >
stuclass = #stuclass:VARCHAR#
where stuid = #stuid:INTEGER#
<select id="abatorgenerated_countByExample" parameterClass="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.StudentExample" resultClass="java.lang.Integer" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
select count(*) from dbo.student
<include refid="dbo_student.abatorgenerated_Example_Where_Clause" />
<update id="abatorgenerated_updateByExampleSelective" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
update dbo.student
<dynamic prepend="set" >
<isNotNull prepend="," property="record.stuid" >
stuid = #record.stuid:INTEGER#
<isNotNull prepend="," property="record.stuname" >
stuname = #record.stuname:VARCHAR#
<isNotNull prepend="," property="record.stusex" >
stusex = #record.stusex:VARCHAR#
<isNotNull prepend="," property="record.stuage" >
stuage = #record.stuage:INTEGER#
<isNotNull prepend="," property="record.stuclass" >
stuclass = #record.stuclass:VARCHAR#
<isParameterPresent >
<include refid="dbo_student.abatorgenerated_Example_Where_Clause" />
<update id="abatorgenerated_updateByExample" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Abator for iBATIS, do not modify.
This element was generated on Thu Feb 11 21:34:33 CST 2010.
update dbo.student
set stuid = #record.stuid:INTEGER#,
stuname = #record.stuname:VARCHAR#,
stusex = #record.stusex:VARCHAR#,
stuage = #record.stuage:INTEGER#,
stuclass = #record.stuclass:VARCHAR#
<isParameterPresent >
<include refid="dbo_student.abatorgenerated_Example_Where_Clause" />
<select id="selectbystuname" resultMap="abatorgenerated_StudentResult" parameterClass="java.lang.String" >
select stuid, stuname, stusex, stuage, stuclass
from dbo.student where stuname=#name#
<select id="selectbystuclass" resultMap="abatorgenerated_StudentResult" parameterClass="java.lang.String" >
select * from dbo.student as stu where stu.stuclass=#stuclass#
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-2.5.xsd">
<!-- 利用spring的DriverManagerDataSource类配置数据源 -->
<bean id="datasource"
<property name="driverClassName"
<property name="url"
<property name="username" value="sa"></property>
<property name="password" value="841026"></property>
<!-- 利用spring的SqlMapClientFactoryBean类生成sqlmapclient工厂-->
<bean id="sqlMapClient"
<property name="dataSource">
<ref bean="datasource" />
<property name="configLocation"
<bean id="transactionManager"
<property name="dataSource">
<ref bean="datasource" />
<bean id="studentdaoimpl"
<property name="sqlMapClient">
<ref bean="sqlMapClient" />
<!-- 利用spring的TransactionProxyFactoryBean去对事务进行自动管理 -->
<bean id="studao"
<property name="transactionManager">
<ref local="transactionManager" />
<property name="target">
<ref local="studentdaoimpl" />
<property name="transactionAttributes">
<prop key="insert*">PROPAGATION_REQUIRED</prop>
<prop key="update*">PROPAGATION_REQUIRED</prop>
<bean id="stu1" class="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student">
<property name="stuid" value="23"></property>
<property name="stuage" value="12"></property>
<property name="stuclass" value="1班"></property>
<property name="stusex" value="男"></property>
<bean id="stu2" class="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student">
<property name="stuid" value="1"></property>
<property name="stuage" value="13"></property>
<property name="stuclass" value="2班"></property>
<property name="stusex" value="女"></property>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-2.5.xsd">
<!-- 利用spring的DriverManagerDataSource类配置数据源 -->
<bean id="datasource"
<property name="driverClassName"
<property name="url"
<property name="username" value="sa"></property>
<property name="password" value="841026"></property>
<!-- 利用spring的SqlMapClientFactoryBean类生成sqlmapclient工厂-->
<bean id="sqlMapClient"
<property name="dataSource">
<ref bean="datasource" />
<property name="configLocation"
<bean id="transactionManager"
<property name="dataSource">
<ref bean="datasource" />
<bean id="studentdaoimpl"
<property name="sqlMapClient">
<ref bean="sqlMapClient" />
<!-- 利用spring的TransactionProxyFactoryBean去对事务进行自动管理 -->
<bean id="studao"
<property name="transactionManager">
<ref local="transactionManager" />
<property name="target">
<ref local="studentdaoimpl" />
<property name="transactionAttributes">
<prop key="insert*">PROPAGATION_REQUIRED</prop>
<prop key="update*">PROPAGATION_REQUIRED</prop>
<bean id="stu1" class="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student">
<property name="stuid" value="23"></property>
<property name="stuage" value="12"></property>
<property name="stuclass" value="1班"></property>
