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Update by 2010.8-24

1 楼 godtiger 2010-10-05  
不错的资料  有时间好好看看



    - ADD: Delphi/CBuilder XE8 now supported. - ADD: Delphi/CBuilder XE7 now supported. - ADD: Delphi/CBuilder XE6 now supported. - ADD: Delphi/CBuilder XE5 now supported. - ADD: Delphi/CBuilder XE4 now ...


    - Update to RTF reader to load landscape flag for sections better - when page mirror was used, after a page break the text indentation was sometimes wrong - hyphenation code was broken - workaround ...


    例如:font --font-high=24 --simp= /24_24.hex DotSize=24,simp 不使用热键: 可以加载 32*32 unifont 全字库 使用热键: 可以加载 24*24 unifont 全字库 使用精简字库: 可以加载 46*46 汉字全字库 使用...

    EhLib 6.3 Build 6.3.176 Russian version. Full source included.

    versions 7, 8 & 9 , Borland Developer Studio 2006, CodeGear Delphi 2007, RAD Studio 2009, Embarcadero RAD Studio 2010, RAD Studio XE-XE6. TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------- Overview Installation ...

    谷歌地图 delphi 封装库 2013 0.1.9 全面支持google maps api

    Supported Delphi version: Delphi 6, 7, 2007, 2010, XE2, XE3 Tested Windows Versions: XP, 2003, Vista, 7 Change History january 14, 2013 - Google Maps Library v0.1.9 - Improvement: Compatible with ...

    uCOS-II v2.52 在 STM32 上的移植

    /*********************** (C) COPYLEFT 2010 Leafgrass *************************/ This project runs on uC/OS-II V2.52 and is based on STM32F103RBT6(ARM Cortex-M3 Core) ...2010-08-19(update to v2.4...


    New in 0.11.8; 2009-05-07; Andreas Jellinghaus * Fix security problem in pkcs11-tool gen_keypair (PublicExponent 1) * fix compiling without openssl. * updated and improve entersafe driver. FTCOS/PK-01...

    Python库 | duckdb-0.2.6.dev466-cp39-cp39-manylinux2010_i686.whl

    在实际应用中,你可以使用DuckDB创建数据库、表,执行INSERT、UPDATE、DELETE等SQL语句,以及复杂的JOIN、GROUP BY、窗口函数等高级查询。此外,DuckDB还支持临时表和视图,以及自定义函数,进一步增强了其灵活性和...

    Bochs - The cross platform IA-32 (x86) emulator

    - Update config.guess/config.sub scripts to May 2010 revisions. - Update Visual Studio 2008 project files in build/win32/vs2008ex-workspace.zip - Added Bochs compilation timestamp after Bochs ...

    system mechanic Activator v1.0

    * If the activator is detected by your antivirus software then add it to the exclusions lists of real-time protection and auto-scan. You may need to temporarily disable real-time protection and ...

    k7 SRIO参考例程

    - 8-bit SWrite transactions usign 16-bit deviceIDs suffer lost eofs - Version fixed : v4.4 - CR#467668 / AR#30322 - Modified Logical Layer to properly forward eof through the pipeline. - Some ...

    EhLib5.0.13 最新的ehlib源码

    CodeGear RAD Studio 2009 and Embarcadero RAD Studio 2010. TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------- Overview Installation Library Installation Help Demonstration Programs Registering and Prices Other ...

    ICS delphixe10源码版

    .\Samples\cpp\internet\cb2010 C++Builder 2010 projects .\Samples\cpp\internet\cbXE C++Builder XE projects .\Samples\cpp\internet\cbXE2 C++Builder XE2 projects UPGRADING and REINSTALLING Uninstall ...


    If your system does not have installed Windows Installer 2.0 or above, you will receive a warning message and you need to go to Windows Update to update your system. 3. Follow the on-screen ...

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