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  • 来自: 北京

Liferay Portal 6.1 CE GA2已发布








Release Notes - PUBLIC - Liferay Portal Community Edition - Version 6.1.1 CE GA2


  • [LPS-6308] - Document Library's WebDAV items open read only
  • [LPS-8498] - Impersonation asks for new password in case password need to be changed for a user
  • [LPS-8512] - Search Iterator taglib doesn't like URL's with anchors in them
  • [LPS-9039] - Phone number check algorithm has holes
  • [LPS-9633] - Adding new type Date in Structure
  • [LPS-10023] - Saving a word document directly from Word 2007 fails
  • [LPS-12681] - Default home page /web/guest is not layout-cached by CacheFilter
  • [LPS-12922] - WebDAV fails to connect
  • [LPS-13407] - Security redirect Problem in messageboards Portlet
  • [LPS-15307] - Concurrent edit by two users may overwrite Wiki draft
  • [LPS-15308] - Concurrent edit by two users may overwrite Web Content draft
  • [LPS-15567] - SASS support should have error logging
  • [LPS-15936] - Activities Portlet feed to display bookmark entry from Bookmarks Porlet
  • [LPS-16833] - assetTag aui:input considers any character on the [,] key as an enter
  • [LPS-16862] - Database space leak in ResourcePermission table after role deletion
  • [LPS-17689] - Unable to view .tif files in Image Gallery in Firefox and Chrome
  • [LPS-18207] - Review markup and headers
  • [LPS-18364] - AssetRenderer fails for Journal/Web Content utilising template when embeded in custom portlet due to incorrect class loader
  • [LPS-18374] - "Kill Session" on monitoring fails to kill a session if user selects 'Remember Me' on login.
  • [LPS-18710] - Restarting Consumer in WSRP fails to complete
  • [LPS-18954] - Role Title gets lost in permission importer
  • [LPS-20096] - SessionClickAction allows easy DoS attack
  • [LPS-20227] - Control Panel inconsistency when using Edit user profile
  • [LPS-20462] - Portal does not clean up temp file after exporting LAR files
  • [LPS-20615] - [PortalImpl:4643] Current URL /i.php?r=asianmedia.com generates exception: null
  • [LPS-20784] - Warning in console when built-in site/page templates selected
  • [LPS-20868] - Restarting app server causes plugin portlet-ext.properties to not be picked up
  • [LPS-21092] - Cannot retrieve document library document of group A via webdav if group B has a name that is equal to the friendly url of group A minus the / prefix
  • [LPS-21169] - 6.1 - Reindex.on.upgrade fails to work
  • [LPS-21231] - ResourceActionsUtil warns that community-defaults element is deprecated, but DTD still specifies it
  • [LPS-21348] - Deleting a document and its shortcut at the same time causes an error
  • [LPS-21478] - lang attribute in html element is not correct in edge scenarios
  • [LPS-21516] - Sprite images folder needs to be configurable
  • [LPS-21628] - Unable to view Media Gallery portlet as a guest upon upgrade to 6.1 until the Documents and Media Library is added
  • [LPS-21818] - Editing a Page Variation without saving changes will make variations un-editable/un-deleteable until refreshed
  • [LPS-21945] - After upgrade, Custom Roles have all permissions assigned that were not before the upgrade
  • [LPS-22179] - Add Application Shadow Remains As List Is Shortened On IE9
  • [LPS-22182] - Theme and Logo should be changeable at the Site Pages Variation Level
  • [LPS-22218] - The default Web Content URL points to Live instead of staging when the content is staged
  • [LPS-22299] - Dynamic Data List Permissioning not working correctly
  • [LPS-22583] - Faceted Search does not display counts for the Date select criteria
  • [LPS-22593] - Site Memberships - Summary tab - User Groups search bar does not work
  • [LPS-22618] - Messed UI in help bubbles (Internet Explorer 9)
  • [LPS-22798] - Repositories are not displayed in Media Gallery
  • [LPS-22859] - Custom Thumbnails not generated for non-image media types
  • [LPS-23087] - Comments - place for user name is too narrow
  • [LPS-23221] - Advanced link on Site Pages interface is never populated when Public Pages or Private Pages is selected
  • [LPS-23306] - Amazon Rankings portlet breaks after configuration
  • [LPS-23322] - Asset Publisher contains options for asset types that it can't handle
  • [LPS-23331] - Display page shows nothing when creating web content through 'Recent Content'
  • [LPS-23363] - Search is broken with full database's pre-packaged data
  • [LPS-23510] - Document Name is not displayed correctly in the Document Library Field in Spreadsheet View
  • [LPS-23514] - Documents & Media - Video does not keep aspect ratio/refit upon window resizing
  • [LPS-23619] - Back link in tabs shouldn't look like a tab
  • [LPS-23621] - Translatable fields doesn't appear in the translation popup after structure modification
  • [LPS-23622] - elqNow is allowed as a Friendly URL despite portal.properties restriction
  • [LPS-23758] - Three checkboxes in Configuration -> Setup -> Display Settings need a new heading
  • [LPS-23799] - Import Pages to Wiki will result in exceptions
  • [LPS-23845] - Not Found error trying to access secure page when logged out
  • [LPS-23914] - Search Portlet facets and tags not clickable in IE8
  • [LPS-23947] - "The selected web content no longer exists." when browsing to content outside of the site
  • [LPS-23998] - Publishing a Second Blogs Entry with a Future Display Date causes exceptions
  • [LPS-24006] - Group Statistics portlet displays "User's" instead of "Group"; missing language key
  • [LPS-24016] - User is able to see organizations created for different instances
  • [LPS-24020] - XML definition not parsing when user clicks save draft from source tab
  • [LPS-24049] - Document Library File Extension Handling creates isses with Sync
  • [LPS-24061] - Search Score ratings are too low for Knowledge Base Articles
  • [LPS-24090] - top_head.jsp references CDN Host when loading css.jsp
  • [LPS-24108] - Canonical and Alternate URLS are generated wrong
  • [LPS-24110] - Social Bookmarks url is different for different languages and language-dependent
  • [LPS-24113] - Error on upgrading from 6.0.6 to 6.1 in Oracle
  • [LPS-24131] - Facetted Search Catagories and Tags Split Up
  • [LPS-24140] - Facetted Search result Categories made of 2 words clicking results in no result
  • [LPS-24145] - Download button when adding specific web content shouldn't be displayed
  • [LPS-24149] - D&M MP4 Video Previews Should close containers before moving MOOV Atom
  • [LPS-24221] - StripFilter affecting content of pre elements
  • [LPS-24225] - XSS in Mobile device rules
  • [LPS-24227] - Remove public render parameters not workin
  • [LPS-24236] - Generating preview from corrupt pdf throws unhandled IOException
  • [LPS-24268] - Web Content Granted Email: invalid Link to Article and article title
  • [LPS-24301] - Web Content Denied Email: It is not sent. And the Web Content is not possible to Submit For Publication.
  • [LPS-24308] - User can create/delete private pages even if "layout.user.private.layouts.modifiable" is set to false
  • [LPS-24380] - Portlet title with apostrophes
  • [LPS-24395] - Custom pages in a site linked to a site template are considered locked and modifications are not allowed
  • [LPS-24398] - The order of pages seems random when both a site and the site template add new pages after the site creation
  • [LPS-24414] - Colors on image thumbnail in the document and media library is distorted
  • [LPS-24443] - Unable to show "Permissions" button in a custom site role
  • [LPS-24462] - Media Gallery on Documentum folder does not filter results based on mime type
  • [LPS-24496] - Improve the UI for searching in Documents and Media Display in case of multiple repositories
  • [LPS-24517] - Clicking <<Back on Blogs Entry does not redirect User to original Blogs portlet
  • [LPS-24529] - Kernel's DocumentConversionUtil using com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.File instead of java.io.File
  • [LPS-24543] - "Local Stage" does not work with JDK 1.7
  • [LPS-24544] - permission "Access in Control Panel" for Site not checked for site members
  • [LPS-24551] - "Permissions" tab not shown when only "Configure Applications" permission given
  • [LPS-24552] - Documents and Media -> "Manage Document Types" is available to users without permissions.
  • [LPS-24582] - Console error when changing views after a search
  • [LPS-24584] - Unable to add a Page Template within a Site Template
  • [LPS-24602] - Upgrade to 6.1 fails when there is exists a image with the same name on the library
  • [LPS-24609] - Can't search using ":" character
  • [LPS-24619] - When a user adds a page using Page Templates the permissions of the page template are copied to the page
  • [LPS-24644] - Documents and Media portlet generates wrong webdav URL - doesn't respect portal.ctx
  • [LPS-24665] - Page Customizations
  • [LPS-24671] - Categorization dropdown/field appears twice when choosing to upload Multiple Documents to Documents & Media
  • [LPS-24672] - Jython Scripting portlet does not provide access to any of the Jython modules.
  • [LPS-24675] - Errors in custom document type - DDM
  • [LPS-24676] - Wrong redirect for Mobile Device Groups UI
  • [LPS-24677] - If web.xml for plugin is not greater than v2.4, Servlet Filter regexes are not respected
  • [LPS-24685] - StringUtil.replace(..., exactMatch) does not return replacement when exactMatch=false
  • [LPS-24703] - CLONE - JSON Service accessible information
  • [LPS-24715] - Methods that receive maps and hashmaps as parameters aren't accesible via web services
  • [LPS-24718] - Error message when uploading an invalid document type
  • [LPS-24720] - Site pages created from a Site Template are marked as modified even if no modification is done
  • [LPS-24723] - JSF Portlets generate a StackOverflowError when added in a page
  • [LPS-24726] - Maven: Url and description are missing from portal-parent.xml
  • [LPS-24728] - Deleting pages takes a long time
  • [LPS-24731] - Cannot add portlets to pages
  • [LPS-24734] - Struts actions returning null cannot be overridden
  • [LPS-24743] - Web Content: Link to a document with a space in the document name fails
  • [LPS-24748] - Documents and Media Library - webdav url is shown for mounted folders
  • [LPS-24755] - ckconfig_creole.jsp reads 'cssClasses' from url cause XSS vulnerability
  • [LPS-24760] - Persistence beans have an incorrect state when using the setup wizard
  • [LPS-24762] - ignoredRequestValue parameter is ignored in some situations by aui:input
  • [LPS-24765] - Destroying portal session fails when clustering is not configured
  • [LPS-24768] - Documents and Media -> "Manage Metadata Sets" is available to users without permissions.
  • [LPS-24770] - MinimalAssetEntryValidator is called twice if entity has at least one tag
