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Think in java 4th_English_Generics

  • Java
Ordinary classes and methods work with specific types: either primitives or class types. If you are writing code that might be used across more types, this rigidity(1) can be overconstraining(2).  (1) 刻板;(2) 超过限制;

One way that object-oriented languages allow generalization is through polymorphism. You can write (for example) a method that takes a base class object as an augument, and then use that method with any class derived from that base calss. Now your method is a little more general and can be used in more places. The same is true within classes--anyplace you use a specific type, a base type provides more flexibility. Of course, anything but final calss can be extended, so this flexibility is automatic much of the time.



    Java 泛型详解 Java 中的泛型是 Java 5(JDK 1.5)中引入的一项新特性,旨在解决类型安全和代码重用的问题。泛型允许程序员对类型进行抽象,使得代码更加灵活和可维护。 泛型的优点: 1. 类型安全:泛型可以在...


    《Thinking in Java 4th Edition CN》中文版是Java编程领域的经典著作,由Bruce Eckel撰写,对中国程序员来说是一份非常宝贵的资源。这本书全面而深入地介绍了Java语言,旨在帮助读者建立扎实的面向对象编程思维。...

    Java_Generics_And_Collections__2006.zip_Java Collections

    在Java_Generics_And_Collections__2006.chm文件中,可能包含了以下内容: 1. **泛型的基本使用**:介绍如何声明和使用泛型类、泛型接口和泛型方法。 2. **泛型通配符**:如"? extends T"和"? super T",用于表示...


    A great tutorial about the use of Generics in Java. It comes with examples and other great stuff about this "dark" theme for a lot of students in Java


    在Java编程语言中,泛型是一种引入类型参数的概念,它允许程序员在使用类、接口和方法时编写与数据类型无关的代码,然后在创建对象或调用方法时明确指定这些类型。Java的泛型在JDK 1.5版本中被引入,并且它的出现极...

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    think in java的习题

    《Think in Java》会涵盖ArrayList、LinkedList、HashSet、HashMap等集合类的使用,以及泛型(Generics)的应用,使代码更具类型安全性并减少运行时错误。 异常处理是Java程序健壮性的保障。书中的习题会涉及try-...

    Data Structures and Algorithms in Java, 5th Edition (Part 2/3)

    Updates to Java 5.0 include new sections on generics and other Java 5.0 features, and revised code fragments, examples, and case studies to conform to Java 5.0. Hundreds of exercises, including many...

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    本书"Java Generics and Collections"深入探讨了这两个主题,帮助开发者编写更安全、更高效且可维护的代码。 首先,让我们来理解Java泛型。泛型是Java 5引入的一项特性,它允许在类、接口和方法中使用类型参数。这...

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    thinking in java 4th 习题答案

    ### Thinking in Java 第四版习题解答概览 #### 目录解读 - **Everything is an Object(一切皆对象)**:本章介绍Java的基本概念,即Java是一种面向对象的语言,所有的基本数据类型都可以通过包装类转换为对象,...

    delphi-generics.rar_delphi Generics_delphi2009_made

    CodeGear Delphi2009 has lots of new features like use of Generics in Delphi. Generic methods, procedures and data types are made easy to use datatype free working with you classes.

    JAVA_API5.0.rar_api jdk5.0_java api5_java api5.0_jdk 5.0 API_jdk

    1. **泛型(Generics)**:Java 5.0引入了泛型,允许在类、接口和方法中使用类型参数。泛型提高了代码的类型安全性,减少了类型转换的必要,并在编译时捕获潜在的类型错误。 2. **枚举类型(Enums)**:Java 5.0...

    Java Generics and Collections

    在Java中,泛型(Generics)引入于J2SE 5.0,目的是提供类型安全的集合,避免了在集合操作中强制类型转换的需要,同时也消除了运行时可能发生的ClassCastException。而集合框架(Collections Framework)是一组接口...

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