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Which are Opposites? :
Directions: Draw a line between the opposites.
boy, girl; in, out; happy, sad; over, under
What Belongs? :
Directions: Color the pictures in each row that belong together. Draw an X through the one that does not belong.
snowman, sled, skates, ball
dog, jar, rabbit, cat
book, shoe, sock, boot
helicopter, plane, tree, balloon
What Comes Before? :
Directions: Draw a circle around the small picture that shows what happened right before the pictures in the big boxes.
What Comes Afer?
Directions: Look at the large pictures. Draw a circle around the small picture that shows what would happen next.
Story Order:
Directions: Find the four pictures that tell a story. Color them. Write numbers in the boxes to show the order they belong in.
Story scene:
Directions: Look at the large pictures. Draw a circle around the small box that shows what is more likely tho happen next.
Directions: Draw lines to match the opposites.
big, little; hot, cold; open, closed; up, down
Directions: Cross out the picture that doesn't belong.
bean, carrot, lamp, corn
Directions: Circle the picture that shows what comes before.
Directions: Circle the picture that shows what comes after.
Directions: Write numbers in the boxes to show what order they belong in.
cocoon, butterfly, caterpillar
Directions: Circle the picture that shows what is likely to happen next.
Rhyming Pairs:
Directions: Circle the pairs that rhyme.(words with the same ending sounds.)
box, fox; dog, fog; hat, bat; can, fan; sock, clock; nose, hose; beet, feet; star, jar; dish, fish;
map, nest; cake, cap; kite, mop; fat, pig; book, bottle; sun, leaf; ball, bird
Rhyming Game:
Directions: Think of a word that thymes with the word given. Draw a picture. Write the word.
cat, pan, bug
Beginning Sounds:
baby, kite, bag, basket
fish, frog, duck, flag
ham, hand, heart, apple
saw, snake, balloon, skate
Words That Start With L:
Directions: Color the picture in each box that starts like lamb.
lamb, leaf, grape, ladder, snowman, lion, walrus, doll, log, rope, wagon, lock, book, lamp, football
More Beginning Sounds:
Directions: Look at the pictures. Say their names. Draw a line between pictures beginning with the same sound.
bee, pillow, drum, top
door, turtle, bug, pig
Words That Beginning With r:
Directions: Color the picture. Circle the six things that start with the sound of the letter r.
raccoon, rabbit, rainbow, radish, rake, root
Beginning Sounds:
Directions: Look at each picture. Say its name. Circle the letter the word begins with.
duck, grape, rainbow, fox, mouse, kite, horse, sun, nail, pillow, truck, yarn
Directions: Circle the pairs that start with the ame letter.
xxx, vioin; flower, foot; yoyo yarn; rake, violin; scarf, xxx; scoop, xxx; coat, jump; mitten, pencil; key, whistle; queen, flag;
pillow, pumpkin; tie, apple; net, nest; deer, horse; zipper, carrot; comb, cookie
Word With a:
Directions: Write the letter a to finish each word. Draw a line to match the word and its picture.
baby, cat, map, ball, pan
Word With e:
Directions: Color the pictures. Say the name of each picture. Write the letter e to finish each word.
net, bed, bell, pen, jet, hen, ten, sled, fence
Word With i:
Directions: Say the name of each picture. Draw line from the dish to the pictures with the same middle sound.
fish, dog, ball, pig, tin, nail, dish, pin
Directions: Write the letter i to finish each word. Say the words.
fish, pig, pin
Word With o:
Directions: Write the letter o th finish each word. Say the word.
fox, dog, log, frog
Directions: Find the pictures of the words you just wrote and circle them.
Word With u:
Directions: Write the letter u to finish each word. Say the word. Draw a line to match each word with its picture.
gum, bus, cup, duck, bug
Middle Sounds:
Directions: Look at the picture in each box. Say its name. Color the pictures in that row tha have the same middle sound.
truck, belt, duck, bowl
fish, pig, top, nail,
cap, fan, dog, hat
mop, sock, can, frog
Middle Sounds:
Directions: Look at the picture in each box. Say its name. Draw a line to the letter that makes its middle sound.
ship, bus, cap, hen, pig
Directions: Trace the letters:
Directions: Say the name of each picture. Write the correct letter to finish each word.
ball, pig, cup, bed, dog, pan
Ending Sounds:
Directions: Look at the picture in each box. Say its name. Color the pictures in each row that end with the same sound.
pig, flag, frog, sun
doll, dolphin, nest, scarf
mop, top, gum, drum
cat, net, man, tent
Ending sounds:
Directions: Look at the picture in each box. Say its name. Circle the letter that teh word ends with.
sled, mop, man, leaf, fox, bus, star, bird, ball, ham, bug, net
Word Families:
Directions: Say the name of the picture in the box. Color the pictures in each row that have the same ending sound.
clock, lock, doll, sock
hen, pot, ten, pen
jet, net, star, jam
Word That End With an:
Directions: Say the name of each picture. Draw a line to match each picture with its word. Write the missing letter.
fan, can, pan
Directions: Can you write the word that matches the picture?
Word That End With at:
Directions: Say the name of the picture. Write the missing letters.
Directions: Write these words that end the same as hat.
rat, bat
Directions; Can you think of another word that sounds like hat? Write the word. Draw the picture.
cat, fat
Directions: Trace the words.
fat, red, big
Directions: Look at each picture. Say the word. Pick a word from the top with the same ending as the word in the picture. Write the words to finish the sentences.
The bed is red.
The pic is pink.
The cat is brown.


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