  • [LPS-24771] - There is no way to reset a page to the configuration in a site template after making modifications
  • [LPS-24773] - Collapse link does not have any alternative to the visual
  • [LPS-24774] - Using alter_column_type in DB2 takes not effect
  • [LPS-24784] - The none button of Date filed in Dynamic Data List Display portlet doesn't work
  • [LPS-24802] - PortletPreferencesLocalServiceUtil.getPortletPreferences() throws Exception
  • [LPS-24803] - Enable custom thumbnails in 6.1 from an upgrade of 6.0 with disabled custom thumbnails
  • [LPS-24805] - Pop up that displays the document library files for selection is raising errors
  • [LPS-24806] - Cannot activate staging if third party repository added to document library not accessible
  • [LPS-24812] - Any classloader or initialization errors resulting from filter loading by InvokerFilter result in complete failure of all filters
  • [LPS-24821] - Inline permission fails when there is more than one group involved
  • [LPS-24822] - NullPointerException after login when live.users.enabled is true and no clustering is configured
  • [LPS-24825] - Disabling openID and "Remember me" using portal-ext.properties does not work
  • [LPS-24837] - Resolve FinderCache cache key hash collision
  • [LPS-24842] - Login Portlet rememberMe URL parameter could cause XSS vulnerability
  • [LPS-24847] - Staging toolbar misplaced when creating a new page variation
  • [LPS-24853] - Related Assets portlet shouldn't be able to configure the scope
  • [LPS-24861] - Faceted Search - Unable to filter search results by Custom Range
  • [LPS-24868] - Creating a site from a site template while not Enable propagation of changes from the site template Intranet Site
  • [LPS-24870] - Message board finders return non-message board posts
  • [LPS-24877] - Support i18n for Asset Publisher may not work
  • [LPS-24880] - Javadocs missing exception info for DLSync
  • [LPS-24884] - UserLocalServiceUtil searchCount does not support screenName filter correctly
  • [LPS-24891] - "Location" Header for legacy images requires permanent URL
  • [LPS-24893] - MBThread RSS links redirect to MBCategory's thread feed
  • [LPS-24894] - Language key missing for revision-id
  • [LPS-24909] - Viewing file details of earlier version shows thumbnail of latest version
  • [LPS-24916] - Webdav lock method does not report infinite lock timeout correctly
  • [LPS-24920] - MS Office probes /api and /sharepoint urls which causes null exception to be logged
  • [LPS-24955] - missing [$ARTICLE_URL$] in Web Content Review Email template
  • [LPS-24961] - POP Message Listener fails to receive email with message board reply
  • [LPS-24964] - Asset Publisher produces an error when displaying dynamically created AssetEntry like those created for Staging LayoutRevisions
  • [LPS-24965] - Media Gallery Search results show extra mouse overs
  • [LPS-24977] - UploadPortletRequest and UploadServletRequest should have a common interface
  • [LPS-24978] - Moving DDM specific utility methods from DDLUtil to DDMUtil
  • [LPS-24982] - jsonws not scanning -hook* and -web* plugins
  • [LPS-24995] - Wrong message when changing a page of a site template site
  • [LPS-24997] - ArrayUtil.append does not work correctly with 3 or more arrays
  • [LPS-25001] - Validator tag doesn't work when form body is included using <liferay-util:include>
  • [LPS-25009] - NullPointerException thrown when a null path is passed to Theme.resourceExists()
  • [LPS-25024] - Themes should be able to specify whether displaying the site title is supported and to set whether it should be shown by default or not
  • [LPS-25033] - Minifier fails for Dynamic Data Lists in French locale (and possibly many more)
  • [LPS-25037] - No content is visible in a page that is enabled from one site pages variation to another
  • [LPS-25039] - OpenSocial's AppData Service is not storing/retrieving user data
  • [LPS-25040] - OpenSocial gadget's userPrefs work intermittently
  • [LPS-25041] - Cannot upgrade to 6.1 GA from 6.0.5 - com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.DuplicateFileException
  • [LPS-25052] - Sorting in Documents and Media shouldn't refresh the folders view
  • [LPS-25054] - Upgrade to version 6.1.0 from 6.0.6 fails if some images do not exist in image folder
  • [LPS-25056] - Sorting is not persisted in Documents and Media
  • [LPS-25065] - Liferay "preferences" permission not checked when submitting action and resource requests to portlet edit mode
  • [LPS-25067] - WSRP Out of memory error
  • [LPS-25071] - Allow LuceneHelperUtil.addRangeTerm to use null values
  • [LPS-25083] - Related Assets is not filtering and it's showing all assets
  • [LPS-25095] - Fix direction of arrows in Documents & Media
  • [LPS-25102] - Site Settings available to any site member regardless of roles/permissions
  • [LPS-25113] - Control panel site selection menu unavailable unless user has regular role with site permissions
  • [LPS-25118] - OrganizationLocalServiceImpl.addOrganization() does not accept null ServiceContext
  • [LPS-25122] - Asset publisher configured to filter by permissions doesn't filter by permissions
  • [LPS-25126] - Upgrade to 6.1 throws FileExtensionException
  • [LPS-25128] - showGlobalScope variable is not being automatically propagated within DDM portlet
  • [LPS-25129] - Documents and Media - No UI message
  • [LPS-25144] - Vaadin portlet creation should include ajaxable=false to liferay-portlet.xml
  • [LPS-25149] - Sample Portlet Client in Example Plugins SDK packaged with Liferay Developer Studio 1.4 defaults to secure axis URL.
  • [LPS-25158] - User group cannot use site template without any page
  • [LPS-25166] - Web Content increments version every time it is published to live even if there are no changes
  • [LPS-25175] - Manual Selection of Asset Publisher ignores permission even enabled permission is checked
  • [LPS-25176] - Converted image files are read as the original format and the colors are reversed
  • [LPS-25177] - Site Settings cannot save modified robots.txt for a virtual host
  • [LPS-25182] - Selecting existing asset might breaks
  • [LPS-25197] - Reset Password: generated link depends on a page "/web/test" and doesn't work if page is not homepage - http://portal.tokenizer.ca/web/test/c/portal/update_password...
  • [LPS-25200] - JSF portlet template does not have speed.filters.enabled=false
  • [LPS-25205] - Web Content Template shouldn't be modifiable from Live
  • [LPS-25209] - Publish to Remove Live fails with no message to the user when the staging user does not exist on the live site
  • [LPS-25211] - Editing the "Site Permissions" of User Group shows more actions that are really available
  • [LPS-25213] - static Range facet checks the wrong JSON data
  • [LPS-25215] - Classloader issue when using extractText with hook
  • [LPS-25220] - ThreadLocalCaches are not properly cleaned up after each http request and each message bus request
  • [LPS-25226] - Asset's Publish Date never gets updated when updating article's DisplayDate
  • [LPS-25229] - Importing LAR into Site Template fails with NoSuchLayoutSetPrototypeException
  • [LPS-25230] - Websphere 7 can't start due to exceptions (on Windows)
  • [LPS-25233] - Publish to Live creates new versions of documents even if these haven't changed
  • [LPS-25247] - In some languages checkout may have different meanings in Shopping and Documents and Media
  • [LPS-25253] - "Page" link in layout prototypes asset is not working
  • [LPS-25254] - Quartz Sheduler initialization fails when sharding is actived and last initialized company is not in the default shard
  • [LPS-25256] - "Mobile Device Rules" portlet should only be listed in Control Panel
  • [LPS-25261] - ServiceBuilder in plugins SDK generates ServiceSoap with wrong return types for generic entity types
  • [LPS-25265] - Missing directories in Ext plugin created by Ant target
  • [LPS-25272] - Web content display portlet shows info messages to guest users
  • [LPS-25279] - Revision 94832 of UserLocalServiceImpl produced NPE when null param attribute supplied
  • [LPS-25288] - Portlets in Manage Site Content does not maximize to fill full window
  • [LPS-25289] - freemarker template files in the core are never deployed after changes using fast-deploy
  • [LPS-25304] - JSONWS API application does not support plugin context
  • [LPS-25338] - WebServerServlet does not always support range HTTP header
  • [LPS-25342] - Theme Plugin Build - CSS files cache time stamp not preserved in copy operation
  • [LPS-25351] - Wrong date of incoherence between dates on document and media
  • [LPS-25353] - Personal Pages inherited from a User Group can not be viewed by Guest users
  • [LPS-25355] - Can not save the pages settings in a user group
  • [LPS-25374] - Clicking a result in Media gallery when searching should start slideshow
  • [LPS-25376] - Sites created from site templates are sometimes not getting the sample content copied over
  • [LPS-25382] - top_head.jsp has unescaped URL cause XSS
  • [LPS-25384] - On new install, LDAP control panel cannot be shown due to ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.
  • [LPS-25393] - Liferay throws ClassCastExceptions on Ubuntu/Debian
  • [LPS-25396] - When a site template is not being merged due to reaching the max threshold, this is not shown in the logs
  • [LPS-25398] - Permissons error when viewing documents and media portlet
  • [LPS-25408] - Unable to concurrently process multiple portlets when social equity is enabled in HSQL
  • [LPS-25415] - Prevent anyone who is not a site members from seeing private site pages (excluding anyone who can update the site)
  • [LPS-25418] - NullPointerException when uploading a file via desktop
  • [LPS-25420] - Text Shifts On Mouse Over
  • [LPS-25430] - In sites portlet, if the user does not have permissions to edit a site, we should not generate a link the site name and type.
  • [LPS-25433] - DLFileEntryLocalServiceImpl captures wrong Exception type
  • [LPS-25441] - Asset Publisher in Live shows content from Staging
  • [LPS-25443] - Documents and Media display and Media gallery do not allow exporting/importing previews and thumbnails
  • [LPS-25444] - Documents and Media Display and Image Gallery are not exporting documents from the root folder
  • [LPS-25445] - Robots.txt can not be changed for the guest site if you are using a portal virtualhost
  • [LPS-25465] - After using Setup Wizard to change from HSQL to MySQL the "Asset Publisher" portlet becomes unavailable.
  • [LPS-25483] - Remove Legacy "Vocabulary" table from portal-tables.sql
  • [LPS-25484] - Don`t work ldap.user.ignore.attributes for firstName, middleName, lastName
  • [LPS-25500] - search-container-column-button name attribute was not translated
  • [LPS-25501] - Special Characters fail to display correctly in Roles
