Based on the observed pattern of searches, MySQL builds a hash index using a prefix of the index key. The prefix of the key can be any length, and it may be that only some of the values in the B-tree appear in the hash index. Hash indexes are built on demand for those pages of the index that are often accessed.
The hash index is always built based on an existing B-tree index on the table. InnoDB can build a hash index on a prefix of any length of the key defined for the B-tree, depending on the pattern of searches that InnoDB observes for the B-tree index. A hash index can be partial, covering only those pages of the index that are often accessed.
强调了MySQL的多线程架构、多版本并发控制(MVCC)配合两阶段锁定(2PL)、组提交(Group Commit)、自适应刷新(Adaptive Flushing)、清除操作(Purging)、预取操作(Pre-Fetching)、自适应哈希索引(Adaptive ...
- **InnoDB Adaptive Hash Index**:监测InnoDB自适应哈希索引的使用情况。如果该值较高,表明InnoDB正在有效地利用内存来加速索引查找操作。 - **InnoDB Buffer Pool**:监控InnoDB缓冲池的状态。包括缓冲池的大小...
- 索引优化:支持覆盖索引(Covering Indexes)和自适应哈希索引(Adaptive Hash Index),提高查询速度。 - 查询优化器改进:查询优化器算法升级,能更准确地预测查询执行计划的成本,选择最佳路径。 3. **安全...
`innodb_adaptive_hash_index` - **定义**:启用或禁用InnoDB自适应哈希索引功能。这里设置为 `ON` 表示启用。 ##### 20. `innodb_additional_mem_pool_size` - **定义**:设置InnoDB额外内存池大小,用于额外...
【自适应哈希索引(Adaptive Hash Indexes, AHI)】 自适应哈希索引是InnoDB的一种优化策略,当缓冲池中有足够内存并且特定的工作负载时,InnoDB会根据查询模式自动构建哈希索引,以加速等值查询。AHI通过监控索引...
4. Adaptive Hash Index(自适应哈希索引) InnoDB提供自适应哈希索引功能,当MySQL检测到某个索引值被频繁访问时,它会自动地为这个索引构建哈希索引,这样可以进一步提升查询速度。 5. Undo Log(撤销日志) ...