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Ugg Boots - How To Keep Clean


If you are from Australia or anywhere in the world where people wear warm boots to keep warm, then you have probably heard of cheap uggs boots. The name is an Australian term for sheepskin boots that has been around since the cultivation of sheep, though it was not until the 1950s or so when the Aussie name stuck. Due to their soft outer shell and their all natural fleecy lining they are both extremely comfortable, and thermostatically beneficial to your feet.

These boots were originally popular with World War II aviators, planes then did not have the modern conveniences of heating that we have today. Also hardcore surfers that loved the speed their feet got warm after being in the ocean during the cooler months. If you happen to own a pair of these fuzzy wonders, you may even be wondering how to clean them.

To clean you will need a mild sheepskin cleaner like Woolite or the ugg sale Sheepskin Cleaner, or you can also try using an all-natural cleaner that is safe for wool and other delicates. Be sure to dilute your cleaner in cold water according to the instructions for Woolite use 2 tablespoons for every two cups of water, for UGG Australia cleaner mix at a one to one ratio, and for an all natural cleaner like Ecover Delicate Wash, mix only a third of a capful with about 2 1/2 liters of cold water.

It is best not to use shampoo as you do not want to eliminate all the natural oil that is part of your cheap jordans. Next use a cloth soaked in cold water to dampen the outside surface of your boots, being careful not to soak through the entire sheepskin. Apply a small amount of your cleaner to a sponge, and gently scrub the entire area in small circles.

For tough stains or hard to reach nooks, try using a toothbrush just be careful not to damage the material. Rinse off the cleaning solution with your cold wet cloth, stopping to rinse and ring it out as you go. Stuff your boots with recycled paper towels to allow them to keep their shape, and leave them to dry in a clean warm place. Avoid direct heat sources like a fireplace, radiator or even direct sun, which can cause the sheepskin to pucker or crack.

For any bad odors in the boot when they are dry sprinkle a couple tablespoons of baking soda inside then give them a shake and letting them sit, should kill any odors overnight. Be sure to gently brush the outsides of your Discount Uggs boots with a suede brush to restore the pile. By giving them a clean from time to time they should last nearly a lifetime.



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