  • [LPS-25504] - Custom site page based on page template can be accidentally deleted when propagating changes from a site template
  • [LPS-25505] - Mail portlet: "The request resource was not found" error when doing relpy/reply all/ forward
  • [LPS-25514] - Wrong database type selected by default in the Wizard
  • [LPS-25529] - Non paginated cache is not getting updated when saving using persist method
  • [LPS-25530] - AMS portlet has been updated to account for new changes with alloy controller
  • [LPS-25534] - JspFactoryWrapper should honor the given buffer size when autoflush is off
  • [LPS-25535] - SetupWizard conflicts with license manager
  • [LPS-25541] - Add document to a repository without a title fails
  • [LPS-25545] - AtomPub collections are not working after migration to APIs url (/api)
  • [LPS-25549] - Make website code more robust
  • [LPS-25571] - Creole Parser: Handling braces inside nowiki sections in a better way
  • [LPS-25575] - Using certain friendlyURLs such as /layout can cause errors when changing the friendlyURL the page
  • [LPS-25587] - Virtual Host field in Portal Settings Causes 404 on first session action
  • [LPS-25605] - Adding an Organization with an admin with limited permissions may cause the admin to not be allowed to edit the org after creation
  • [LPS-25630] - Remove portal.properties that allows storing Lucene in the database
  • [LPS-25646] - Can not search Nuxeo repository from root
  • [LPS-25727] - Deleting entries should delete the subscription to comment
  • [LPS-25800] - Example in JSON WebService api documentation fails on portlets
  • [LPS-25822] - LAR Export of Documents and Media portlet throws UnsupportedOperationException
  • [LPS-25871] - LAR import is not working on sun java 7
  • [LPS-25920] - Do a proper equals checking in ClassLoaderBeanHandler
  • [LPS-25921] - ant fast-deploy does not work with jspf
  • [LPS-25946] - Instanceable portlet on removal from page does not clear up InvokerPortlet cache causing memory leak
  • [LPS-26005] - Password Policy: Warning Time notification (password expration time, grace limit)
  • [LPS-26047] - Unable to register message listener in slave node unless it is defined in liferay-portlet.xml when enable cluster.
  • [LPS-26064] - Overriding hibernate cache configurations via plugins causes new configuration to not be reported properly in JMX
  • [LPS-26069] - Enterprise Calendar - Portlet Views
  • [LPS-26086] - Events Display portlet does not sync with timezone changes
  • [LPS-26096] - VerifyCalendar is not working on SyBase
  • [LPS-26108] - Only the author of the latest published version has the authorisation to add a translation.
  • [LPS-26118] - Importing LAR for site fails with duplicate file entry when imagemagick.enabled=true
  • [LPS-26124] - When enable cluster, undeploy a portlet that scheduled a job will make the job deleted in cluster.
  • [LPS-26132] - Calendar portlet verify process doesn't work with Oracle
  • [LPS-26186] - Marketplace fails to update an App
  • [LPS-26231] - Support for Import/Export Site templates
  • [LPS-26249] - XSS - Weather portlet.
  • [LPS-26271] - Easyconf always expects properties files to be accessible from the file system
  • [LPS-26276] - Calendar event shows HTML in the description when event is longer then 3 hours
  • [LPS-26319] - Internet Explorer 6 & 7 redirects Marketplace to Liferay.com
  • [LPS-26324] - OrgGroupName in group_ table is appended with repetitive information which causes Data truncation
  • [LPS-26325] - Cannot view the DDL record in control panel
  • [LPS-26356] - My Subscriptions Deployment Console Error and Portlet Temporarily Unavailable
  • [LPS-26382] - Stock portlet can not save preferences and guest preferences.
  • [LPS-26398] - JDK7 causes Staging to fail
  • [LPS-26403] - "Control Panel" is not localized
  • [LPS-26454] - Back link disappear, When define permissions.
  • [LPS-26467] - Marketplace App context dependency checker is failing to unregister App on uninstall
  • [LPS-26539] - Ability for Marketplace to resize itself to fit user interactions when size changes
  • [LPS-26551] - XSS Issues in Metadata Sets.
  • [LPS-26583] - When exporting a dynamic data list in a CSV format, the chart shows the values instead of the options for Radio and Select fields.
  • [LPS-26596] - Potential memory leak and security vulnerability through CacheFilter and WebServerServlet
  • [LPS-26602] - Redirect after login does not encode "?"
  • [LPS-26631] - Lucene cluster bootup needs explicit lock to guard the window time of switching store
  • [LPS-26769] - Select and Suggestions Tags window displays behind Add Task window
  • [LPS-26789] - Deploying welcome-theme before resources-importer-web causes the resources importer to not trigger properly
  • [LPS-26791] - ResourceBlockPermission - Export/Import LAR does not work
  • [LPS-26842] - HotDeployUtil is not deploying dependencies in the correct class loader
  • [LPS-26847] - Events Display Portlet's Pagination Does Not Work
  • [LPS-26855] - Related journal articles without display page don't have a link in the related assets section
  • [LPS-26863] - Documents & Media missing delete/revert version in Version History
  • [LPS-26883] - Users shouldn't be able to apply a site template to a site that already contains pages
  • [LPS-26901] - "Go to Folder" link broke in Activities Feed
  • [LPS-26922] - DoS in ComboServlet - memory leak
  • [LPS-26923] - When a guest user navigates to a page with the microblogs portlet deployed, the console will show a PrincipalException error and the portlet will be unavailable
  • [LPS-26929] - Denial of service vulnerability with the portlet cache.
  • [LPS-26930] - Reconfigure Liferay to use a remote cache
  • [LPS-26932] - Core portlets' InvokerPortletImpl.getPortletClassLoader() should return PortalClassLoader
  • [LPS-26935] - All JSON web services are accessible without authentication.
  • [LPS-26940] - Users without the ASSIGN_MEMBER permission can still assign users to an organization
  • [LPS-26946] - Welcome Theme displaying incorrectly using Resource Importer
  • [LPS-26970] - All plugins accessible in exclusive state
  • [LPS-26983] - Large amounts of data in portlet preferences can lead to a deadlock during upgrade
  • [LPS-27014] - Plugin JSON WS services are not aware of portal session
  • [LPS-27021] - E-mail address null check is broken
  • [LPS-27031] - Instant messenger names, MSN and YM are incorrect
  • [LPS-27035] - Page with .html in the friendly url get's cached in browser due to filters
  • [LPS-27049] - Scopes in Page Templates are not kept when creating pages
  • [LPS-27051] - Infinite Redirect Loop when changing Friendly URL under Site URL settings
  • [LPS-27060] - Liferay-ui:search-toggle namespacing bug
  • [LPS-27097] - Asset publisher RSS feeds do not support basic auth
  • [LPS-27114] - Inconsistent when deleting a notificacion
  • [LPS-27125] - processAction method not invoked if url refers to different page
  • [LPS-27139] - Getting layouts from LayoutLocalServiceUtil calls a remote service and throws a PrincipalException
  • [LPS-27157] - When creating an organization site with a site template, an option to disable propagation of changes should be provided
  • [LPS-27168] - On a message board portlet missing variable in the definition of terms: [$MESSAGE_URL$]
  • [LPS-27169] - LayoutAction.processPortletRequest() should not create InvokerPortlet for render phase
  • [LPS-27177] - Allow permissionsURL to be scoped by resourceGroupId
  • [LPS-27190] - NPE in case site hasn't visible pages
  • [LPS-27191] - Typo in UpgradeTaskInstanceToken.java prevents MySQL from upgrading Kaleo
  • [LPS-27195] - When creating a page using a page template there should be a checkbox to choose whether to propagate changes or not
  • [LPS-27196] - Fixing PermissionCacheUtil.getResourceBlockIdsBag paramater order
  • [LPS-27209] - so-hook and so-portlet webapps folders do not get deleted during undeployment
  • [LPS-27230] - CLONE - Virtual Host field in Portal Settings Causes 404 on first session action
  • [LPS-27234] - Exception in setup wizard causes recursive exceptions and hides the real exception
  • [LPS-27266] - Guest user can export WebForm portlet data
  • [LPS-27280] - xss vulnerability in upload_progress_poller
  • [LPS-27281] - xss vulnerability in ckeditor.jsp
  • [LPS-27282] - xss issue in currency converter
  • [LPS-27283] - xss issue in blog
  • [LPS-27321] - Jackrabbit deadlock due to non thread-safe implementations of StringIndex
  • [LPS-27339] - Private messaging portlet fails if a message exists of a deleted user
  • [LPS-27341] - GRP Calendar - Global resources need to automatically have VIEW permission
  • [LPS-27355] - DLSyncs are not being filtered for permissions
  • [LPS-27399] - JBoss AS 7.1.1 does not longer honoring Log4j level settings
  • [LPS-27403] - Fix for LPS-18184 is insufficient
  • [LPS-27412] - ModelContextTag does not properly clear the model when set to null
  • [LPS-27418] - XML Merger is not properly sorting child elements for the "servlet" element
  • [LPS-27434] - LiferayLoggerAdapter - wrong formatting of Object[] arguments
  • [LPS-27436] - Unable to search for categories in admin
  • [LPS-27453] - StringUtil.shorten method doesn't work properly
  • [LPS-27483] - Files with UTF-8 filenames cannot be downloaded in JBoss AS 7
  • [LPS-27490] - PNG Fix for IE6 can make the browser unresponsive on first hit
  • [LPS-27517] - When the Portal Administrator creates new web content the default for Show Borders is checked.
  • [LPS-27528] - Lucene cluster bootup should provide a valid local last generation number
  • [LPS-27547] - Very large LAR files can be lost just at the very end of export due to OutOfMemoryException
  • [LPS-27549] - Themes should be able to specify whether displaying the site title is supported and to set whether it should be shown by default or not
  • [LPS-27551] - Manual reindex lucene index files cluster loading needs to happen after all async reindex jobs finish
  • [LPS-27588] - Fix Weblogic ant tasks
  • [LPS-27613] - Incorrect Web Service URL in build-client ant target for plugins
  • [LPS-27621] - Allow resource importer to create blank pages using the sitemap.json file
  • [LPS-27630] - Portal does not show the Help Mode Portlet menu without borders
  • [LPS-27645] - MethodCache is not thread safe
  • [LPS-27649] - Web Content with structures and templates won't display the images using the resource importer
  • [LPS-27650] - Add ability for InlineSQLHelper to specify a custom group id column
  • [LPS-27658] - Default logger paths for com.liferay.portal.tools.deploy.* in portal-log4j.xml had the wrong category (typo)
  • [LPS-27665] - XSS issue in Knowledge base comments
  • [LPS-27668] - Able to delete anyone's comments in Knowledge base
  • [LPS-27669] - Able to edit anyone's comments in Knowledge base
