1) 数据库和相关应用的用户名, 密码等敏感信息加密之后集中存放在某一文件
2) Production Service 只需一键执行脚本即可把用户名和密码更新到指定路径下相应的配置文件(支持迭代).
#!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys import re # To read from credential file and put key/value pairs into a map def getCredentialMap(credentialFile): credentialsMap={} f = open(credentialFile, 'r') for line in f.readlines(): if not line.startswith('#'): tokens = line.split('=') credentialsMap['${' + tokens[0].strip() + '}'] = tokens[1].strip() return credentialsMap # To scan recursively from a specific top folder where there are configuration files need to update their credentials def scan(path, map, extensions, log): for i in os.walk(path): dirpath=i[0] dirnames=i[1] filenames=i[2] for j in filenames: processFile(os.path.join(dirpath, j), map, extensions, log) for k in dirnames: scan(os.path.join(dirpath, k), map, extensions, log) # To process a specific file def processFile(pathfile, map, extensions, log): extension = os.path.splitext(pathfile)[1] if extension not in extensions: return else: fh = open(pathfile, 'r+') newFile = '' updated = False lineNo = 0 for line in fh.readlines(): lineNo += 1 replaced, text = processLine(line, map) if replaced: updated = True log.write(pathfile + os.linesep) log.write('Line %3d: %s' % (lineNo, line.rstrip()) + os.linesep) log.write('========> %s' % (text.rstrip()) + os.linesep) newFile = newFile + text fh.close() if updated: fh = open(pathfile, 'r+') fh.truncate() fh.write(newFile) fh.close() # To process a specific line def processLine(line, map): text = line pattern = r'\${.+?}' replaced = False for match in re.finditer(pattern, line): s = match.start() e = match.end() key = line[s:e] value = map[key] if value: text = line.replace(key, value) replaced = True return (replaced, text) # The entry of this program def main(): sampleFile=''' #-----Follows are the content of a sample configuration file----- #path to the credentials file ssts.credentials.path=./credentials.properties #path(s) to the target top foder(s). Please separate with ";" when there is more than one target top folder ssts.target.path=./config;./build #the extentions of configuration files file.extention.filter=.xml;.properties #--------------------------------------------------------------- ''' configFile = os.path.splitext(sys.argv[0])[0] + '.properties' logFile = os.path.splitext(sys.argv[0])[0] + '.log' log = open(logFile, 'w') log.truncate() map = {} targetPath = [] try: fh = open(configFile, 'r') for line in fh.readlines(): if line.startswith('ssts.credentials.path'): credentialFile=line.split('=')[1].strip() if line.startswith('ssts.target.path'): targetPath=line.split('=')[1].strip().split(';') if line.startswith('file.extension.filter'): extensions=line.split('=')[1].strip().split(';') map = getCredentialMap(credentialFile) except IOError, e: print 'Please prepare ' + configFile + ' with this script ' + sys.argv[0], print sampleFile print e except Exception, e: print e for path in targetPath: scan(path, map, extensions, log) log.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
Groovy version:
#!/usr/bin/env groovy // To read from credential file and put key/value pairs into a map def getCredentialMap(String credentialFile){ credentialsMap=[:] def f = new File(credentialFile) f.eachLine{ if(!it.startsWith('#')){ def tokens = it.split('=') credentialsMap.put('${'+tokens[0].trim()+'}', tokens[1].trim()) } } return credentialsMap } // To scan recursively from a specific top folder where there are configuration files need to update their credentials def scan(path, map, extensions, log){ new File(path).eachFileRecurse { if(it.isFile()){ processFile(it, map, extensions, log) } } } // To process a specific file def processFile(file, map, extensions, log){ def extension = '.' + file.getName().split(/\./)[1] if(extension in extensions){ def newFile = new StringBuilder() def updated = false def lineNo = 0 file.eachLine{ lineNo += 1 def result = processLine(it, map) def replaced = result[0] def text = result[1] if(replaced){ updated = true log.append(file.getCanonicalFile().toString() + System.getProperty('line.separator')) log.append(String.format('Line %3d: %s', lineNo, it.trim()) + System.getProperty('line.separator')) log.append(String.format('========> %s', text.trim()) + System.getProperty('line.separator')) } newFile.append(text) } if(updated){ file.write('') file.write(newFile.toString()) } } } // To process a specific line def processLine(line, map){ def text = line def pattern = ~/\$\{.+?\}/ def replaced = false def matcher = pattern.matcher(line) def count = matcher.getCount() for(i in 0..<count){ def key = matcher[i] def value = map.get(key) if( value != null){ text = line.replace(key, value) replaced = true } } text = text + System.getProperty('line.separator') return [replaced, text] } def void MAIN(){ def sampleFile=''' #-----Follows are the content of a sample configuration file----- #path to the credentials file. (Don't input any space in between) suez.credentials.path=./ssts-credentials.properties #path(s) to the target top foder(s). Please separate with ";" when there is more than one target top folder. (Don't input any space in between) suez.target.path=./config;./build #the extentions of configuration files. (Don't input any space in between) file.extention.filter=.xml;.properties;.cfg #---------------------------------------------------------------- ''' def configFile = this.class.name + '.properties' def logFile = this.class.name + '.log' def log = new File(logFile) log.write('') def map = [:] def credentialFile def targetPath = [] def extensions = [] try{ new File(configFile).eachLine{ if(it.startsWith('suez.credentials.path')) credentialFile=it.split('=')[1].trim() if(it.startsWith('suez.target.path')) targetPath=it.split('=')[1].trim().split(';') if(it.startsWith('file.extension.filter')) extensions=it.split('=')[1].trim().split(';') } map = getCredentialMap(credentialFile) }catch(IOException e){ println 'Please prepare ' + configFile + ' for this script ' + this.class.name + '.groovy' println sampleFile println e }catch(Exception e){ println e } for(path in targetPath){ scan(path, map, extensions, log) } } MAIN()
这一功能的实现主要涉及到本地安全策略(Local Security Policy)的修改,尤其是密码策略中的“密码必须满足复杂性要求”和“密码最长使用期限”这两项设置。 `noOverdue.bat`是这个脚本的核心,它使用批处理语言...
3. **配置参数**:脚本会读取`conf.properties`文件中的配置信息,如端口号、用户名、密码等,以便在安装过程中设置MySQL服务器的参数。 4. **启动服务**:安装完成后,脚本可能还会启动MySQL服务,确保数据库能正常...
3. **解除关联与清理**:脚本会找到与Microsoft Edge相关的注册表键和配置文件,并逐一删除,确保彻底卸载。这包括删除启动项、清除缓存、卸载更新等。 4. **重启相关服务**:为了确保所有更改生效,脚本可能还会...
这种脚本通常包含了所有必要的命令和配置文件,用户只需运行一个命令即可完成整个FAS系统的部署。它极大地降低了系统部署的复杂性,使得非专业人员也能快速上手,提高了工作效率。 ** fas自启脚本** fas自启脚本是...
cacti1.2.16 一键安装脚本
Centos7安装mongodb一键执行脚本,适用于以下版本: mongodb-linux-x86_64-rhel70-4.4.20.tgz; mongodb-linux-x86_64-rhel70-5.0.16.tgz; mongodb-linux-x86_64-rhel70-6.0.5.tgz; 将脚本和以上三个安装包拷贝至/...
"大数据环境一键安装脚本.zip" 提供了一种自动化的方式来设置和配置大数据环境,极大地简化了传统手动安装过程中的复杂性。这个压缩包文件"automaticDeploy-master"很可能是包含了一个完整的自动化部署项目,下面将...
ELK日志分析平台一键部署脚本 架构:logstash+elasticsearch+kibana 功能:shell脚本一键部署 亲测有用!!!
这个脚本会自动执行下载、解压、配置、编译和安装等一系列操作,大大减少了手动操作的繁琐。脚本通常包含以下功能: 1. **检查依赖**: 检查系统是否已经安装了所需的库,如果没有,自动下载并安装。 2. **设置变量...
脚本会自动安装数据库服务,创建Cacti的数据库和用户,并配置相应的权限。 3. 安装Web服务器:Cacti的前端界面需要Web服务器支持,通常选择Apache或Nginx。脚本会安装并配置这些服务器,确保它们能够正确处理Cacti...
5. 安装Python:将编译后的Python二进制文件复制到系统路径,如/usr/local/bin。 6. 安装pip:通过Python的get-pip.py脚本获取并安装pip。 7. 安装virtualenv:利用pip安装virtualenv。 8. 验证安装:检查Python ...
jdcookie.js下载 JD cookie一键获取脚本,基于JavaScript jdcookie.js下载 JD cookie一键获取脚本,基于JavaScript jdcookie.js下载 JD cookie一键获取脚本,基于JavaScript jdcookie.js下载 JD cookie一键获取脚本...
在远程连接时,用户需要知道服务器的IP地址或域名,并可能需要输入用户名和密码。对于安全起见,推荐使用SSH隧道加密连接,或者配置SSL证书以增强连接安全性。 总的来说,XRDP一键安装脚本简化了在Ubuntu系统上设置...
然而,"fastdfs一键安装脚本"则简化了这个过程,使得用户无需手动配置,只需执行脚本即可完成安装。这对于初学者或者希望快速搭建环境的开发者来说非常方便。 【脚本工作原理】 该一键安装脚本通常会包含以下步骤...