//设置json过滤主外键,防止出现死循环there is a cycle in the hierarchy! JsonConfig config = new JsonConfig(); config.setJsonPropertyFilter(new PropertyFilter(){//过滤属性 //其中houses,district就是我们要过滤的字段,也就是JavaBean中的属性名 public boolean apply(Object arg0, String name, Object arg2) { if(name.equals("houses")||name.equals("district")){ return true; } return false; } }); //在转换的时候加个config JSONArray jsarr = JSONArray.fromObject(streetList,config); request.setAttribute("jsarr", jsarr); }
如果需要解析的数据间存在级联关系,而互相嵌套引用,在hibernate中极容易嵌套而抛出net.sf.json.JSONException: There is a cycle in the hierarchy异常。
并且对Dao和Service进行了封装,内含.jar包,并且解决了一对多双向关联的could not initialize proxy - no Session错误,同时解决了……invoked on net.sf.json.JSONException: There is a cycle in the hierarchy!...
### SAP BW Hierarchy Extractor:从SAP R3系统抽取自定义层级至BW系统的架构 #### 业务场景 在很多企业环境中,管理者需要能够访问其下属员工所负责的数据。尽管SAP Business Warehouse (BW)提供了丰富的业务内容...
解决这个启动 View Hierarchy时的这个bug: hierarchy viewer unable to debug device
Memory Hierarchy is a design strategy implemented to bridge the gap between the Central Processing Unit (CPU) and the various types of memory, which have differing speed, capacity, and cost ...
Test of consistency is critical for the AHP methodology. When a pairwise comparison matrix (PCM) fails the consistency test, the decision maker (DM) needs to make revisions. The state of the art ...
To develop a solid understanding of a data structure requires three things: First, you must learn how the information is arranged in the memory of the computer. Second, you must become familiar with ...
1. **`OPENJSON` 函数**:用于将 JSON 数据转换为表格形式。 2. **`FOR JSON` 子句**:用于将查询结果格式化为 JSON 输出。 3. **`JSON_VALUE` 和 `JSON_QUERY` 函数**:用于从 JSON 数据中提取特定值或子文档。 ...
sql server 2014 JSON解析到表函数 CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[parseJSON]( @JSON NVARCHAR(MAX)) RETURNS @hierarchy TABLE ( element_id INT IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL, ...
the best way to understand how computers work is to build one from scratch, and this textbook leads students through twelve chapters and projects that gradually build a basic hardware platform and a ...
* updated a polygon object: now the polygon toolbar is displayed not near to the object, but in the main toolbar and in ribbon; polygon modes are changed, new modes allow editing and adding curves > ...
它们允许不同系统之间进行数据交换,实现应用程序间的互操作性。常见的Web服务标准有SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol)和REST(Representational State Transfer)。 Apache CXF是一个流行的开源框架,它用于...
Even when the actual handling differs, there is still some commonality. Hierarchical state machine design captures the commonality by organizing the states as a hierarchy. The states at the higher ...
An intent lock indicates that SQL Server wants to acquire a shared (S) lock or exclusive (X) lock on some of the resources lower down in the hierarchy. For example, a shared intent lock placed at the ...
co-founder and CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, Deep learning is a form of machine learning that enables computers to learn from experience and understand the world in terms of a hierarchy of concepts....