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Beacon Lighting Strategies

Beacon Lighting Strategies

Method Two

Required Quests: Eadgar's Ruse.

After fixing the ladders and filling the beacons, teleport to Trollheim, go to the bottom of the mountain using the shortcuts. Turn on Protect from Range, and run towards the God Wars Dungeon.
Squeeze through/Push aside the rock and walk north (run energy will automatically drop 0). Turn on Protect from Melee after passing the Rock,
Drink Super Restores (to restore all stats) as and when necessary. Light the beacon here.
Teleport your runescape accounts back to Trollheim (sip a Super Restore here if required; you may have sipped before teleporting). Run to the bottom of the mountain using the shortcuts, then run a little south to 2 hills, which require 64 agility to climb over. Pot up as per necessary (Summer Pies, Agility Potions, Tireless Run Scrolls, Abyssal Stealth (Abyssal Lurker) scrolls all boost Agility. Refer to the Agility Help guide for further information.)
Light the beacon at this location.
Climb down the Agility shortcut into the Wilderness, accepting all warnings if necessary. Run south, and light the beacon at Death Plateau. Then, begin running directly north.
You will reach a temple, the Chaos Temple. Once here, there should be a ladder a little further north which, when climbed, takes you next to the beacon. Light the beacon here.
Climb down the ladder and run north. You will reach a gate, go through it. Then, run slight northeast, and you will reach the Frozen Plateau Beacon. Light this.
Begin running back to the gate, and through it. Run southeast, turning Protect spells against the Ice Warriors/Giants/Revenants if required. You will reach an obelisk. Click one of the four supports and a pulsating orb should appear in it. Climb onto the Obelisk and move into the center.
You should be teleported, hopefully to another obelisk below level 30 wilderness. If so, Glory Teleport out, or if its below 20 wilderness, use a Games Necklace to teleport to Burthorpe Games Room. Either way, make sure you end up at the Games Room. Climb up the stairs and run east towards the beacon. Climb up the iron pegs and light this beacon.
Next, use an Earth Altar tablet to teleport to the Earth Altar. Run north, jump the ditch, and run east, and jump this ditch. Continue running east and light the beacon near the Black Knights Castle (another alternative is to teleport to the Monastery with a Combat Bracelet (1-4) and run to the beacon.its a best way to get runescape gold and runescape power leveling)
Use a Goblin Village Sphere to teleport you to Goblin Village, and run in a northeasterly direction (Goblin Village Spheres teleport you within a random location of Goblin Village) and light the beacon here.
Use your Amulet of Glory to teleport to Edgeville, and light the beacon north of the bank.
Run east, pass over the bridge, and jump over the ditch. Continue running east, and a little north till you come to a beacon. Light this.
Continue running east and you will reach another beacon. Light this.
Continuing on, light another beacon to the east of the last one.
Jump over the ditch and run through the gate to Canifis. Follow the path until you reach some steps which lead towards the Odd Old Man from the Rag and Bone Man quest. From him, run slightly west, and climb the steps. Light the beacon here.
Run back down the steps,and continue following the path until you reach the Paterdomus Temple. Light the beacon here.


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