http://headius.blogspot.com/2006/09/jruby-steps-into-sun.html It's going to be a big news day for JRuby :)
The two core JRuby developers, myself and Thomas Enebo, will become employees at Sun Microsystems this month. Our charge? You guessed it...we're being hired to work on JRuby full-time.
Perhaps some of you may have seen this one coming. For others, it may be a pleasant surprise.
The primary goal is to give JRuby the attention it really needs. The potential for Ruby on the JVM has not escaped notice at Sun, and so we'll be focusing on making JRuby as complete, performant, and solid as possible. We'll then proceed on to help build out broader tool support for Ruby, answering calls by many in the industry for a "better" or "smarter" Ruby development experience. I'm also making it a personal priority to continue growing the JRuby community, foster greater cooperation between the Java and Ruby worlds, and work toward a "whole-platform" Ruby-on-JVM strategy for Sun.
And yes, JRuby will remain as open source as it is today. It just might start moving a bit faster (as if it weren't moving fast already!)
You can imagine how excited I am about this opportunity, and how pleased I am to know that Sun takes Ruby so seriously. Not only will I get to work on the project I've poured my heart into this past year, but I'll be able to do it while helping one of my favorite companies turn a technological corner. Naturally I've been talking with a myriad of folks at Sun over the past several weeks, so believe me when I say these guys really get it. The tide has turned and dynamic languages are on everyone's agenda. It's going to be quite a ride.
Thanks very much to Tim Bray, who has proven a fearless advocate for Ruby and dynamic languages at Sun. Thanks also to Gilad Bracha, Neal Gafter, James Gosling, Peter von der Ahé, and others fighting to improve Java and make the Java platform a dynlang-friendly place. Thanks also to my Sun interviewers for their excellent, thoughtful questions and ideas about the future of JRuby and dynlangs on the JVM. I'm looking forward to working with you all.
And finally, thanks to all you who use, contribute to, and blog about JRuby. You're a huge part of this, and I want you all to join us on this great Ruby adventure. Community involvement has gotten JRuby where it is today, and community involvement is vital to making Ruby on the JVM a reality.
jruby-dist- JRuby是面向Ruby、基于Java虚拟机(JVM)的一种解释程序,它结合了Ruby语言的简易性和功能强大的JVM的执行机制,包括与Java库 全面集成。 截至2017.12.08最新稳定版 JRuby 官方更新说明:...
jruby-dist- JRuby是面向Ruby、基于Java虚拟机(JVM)的一种解释程序,它结合了Ruby语言的简易性和功能强大的JVM的执行机制,包括与Java库 全面集成。 截至2017.12.08最新稳定版 JRuby 官方更新...
这个“jruby-bin-1.3.1.zip”压缩包是JRuby的一个早期版本,专为Ruby语言的研发提供必要的工具和环境。在这个版本中,重点是兼容性、性能和稳定性。 1. JRuby的介绍: JRuby是一种开源的、完全兼容MRI(Matz Ruby ...
**标题解析:**"jruby-bin-0.9.0.tar.gz" 是一个压缩文件,其中包含JRUBY的可执行二进制版本,版本号为0.9.0。JRUBY是Ruby编程语言的一个实现,它允许在Java平台上运行Ruby代码。 **描述解读:**描述中提到“Ruby...
标题 "org.jruby.rar" 暗示我们正在讨论一个与 JRuby 相关的压缩文件,其中可能包含了 JRuby 的源代码、库文件或者其他相关资源。JRuby 是一种 Java 实现的 Ruby 解释器,它允许 Ruby 代码在 JVM(Java 虚拟机)上...
在IT行业中,尤其是在Java与Ruby混合开发的场景中,JRuby是一个重要的工具,它允许开发者在Java平台上运行Ruby代码。由于JRuby是基于JVM(Java Virtual Machine)的,因此可以利用Java生态中的各种工具来对其进行...
标题 "jruby-maven-plugin-1.0.1.zip" 提供了我们正在处理的是一个Maven插件,名为“jruby-maven-plugin”,版本号为1.0.1。这个插件是用Ruby语言(JRuby)编写的,旨在与Maven构建工具集成,帮助开发者在Java项目中...
jruby-console-0.9.2.jar groovy-1.0-beta-2.jar groovy-all-1.8.6.jar bsh-1.3.0.jar
标题 "jruby-core-1.7.12.zip" 提供的是 JRuby 的核心库版本 1.7.12,这是一个将 Java 虚拟机(JVM)与 Ruby 语言结合的开源实现。JRuby 允许开发者在 Java 平台上运行 Ruby 代码,同时利用 Java 生态系统的强大功能...
使用 JRuby 1.7.8 需要先下载解压提供的 `jruby-1.7.8` 压缩包,然后配置环境变量。以下是简单的步骤: 1. 将解压后的 JRuby 目录添加到系统 PATH 环境变量中。 2. 运行 `jruby -v` 命令检查安装是否成功,如果显示...
标题中的"jruby-src-1.1b1.zip"表明这是一个关于JRuby的源代码压缩包,版本为1.1b1。JRuby是Java平台上的一个Ruby语言实现,它允许开发者在Java平台上使用Ruby语法进行开发,同时利用Java的生态系统和性能优势。 ...
找不到或无法加载主类org.jruby.Main。 原因是/usr/local/hbase/lib 目录下没有jruby-complete-1.7.19.jar文件.,下载本文件,解压缩后将jar文件直接添加到/usr/local/hbase/lib 目录下。
JRuby实验室JRuby的实验室是一个包含来自...JRuby:100%Java环境中的Ruby JRuby和Rails-JRuby on Rails 查尔斯·纳特(Charles Nutter)谈论JRuby“两全其美” JRuby两全其美-http: 企业环境中的JRuby-JRuby Enterpr
这个“jruby-bin-1.5.5.zip”压缩包包含了JRuby 1.5.5版本的二进制发行版,它是面向那些想要在Java环境中利用Ruby特性的开发者的理想选择。这个版本的发布日期可能相对较早,但它仍然是学习和理解JRuby与Java集成的...
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