#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int readLine(char* line, FILE* fp); int idStep(char* procLine, char* stepName, char* pgmName, int maxLen); void idParm(char* dsn, char* reDsn, int dsnLen); int idDisp(char* procLine, int maxLen); int idDsn(char* procLine, int maxLen, int* dsnPos); void getDsn(char* procLine , char* dsn, char* ddName, int maxLen, int* dsnLen, int initPos); void searchFromBegain(char* stepName, char* inSName, char* dsn, int currentLine, int dsnLen, FILE* fp); void searchBelow(char (*stpNames)[9], int* cnt, char* dsn, int dsnLen, FILE* fp); int searhDsn(char* procLine, char* dsn, int maxLen, int dsnLen); void writeHeader1(FILE* fp); void writeHeader2(FILE* fp); void writeHeader3(FILE* fp, char stepName[8], char prgName[8]); void writeLine(FILE* fp, char ddName[], char dsName[], char io[], char input[], char output[]); void main(int argN, char** argC) { FILE* fp; FILE* tp; char procLine[81] = {'\0'}; char stepName[9] = {'\0'}; char pgmName[9] = {'\0'}; char input[9] = {'\0'}; char output[20][9] = {'\0'}; char dsn[60] = {'\0'}; char ddName[9] = {'\0'}; char IO[2] = {'\0'}; int rint = 0; int dsnPos = 0; int dsnLen = 0; int offset = 0; int curLine = 0; int ioInd = 0; int readYes = 0; int cnt = 0; int index = 1; fp = fopen("d:\\aaat.txt","r"); if(NULL == fp){ printf("open %s failed\n","d:\\aaat.txt"); return; } tp = fopen("d:\\proc.txt","w"); if(NULL == tp){ printf("open %s failed\n","d:\\proc.txt"); return; } writeHeader1(tp); while(1){ if(readYes == 0){ rint = readLine(procLine,fp); offset += rint+1; curLine++; } if(rint < 1){ /* printf("outer most loop reach the end of the file \n");*/ break; } printf("%d : ", curLine); if(1 == idStep(procLine,stepName,pgmName,rint)){ /* printf("%s \n",procLine);*/ writeHeader2(tp); writeHeader3(tp,stepName,pgmName); while(1){ rint = readLine(procLine,fp); if(feof(fp)) printf("\nend\n"); if(rint < 1){ /* printf("the second layer loop reaches the end of file \n");*/ break; } offset += rint+1; curLine++; if('*' == *(procLine + 2)){ }else if(1 == idStep(procLine,stepName,pgmName,rint)){ /* printf("the previous step reaches the end \n");*/ readYes = 1; break; }else if(1 == idDsn(procLine,rint,&dsnPos)){ getDsn(procLine,dsn,ddName,rint,&dsnLen,dsnPos); while(1){ ioInd = idDisp(procLine,rint); if(-1 ==ioInd){ rint = readLine(procLine,fp); if(rint < 1){ /* printf("the inner most loop reaches the end of file \n");*/ break; } offset += rint+1; curLine++; if(1 == idDsn(procLine,rint,&dsnPos)) break; } if(0 == ioInd){ searchFromBegain(stepName,input,dsn,curLine,dsnLen,fp); IO[0] = 'I'; memset(output[0],' ',8); fseek(fp,offset,0); break; } if(1 == ioInd){ searchBelow(output,&cnt,dsn,dsnLen,fp); IO[0] = 'O'; memset(input,' ',8); fseek(fp,offset,0); break; } if(-2 == ioInd){ IO[0] = 'I'; strcpy(input,"PRIORRUN"); memset(output[0],' ',8); break; } } writeLine(tp,ddName,dsn,IO,input,output[0]); if(cnt >= 2){ memset(ddName,' ',8); memset(dsn,' ',59); IO[0] = ' '; while(index < cnt) writeLine(tp,ddName,dsn,IO,input,output[index++]); } } } }else readYes = 0; } fclose(fp); fclose(tp); } int readLine(char* line, FILE* fp) { int i = 0; char ch = '\0'; ch = (char)fgetc(fp); while('\n' != ch && ch != EOF){ *(line + i++) = ch; ch = (char)fgetc(fp); } if('\n' == ch) *(line + i++) = ch; return i; } int idStep(char* procLine, char* stepName, char* pgmName, int