转载地址: http://blog.csdn.net/wxqee/article/details/52081866
Get a base Image
$ docker pull centos
Run a base Container
$ docker run -it centos /bin/bash
See Container status
$ docker ps -a
Commit Container as Image
$ docker commit -m "echo container" -a "wang xiaoqiang" c71580983e83 echo:v1
Save Image
$ docker save echo:v1 >echo-v1.tar
Load Image
$ docker load < echo-v1.tar
docker create image and container,dockerfile含hadoop集群搭建
How to create a Docker container How to run an Application in a Docker Container Use Docker with Apache Hadoop Ecosystem Use Docker with NoSQL Databases Use Docker with RDBMS Who This Book Is For...
docker create [IMAGE] 重命名现有容器 docker rename [CONTAINER_NAME] [NEW_CONTAINER_NAME] 在新容器中运行命令 docker run [IMAGE] [COMMAND] 退出后移除容器 docker run –rm [IMAGE] 启动一个容器并保持...
如果您没有使用官方的 docker 存储库,您可能会遇到 docker 组不同的问题。...docker_container 'an-echo-server' do repo 'busybox' port '1234:1234' command "nc -ll -p 1234 -e /bin/cat" end
docker service create \ --name helloworld \ --replicas 5 \ --detach=false \ --restart-condition=on-failure \ hello-world ``` #### Apache Mesos:集群管理与容器编排 **Apache Mesos** 是一个高度...
lxc:LinuX Container chroot,根切换; namespaces:名称空间 CGroups:控制组 简单使用: lxc-checkconfig: 检查系统环境是否满足容器使用要求; lxc-create:创建lxc容器; lxc-create...
设置假设: 主机中安装了KVM和Libvirt以启用仿真器硬件加速X在主机上运行,与Docker容器的用户相同(1000)./build_image.sh./create_container.sh./kvm-update.shdocker start tizen-studiodocker attach tizen...
码头工人docker create \ --name=gophish \ -p 443:443 \ -p 3333:3333 \ -v <path>:/data \ --restart unless-stopped \ warhorse/gophish码头工人组成与docker-compose v2模式兼容。 ---version: "2"services: ...
1. **Setup Custom Network**: Create a custom Docker network for the cluster. 2. **Start Nodes**: Launch multiple Payara Server nodes using the `payara/server-node` image, connecting them to the custom...
This book is a step-by-step guide that will walk you through the various features of Docker from Docker software installation to the impenetrable security of containers. The book starts off by ...
蒙古人行动 mongo-action是一个Github Action,它使用官方创建mongo Docker容器。 MongoDB实例的端口将暴露给其他容器以及运行Github Workflow的... - name : Create mongo Docker container id : build_mongo_docker
In this fast-paced book on...How to create a Docker container How to run an Application in a Docker Container Use Docker with Apache Hadoop Ecosystem Use Docker with NoSQL Databases Use Docker with RDBMS
This chapter also has step-by-step details on installing the Docker Engine, downloading a Docker image from the centralized Docker Hub, creating a Docker container out of that image, and ...