remarkReporting Boolean
TRUE if getTables and getColumns should report TABLE_REMARKS. This is equivalent to using setRemarksReporting. The default value is FALSE.
The value TRUE causes OracleDatabaseMetaData to include remarks in the metadata. This can result in a substantial reduction in performance.
realmem 15466496 Amount of usable physical memory in Kbytes False ``` **3、检查CPU** 使用命令`lsdev -C | grep proc`检查两个节点的CPU配置,确保相同。示例结果如下: ``` # lsdev -C | grep proc proc0 ...
比较意外的发现发的这两个资源居然有人下载并且写了...usable包同时打包了json me和jspsmart这连个开源成果,因为他们只提供了源文件而没有打为jar包。另外需要说明的是usable和Ajaxlib与7月份提供的版本有一定的变动。
As a Cookbook this book enables you to create APEX web applications and to implement features with immediately usable recipes that unleash the powerful functionality of Oracle APEX 4 2 Each recipe is ...
realmem 2097152 Amount of usable physical memory in Kbytes False ``` 此处显示该系统的可用物理内存为2048MB(2097152Kb),这是Oracle 10g安装的基本要求之一。 ##### 1.2 分区与文件系统检查 使用`lsps -a`...
- 示例:若内存大小为8GB,则输出应显示为 `realmem 8142848 Amount of usable physical memory in Kbytes False`。 - Oracle 10g 要求最低内存为1GB。 **1.1.2 SWAP 空间** - 根据内存大小,SWAP空间的需求有所...
realmem 1048576 Amount of usable physical memory in Kbytes False ``` 上述输出表明物理内存为1GB。 2. **确认SWAP空间**:使用`lsps`命令检查当前系统的交换分区大小。如果小于2GB,则需要增加交换分区大小...
realmem 1048576 Amount of usable physical memory in Kbytes False ``` 2. **确认SWAP空间**: - 使用`/usr/sbin/lsps -a`命令查看当前SWAP空间大小。 ```bash localhost> /usr/sbin/lsps -a Page Space ...
Beginning Oracle Application Express 4.2 introduces version 4.2 of the popular and productive Oracle Application Express development platform. Called APEX for short, the platform enables rapid and ...
realmem 15466496 Amount of usable physical memory in Kbytes False ``` 确保两个节点的内存配置一致。 ##### 3. 检查CPU 使用命令`lsdev -C | grep proc`来查看每个节点的CPU信息,结果应显示有4个可用处理器...
emulator: ERROR: x86 emulation currently requires hardware acceleration!...Please ensure Intel HAXM is properly installed and usable. CPU acceleration status: HAX kernel module is not installed!
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在这个“pca_usable.rar_PCA 人脸识别”项目中,我们很显然会涉及到如何运用PCA算法来实现一个基本的人脸识别系统。 人脸识别是一个计算机视觉任务,旨在通过分析和比较人脸图像的特征来识别人的身份。PCA在这里的...
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