maxLen) { int i = 3; int stepFlag = 0; int j = 0; if( *(procLine + 2) != '*'){ while(1){ if(i> maxLen - 4){ break; } if(0 == strncmp(procLine +i++," EXEC ", 6)){ i += 5; if(0 == strncmp(procLine + i,"PGM=",4)){ strncpy(stepName, procLine + 2, 8); i += 4; while(j<8){ if(',' != *(procLine + i) && '\n' != *(procLine + i) && ' ' != *(procLine + i)) *(pgmName + j++) = *(procLine + i++); else break; } *(pgmName + j) = '\0'; } stepFlag = 1; break; } } } return stepFlag; } void idParm(char* dsn, char* reDsn, int dsnLen) { int i = 0; while(i<dsnLen){ if(0 == strncmp(dsn + i,"&Q",2)) { strncat(reDsn,dsn,i); strcat(reDsn,"PROD"); strncat(reDsn,(dsn+i+6),dsnLen-i-6); break; } if(0 == strncmp(dsn + i,"&E",2)) { strncat(reDsn,dsn,i); strcat(reDsn,"P"); strncat(reDsn,(dsn+i+4),dsnLen-i-4); break; } i++; } } int searhDsn(char* procLine, char* dsn, int maxLen, int dsnLen) { int i = 0; int foundFlag = 0; while(i<maxLen - dsnLen) { if(0 == strncmp(procLine+i++,dsn,dsnLen)) { foundFlag = 1; break; } } return foundFlag; } /* ioFlag = 0: O; ioFlag = 1: I */ int idDisp(char* procLine, int maxLen) { int i = 5; int ioFlag = -1; if('*' != *(procLine+2)) { while(i<maxLen-5){ if(0 == strncmp(procLine + i++, "DISP=",5)) { i += 4; if(0 == strncmp(procLine + i, "(N",2)) ioFlag = 1; else if(0 == strncmp(procLine + i, "(M",2)) ioFlag = -2; else ioFlag = 0; break; } } } return ioFlag; } int idDsn(char* procLine, int maxLen, int* dsnPos) { int i = 8; int dsnFlag = 0; if('*' != *(procLine + 2)){ while(1){ if(i>maxLen-5) break; if(0 == strncmp(procLine + i++," DSN=",5)){ *dsnPos = i+4; dsnFlag = 1; break; } } } return dsnFlag; } void getDsn(char* procLine , char* dsn, char* ddName, int maxLen, int* dsnLen, int initPos) { int j = 0; int k = 2; while(' ' != *(procLine + k)) { *(ddName + j++) = *(procLine + k++); } *(ddName+j) = '\0'; j = 0; while(',' != *(procLine + initPos) && maxLen >= initPos) { *(dsn + j++) = *(procLine + initPos++); } *(dsn + j) = '\0'; *dsnLen = j; } void searchFromBegain(char* stepName, char* inSName, char* dsn, int currentLine, int dsnLen, FILE* fp) { char procLine[80] = {'\0'}; char holdSName[9] = {'\0'}; char nextSName[9] = {'\0'}; char nextpgm[9] = {'\0'}; char pgmName[9] = {'\0'}; int lineNum = 0; int maxLen = 0; int readYes = 0; fseek(fp,0,0); while(lineNum < currentLine){ if(readYes == 0){ maxLen = readLine(procLine,fp); lineNum++; } if(maxLen < 1 ){ /* printf("no more lines in the proc");*/ return; } if(1 == idStep(procLine,holdSName,pgmName,maxLen) && 0 != strncmp(pgmName,"IEFBR14",7)){ if(0 == strncmp(holdSName,stepName,8)){ /* printf("no other more steps before");*/ strcpy(inSName,"PRIORRUN"); return; } while(1){ maxLen = readLine(procLine,fp); if(maxLen < 1 ){ /* printf("no more lines in the proc");*/ break; } lineNum++; if('*' == *(procLine+2)){ }else if(1 == idStep(procLine,nextSName,nextpgm,maxLen)){ /* printf("the inner step %s got the end\n",holdSName);*/ readYes = 1; break; }else if(1 == searhDsn(procLine,dsn,maxLen,dsnLen)){ /* printf("the dsn: %s has been find, and the step name is %s\n",dsn,holdSName);*/ strncpy(inSName,holdSName,8); return; } } }else readYes = 0; } } void searchBelow(char (*stpNames)[9], int* cnt, char* dsn, int dsnLen, FILE* fp) { char procLine[80] = {'\0'}; char holdSName[9] = {'\0'}; char pgmName[9] = {'\0'}; char nextSName[9] = {'\0'}; char nextpgm[9] = {'\0'}; int maxLen = 0; int