  • [LPS-27670] - Able to download any Article's attachments
  • [LPS-27672] - Adding non-ajaxable portlets to a page doesn't work for struts portlets
  • [LPS-27674] - Able to call action, serve resource of any plugin anywhere
  • [LPS-27675] - XSS issue in Software Catalog
  • [LPS-27693] - Deleting CMIS repository from Documents and Media portlet throws exception
  • [LPS-27694] - Maven version discrepancy in property name not consistent in release.properties
  • [LPS-27704] - Can not save default values for a structure with required fields not filling all the required fields
  • [LPS-27705] - XSS issues in wall portlet
  • [LPS-27707] - XSS in cdn_host
  • [LPS-27708] - Organizational sites do not sort alphabetically in the control panel
  • [LPS-27711] - Encryptor.decrypt can choke if you pass in a null key
  • [LPS-27723] - When Asset Publisher is configured to filter based on Content Structures, these selections are lost when the site is published to remote
  • [LPS-27735] - Publishing of DDL form placed on a staging page fails to properly publish the DDM, DDL, and DDL form to production
  • [LPS-27739] - Site admins without Control Panel access cannot manage page or site pages
  • [LPS-27756] - UserAtomCollectionAdapter and JournalArticleAtomCollectionProvider use local services instead of remote
  • [LPS-27772] - Able to fill up server disk space with MinifierFilter
  • [LPS-27790] - Translator Portlet Broken
  • [LPS-27794] - BlogsEntryTrashHandlerTest.testTrashAndRestoreApproved() is failing
  • [LPS-27801] - Use json.service.auth.token check only for portal session authentication
  • [LPS-27828] - Improve social friend's activity query
  • [LPS-27846] - FileUtil.getShortFileName() does not work for some inputs
  • [LPS-27859] - FileUtil.getPath() causes exception if the input doesn't contain a path
  • [LPS-27864] - Password reset link not valid when reset ticket max age is set to eternal
  • [LPS-27881] - ServiceBuilder and SourceFormatter sometimes run out of memory
  • [LPS-27916] - XSS in portlet success message
  • [LPS-27928] - PortletURLImpl.shortenURL removes non nested redirect parameters
  • [LPS-27930] - NullPointerException in AssetPublisher's RSSAction
  • [LPS-27934] - Document Library Repository Remote Staging causes Principal Exception
  • [LPS-27937] - Plugin table upgrade fails when new table is added
  • [LPS-27944] - Stackoverflow error in LiferayPortlet/MVCPortlet
  • [LPS-27955] - Knowledge Base Articles do not display right after they have been added
  • [LPS-27966] - KB attachment path manipulation
  • [LPS-27970] - Removing a page in Manage Pages always redirects to Mobile Rule Groups
  • [LPS-27994] - XSS vulnerability on Document Library Types
  • [LPS-27995] - Special character <> " '& should be escaped in DDL portlet
  • [LPS-28001] - Cannot create users with root@ and postmaster@ email address
  • [LPS-28067] - [Save and Continue] button will remove localization changes in WC Structure/Template
  • [LPS-28078] - latest welcome theme breaks when you hit any page
  • [LPS-28079] - Need to update links to Plugin Installer to Marketplace when possible
  • [LPS-28085] - Different permission requirements for same actions in Manage Pages and Navigation
  • [LPS-28103] - Unable to load SASS when working directory is not $CATALIINA_HOME/bin
  • [LPS-28109] - commons-io.jar and commons-fileupload.jar dependencies are not being copied for jsf, liferay_faces_alloy, primefaces, and richfaces
  • [LPS-28119] - Move CamelCaseUtil to portal kernel
  • [LPS-28120] - Add support to Role services to getResourceBlockRoles
  • [LPS-28153] - Portal still copy user group layout even if set user.groups.copy.layouts.to.user.personal.site=false
  • [LPS-28171] - Document & Media search results from the Search Portlet don't show in Documents & Media Display
  • [LPS-28210] - PACL: Deploying test-pacl-portlet does not allow adding of blog entries
  • [LPS-28222] - Able to DOS server and keep it down
  • [LPS-28238] - Suffix on aui-input's should display after the label when inlineLabel is set to "right"
  • [LPS-28249] - PortalHibernateConfiguration/PortletHibernateConfiguration should release ClassLoader reference on destroy
  • [LPS-28250] - BaseAsyncDestination should shutdown attach ThreadPoolExecutor on close
  • [LPS-28251] - Finalize Thread should use global Classloader as context ClassLoader rather than pick it up from parent Thread
  • [LPS-28252] - ThreadPoolExecutor WorkerTask release reference to first task asap to prevent resource leaking
  • [LPS-28253] - MessageBus default response destination should use SynchronousDestination to prevent creating new MessageBus Thread under MessageBus Thread which could cause AccessContext leak when SecurityManager present
  • [LPS-28257] - Interwiki-Links are not working using JSPWiki-Engine
  • [LPS-28260] - Marketplace - Make transaction between the Marketplace server and installation more fault tolerant
  • [LPS-28266] - Upgrade*.java should not call long count = rs.getLong(1) but instead should call int count = rs.getInt(1)
  • [LPS-28276] - Make resource block allocation race condition safe
  • [LPS-28285] - Import/Export process should check that available languages at origin are included at available languages at target.
  • [LPS-28289] - Unique IDs don't take namespaces into account
  • [LPS-28290] - Resetting a Site Template overwrites customized contents with the original ones
  • [LPS-28295] - Null Pointer Exception - Document Library
  • [LPS-28298] - Facet search may show stacktrace if "more" was clicked in the previous search
  • [LPS-28305] - DLPreviewableProcessor does not cleanup the thumbnails properly
  • [LPS-28309] - Directory Traversal
  • [LPS-28310] - Remote code execution in Calendar portlet
  • [LPS-28312] - WebDAV should use checkin/checkout mechanism instead of lock/unlock
  • [LPS-28335] - x-y-z layouts causing error after server restart
  • [LPS-28340] - Message board combination view, flat view, and tree view show different posts
  • [LPS-28341] - Message board posts that are published then saved as a draft displays a blank portlet
  • [LPS-28358] - Web services accessible without authentication
  • [LPS-28359] - XSS issue in asset publisher
  • [LPS-28365] - There's no way to switch off only the read counter increment for the DLFileEntry objects
  • [LPS-28391] - Upgrade Process, Not Needed index is being used
  • [LPS-28412] - Updating files w/o setting original document type causes metadata to be lost
  • [LPS-28413] - Portlet preferences may not upgrade properly if equality check fails or the preference object returned is not the same
  • [LPS-28421] - Panel type pages exposes portal settings
  • [LPS-28423] - Delete any file on the server
  • [LPS-28453] - Web Content Feed URL leads to a blank page
  • [LPS-28466] - Reset template message is confusing
  • [LPS-28471] - Bad code in SitesUtil
  • [LPS-28474] - Faceted Search: categories are displayed twice
  • [LPS-28495] - Validator.isHostName() rejects IPv6 addresses
  • [LPS-28504] - The build-service target is no longer translating language keys
  • [LPS-28542] - The page will navigate away from the user's layout when clicking the subpage inherited from user group's site
  • [LPS-28547] - Add parameter unicode=true in aui:script blocks to prevent errors with liferay-ui:message
  • [LPS-28549] - XSS issue in Social Bookmark taglib
  • [LPS-28561] - Serialization deploy errors on Weblogic 10.3.2
  • [LPS-28562] - Kaleo fails to invalidate workflow definition with multiple terminal nodes
  • [LPS-28563] - Long URL Links do not work in message board posts
  • [LPS-28574] - Can not delete multiple files and shortcuts in Documents and Media Display
  • [LPS-28577] - Use LocaleUtil instead of Locale to get default locale in ServiceTestUtil
  • [LPS-28629] - SessionMessages and SessionKeys should key off of portletId and not portletName
  • [LPS-28642] - Ratings*FinderImpl forgot to remove null list
  • [LPS-28645] - RSS Header and Footer Web Content doesn't display in a Site created from Template
  • [LPS-28647] - Unable to switch on staging when the default language is not English
  • [LPS-28658] - Facebook servelet mapping causes NullPointerException, exposing code
  • [LPS-28665] - SASS is not working on Weblogic
  • [LPS-28680] - User Ranks edit failure: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1
  • [LPS-28706] - XSS Wiki parentTitle
  • [LPS-28707] - XPath injection in DDM Structure
  • [LPS-28715] - Portal redirects user to Marketplace URL after signing out
  • [LPS-28723] - Cluster license properties are incorrect
  • [LPS-28727] - JSON Web Service Invoker doesn't serialize null results
  • [LPS-28730] - When assigning workflow per folder per document type the unicode for different types of workflows are not being translated
  • [LPS-28748] - Glassfish - Portal is unusable with welcome theme deployed after signing in
  • [LPS-28781] - XSS in Shopping portlet - category parent name
  • [LPS-28782] - XSS in web content summary + asset publisher
  • [LPS-28783] - subpage inherit from user group layout throw com.liferay.portal.NoSuchLayoutException
  • [LPS-28789] - ClassCastExceptions and unsupported class type errors thrown on SQL server upgrade
  • [LPS-28793] - git revisions are not being added to jar MANIFEST
  • [LPS-28796] - Unable to move a folder above a set root folder
  • [LPS-28810] - XSS issues in plugin installer and software catalog
  • [LPS-28811] - Incorrect version increment on translation process
  • [LPS-28816] - XSS in staging
  • [LPS-28828] - Deploying layouttpl without a liferay-plugin-package.xml gave it the wrong servlet context name
  • [LPS-28832] - Don't allow a plugin that is older to replace a newer version of the plugin
  • [LPS-28863] - Non-admin user does not see the reset button in the site template warning on the personal site
  • [LPS-28913] - Asset is saved even when there is no content added. (Happens in Opera Browser only)
  • [LPS-28929] - UpgradeSchema 6.0.12 to 6.1.0: all comments in BookmarksEntry get lost during upgrade
  • [LPS-28934] - Delete any file on the server (Wiki)
  • [LPS-28960] - Welcome Theme Web Content isn't viewable to new user
  • [LPS-28963] - Site Templates can't export Web Content with Structures and Templates
  • [LPS-28964] - BaseReflectChecker doesn't work on packaged build
  • [LPS-29039] - Create a hook to display "Private Plugins Installer"
  • [LPS-29085] - Service builder fails when classpath argument get too long on Windows (>32k)
  • [LPS-29090] - Able to view other people's email
  • [LPS-29091] - SQL injection that may lead to arbitrary code execution
  • [LPS-29151] - Plugins summary.xml needs to have CDATA wrapped around it
  • [LPS-29264] - Documents and Media portlet allows publishing of file upload without actually uploading file
  • [LPS-29480] - Error with document metadata