<property name="stusex" value="男"></property>
<bean id="stu2" class="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student">
<property name="stuid" value="1"></property>
<property name="stuage" value="13"></property>
<property name="stuclass" value="2班"></property>
<property name="stusex" value="女"></property>
package com.hjy.SpringTranslateDemo.Test;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.List;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext;
import com.ibatis.sqlmap.client.SqlMapClient;
import com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student;
import com.whpu.upanddown.ibatis.dao.StudentDAO;
import com.whpu.upanddown.ibatis.dao.StudentDAOImpl;
public class Test {
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApplicationContext ac = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(
SqlMapClient sqlmap = (SqlMapClient) ac.getBean("sqlMapClient");
// StudentDAO studao = (StudentDAO) ac.getBean("studao");
// studentdaoimpl
StudentDAO studao = (StudentDAO) ac.getBean("studao");
List list;
try {
list = studao.selectByname("张三");
Student stu = (Student) list.iterator().next();
} catch (SQLException e) {
package com.hjy.SpringTranslateDemo.Test;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.List;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext;
import com.ibatis.sqlmap.client.SqlMapClient;
import com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student;
import com.whpu.upanddown.ibatis.dao.StudentDAO;
import com.whpu.upanddown.ibatis.dao.StudentDAOImpl;
public class Test {
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApplicationContext ac = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(
SqlMapClient sqlmap = (SqlMapClient) ac.getBean("sqlMapClient");
// StudentDAO studao = (StudentDAO) ac.getBean("studao");
// studentdaoimpl
StudentDAO studao = (StudentDAO) ac.getBean("studao");
List list;
try {
list = studao.selectByname("张三");
Student stu = (Student) list.iterator().next();
} catch (SQLException e) {
二 Spring事务管理
Spring application.xml文件
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-2.5.xsd">
<!-- 利用spring的DriverManagerDataSource类配置数据源 -->
<bean id="datasource"
<property name="driverClassName"
<property name="url"
<property name="username" value="sa"></property>
<property name="password" value="841026"></property>
<!-- 利用spring的SqlMapClientFactoryBean类生成sqlmapclient工厂-->
<bean id="sqlMapClient"
<property name="dataSource">
<ref bean="datasource" />
<property name="configLocation"
<bean id="transactionManager"
<property name="dataSource">
<ref bean="datasource" />
<bean id="studentdaoimpl"
<property name="sqlMapClient">
<ref bean="sqlMapClient" />
<!-- 利用spring的TransactionProxyFactoryBean去对事务进行自动管理 -->
<bean id="studao"
<property name="transactionManager">
<ref local="transactionManager" />
<property name="target">
<ref local="studentdaoimpl" />
<property name="transactionAttributes">
<prop key="insert*">PROPAGATION_REQUIRED</prop>
<prop key="update*">PROPAGATION_REQUIRED</prop>
<bean id="stu1" class="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student">
<property name="stuid" value="23"></property>
<property name="stuage" value="12"></property>
<property name="stuclass" value="1班"></property>
<property name="stusex" value="男"></property>
<bean id="stu2" class="com.whpu.computershop.ibatis.pojo.Student">
<property name="stuid" value="1"></property>
<property name="stuage" value="13"></property>
<property name="stuclass" value="2班"></property>
<property name="stusex" value="女"></property>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-2.5.xsd">
<!-- 利用spring的DriverManagerDataSource类配置数据源 -->
<bean id="datasource"
<property name="driverClassName"
<property name="url"
<property name="username" value="sa"></property>
<property name="password" value="841026"></property>
<!-- 利用spring的SqlMapClientFactoryBean类生成sqlmapclient工厂-->
<bean id="sqlMapClient"
<property name="dataSource">
<ref bean="datasource" />
<property name="configLocation"
<bean id="transactionManager"
<property name="dataSource">
<ref bean="datasource" />
<bean id="studentdaoimpl"
<property name="sqlMapClient">
<ref bean="sqlMapClient" />
<!-- 利用spring的TransactionProxyFactoryBean去对事务进行自动管理 -->
<bean id="studao"
<property name="transactionManager">
<ref local="transactionManager" />
<property name="target">
<ref local="studentdaoimpl" />
<property name
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1. 添加依赖:在`spring ibatis整合所需jar包`中,通常包含以下关键jar文件: - spring核心库:如spring-context、spring-beans、spring-aop等,用于Spring框架的基本功能。 - spring-jdbc和spring-tx:支持Spring...