readYes = 0; int i = 0; while(1){ if(readYes == 0) maxLen = readLine(procLine,fp); if(maxLen < 1 ){ /* printf("no more lines in the proc");*/ return; } if(1 == idStep(procLine,holdSName,pgmName,maxLen) && 0 != strncmp(pgmName,"IEFBR14",7)){ while(1){ maxLen = readLine(procLine,fp); if(maxLen < 1 ){ /* printf("no more lines in the proc");*/ break; } if('*' == *(procLine+2)){ }else if(1 == idStep(procLine,nextSName,nextpgm,maxLen)){ /* printf("the inner step %s got the end\n",holdSName);*/ readYes = 1; break; }else if(1 == searhDsn(procLine,dsn,maxLen,dsnLen)){ /* printf("the dsn: %s has been find, and the step name is %s\n",dsn,holdSName);*/ strncpy(stpNames[i++],holdSName,8); /* i += 9;*/ *cnt++; readYes = 0; break; } } }else readYes = 0; } } void writeHeader1(FILE* fp) { char* str = "***********************************************************************\n"; fwrite(str,1,strlen(str),fp); } void writeHeader2(FILE* fp) { char* str = "\n* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\n"; fwrite(str,1,strlen(str),fp); } void writeHeader3(FILE* fp, char stepName[8], char prgName[8]) { char* ptr; char line1[73] = {'\n'}; char line2[73] = {'\n'}; char* str1 = "\nSTEP NARRATIVE: \n"; char* str2 = "\nRESTART INSTRUCTIONS: \n"; char* str3 = "\nDDNAME DATASET NAME I/O INPUT FROM OUTPUT TO \n"; char* str4 = "\n------ -------------------------------- --- ---------- --------- \n"; char stName[9] = {'\0'}; memcpy(stName,stepName,8); ptr = line1; strcat(ptr,"STEP: "); strcat(ptr,stName); strcat(ptr," TITLE: \n"); fwrite(line1,1,strlen(ptr),fp); ptr = line2; strcat(ptr,"PRGM: "); strcat(ptr,prgName); strcat(ptr,"\n"); fwrite(line2,1,strlen(ptr),fp); fwrite(str1,1,strlen(str1),fp); fwrite(str2,1,strlen(str2),fp); fwrite(str3,1,strlen(str3),fp); fwrite(str4,1,strlen(str4),fp); } void writeLine(FILE* fp, char ddName[], char dsName[], char io[], char input[], char output[]) { char line[90] = {'\n'}; strcat(line, ddName); strcat(line, " "); strcat(line, dsName); strcat(line, " "); strcat(line, io); strcat(line, " "); strcat(line, input); strcat(line, " "); strcat(line, output); strcat(line,"\n"); fwrite(line,1,strlen(line),fp); }
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- Now completely compatible with PKZip and WinZip split archives file naming format. - For backwards compatability you can tell VCLZip to use the old VCLZip filenaming format by using the BlockMode ...
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"File names to find" mask after searching inside of archive. So it did not display archive names for masks like *.rar and applied this mask only to files inside of archives; h) when running an ...
File Handling In C. Chapter 13. Miscellaneous Topics. Chapter 14. Storage Class. Chapter 15. Algorithms. Chapter 16. Unsolved Practical Problems. Chapter 17. PART-II-120+ Practical Code Chapter-Wise....
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file with some other hex editor (not to speak about Wordpad), then use XVI32... - XVI32 allows to edit files up to 2 GB (enough virtual memory provided, of course) - For your convenience, XVI32 ...
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Appendix C: Creating Your Own C++ Add-ons 307 Hello World 309 Creating a calculator 311Table of Contents [ vii ] Implementing callbacks 313 Closing thoughts 314 Links and resources 315 Index 317