  • [LPS-1082] - GRP Calendar - Event Scheduling provides option to add invitees to an event
  • [LPS-1235] - Ability to set to set number of announcements to be listed
  • [LPS-9185] - Troubleshooting - Multicasting verification UI
  • [LPS-13132] - DL Scalability - Upgrade or Replace Jackrabbit
  • [LPS-14931] - Support for Danish language
  • [LPS-15202] - Making a "minor edit" to a wiki should restrict activity in feed ports
  • [LPS-17231] - On LDAP import, a custom attribute with multiple values only sets one value
  • [LPS-18673] - Refactor Theme determination logic from ServicePreAction
  • [LPS-19333] - Kills jsp auto-created guess session after logout
  • [LPS-21978] - Add Evernote to social bookmark
  • [LPS-22332] - Asset Publisher and checking permissions
  • [LPS-22734] - Wiki node title need support special characters like é
  • [LPS-22905] - Improve the way to cancel filtering in portlets by tags and categories
  • [LPS-22919] - HTML5 Audio Support for Document Library
  • [LPS-23513] - Update Dockbar.js module requirements on load
  • [LPS-23516] - Update Menu.js module requirements on load
  • [LPS-23517] - Update Navigation.js module requirements on load
  • [LPS-23712] - Site does not appear in "Go to" drop down if staging is activated before creating a page for that site
  • [LPS-24125] - Use Array.push pattern to define toolbar children to prevent invalid commas
  • [LPS-24159] - Setup Wizard - Improve the database configuration when the database is already configured
  • [LPS-24411] - Provide canonical URLs for the sitemap.xml file and include translations
  • [LPS-24610] - dynamic value for IndexBase.getSearchEngineId()
  • [LPS-24636] - Remove journal content duplicated permission checking
  • [LPS-24660] - Removed tables from Summary portlet for easier CSS styling
  • [LPS-24694] - Make LDAP connection pool settings configurable
  • [LPS-24705] - Avoid using String.split() in DefaultFriendlyURLMapper
  • [LPS-24706] - Shortcut RuntimePortletImpl.processXML() as early as possible
  • [LPS-24732] - Improve PortletSessionImpl performance
  • [LPS-24763] - Optimize PasswordPolicyLocalServiceImpl by reducing service calls
  • [LPS-24772] - Make BaseAssetEntryValidator more robust
  • [LPS-24800] - Portlets icon should have empty alt attribute
  • [LPS-24824] - Changing the logo in Staging will change it in Live
  • [LPS-24831] - Control Panel - The "S' in "site" should be capitalized when adding an Organization Site to an Organization
  • [LPS-24833] - Fire dockbarLoaded when dockbar finishes initializing
  • [LPS-24841] - Duplicated rules entry defined in portal-impl/src/com/liferay/portlet/documentlibrary/document-library-display-friendly-url-routes.xml
  • [LPS-24874] - Visual formatting for API
  • [LPS-24969] - Add ability to use JSONFactoryUtil in freemaker / velocity templates
  • [LPS-25029] - Added new OrderByComparator to allow for dynamically sorting by multiple fields for a table
  • [LPS-25031] - Updating new Service API to support the coming composition interface
  • [LPS-25064] - BaseIndexer.addSearchArrayQuery
  • [LPS-25094] - Expose additional methods for AlloyController
  • [LPS-25112] - Move com.liferay.util.ldap to com.liferay.portal.kernel.ldap
  • [LPS-25124] - Enterprise Calendar - CalendarBooking Workflow
  • [LPS-25146] - The view and edit view of web contents in workflow tasks is inconsistent/inaccurate
  • [LPS-25157] - Update to Vaadin 6.7.4
  • [LPS-25164] - Upgrade to Tomcat 7.0.25
  • [LPS-25201] - Add JSON WebService invoker action for batching calls and merging results
  • [LPS-25240] - kernel's PrefsPropsUtil missing api for passing in default value
  • [LPS-25263] - Property to limit the number of sessions
  • [LPS-25273] - Visual and messages improvements for page revisions in workflow
  • [LPS-25302] - Deprecate liferay-aui.tld to aui.tld
  • [LPS-25303] - Avoid uncessary regex matching
  • [LPS-25336] - Allow servlet filters to be enabled/disabled dynamicall from a hook
  • [LPS-25357] - Provide url to configure recaptcha
  • [LPS-25464] - Should use ExceptionInInitializerError instead of RuntimeException in static initialization.
  • [LPS-25524] - Add default helper method "getClassLoader()" in *ServiceBaseImpl
  • [LPS-25539] - Cancel Ehcache check update timer
  • [LPS-25641] - Improvement API for Language to accept Locale in method getTimeDescription
  • [LPS-25684] - Remove the duplicated prepare call in MonitoringPortlet
  • [LPS-25715] - Add helper method to multicast transport tool
  • [LPS-25716] - Refactor InvokerPortlet to use factory pattern rather than prototype pattern to simplify the interface
  • [LPS-25785] - JSONWS API Docs Improvements
  • [LPS-25884] - Tool to generate liferay-releng.properties for plugins
  • [LPS-25972] - Optimize PortletInstanceFactoryImpl
  • [LPS-26060] - Marketplace should take in to consideration future release processes
  • [LPS-26114] - Add support to dynamically download JDBC jar file from configured properties if it is not available in the class path
  • [LPS-26129] - Remove PortletPreferencesLocalUtil
  • [LPS-26136] - Add DynamicAction/Event/ResourceRequest to mirror DynamicRenderRequest
  • [LPS-26138] - Upgrade Xuggler to 5.4
  • [LPS-26145] - Remove unneeded service methods override
  • [LPS-26160] - Centralize default create/update/delete indexing into aop advice and add support for declaring indexing
  • [LPS-26197] - Extend functionality of Google Maps Plugin with v3 API
  • [LPS-26211] - Optimize dynamic requests
  • [LPS-26283] - Centralize direct servlet processing
  • [LPS-26321] - PACL
  • [LPS-26371] - Fix from LPS-13917 is no longer necessary
  • [LPS-26425] - Delay PortletContextLoaderListener and other parts of portlet servlet context initialization until after required-deployment-contexts are ready
  • [LPS-26445] - ReleaseInfo needs to know the parent build number
  • [LPS-26453] - Add more debug message in JSON WebServices
  • [LPS-26563] - Autogenerate setClassName since we already generate getClassName for ServiceBuilder entities that have a "classNameId" column
  • [LPS-26573] - Update License Manager in Control Panel
  • [LPS-26804] - Allow configuring Audio Preview bit and sample rates
  • [LPS-26854] - Tomcat doesn't output errors if there is a filter or servlet error on startup
  • [LPS-26905] - Add safer looseDeserialize that ignores type information from the json strings
  • [LPS-26915] - Make uniform key for JSON methods cache in JSONServiceAction
  • [LPS-26972] - Any Password should be valid when configuring the Setup Wizard
  • [LPS-26988] - Communicate to Liferay.com Marketplace to see if hot deploy is enabled
  • [LPS-27023] - Add Node.compactSafe helper method
  • [LPS-27040] - Refactor to avoid reflection
  • [LPS-27053] - Remove extraneous logging
  • [LPS-27058] - Deprecate XyzUtil.setPersistence and setService
  • [LPS-27094] - Prevent HTML tags at page meta content for calendar events
  • [LPS-27107] - Allow themes to contain compile Java classes
  • [LPS-27118] - Add HotDeploy detection for Jetty
  • [LPS-27136] - A more robust way to ensure that dependent servlet context listeners are loaded after their parent is loaded
  • [LPS-27148] - Upgrade Jodd library to version 3.3.3
  • [LPS-27152] - Upgrade to Tomcat 7.0.27
  • [LPS-27171] - Upgrade to Glassfish 3.1.2
  • [LPS-27173] - Upgrade to JBoss 7.1.1
  • [LPS-27175] - Upgrade to JOnAS 5.2.3
  • [LPS-27200] - Upgrade to Jetty 7.6.3
  • [LPS-27204] - Upgrade to Resin 4.0.27
  • [LPS-27238] - Spring configurations in portlets should work without having access to the portal class loader
  • [LPS-27272] - Upgrade to Hibernate 3.6.10
  • [LPS-27273] - Upgrade to Spring 3.0.7
  • [LPS-27278] - Update Alloy to support new Calendar views
  • [LPS-27285] - PathUtil helper class to convert unix and windows paths
  • [LPS-27307] - Rename JavaProps to JavaDetector
  • [LPS-27353] - SessionErrors and SessionMessages should have helper methods that take in the Class object as key, since we use that so much.
  • [LPS-27395] - BaseModel.getExpandoBridge() should not be cached
  • [LPS-27492] - Group getDescriptiveName logic should be in GroupLocalServiceImpl so that it can be overridden by a hook
  • [LPS-27590] - Geronimo supports unpacked wars without a .war extension
  • [LPS-27616] - Improve page delta implementation for blog portlet
  • [LPS-27627] - Add CLI support for deploying WebSphere
  • [LPS-27628] - theme-plugin sass resources are sometimes cached even when portal-developer.properties is enabled
  • [LPS-27632] - Improve the way the categories path are shown to the user
  • [LPS-27651] - Automatically convert app.server.*.dir to absolute paths, and also automatically create app.server.*.dir.unix that is an absolute path in unix format
  • [LPS-27657] - Use wsadmin so that Liferay running on WebSphere will support hot deploy
  • [LPS-27690] - IncludeTag._do* methods should be protected so that subclasses can leverage them
  • [LPS-27807] - Standardize custom SQL finders to have a space after IN( and to not use the ..IDS$] but to use ID$]
  • [LPS-27853] - Add support to set build number and to turn off increment to ServiceBuilder
  • [LPS-27889] - Upgrade to lates Jodd (3.3.4)
  • [LPS-27895] - Improve logging in Document Library
  • [LPS-27936] - Upgrade Jets3t.jar to latest version
  • [LPS-27952] - Password Policy should be hookable
  • [LPS-27987] - Web content validation should be more clear with reasons for failure
  • [LPS-28004] - Rename ConcurectLRUFiilter to LFU
  • [LPS-28014] - Resources Importer Define page as hidden in sitemap.json
  • [LPS-28073] - Move app server logic to build-dist.xml from build.xml
  • [LPS-28092] - Move com.liferay.util.UniqueList to com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.UniqueList so that portal-service\* has access to it
  • [LPS-28197] - Improve the configuration of Breadcrumb portlet
  • [LPS-28218] - portal.properties documentation for monitoring
  • [LPS-28274] - Don't add pacl protection to portal impl classes
  • [LPS-28281] - PACL utilities should use ProxyUtil rather than Proxy for better concurrency
  • [LPS-28343] - Add WorkflowConstants.STATUS_SCHEDULED
  • [LPS-28400] - Add new method to retrieve the user profile link
  • [LPS-28503] - Allow to configure max and min score for each Class in Rating validation
  • [LPS-28513] - Helper method ArrayUtil#unique
  • [LPS-28537] - Remove sample-icefaces*-portlet and sample-jsf-*-portlet
  • [LPS-28544] - Update single-approver definition files to have better default node positions eclipse kaleo designer
  • [LPS-28571] - Fixes to category-specific and legal marketing sample definitions
  • [LPS-28572] - Avoid generating unnecessary exception when fetching layout
  • [LPS-28573] - Avoid generating unnecessary exception when fetching/deleting Image
  • [LPS-28575] - Only create Exception when it is going to be used
  • [LPS-28600] - Ant taks to generate XSD beans for plugins (see ant build-xsd)
  • [LPS-28617] - Create method for Resource Importer plugin to import to a Site
  • [LPS-28631] - Improve error logging in ServletResponseUtil
  • [LPS-28646] - Add JSON WS Invoker test for null values
  • [LPS-28659] - Clean up FindPath code
  • [LPS-28670] - Move Permissions Hash generation logic from ResourceBlockLocalService to ResourceBlockPermissionsContainer
  • [LPS-28685] - Upgrade Plugins SDK portlet templates to Liferay Faces 3.1.0-rc2
  • [LPS-28710] - Improve sorting in language properties files
  • [LPS-28743] - Marketplace should notify the store which actions were successful
  • [LPS-28746] - Add helper method LiferayPortlet#translate
  • [LPS-28750] - Upgrade to Resin 4.0.29
  • [LPS-28752] - Helper method LocalizationUtil#getLocalizationMap that will return a map from a resource bundle name
  • [LPS-28763] - Put a comment in the DTD for liferay-plugin-package*.dtd to use liferay-plugin-package.properties instead of the xml for Marketplace plugins
  • [LPS-28821] - Liferay Package Deployer should interface with Marketplace portlet
  • [LPS-28823] - Allow Marketplace to update (supersede) cross Apps
  • [LPS-28853] - Provisions for upgrading Marketplace through the web interface
  • [LPS-28872] - Ace rich editor not working in IE
  • [LPS-28915] - Improve sorting in language properties files
  • [LPS-29185] - Add "support-url" to plugins summary
  • [LPS-29410] - Unchecked the "Use Shipping Formula" checkbox to avoid the confusion

