A CompilingClassLoader compiles your Java source on-the-fly. It checks
for nonexistent .class files, or .class files that are older than their
corresponding source code.
public class CompilingClassLoader extends ClassLoader
// Given a filename, read the entirety of that file from disk
// and return it as a byte array.
private byte[] getBytes( String filename ) throws IOException {
// Find out the length of the file
File file = new File( filename );
long len = file.length();
// Create an array that's just the right size for the file's
// contents
byte raw[] = new byte[(int)len];
// Open the file
FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream( file );
// Read all of it into the array; if we don't get all,
// then it's an error.
int r = raw );
if (r != len)
throw new IOException( "Can't read all, "+r+" != "+len );
// Don't forget to close the file!
// And finally return the file contents as an array
return raw;
// Spawn a process to compile the java source code file
// specified in the 'javaFile' parameter. Return a true if
// the compilation worked, false otherwise.
private boolean compile( String javaFile ) throws IOException {
// Let the user know what's going on
System.out.println( "CCL: Compiling "+javaFile+"..." );
// Start up the compiler
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec( "javac "+javaFile );
// Wait for it to finish running
try {
} catch( InterruptedException ie ) { System.out.println( ie ); }
// Check the return code, in case of a compilation error
int ret = p.exitValue();
// Tell whether the compilation worked
return ret==0;
// The heart of the ClassLoader -- automatically compile
// source as necessary when looking for class files
public Class loadClass( String name, boolean resolve )
throws ClassNotFoundException {
// Our goal is to get a Class object
Class clas = null;
// First, see if we've already dealt with this one
clas = findLoadedClass( name );
//System.out.println( "findLoadedClass: "+clas );
// Create a pathname from the class name
// E.g. java.lang.Object => java/lang/Object
String fileStub = name.replace( '.', '/' );
// Build objects pointing to the source code (.java) and object
// code (.class)
String javaFilename = fileStub+".java";
String classFilename = fileStub+".class";
File javaFile = new File( javaFilename );
File classFile = new File( classFilename );
//System.out.println( "j "+javaFile.lastModified()+" c "+
// classFile.lastModified() );
// First, see if we want to try compiling. We do if (a) there
// is source code, and either (b0) there is no object code,
// or (b1) there is object code, but it's older than the source
if (javaFile.exists() &&
(!classFile.exists() ||
javaFile.lastModified() > classFile.lastModified())) {
try {
// Try to compile it. If this doesn't work, then
// we must declare failure. (It's not good enough to use
// and already-existing, but out-of-date, classfile)
if (!compile( javaFilename ) || !classFile.exists()) {
throw new ClassNotFoundException( "Compile failed: "+javaFilename );
} catch( IOException ie ) {
// Another place where we might come to if we fail
// to compile
throw new ClassNotFoundException( ie.toString() );
// Let's try to load up the raw bytes, assuming they were
// properly compiled, or didn't need to be compiled
try {
// read the bytes
byte raw[] = getBytes( classFilename );
// try to turn them into a class
clas = defineClass( name, raw, 0, raw.length );
} catch( IOException ie ) {
// This is not a failure! If we reach here, it might
// mean that we are dealing with a class in a library,
// such as java.lang.Object
//System.out.println( "defineClass: "+clas );
// Maybe the class is in a library -- try loading
// the normal way
if (clas==null) {
clas = findSystemClass( name );
//System.out.println( "findSystemClass: "+clas );
// Resolve the class, if any, but only if the "resolve"
// flag is set to true
if (resolve && clas != null)
resolveClass( clas );
// If we still don't have a class, it's an error
if (clas == null)
throw new ClassNotFoundException( name );
// Otherwise, return the class
return clas;
例如,`CompilingClassLoader (CCL)`是一个示例,它可以在运行时编译Java源代码并加载生成的类。这种ClassLoader可以用于自动化构建过程,或者在运行时根据需要动态生成和加载代码。 在Java 1.2及后续版本中,...
public class CompilingClassLoader extends ClassLoader { private byte[] getBytes(String filename) throws IOException { File file = new File(filename); long len = file.length(); byte[] raw = new ...
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【作品名称】:基于Java 实现的电脑鼠走迷宫的软件程序 【适用人群】:适用于希望学习不同技术领域的小白或进阶学习者。可作为毕设项目、课程设计、大作业、工程实训或初期项目立项。 【项目介绍】: 迷宫地图生成算法的设计和实现 自动生成迷宫:根据迷宫生成算法自动生成一定复杂度的迷宫地图。 手动生成迷宫:根据文件中存储的固定数据生成迷宫地图。 单路径寻找算法的设计与实现:找出迷宫中一条单一的通路。 迷宫遍历算法的设计与实现:遍历迷宫中所有的可行路径。 最短路径计算算法的设计与实现:根据遍历结果,找出迷宫中所有通路中的最短通路。 (3)第二部分:界面展示部分 生成迷宫地图界面的设计与实现:根据生成的迷宫地图,用可视化的界面展现出来。 界面布局的设计与实现:根据迷宫程序的总体需求,设计和实现合理的界面布局。 相关迷宫生成过程和寻路算法在界面上的展现:将迷宫程序中的相关功能,跟界面合理结合,并采用一定的方法展 【资源声明】:本资源作为“参考资料”而不是“定制需求”,代码只能作为参考,不能完全复制照搬。需要有一定的基础看懂代码,自行调试代码并解决报错,能自行添加功能修改代码。