
unacceptable 'user-agent' or 'from' (correct your configuration).


Level:  SEVERE
On crawl: NewsSohu You must set the User-Agent and From HTTP header values to acceptable strings. 
 User-Agent: [software-name](+[info-url])[misc]
 From: [email-address]
org.archive.crawler.framework.exceptions.FatalConfigurationException: unacceptable 'user-agent'  or 'from' (correct your configuration).
Stacktrace: org.archive.crawler.framework.exceptions.FatalConfigurationException: unacceptable 'user-agent'  or 'from' (correct your configuration).
	at org.archive.crawler.datamodel.CrawlOrder.checkUserAgentAndFrom(CrawlOrder.java:458)
	at org.archive.crawler.framework.CrawlController.initialize(CrawlController.java:339)
	at org.archive.crawler.admin.CrawlJob.setupForCrawlStart(CrawlJob.java:853)
	at org.archive.crawler.admin.CrawlJobHandler.startNextJobInternal(CrawlJobHandler.java:1144)
	at org.archive.crawler.admin.CrawlJobHandler$3.run(CrawlJobHandler.java:1127)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662)



    - 文件路径:`D:\Program Files (x86)\someIP\EthernetTC8Test_v1_3_1-yuan\EthernetTC8Test\Log\M007\T052_Test_Configuration_TCP_Testcases_TCP_UNACCEPTABLE_13__Data_segment_with_out_of_window_SEQ_number....


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