New Feature

  • [LPS-25061] - Enterprise Calendar - Service Layer
  • [LPS-25688] - Add optional user authentication for old and new JSON api
  • [LPS-26066] - Create test portlet for automating testing of portal and hibernate cache overrides from a plugin
  • [LPS-26609] - Add servers HotDeploy detector for Tomcat
  • [LPS-26780] - JSON WS - add nested inner parameters
  • [LPS-27576] - Add HotDeploy detection for Glassfish
  • [LPS-27782] - Enable building services for target entity only
  • [LPS-28057] - Add support to liferay-plugins/portlets/build.xml for various JSF portlet templates
  • [LPS-28058] - Add new liferay-plugins/tools/portlet_liferay_faces_alloy_tmpl project template
  • [LPS-28060] - Add new liferay-plugins/tools/portlet_icefaces_tmpl project template
  • [LPS-28061] - Add new liferay-plugins/tools/portlet_primefaces_tmpl project template
  • [LPS-28062] - Add new liferay-plugins/tools/portlet_richfaces_tmpl project template
  • [LPS-29261] - Compatibility client for backports to 6.1

Regression Bug

  • [LPS-7083] - Unable to add a user after given permissions to do so
  • [LPS-8165] - HTML elements viewed in 'Activities Portlet' are being escaped.
  • [LPS-18812] - After creating a page template, the first time its page is edited an error occurs and the page friendly URL is changed
  • [LPS-19328] - Drag n Drop of doesnt work with showborders=false and portlettitle is empty
  • [LPS-20519] - permission error:after define a permission to a page,guest and all users still can see it.
  • [LPS-21606] - The page was still visible for guest when the guest without view permission.
  • [LPS-21997] - Null Comments are successfully posted as an ellipsis
  • [LPS-22736] - Pin the Dockbar function works only on one page.
  • [LPS-22900] - Localizable images disappear on first web content save
  • [LPS-23238] - Portlets - there is no "Do you want to remove this component" message
  • [LPS-23297] - Bookmark entry count does not change after a bookmark is moved
  • [LPS-23779] - A site member cannot post a root level thread in Message Boards portlet view.
  • [LPS-23873] - Republishing a web content article with an image with localized content results in losing the image.
  • [LPS-24320] - Users are forced to reindex when deploying 7cogs hook
  • [LPS-24524] - Exception thrown when undeploying Mail portlet in Tomcat
  • [LPS-24556] - Not escaped url for the logo image
  • [LPS-24580] - Users are not correctly sorted in Control Panel
  • [LPS-24617] - Guest user is unable to view a page created with any of the page templates
  • [LPS-24639] - Query String is displayed HTML-encoded
  • [LPS-24697] - Comment Permissions - a user cannot edit / delete his own comments and cannot edit / delete the comments of other users if given the permission to do so
  • [LPS-24712] - Redirect parameter causes errors by calling portlet actions multiple times
  • [LPS-24722] - aui:option tag only accepts Strings as label and value parameters
  • [LPS-24778] - User Groups - Disabling propagation for site template and then saving causes a NPE and User Groups is unavailable error. Site Template does not save.
  • [LPS-24816] - Accessing User's content from dockbar shows stack trace
  • [LPS-24849] - Category search result doesn't show vocabulary and parent category names
  • [LPS-24865] - Error when adding a user group
  • [LPS-24882] - Client-side error message "data is undefined"
  • [LPS-24899] - Web content title doesn't save localized translations
  • [LPS-24921] - Creating an organization community site causes an Illegal State Exception
  • [LPS-24935] - Comments that are edited to be null are successfully posted as an ellipsis
  • [LPS-24971] - User is unable to change his/her password
  • [LPS-24987] - Completed workflow tasks ordering is not consistent between MySQL 5 and PostgreSQL 8.
  • [LPS-24988] - Newly added Message Board threads are placed at the top of the list instead of the bottom when using kaleo with PostgreSQL 8
  • [LPS-24991] - Precompilation is ineffective because DirectServletRegistry changes timestamps on JSPs
  • [LPS-25006] - Unable to edit an event to repeat monthly and yearly
  • [LPS-25011] - Dynamic Data Lists: Adding a record in spreadsheet view creates an extra row and data is not saved properly
  • [LPS-25028] - Web Content: Cannot upload image to a web content article
  • [LPS-25036] - System incorrectly displays error message when editing "My Account"
  • [LPS-25038] - Web content will not allow you to upload a script template file
  • [LPS-25059] - List templates are not being displayed for selection in Dynamic Data List Display portlet
  • [LPS-25060] - Adding a phone number results in a status 500 error
  • [LPS-25063] - No success message when withdrawing a submission
  • [LPS-25072] - Creating a Calendar event that repeats monthly or yearly on a numbered day causes some features of the Calendar portlet's display to break
  • [LPS-25090] - Documents and Media - Unable to move shortcuts
  • [LPS-25131] - Social Activity portlet doesn't display any options other than category
  • [LPS-25135] - Replies to emails are not showing up in message boards
  • [LPS-25156] - User is forced to login after clicking "Go to Portal" in Setup Wizard
  • [LPS-25183] - DB Upgrade - Oracle - Throws Exceptions in the console and server stops due to unexpected startup errors - 5.2.3, 6.0.6 to 6.1.x, 6.2.x
  • [LPS-25184] - DB Upgrade - Sybase - "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'alter'." error and server stops due to unexpected startup errors - 5.2.3, 6.0.6, 6.0.12 to 6.1.x, 6.2.x
  • [LPS-25206] - Scheduled remote publish fails with NullPointerException in LayoutsRemotePublisherMessageListener.doReceive
  • [LPS-25208] - Publishing web content to live with documents causes NoSuchFileEntryException
  • [LPS-25219] - NullpointerException when enabling Remote Staging
  • [LPS-25222] - Manage Site pages behaves as Manage Page
  • [LPS-25241] - User can not go to "My Public Pages" and "My Private Pages" in home page
  • [LPS-25244] - Activate staging with Web Content containing image creates NoSuchFileEntryException
  • [LPS-25249] - Documents can not be moved when Staging is enabled
  • [LPS-25250] - Editing a document folder from asset publisher does not work
  • [LPS-25251] - Moving a document to another folder in Staging and publishing to live won't move it in Live
  • [LPS-25259] - Kaleo: Clicking on My Workflow Tasks results in an error
  • [LPS-25277] - Abstract display is inconsistent between Blog portlet and Asset publisher
  • [LPS-25290] - The sevencogs-theme throws a error and displays only a app server error page
  • [LPS-25300] - Don't receive the message from email reply message
  • [LPS-25320] - Documentum Hook compile errors
  • [LPS-25328] - Sharepoint Hook compile error
  • [LPS-25341] - Gibberish shown attempting to manage a site page from control panel
  • [LPS-25367] - Error when saving content after modifying its translation
  • [LPS-25377] - Deploying the Youtube portlet causes a SRVE0190E: File not found:/ youtube-portlet/css/main.css error
  • [LPS-25387] - [Browse file] field width increases with browser width.
  • [LPS-25389] - WCM: Special characters are not saved properly in the database
  • [LPS-25400] - Null point exception at shutdown in JBoss 7.0.2
  • [LPS-25419] - Non-ascii characters (like cyrillic letters) translated into ? in json web service
  • [LPS-25422] - Console error when adding a document in repository
  • [LPS-25458] - Importing a Site LAR does not import site preferences
  • [LPS-25479] - Permission about discussion under Document Library Shortcut does not work
  • [LPS-25489] - Missing "Assign Users" button for Organizations.
  • [LPS-25491] - Checking in a document causes console error
  • [LPS-25503] - D&M PDF Preview Zoom does not work as guest user
  • [LPS-25508] - Tomcat throw error message, When go to Users and Organizations.
  • [LPS-25525] - User Groups - No User Groups show up when trying to assign a User Group to a User
  • [LPS-25528] - Custom Fields - Unable to add a custom field and a NoSuchResourceActionException occurs in the console
  • [LPS-25647] - Plugins cannot be installed via Plugin Installer
  • [LPS-25877] - Search portlet returns results that should not appear
  • [LPS-26002] - Personal Pages inherited from a User Group can not be viewed by Guest users
  • [LPS-26062] - Asset publisher portlet with enabled permissions shows or not depending on first asset permissions
  • [LPS-26444] - Jonas Startup Exceptions, does not allow Liferay to start.
  • [LPS-26509] - Changing child page display order is not working properly
  • [LPS-26651] - Deploying WSRP results in console errors
  • [LPS-26657] - Exceptions when posting on microblogs portlet in Weblogic 10.3.2
  • [LPS-26658] - Liferay does not work in WebSphere 7
  • [LPS-26680] - Tasks plugin portlet: when the user creates a task and assigns it to himself, the task does not display in the Assigned to Me screen
  • [LPS-26750] - When every page is hidden bottom_js.jspf breaks
  • [LPS-26757] - User is unable to add DDL records using spreadsheet view
  • [LPS-26948] - SO Hook does not compile
  • [LPS-27258] - Staging: Importing a LAR when Staging/Enable On Public Page is flagged causes console errors
  • [LPS-27287] - Unable to publish to live causing "You do not have the roles required to access this portlet."
  • [LPS-27299] - Log levels are not redirecting properly
  • [LPS-27359] - My Private Pages: User is unable to add a Page via Dockbar when using a full data database
  • [LPS-27460] - Can not rate a Message Board Post with a thumbs down.
  • [LPS-27497] - Exceptions on deploying layout template plugins
  • [LPS-27721] - Can't add new page.
  • [LPS-27743] - Kaleo plugin fails to compile in 6.1.x CE
  • [LPS-27745] - Cannot click through to page added by Add Page
  • [LPS-27800] - Viewing checked out file results in PrincipalException
  • [LPS-27812] - "20" is the only option for Maximum Items to Display under Blogs Display Settings
  • [LPS-27816] - Organizations - "Do not have the required permissions" error message after a user updates an organization
  • [LPS-27869] - Bookmark portlet exceptions when viewed as Guest user
  • [LPS-27880] - Language key does have the corresponding value.
  • [LPS-27897] - SharepointServlet improperly handling spaces in folders
  • [LPS-27957] - Kaleo plugin does not fully deploy
  • [LPS-27974] - Sharding does not work on startup.
  • [LPS-27978] - User is unable to add attachments
  • [LPS-28017] - Cannot compile 61x EE and 61x CE.
  • [LPS-28033] - Document and Media + JBoss: Adding a JPG to Documents and Media causes console errors
  • [LPS-28037] - Can not add a user using the JSON API.
  • [LPS-28038] - Regular user cannot view portlets of the first page of a Community Site once staging is activated
  • [LPS-28042] - NPE when user adds nested portlet, cannot render nested portlet
  • [LPS-28068] - Cannot add JavaScript to a site when the logo is changed
  • [LPS-28071] - Adding Sample DAO portlet to page induces exceptions
  • [LPS-28110] - Knowledge Base plugin fails to compile in 6.1.x CE
  • [LPS-28112] - Web Content localization does not work correctly when adding a translation
  • [LPS-28149] - Cannot view Home page under My Private Pages in a full database using DB2
  • [LPS-28209] - Null pointer exceptions when starting the portal with non root context
  • [LPS-28311] - Document Library document checkout never times out
  • [LPS-28393] - SQL Server 2005/2008 DB upgrade - 6.0.11 to 6.1.x causes UpgradeException
  • [LPS-28408] - Go to Remote Live link is broken.
  • [LPS-28452] - No validation when creating web content without a template
  • [LPS-28457] - IE 9 - Audio will continue to play after closing slideshow overlay in Media Gallery
  • [LPS-28460] - Sample Drools - does not display entries for a user that have tags that include a space
  • [LPS-28479] - Editing a template in velocity fails to update on the article
  • [LPS-28514] - Console error after uploading a pic in Documents and Media in JBoss
  • [LPS-28527] - JBoss - Cannot mount an Alfresco CMIS repository
  • [LPS-28554] - Pages are not copied when creating a new site from a site template
  • [LPS-28599] - Searching for Blogs Entry Titles does not work in SOLR
  • [LPS-28601] - Unable view DDL record
  • [LPS-28693] - Unable to assign workflow per folder per document type
  • [LPS-28724] - Default DDMStructures creation is not aware of portal available locales
  • [LPS-28769] - Blank required field in metadata type crashes Documents and Media portlet
  • [LPS-28801] - Selecting a web content article does not show up on a scoped paged
  • [LPS-28803] - Wurfl-Web hot deploy results in NPE
  • [LPS-28804] - Adding the Web Form Portlet to a page causes NPE
  • [LPS-28805] - Plugins that call PortletProps will fail on deployment
  • [LPS-28824] - sample-drools-portlet outputting errors when added and viewed
  • [LPS-28830] - Activites portlet entry does not properly display user's name when Wiki FrontPage is written
  • [LPS-28833] - RSS not importing
  • [LPS-28850] - Importing LARs for Various Portlets will throw Exceptions.
  • [LPS-28851] - Categories - No success message when deleting a category and category remains until page is refreshed
  • [LPS-28852] - WCM Structure Editor "Edit Options" edits wrong field's options
  • [LPS-28858] - Plugins can't be redeployed
  • [LPS-28862] - Web Content creation does not save current user default language
  • [LPS-28881] - When remote staging enabled without versionning and branching enabled one cannot publish to remote live
  • [LPS-28891] - BeanLocatorException: BeanLocator has not been set during startup
  • [LPS-28892] - Upgrade from 6.1.0 to 6.1.1 VerifyPermission fails with NullPointerException in LayoutStagingHandler
  • [LPS-28902] - Can not Add Record in the DDL when using the Meeting Minutes Data Definition .
  • [LPS-28911] - Wiki Navigation Portlet - cannot expand the page tree node in the Tree Menu portlet when there is a child page
  • [LPS-28920] - User Statistics portlet throws console errors when added to a page
  • [LPS-28956] - WSRP - NotSerializableException on shutdown after adding a consumer
  • [LPS-28962] - Staged Web content article templates are not correctly published to live
  • [LPS-29353] - Kaleo timer actions are not being fired
  • [LPS-29428] - Category Navigation tree doesn't expand after selecting a category


