in Java
// import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; public class PrintIndependenceDay { public static void main(String[] args) { Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.clear(); calendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, Calendar.JULY); calendar.set(Calendar.DATE, 4); calendar.set(Calendar.YEAR, 1776); Date time = calendar.getTime(); System.out.println(time); } }
in Groovy:
// PrintIndependenceDay.groovy def calendar = Calendar.instance calendar.with { clear() set MONTH, JULY set DATE, 4 set YEAR, 1776 println time }
每个 Groovy闭包有个与其关联的delegate(代理人).
// define a closure def myClosure = { // call a method that does not exist append 'Jeff' append ' was here.' } // assign a delegate to the closure def sb = new StringBuffer() myClosure.delegate = sb // execute the closure myClosure() assert 'Jeff was here.' == sb.toString()
def closure = { clear() set MONTH, JULY set DATE, 4 set YEAR, 1776 println time } def calendar = Calendar.instance closure.delegate = calendar closure()
Another bit of info that is missing here is the strategy that a closure uses to decide when to send method calls to the delegate. Each Groovy closure has a resolveStrategy associated with it. This property determines how/if the delegate comes in to play. The 4 possible values for the resolveStrategy are OWNER_FIRST, DELEGATE_FIRST, OWNER_ONLY and DELEGATE_ONLY (all constants defined in groovy.lang.Closure). The default is OWNER_FIRST. Consider the owner to be the "this" wherever the closure is defined. Here is a simple example...
class ResolutionTest { def append(arg) { println "you called the append method and passed ${arg}" } def doIt() { def closure = { append 'Jeff was here.' } def buffer = new StringBuffer() closure.delegate = buffer // the append method in this ResolutionTest // will be called because resolveStrategy is // OWNER_FIRST (the default) closure() // give the delegate first crack at method // calls made inside the closure closure.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST // the append method on buffer will // be called because the delegate gets // first crack at the call to append() closure() } static void main(String[] a) { new ResolutionTest().doIt() } }
you called the append method and passed Jeff was here.
Readers are presented with rich and detailed examples illustrating Groovy's enhancements to Java, including, # How to Work with Builders and the GDK, # Database programming with Groovy, Groovy in ...
Making Java Groovy is a practical handbook for developers who want to blend Groovy into their day to day work with Java It starts by introducing the key differences between Java and Groovy and how you...
为了在Eclipse中使用Groovy进行开发,你需要安装Groovy插件。下面我们将详细解释如何在Eclipse中安装Groovy插件。 首先,打开Eclipse IDE。在菜单栏上选择“Help”,然后点击“Eclipse Marketplace”。这是Eclipse...
- **GDK(Groovy Development Kit)**:Groovy扩展了Java的标准库,提供了许多方便的方法和类,如`each`、`with`等,简化了日常编程工作。 - **Meta-programming(元编程)**:Groovy支持元编程,允许在运行时修改...
它与 Java 具有很好的兼容性,可以在现有的 Java 应用程序中轻松地集成 Groovy 脚本。Groovy 的官方参考文档《Groovy User Guide》提供了关于如何使用 Groovy 编写脚本和应用程序的全面指南。 #### 官方文档概览 *...
在《Agile Development with Groovy and Grails》这本著作中,作者Christopher M. Judd(Judd Solutions, LLC 的总裁兼顾问)详细介绍了如何运用Groovy和Grails框架进行敏捷软件开发。此书不仅适合那些对敏捷方法论...
首先,Groovy 2.3系列带来了对Java 7的全面支持,这允许开发者利用Java的新特性,如try-with-resources语句和多线程fork/join框架。同时,它也保持了与Java 6的兼容性,使得在旧环境下仍能顺畅运行。 Groovy的动态...
of Groovy: “Groovy is an agile dynamic language for the Java Platform with many features that are inspired by languages like Python, Ruby and Smalltalk, making them available to Java developers using...
2. **Ant with Groovy**: Groovy可以作为Ant任务的语言,使Ant脚本更加简洁和强大。 **五、Groovy的其他应用** 1. **脚本编写**: Groovy的简洁语法使其成为编写自动化脚本的理想选择,如系统管理、测试和持续集成...
此外,Groovy的`Closures`类提供了一些有用的方法,如`call`、`use`和`with`,帮助我们更好地利用闭包。例如,`use`方法可以确保资源在使用后正确关闭,这对于处理I/O操作特别有用: ```groovy new File('example....
3. **GDK (Groovy Development Kit)**:Groovy扩展了Java标准库,提供了一系列方便的方法,如`with`、`each`、`collect`等,这些都极大地提升了代码的可读性和效率。 4. ** Grape**: Groovy的依赖管理工具Grape允许...