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Enakhra's Elegy


Start: opening remarks Lazim, was found south of the desert bandit camp.
Skills: 50 arts and crafts, 45 Firemaking, 43 prayer, and 39 magic.
Tasks: no!
You need: a maple tree, willow, oak tree, and regularly records, a ho (ho in a fish and a bronze), chisel, a candle, a coal, a powder keg, a clay tablets (you can put a bucket James later), a collapse of the souls of magic, spells of fire, air spell (extra magic runes, because they can miss), cake, get 8 free inventory space.

Recommended items: Desert Tourism standard gear (desert robe top, bottom, boots and desert camouflage optional Ed inquiries from the rich), or full-Graahk armor, knives full waterskins. Air personnel are useful to compensate for the different magic, drum or thing is untenable air break (if you bring the dry clay or would like to fill from the fountain waterskins).
Optional items: an extra piece of clay, if you want to camel mask.

Scroll down to the end of a guide to find a 'quick exploration drill'.

Getting There

Lazim bandits in the southern camp, log in to your runescape accounts and then go to a bandit camp can go there either from the Shantay pass, or take magic carpet ride of Bedabin camp walk and walk.

Secret Entrance

Sign is used to enter the secret entrance of the temple in the search for Enakhra later, but you can not use until you have opened from the inside of them. This can be the optical flow in the room by climbing the ladder, then climb up the sand out.


To start the quest talk to Lazim.

He tells you that he wants you to build a new statue of the king, and ask you to get the basis of his sandstone 32 kg. Sandstone quarry mining in the West Lazim is 1 kg, 2 kg, 5 kg or 10 kg blocks of mining, mining, the higher the level, the more likely to get a bigger block. The amount of sandstone to Lazim you have to be increased to 32 kilograms - that he would not accept more than he needs, but he will be held for you blocks, you me more. We recommend that you remove small pieces when you originally them, because it can give him a boring a small part of undergoing another round of conversation, let him to pieces and so on.

When you gave him the correct amount, he will perform spelling, making it 32 kg of sandstone blocks to you. It is supported by using the chisel as a base, talk to Lazim, and then use a flat on the ground around the base.

Next, you must obtain 20 kg of sand, using the same process as the previous. The use of the body, he gave you the statue, then use the chisel the statue neaten it. You will end up with a headless statue.

Talk to Lazim, you will have to choose what type of statue's head should be. You can choose any, except yourself!

For the head, you need me a 5 kg block of granite. Granite can be mined 500 grams, 1 kg, 2 kg or 5 kg block. It allows you to use the chisel head when you choose to speak Lazim. If you have seven or more space, I have an additional 5 kg granite blocks, you will need it, but you can, if I short it to your space.

Use the statue head, and it will fall, so in one hole, and you thought of!

Note: You can not enter through this hole, after, and the impact of the desert does not affect you, and inside.

Temple city tour Enakhra

When you speak Lazim, he explained that he had deliberately let you do the statue and let him get to the temple to find the treasure! So you decide, such as the head, a powerful adventurer you, help him find the treasure.

In the temple, in order to Lazim said, the doors are locked limbs! However, before you go trying to cut down your arms, you can chisel it through the use of the fallen statue of the limbs, these, with the Sigils you find along the way along, is a gateway to the key.

During the meeting, Lazim, you should ask the head of the statue, and before leaving, from the base of the "M" imprint. In addition, you may want to climb the ladder and sand, so you can easily visit the temple of.

First, the south and attempt to open the door of a right leg recess. You will see a power outage and non-black and white Enakhra flash trying to gather a number of large bones, a Boneguard, but she failed.

When you wake up, head through the door and follow the corridor to enter the Chamber, and from the base of the "R" stamp.

Open, west door, saw another flash back to the Enakhra to persuade her to join their side Akthanakos.

With "1000" imprint, and through a third goalkeeper on the North flashback to kill to defend the Knights Templar in the Enakhra!

The mark of the past form of "Z" and head east through the door.

Along the corridor to speak Lazim, an imprint of the seal and then to the west of a locked door. To open it, use the matching mark on the door, you should lift with the other Sigils and you where the other door. Then, climb up the ladder.

You will find one with a camel's head around the same mark and the boundaries of magic, Block F, as the center of the four rooms themselves. To open this obstacle, you need to complete four tasks on the floor.

Frozen Fountain

Head south-west, you will find the frozen fountain. Actor fire spell you, you bring the fountain, and will melt.

Note: If you do not take the wet clay, you can fill your fountain barrels stick it. You can also refill waterskins If you bring a bucket.

Use with wet clay to obtain a stone bearing mold (p), then, if you do not have space for 5 kg before the granite, through a secret back entrance and a number of quarries. Then with a pair of cutting granite blocks of stone head.

If you prefer, you can use the base of another piece of wet clay to make a camel mask, but this is not to find necessary.


Speak Pentyn, in the north of the fountain room, he will think you come to torture him!

Of course, as a generous adventurer, you should use his cake. He will eat, give you some information on how to clear the furnace.

The furnace

Next, Tung Tau and the furnace, which should be quite a lot of fog space. The use of forged Aviation spelling to clear it.

In the brazier

Entering the final room, you will see six brazier. A brazier for each survey to see if it needs, and add the maple, willow, oak and normal logs, candles and coal right brazier lit the room.

When you're done, you will find on the seat outside the sphere are all lit up. The use of stone, you have just high ground, you can through the magic barrier. You will also see the final use of flashback in the Enakhra ancient Magicks of Akthanakos!

Climb the ladder, across the room, you will see a Boneguard to defend his temples.

Campbell voted it the souls of magic, you will free the spirit trapped inside the vehicle.

This will drop five large bone (this is not necessary, are free to bury them), you can climb up and down stairs bone pile.

Open the protection of close combat, and speak Boneguard. In trying to hit you several times, he will tell you of his struggle and ask you to help complete their temple walls Enakhra.

Note: If you do not have the protection from melee prayer opened, Boneguard would undermine the value of some life to keep so every time you talk to him.

To repair the wall, from a nearby pile Boneguard several blocks (5 kg sandstone blocks). First of all, you have to "place" through the use of a brick wall, then "downsizing" with the chisel with its new brick.

Repeat this process until the completion of the wall, and then search for your Boneguard rewarded and see cutscene in Enakhra and Akthanakos from their call for God's help, Enakhra escape.

the pursuit of the completion of runescape!


Akthanakos'Camulet - allows you to speak, camels and Ugthanki wear and tear, as well as remote port you Enakhra Temple of friction. It has four charges, and can charge through the use of camel dung which, if lost, Lazim will give you another.
7000 arts and crafts, magic, mining, and Firemaking experience, you can save a lot of time and many runescape gold on runescape power leveling
Camel capacity, through the base of the wet clay mask.
Two task points




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