  • [LPS-13554] - GRP Calendar - Event Notification


  • [LPS-26792] - Updating default company logo
  • [LPS-27142] - Remove support for web.xml 2.3 based plugins
  • [LPS-27805] - See LIFERAYQA-1207
  • [LPS-28070] - Update Welcome Theme's releng.properties so it gets bundled with CE app server release files
  • [LPS-28208] - See LIFERAYQA-1268
  • [LPS-28236] - See LIFERAYQA-1162
  • [LPS-28264] - Provide localization strings for Alloy calendars
  • [LPS-28523] - Minor code cleanup due to Sonar audit
  • [LPS-28644] - Sort by Read Count is unnecessary in Documents and Media (there's a sort by downloads)
  • [LPS-28692] - Convert plugin's liferay-plugin-package.xml files to liferay-plugin-package.properties for easier configuration

Technical Support

  • [LPS-2855] - service builder builds <entity>Clp class incorrectly when <entity>Impl overrides a method in <entity>ModelImpl
  • [LPS-4072] - Change the wording of the mobile theme to reflect that this theme is only delivered to WAP devices
  • [LPS-8326] - Migrating to Liferay 5.2 sp3 fails on SQL Server 2000
  • [LPS-9702] - AUI Input's inlineLabel not functioning
  • [LPS-13906] - Shutdown warning message doesn't appear for the users
  • [LPS-19114] - Uploaded tar.gz file in Wiki or Forum portlet is corrupted
  • [LPS-22149] - In "Publish To Remote" options, the "Change Selection" tree has an incorrect behavior
  • [LPS-22247] - Incorrect column reference messageFlag.messageId
  • [LPS-24408] - Web Form: form fields modifications aren't refreshed after changing their order and save
  • [LPS-24612] - Global structure and templates are able to be deleted despite community/organization using the global structure and template
  • [LPS-24702] - Import Layouts fails for JRockit / JDK7
  • [LPS-24719] - Activities Portlet share configuration javascript widget doesn't work
  • [LPS-24752] - Subscribing to wiki portlet causes invalid path request
  • [LPS-24779] - Web Proxy portlet ignores custom contextPath
  • [LPS-24828] - Clicking RSS Feed link in My Subscriptions for the Top Level subscription throws an XML error
  • [LPS-24835] - Remote Publish not publishing all levels of Child Pages
  • [LPS-24850] - Fresh install with Microsoft SQLSERVER 2000 And Liferay Portal 6.1 GA1 broken
  • [LPS-24957] - Unable to translate title and description in WCM
  • [LPS-24968] - Asset publisher filtered shows all tagged results if user has permission for one
  • [LPS-24989] - Selecting "delete portlet data before importing" when importing WSRP portlet data causes all existing WSRP portlets to be undeployed
  • [LPS-24996] - Problem with page icons when staging enabled
  • [LPS-25010] - LDAP user password import setting behavior
  • [LPS-25049] - PortalClassInvoker does not handle primitive types
  • [LPS-25057] - Handling of ResourceAction name attribute could cause deploying issues
  • [LPS-25084] - Classloading issue with rome.jar property
  • [LPS-25087] - Unable to revert Wiki article with symbols in title
  • [LPS-25119] - Embedded assets lose their tags/categories during stagings
  • [LPS-25130] - Webdav does not work correctly with JCR
  • [LPS-25152] - Organizations are viewable across portal instances
  • [LPS-25204] - SOAP addUser service can insert invalid data
  • [LPS-25207] - "Thumbs" rating of Message Board invokes a render phase of a Widget on too many JavaScript statements
  • [LPS-25228] - Web content does not get expired for non-default shards
  • [LPS-25248] - A sendRedirect call in a portlet dynamically added causes NullPointerException
  • [LPS-25276] - In IE7 look and feel popup window doesn't cover the links behind
  • [LPS-25281] - Lower-case system indices will cause an upgrade to fail on SQL Server
  • [LPS-25295] - No permissions to login if all pages in group is not viewable to guests
  • [LPS-25316] - Saving an empty source URL for an Iframe causes redirect error in Internet explorer
  • [LPS-25335] - Flash Player controls not visible for videos in pre-HTML5 browsers without fullscreen or right-click
  • [LPS-25380] - Form parameters should not be namespaced
  • [LPS-25394] - When using JNDI to bind mail session and jdbc, allow for provision of a user name and password
  • [LPS-25399] - users.screen.name.always.autogenerate could autogenerate invalid screen names
  • [LPS-25401] - team permissions page is not available for custom roles
  • [LPS-25421] - Saving a layout revision from revision history results in duplicate Main Page Variations
  • [LPS-25450] - Adding a new page fetches huge result set
  • [LPS-25518] - DLFileRank related exception when accessing Document Library
  • [LPS-25531] - Global search could result in opening of MB in wrong context causing wrong groupIds when replying
  • [LPS-25705] - Hook not fully undeployed from AuthPipeline
  • [LPS-25793] - Memory jobs of scheduler are triggered by more than one nodes when using cluster at the same time, it should be triggered by one node.
  • [LPS-25797] - JS: Liferay.Service object calls a method which might not have been loaded
  • [LPS-25823] - Custom Role Unable to view the Permissions Section for Team's Actions, only Administrators Can
  • [LPS-25887] - Calendar portlet is broken. When upgrade from 523 to 61 or 62.
  • [LPS-25900] - CKEditor breaks external links on resaving mediawiki format wiki page
  • [LPS-26056] - CKEditor generates invalid links to documents when portal.proxy.path is set
  • [LPS-26074] - Update Google Maps plugin to version 3 of the Maps Javascript API
  • [LPS-26260] - Support for Export/Import Page Templates
  • [LPS-26303] - Removal of group associations is not passed to LDAP
  • [LPS-26352] - NullPointerException in Wiki
  • [LPS-26375] - java.lang.ClassCastException: com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.jdbc.OutputBlob cannot be cast to oracle.sql.BLOB
  • [LPS-26414] - Alerts portlet: The user can not create new entry despite the fact that you have permission.
  • [LPS-26438] - index IX_8D83D0CE in 5.2 is unique, but in 6.1 is not unique - causes upgrade issues
  • [LPS-26439] - Forked media conversion processes don't expose env properties
  • [LPS-26707] - Ajax renderring should use random js namespace id
  • [LPS-26827] - Kaleo-Web cause error message, When using category-specific-definition.xml and category.
  • [LPS-26993] - sessionId could be stolen by XSS
  • [LPS-27025] - Possible NPE in TZSRecurrence
  • [LPS-27116] - Regular user should be allowed to add an announcement to their own created site
  • [LPS-27318] - Rating can be corrupted as score value is not validated
  • [LPS-27356] - Adding an asset via Asset Publisher requires "Go to Control Panel" permission
  • [LPS-27407] - Default text password imported through LDAP allows users to sign in with any password
  • [LPS-27419] - There is public Cache-Control header for file download
  • [LPS-27420] - XSS issue in downloading file through webdav url
  • [LPS-27430] - Guest cannot view DDL form or add new DDL record
  • [LPS-27441] - menu position is off in Chrome and Safari
  • [LPS-27608] - Wrong permission checking for managing personal site pages
  • [LPS-27679] - Unexpected success message in fast login portlet after commenting as guest
  • [LPS-27682] - RepositoryReport is not serializable
  • [LPS-27697] - Add attachments in Wiki Display got "Invalid authentication token" exception
  • [LPS-27724] - Solr-web-plugin doesn't get snippets from the localized fields and provides incosistent results in case of searches from other locales for terms occured only in the default-locale version of a Web Content
  • [LPS-27737] - Inline permission check causes exception with a high number of resource blocks
  • [LPS-27836] - Unable to save Kaleo Notifications for Task if Role is defined to be notified.
  • [LPS-27851] - DirectServletRegistryImpl throws ClassCastException when Liferay runs on Tomcat 7.0.16 and before
  • [LPS-27948] - Fail to publish event as the processAction method is not invoked if 'link to page' is configured and the user is logged out
  • [LPS-27956] - Polls portlet results display is off
  • [LPS-27973] - Can not access document with groupId folderId fileName if file name contains "+"
  • [LPS-28053] - createDocumentFromSource is not supported by the AtomPub binding
  • [LPS-28076] - Files modified in document library by different users do not reflect changes in "Last updated by" property.
  • [LPS-28105] - Import fails when an article's default language is not available
  • [LPS-28114] - Disable users from storing usernames and passwords in browser
  • [LPS-28118] - Editing the web-content portlet of Site should not carry over into the Site template
  • [LPS-28123] - Locking staging processes
  • [LPS-28127] - Uploading a file against a load balancer that doesn't use sticky sessions will most likely fail
  • [LPS-28132] - Fix view_question.jsp and view_question_results.jspf to prevent XSS in Polls Portlet
  • [LPS-28140] - Web content List links with a expired version of a web content
  • [LPS-28145] - Alert message for page using a site template goes away after refresh
  • [LPS-28170] - Creole doesn't support linking to Wiki attachments
  • [LPS-28195] - In the search portlet the previous button forgets the current page and always goes to the first page
  • [LPS-28225] - Wiki Creole Editor lose focus when clicked in IE8
  • [LPS-28227] - Blog Aggregator portlet throws an exception for users who have been deleted
  • [LPS-28229] - Announcements mark as read doesn't work properly in IE6
  • [LPS-28258] - Site Roles are being removed using updateUser service method of Portal_User
  • [LPS-28279] - Look-and-feel show borders should be a three state switch
  • [LPS-28336] - Membership assignment won't work if a user doesn't have any organization.
  • [LPS-28345] - Rewritten URLs are broken on staged/versioned pages
  • [LPS-28364] - Asset Publisher Performance Problem
  • [LPS-28404] - Make Basic and Advanced searches for Journal Articles able to add the right localized fields to the queries
  • [LPS-28406] - Modify Solr-web-plugin to store and use localized fields similarly to Lucene
  • [LPS-28426] - Liferay only considers the first language in the Accept-Language header field
  • [LPS-28428] - When used Creole image dimensions are not reflected in the source of the Wiki article.
  • [LPS-28436] - A user with inherited private pages from a user group cannot access the pages
  • [LPS-28494] - DefaultScreenNameGenerator replaces all digits by dots when creating user screen name
  • [LPS-28500] - Cannot select a Document in Web Content Portlet when its title contains single quote
  • [LPS-28568] - Related Assets portlet configuration "Filter" by Tags missing buttons and does not work
  • [LPS-28582] - Quoted message is not created correctly when the user of the quoted message has brackets in his name
  • [LPS-28605] - Mobile Device Rule "AnyOS" sees Windows as a mobile if WURFL plugin installed
  • [LPS-28614] - When using Creole editor Images are resizable in IE and FF by the clicking on the image and use the controls for resize
  • [LPS-28624] - Wiki pre tags bug in Creole
  • [LPS-28632] - JSPWikiEngine inserts extra escape characters into the URL
  • [LPS-28638] - LDAP failure to close NamingEnumeration causing thread locks
  • [LPS-28641] - LDAP import performance impacted by repeated import.
  • [LPS-28654] - LPS-28654 Make JavaScriptCompressor OPTIONS configurable in portal.properties
  • [LPS-28669] - pop-up move out from the browser's visible part
  • [LPS-28703] - If user is removed from a Site his Team membership remains
  • [LPS-28713] - DocLib Generating Raw Metadata When It Should Not
  • [LPS-28719] - Add support in StripFilter for deprecated language attribute as part of <script> tag
  • [LPS-28726] - If locale.prepend.friendly.url.style=0 is set then url parameters and redirects are overridden by layout's url
  • [LPS-28729] - Simplify VerifyPermission for algorithms 1-5
  • [LPS-28733] - When a web content article references a document library file from another site, it may break on import if the site already contains a file with the same name in the same target folder
  • [LPS-28786] - Asset Publisher - Change from expired version of Web Content to previous approved version is not instantaneous
  • [LPS-28845] - ClassCastException thrown on SQL Server upgrade for getBoolean on numeric type
  • [LPS-28857] - Search not returning the right permissions
  • [LPS-28882] - Taiwanese language is mapped to ThaiAnalyzer in Lucene, should be mapped to CJKAnalyzer
  • [LPS-29126] - Omniadmin isn't able to change user password when the changeable equals false in PasswordPolicy


