uiautomator This module is a Python wrapper of Android uiautomator testing framework. It works on Android 4.1 ...Enable ADB setting on device and connect your android device using usb with your PC.
* Install a single apk or multiple apk’s to your phone * Push Files from your PC to your phone * Pull Files from your phone to your PC * Dump selected LogCat buffers to your PC * Dump BugReport to ...
Raccoon - PC APK Downloader Raccoon is an APK downloader for fetching apps from Google Play. Cross platform (Linux, Windows, Mac OS) Avoids the privacy issues that arise from connecting your Android ...
而自动安装apk的DEMO则提供了一种在无PC环境下自动部署的解决方案,这对于自动化测试和远程设备管理非常有用。 综上所述,"Android 自动安装apk"的DEMO涵盖了Android无障碍服务的使用、Intent启动安装流程、权限...
intent.setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(new File(fileApk.getPath())), "application/vnd.android.package-archive"); startActivity(intent); } ``` #### 四、代码解析 1. **读取APK文件**: - 使用`getAssets...
Android Apk 逆向工程 表中的内容 下面提到的所有步骤都在 macOS Mojave 上 在 PC 上安装工具 使用 pip3 安装frida-tools 运行命令$ pip --version和$ pip3 --version来检查哪个pip来自Python 3x 。 例如,您应该会...
uiautomator This module is a Python wrapper of Android uiautomator testing framework. It works on Android 4.1 ...Enable ADB setting on device and connect your android device using usb with your PC.
* Install a single apk or multiple apk’s to your phone * Push Files from your PC to your phone * Pull Files from your phone to your PC * Dump selected LogCat buffers to your PC * Dump BugReport to ...
【Android自动测试之monkeyrunner工具】是Android平台上用于自动化测试的一种工具,它提供了一套Python API,使得开发者能够在PC上编写脚本,控制Android设备或模拟器进行测试操作。Monkeyrunner不仅适用于应用的...
Raccoon - PC APK Downloader Raccoon is an APK downloader for fetching apps from Google Play. Cross platform (Linux, Windows, Mac OS) Avoids the privacy issues that arise from connecting your Android ...