不得不佩服n.desgin studio,这二个样式的配色非常漂亮, 同时也是n.desgin studio第一个Wordpress Theme。没话说,推荐…….
GlossyBlue - Basic
Download Basic Theme
1. Download glossyblue-basic.zip
2. Upload theme folder.
3. Go to WP Admin > Presentation and activate theme.
4. That’s it!
GlossyBlue - Advanced
Download Advanced Theme
1. Download glossyblue-advanced.zip
2. Edit About text in footer.php
3. Intall “customizable-post-listings.php” plugin.
4. Upload theme folder.
5. Go to WP Admin > Presentation and activate theme.
Damla -Free Premium WordPress Theme Damla -Free Premium WordPress Theme Damla -Free Premium WordPress Theme
Thesis 1.7 – Wordpress Theme.zip Introducing the Thesis Theme for WordPress Thesis is a search engine optimized ...
Pro WordPress Theme Development is your comprehensive guide to creating advanced WordPress themes. Designed for for professional web designers and developers who are comfortable with PHP and WordPress...
If you've used WordPress to create self-hosted websites using themes you've downloaded but want to start building your own, this book is for you. You will need an understanding of how to use WordPress...
《WordPress Theme Development Beginner's Guide 3rd Edition Code》是由Packt Publishing出版的一本面向初学者的WordPress主题开发指南。这本书的代码部分包含了多个章节的示例,帮助读者深入理解WordPress主题...
InfoWay Wordpress Theme 是一款专为高级企业网站设计的WordPress主题,它提供了丰富的功能和自定义选项,以满足现代商业网站的需求。这款主题以其专业、优雅的设计和强大的性能,深受企业和个人用户喜爱。以下是对...
### 标题:“Powerful Guide for Wordpress Theme Freshman” 标题直接表达了本指南的目标读者是刚接触Wordpress主题的新手,旨在提供一份强大的指导手册,帮助他们快速上手并深入理解Wordpress主题的设计与制作。 ...
综上所述,"Wordpress theme Metro Win8"是一个结合了现代设计趋势和实用功能的主题,它为WordPress用户提供了创建美观、响应迅速且易于管理的网站的可能性。无论你是新手还是经验丰富的开发者,这款主题都能帮助你...
"U-Design Responsive WordPress Theme" 是一款在国外知名主题市场 Themeforest 上付费下载的WordPress主题。这个主题以其高度响应式的设计而闻名,意味着无论在桌面、平板还是移动设备上,都能提供优秀的用户体验。...
Winger Nulled is an aircraft and aviation WordPress theme dedicated specifically to various niches in the aviation industry. Winger WordPress Theme Features Professional design One-Click demo ...
【标题】"north wordpress theme" 是一款专门为WordPress平台设计的主题,它旨在为用户带来美观、易用且功能丰富的网站外观。这款主题可能以其简洁的设计、响应式布局和对多种功能的支持而著称。 【描述】...
Madara - WordPress Theme for Manga 马达拉 - 漫画的Wordpress主题" ---------- 泰森云每天更新发布最新WordPress主题、HTML主题、WordPress插件、shopify主题、opencart主题、PHP项目源码、安卓项目源码、ios项目...
172) Alchemists WordPress Theme - 游戏主题 v4.6.0.zip
Clipper theme is a new premium wordpress coupon theme from Appthemes. Coupon collecting and using is becoming big business. With new sites like Groupon and the launch of a new television series ...
Appyn Nulled is for you since it is developed so you can upload information ...Appyn WordPress Theme Features Optimized and Responsive Adapted to any device Nine Widgets totally different Spanish and Eng
198) Car Dealer WordPress Theme - 汽车主题 v6.0.5.zip
210) JobCareer WordPress Theme - 招聘板主题 v6.9.zip
177) InBio WordPress Theme - 作品集主题 v3.0.0.zip