  • [LPS-1238] - Need option to add multiple calenders
  • [LPS-20490] - Resin 4.0.19>4.0.20 requires JDK6
  • [LPS-24666] - Page Customizations fail to save
  • [LPS-24668] - Page Customization inconsistency
  • [LPS-25689] - Improving execution of the unit and integration tests
  • [LPS-26865] - Re-factor the deployment process so that it can be altered on a per instance basis (by passing along an event context)
  • [LPS-26866] - Define bundle organization in main source tree
  • [LPS-27716] - Remove listeners which will be re-implemented in the framework
  • [LPS-27718] - Add bundle logging support
  • [LPS-28270] - Make resource importer web work with unexploded wars
  • [LPS-28271] - Deploying packed plugins to tomcat result in tomcat error
  • [LPS-28280] - Create temp folders
  • [LPS-28398] - Web Content Display loses references to global-scoped contents when importing LAR
  • [LPS-28443] - Improve the MainServletTestExecution listener to be able to run at the same time that the rest of the tests
  • [LPS-28545] - Make MainServletExecutionListener run on all the platforms
  • [LPS-28687] - Method to JSON serialize Throwable
  • [LPS-28787] - EasyConf can't find portlet.properties
  • [LPS-29206] - Removing deprecated version of classes related to export/import and staging
2 楼 ondemand 2015-12-08  
1 楼 ondemand 2015-12-08  


    Using Liferay Portal 6.1

    Using Liferay Portal 6.1


    标题 "liferay-portal-sql-6.1.1-ce-ga2-20120731132656558" 暗示了这是一个关于Liferay Portal 6.1.1社区版(CE GA2)的SQL相关资源,发布日期为2012年7月31日。Liferay Portal是一个开源的企业级内容管理平台,它...

    liferay portal开发大全

    了解不同版本的Liferay特性及差异,比如Liferay DXP和Liferay CE的区别,有助于选择适合项目需求的版本。 7. **工作流与内容管理** Liferay Portal内置了强大的工作流引擎,支持自定义工作流程,可用于审批、协作...

    liferay-log-viewer:为 Liferay Portal 提供浏览器内日志查看器。 支持 CE 和 EE

    Liferay 门户 6.1 CE GA2、GA3 (6.1.1+) Liferay 门户 6.1 EE GA2、GA3 (6.1.20+) Liferay 门户 6.2 CE GA1 (6.2.0+) Liferay 门户 6.2 EE GA1 (6.2.10+) 下载 最新版本可从。 您还可以从下载或安装 portlet ...

    liferay portal 开发实例

    Liferay Portal是一款开源的企业级门户平台,用于构建和管理复杂的企业级Web应用程序。在这个开发实例中,我们将深入探讨四个Liferay Portal MVC(Model-View-Controller)应用的实践案例,这些实例可以帮助开发者更...


    Liferay是一个开源公司,我们一般谈Liferay是指的Liferay Portal。Liferay Portal始创于2000年的洛杉机,当时是一个非营利性组织。

    liferay Portal 的学习书籍

    Liferay Portal是一种开源的企业门户解决方案,支持使用Java语言构建企业内部网(intranets)和其他协作平台。根据提供的内容片段,我们可以了解到一些关于Liferay Portal书籍的具体信息,这本书是外国人编写的,受...

    liferay portal 6 使用文档

    Liferay Portal 6拥有强大的内容管理系统,允许用户轻松创建、编辑和发布各种类型的内容,包括文章、文档、多媒体等。其内置的富文本编辑器和版本控制功能确保了内容的质量和一致性。 ##### 2. 社交媒体集成 平台...

    Liferay Portal 内容管理

    【Liferay Portal 内容管理】是企业级门户平台Liferay Portal的重要组成部分,它提供了丰富的文档管理和信息发布功能,便于组织内部的信息共享与协作。 在Liferay Portal中,文档管理主要通过【Document Library】...

    liferay portal 开发指南

    ### Liferay Portal 开发指南知识点概述 #### 一、简介 **Liferay Portal** 是一款功能强大的企业级门户平台,支持多种应用集成和技术扩展。它不仅提供了丰富的特性满足企业日常需求,同时也支持高度定制化开发。...


    进入 Liferay 官方网站,点击“Downloads”下载 Liferay Portal 6.1Community Edition GA3 中的 3 项“Bundled with Tomcat”,“Portal Source”,“Plugins SDK”再选择“Additional Files”找到“Liferay Portal ...

    Liferay Portal Systems Development

    标签“liferay portal system development pdf”表明这本书的主要内容是关于Liferay门户系统开发的,并且以pdf格式发布。标签中的“pdf”表示文件格式,意味着读者可以通过PDF阅读器阅读本书。 从部分内容来看,这...

    Liferay Portal文档

    《Liferay Portal文档》是一份详尽的指南,主要介绍了Liferay Portal的架构、工作原理及其核心组件——Portlet。Liferay Portal是一款开源的企业级门户平台,它提供了丰富的功能,如内容管理、社交网络、协作工具等...


    《Liferay Portal SQL详解——基于6.1.2 CE GA3版本》 Liferay Portal是一款开源的企业级内容管理系统,广泛应用于构建企业网站、社区、工作流等应用。本篇文章将聚焦于Liferay Portal的数据库相关知识,特别是针对...

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