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Top Reasons to Use a Texture Atlas/Sprite Sheet


  1. Reduced OpenGL ES bind calls—the more images contained in the textureatlas, the greater the reduction.

  2. Reduced memory footprint for the images stored as textures in memory.

  3. Easy method to trim and save on transparent space in your images, allowing formore images/texture in the same space.

  4. Zwoptex and TexturePacker are fully supported by Cocos2D, so creating andusing texture atlases is painless. 

    Zwoptex can be found at http://zwoptexapp.com.

    TexturePacker can be found at http://texturepacker.com.

    note :

    The GPU inside older versions of the iPhone and iPod can store textures internallyonly in power-of-two sizes.While the iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, and iPad can use non–power-of-two textures, doing so comes with a large performance penalty. Cocos2D isset up by default to pad all textures to power-of-two sizes for maximum compatibility,although you can change this in the ccConfig.h file. 




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