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Integration Framework


 Integration Framework


The growing complexity of the batch processes required to operate a shop, have brought in some cases the existing implementation to its limits. On the one hand side because of the growing number of batch components (Jobs) and on the other hand due to lacking monitoring and notification capabilities.



This concept(概念) will define a general way how workflows and its components(组件) need to be built so that a common infrastructure can provide facilities for monitoring(监控工具), logging(日志), configuration(配置), scheduling(计划任务) etc. One such framework which allows us to do so is Integration Framework. It is nothing but a combination of cartridges(组合cartridges, preferences(参数设置), custom objects (自定义对象) and meta-data which together can help create a workflow and monitor it. The first step towards using Integration Framework is installing it.



General concept 基本概念

Every workflow that needs to be executed is modelled as a WorkflowSchedule (工作流程安排), containing main information about frequency, run times, enablement, file log level, etc.


Every WorkflowSchedule consists of  Simple WorkflowComponentInstances (created from the existing WorkflowComponentDefinitions), describing the steps within the workflow and their individual configurations


For recurring(循环) schedules the schedule itself and its components are cloned for each schedule run.


In Demandware platform terminology, a WorkflowSchedule consists of a custom object defining the workflow and a number of job schedule definitions in the Demandware BM which check for workflows to execute on a regular basis. Every WorkflowComponentInstance relates to WorkflowScheduleobjects as well.

Dw平台中,一个WorkflowSchedule由一个自定意义对象定义的workflow 和许多个job schedule definitions (用于检查workflow定期执行)在DW BM中,每一个WorkflowComponentInstance同样关联到WorkflowSchedule对象.


Scheduled Job Configuration

Standard Demandware jobs are used to trigger the workflow engine. All other calculation is done by the framework itself. This allows for example the displaying of upcoming workflows even days in advance.


To setup a scheduled-Job:

1. Navigate to Administration -> Operations -> Job Schedules

2. Create a new or edit an old Schedule

3. Set the Execution Scope to either ‘Sites’ or ‘Organization’ depending on the Scope your pre-defined Workflow-Schedule run in. If your Workflow-Schedule should run in both scopes, please create a Scheduled-Job for each Scope.

4. Make sure that pipeline ‘Workflow’ and start node ‘Start’ are already pre-configured.

5. The Provided parameter‚ JobId, associates to a workflow component with the job which triggers the frameworks processing engine. This JobId is used internally by the Workflow pipeline to be able to identify the job that invoked it.



A monitoring cockpit(驾驶舱) allows viewing the schedule of the current day as well as the schedule for a given date. For the selected day a list of Workflows that are scheduled is shown as well as their components are shown. All of them state their name, the current status and the status message.


List of out of the box components




Standard Components Import


The component  allows importing any system or custom object from a designated local or remote directory (relatively to IMPEX/) via XML-Files which corresponds (符合) to a specific naming pattern.

Standard Components-Download Files标准组件下载文件

Allows you to import from a designated WebDAV or(S)FTP location into Demandware

Catalog export


allows exporting of a

specific Catalog

into a designated local directory (relatively to IMPEX/).

Order export


allows exporting orders

(all or confirmed and paid) to a designated local directory

(relatively to IMPEX/).

Price-Book export


allows exporting of a

specific Price Book

into a designated local directory

(relatively to IMPEX/).

Price import


allows importing Price-

Books from a designated local directory (relatively to

IMPEX/) via XML-Files

which corresponds to a specific

naming pattern.

Import slots


allows importing of

content slot configurations from a designated local

directory (relatively to IMPEX/) via XML-Files which corresponds to a specific naming pattern in a specified mode.

Import content


allows importing of

data from a designated local directory (relatively to

IMPEX/) via XML-Files

which corresponds to a specific

naming pattern into a specified library and in a specified mode.

Various Rebuild functionality


To rebuild Search / Availability / ActiveData / Redirect

/ Suggestions / Synonyms Indexes

Time condition


allows ensuring that

the workflow will not be continued in case a configured

time is in the past or that the execution will be put on

hold until a certain time is reached. This can be useful in

case a replication or other workflow needs to happen

before a certain point of time in order to not impact the

production system performance.


Date condition


ensuring that the

workflow will not be continued in case a configured date is in the past or that the execution will be put on hold until a certain date is reached. This can be useful in case a replication or other workflow needs to happen before a certain date in order to not impact the production system performance

Date-Time condition


allows ensuring that the workflow will not be continued in case a

configured date and time is in the past or that the execution will be put on hold until certain date and time are reached. This can be useful in case a replication or other workflow needs to happen before a certain time in a certain day in order to not impact the production system performance.

Workflow clean-up


allows the removal of old custom objects which were created through the workflow framework.


Clean-up files


allows the removal and archive of old files in specific folders


Transfer to FTP


allows the copy of files

from a local directory (relatively to IMPEX/) to a FTP-Location


Transfer from FTP


allows the copy of files to a local directory (relatively to IMPEX/) from a FTP-Location.


Rebuild indexes


Allows the rebuilt of the configured indexes. This component can be useful after the import of a catalog for example.







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