(alternative page cache) is an addon to php to increase execution time
of PHP scripts. To do so APC caches previously compiled bytecode of PHP
code which can be reused in later page requests. The install on
Debian/Ubuntu based Linux distributions (in my case Ubuntu 12.04) is
quite simple.
sudo apt-get install php-apc
sudo service apache2 restart
After install you should download the apc.php
from the pecl repository
The following line will download apc.php from version 3.1.10:
Upload this file to your webserver root. By calling the script you get a
statistical representation of your memory used for APC. If your running
a website which consumes a lot of memory, APC will unluckily fragment
your memory cache a lot. Also the value Cache full count
will increase. In that case you should increase the memory limit until
it fits your needs by adding the following line to the apc configuration
file apc.ini
which can be found in /etc/php5/conf.d
Thats it!
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Ubuntu12.04的apt-get搜狐源,直接下载至/etc/apt/下即可,执行apt-get update