
jobs Window Interval parameter

"The Window Interval.
When you restart a server, the tools scheduled to run while the server was shut down will not necessarily run immediately. Some tools have a default window on either
side of the scheduled run time that allows the tool schedule to recover gracefully. For example, suppose that a tool has a window_interval of 120 minutes (2 hours) and it is normally supposed to execute at 9 p.m. The tool will only be able to run between the hours of 7 p.m. and 11 p.m. If it is started before 7 p.m., it aborts and is rescheduled to run at 9 p.m. the same day. If is started after 11 p.m., it aborts and is rescheduled to run at 9 p.m. the next day.

To illustrate, suppose a tool is scheduled to execute daily at 11 p.m. and that the server is shut down from 9 a.m. on July 21 to 9 a.m. on July 22. When you restart the server at 9 a.m. on the July 22, the server attempts to execute the tool. However, because 9 a.m. is not within the tool¿s window, the tool aborts the July 21, 11 p.m. job, and is rescheduled to run at 11 p.m. that night (July 22).

This window of execution is provided for most tools to ensure that server start-ups are not delayed by the execution of tools. You can change the size of the window by setting the -window_interval argument for the job (in the method_arguments attribute). This argument takes an integer value that expresses the length of the desired interval in minutes. For example if you wanted to reset the interval to 1 hour on either side of the job¿s scheduled execution time, you would set -window_interval to 60 for that job.

Refer to the description of each tool to determine if the tool takes the -window_interval argument and, if so, the argument¿s default value."

Because 24 hours are equal to 1440 minutes, in order to ensure job execution in any moment enough will be to set window_interval value to 720 (i.e., one half of full 24 hours).




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