struts1 spring ibatis整合项目源码struts1 spring ibatis整合项目源码struts1 spring ibatis整合项目源码struts1 spring ibatis整合项目源码struts1 spring ibatis整合项目源码struts1 spring ibatis整合项目源码
亲手做的一个spring ibatis整合,刚刚接触ibatis,二话不说,ibatis环境先搭建好。
【SSI框架搭建实例教程(struts spring ibatis整合 附切面事物处理)】 在软件开发中,集成多种框架可以提高应用程序的灵活性和可维护性。SSI框架是指Struts、Spring和iBatis的集成,这三种框架分别负责MVC模式中的...
整合iBatis通常涉及到Spring的DataSource配置,以及MyBatis的SqlSessionFactory和Mapper接口的使用。 在用户登录场景下,拦截器起着关键作用。在Struts2中,我们可以自定义拦截器来拦截特定的请求,比如所有需要...
1. 添加依赖:整合SSH,需要在项目中引入相应的jar包,包括Struts2、Spring、iBatis以及它们的依赖库,例如sitemesh用于页面装饰。确保包含所有必要的jar,如描述中提到的,这里有18个jar包,涵盖了基本需求。 2. ...
Struts2、Spring和iBatis是Java Web开发中常用的三个框架,它们分别负责MVC模式中的Action层、业务逻辑层以及数据访问层。将这三个框架整合在一起,可以构建出高效、灵活的企业级应用。 **Struts2** 是一个基于MVC...
在整合 Spring 和 iBATIS 进行项目开发时,主要涉及以下几个关键知识点: 1. **依赖注入 (Dependency Injection, DI)**:Spring 的核心特性之一,通过 DI 可以使代码更松耦合,易于测试和维护。在整合 iBATIS 时,...
通过整合 Spring MVC、Spring 和 iBatis,开发者可以利用它们的优势,如 Spring 的依赖注入、iBatis 的灵活 SQL 映射以及 Spring MVC 的 MVC 设计模式,构建出高效、可维护的Web应用。在实际项目中,这个整合包可能...
"Struts2+Spring+iBatis整合"是一个典型的MVC(Model-View-Controller)架构实现,适用于构建大型企业级应用。下面将详细介绍这三个框架以及它们整合的关键点。 **Struts2** 是一个基于MVC设计模式的Web应用框架,...
STRUTS2+SPRING+IBATIS 下载后用ECLIPSE打开 结构清晰。 去掉了JAR包 需要的请与我联系 QQ81611911
7. **测试**:在Spring与iBatis整合后,可以使用Spring的`@Transactional`注解进行单元测试,确保每个方法都在独立的事务中执行,便于模拟各种数据状态并进行断言。 以上就是关于"Spring 3.2与iBatis整合"及"在...
Spring3 和 iBatis 整合是一个常见的Java企业级应用开发模式,主要用于构建灵活、可扩展的后端数据访问层。这个项目实例提供了一个详细的学习资源,帮助新手掌握这两种技术的融合。以下是对这个整合实例的详细解析:...
struts2、spring、ibatis整合实例 struts2、spring、ibatis整合实例 struts2、spring、ibatis整合实例 struts2、spring、ibatis整合实例
### Spring与iBatis整合详解 #### 一、前言 在Java企业级应用开发中,Spring框架以其强大的依赖注入(DI)和面向切面编程(AOP)能力深受开发者喜爱,而iBatis(现更名为MyBatis)作为一款优秀的持久层框架,通过...